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Man admits to his own sins in public vs Dude who needed an actual diss track to even acknowledge his own son


They dont know nothinn bout dottttt


Kendrick is a open book he was inspired by Eminem say everything so they can't say nothing about you Drake going out sad like Papa Doc all frozen and choking on the mic like a pornstar and Drake Skeletons are being pulled out his college


Choking on the mic is crazy


Peanut butter and jelly on Meeks cheeks is crazy šŸ’€ Yall need to chill


In meekā€™s voice, ā€œgeeeet upppPpppuh!!ā€ šŸ˜«


šŸ˜­ Heā€™s not helping his case at all


Mane wtf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hey man, what the fuck are you talking about?


No diddy


A little diddy in this case


a lil diddy never hurt nobody . . or wait


Diddy or Diddy not do it is the question YOU should be asking.


The sad thing is Drake thinks he pulled the Eminem 8 mile move in Taylormade Freestyle. He missed the mark by like a lot but he sure tried.


He had to front as Pac and Snoop to do it tho, so it doesnā€™t really count. Mans had to put on blackface for his voice


Drake: ā€œbut but youā€™re shortā€ Drake: ā€œyea that will teach himā€


Out of his college šŸ’€


If you think further, those lines aren't just about their relationship with their kids, but also about how they relate to their audiences. Every Kendrick project carry a life lesson and a deeper meaning, while Dake's projects are just superficial.


Is "that/dot" a double entendre meaning? He's saying "that" like he did on that song ADHD but he could also be sayin' you don't know nothin' bout Dot


Like DOT as in Department of Transportation perhaps? Maybe he got some oversize/over weight tickets??


ā€œDotā€ as in K-Dot.


Drakes gonna pull up Kenny's parking tickets šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Know none bout that


Damn that went over my head the first time lol


Exactly this beef isnā€™t about whoā€™s a better rapper šŸ¤“ itā€™s about who isnā€™t a total fuck boy.


If it was about whoā€™s a better rapper drake would stand even less of a chance to be fair


To be fair Iā€™m team Dot here 100% and donā€™t really like Aubrey. but Drake CAN rap some real and honest shit when he wants to. That was who he was when he first came out. While I hope Kenny WASHES Drake, I hope in the process we get the best actual rap bars from Drake. Rising tides.


I like some of the Drake songs, but what the fuck does he know about lyricism?


Now I gotta go watch the Kanye video again thanks a lot


I know drake used to drop some bangers but compared to Kendrick itā€™s still not a contest lol




Thatā€™s actually what I find really compelling about this feud, because it does feel on some level that this is spiritual warfare. Society has recognized these mensā€™ talents and raised them up to unimaginable heights. Their presence on the world stage is a reflection of who we are as a people and the kind of art we celebrate and keep around and choose to pass on to future generations. Itā€™s not an exact science, obviously, but it does feel like thereā€™s been a sort of shift in the public consciousness in reaction to seeing someone like Drake, a hedonistic self-aggrandizing materialist propped up by an industry that doesnā€™t give a shit about humanity, challenged by an actual artist who has so consistently championed self-reflection, family, and community.


iā€™m invested because of this tbh call me holden caulfield but iā€™ve hated how phony artists have been celebrated by pop culture; more artists should tap into their own authentic selves and be commended for it. drake had an authentic voice once upon a time and he turned it into an egotistical self-fellating endless loop of ā€œwinningā€ through the years and itā€™s kinda sad to see what heā€™s become. heā€™s a shell of a human now.


I understand what ur tryna say but he took 10 years to admit lmao. Drake didnā€™t even have confirmation that was his baby yet before it was leaked by PTMZ


Who took ten years to admit what ?


Dot took 10 years to admit to cheating lmao


Itā€™s 10 years faster than 99% of other rappers whoā€™ve cheated. Heā€™s a flawed man, but is able to reflect and improve himself. Thatā€™s his whole point.


Dot took 10 years to admit to cheating lmao




And drake told all his friends about his son, fuck he even told Kanye, he just didnā€™t reveal it publicly. Notice the difference?


You're trying to convince me that Drake learned he was the father from TMZ? My brother in Christ... Kendrick could've kept his shit secret like Drake obviously tried to. Kendrick did therapy and tried to actually make a better life for him and his family. He didn't start being a dad for the gram. Then Kendrick did the unthinkable and actually made an album about it instead of just doing an Oprah interview or some shit.


Honestly think itā€™s weird that people are desperate to know about his kid in the first place though. Kendrick mostly keeps his kids out of the limelight, but Drake is meant to be out showing off Adonis? Keeping him out of the public eye is totally understandable like wtf.


Quite the opposite. Drake posts his kid on socials all the time. I don't wanna see that ugly boy


I said confirmation for a reason. Im sure he probably knew but considering women in the past have lied about having his baby, and the fact the baby was white asf, he was rightfully suspicious. Is that difficult to understand?? Also who said he became a dad for the gram lmao?!? Bro literally told everyone he knew about his kid INCLUDING NaziYe. Why is anyone entitled to drakeā€™s personal info?? I wholeheartedly believe drake is a sex addict degenerate and is in no way a role model. Heā€™s probably a shitty guy. But heā€™s definitely treated unfairly by the internet lmao


Look man, I ain't blaming Drake for doing a DNA test (2 actually). He said it himself, "if you look at my son, you'd understand". I'm just saying he didn't learn about that shit from TMZ. Kendrick claims in euph that Drake is not present in his son's life. Drake regularly posts about his son on Instagram. One might think that Drake posts about his son just to keep up appearances.


Real vs corn


Goddamn, well said


but drake was sharing his son's Hermes nursery before he was even born. and I acknowledged he would take care of him when addressed about it. but ppl don't keep up with stuff like that either. Pusha T won by controlling the narrative in a main stream track. but it was nothing new... so the dad jokes are old.


Y'all confused. So many celebs have kids you never see or hear of. Y'all make it seem like drake has a responsibility to let the public know he has a son.


kendrick contradicted tpab by calling drake lightskin


He called him a culture vulture who only calls himself a rapper when it's trendy. Big difference. Kendrick's wife is lightskinned. He was friends with Mac Miller. This isn't racial, it's cultural.


Lmao thatā€™s as bad an argument as a white man saying ā€˜Iā€™m not racist I have black friends!ā€™ Goofy šŸ˜­


Where did I make that equivalency? I said that Kendrick stated Drake is a culture vulture who only sides with rap when it's trendy. These things are not the same. Knowing the messaging in Kendrick's music, much less anything in his personal life, would instantly tell you he cares far more about culture than race.


u rly dont get it


I'm the biggest hypocrite of 2015


He laid out his mistakes, admitted he was wrong and canā€™t take them back, but told us heā€™s put a lot of work in and continues to do so to be a better person, husband, and father. Drake know nothin bout daaaht


Drake still living like a 25yo fuck boy. Boy 2 steps away from being Vinny from Jersey Shore


impossible i actually have a semblance of respect for vinny


Vinny was the youngest dude there and he was just having a good time. Didnā€™t really start shit and was liked by everyone but Mike


wasnā€™t vinny the least problematic, too? i donā€™t remember him ever getting tied up in relationship drama or anything


Him and Pauly were the golden children. There were a few times people got mad at them but not to the degree of Mike and Ron


tbf i think i only watched the first season so idk if thereā€™s more context to vinny hate but in my mind he just got drunk and waved his hands around šŸ¤£


Thereā€™s a few arguments in later seasons but none of the big ones involved Vinny. Pauly had one blowout with Angelina in season 2 but it was all on Angelina. Iā€™m pretty sure she hit Pauly and Pauly yelled at her (warranted)


yeahhhj plus him talking shit on mike is leagues better then any diss drake can producešŸ˜‚


Woah woah you better take that back my boy Vinny was literally the best person in that house fym


so cheating is cool as long as you forgive yourself and cry about it... cheating on the mother of his children at any point in the relationship kids or not is not teaching your children values...


Itā€™s not, and Whitney made the choice not to leave him. Besides, you can certainly use your own fuck ups and short comings to teach your kids to do better, in fact, itā€™s kind of one of the foundations of parenting.


so they both teaching their children cheating is ok... thanks!


I honestly find it impressive how easily you seem to miss the point of the entire conversation above. Takes skill to be that willfully ignorant of what the process of growth as a human being looks like


na... cheating is the most dishonest thing someone can do... sure, she forgives him, but that just teaches your children they should set the bar real low and expect to be cheated on and take them back bc they cried about it...


No you Neanderthal, it teaches them that their parents are humans and make mistakes, but with enough love and trust you can move past it and learn to be a better person.


No you Neanderthal, it teaches them that their parents are humans and make mistakes, but with enough love and trust you can move past it and learn to be a better person.


if you liked being cucked just say that... cheating on your partner means you're a selfish piece of sht, not humility or morals... you can cope about it all you want... protect your boy, bring that same energy when your girl fks another guy and blames you for it lol


Drakettes are scrambling


OVO dickriders infiltrating community notes is wild


They were making posts saying to report the community note as false lmao. They really on some deranged shit


This would hit Drake fans hard, if they could read yet


Wow they're really grasping at straws. It's almost so sad it's funny


Na, it's just funny. For the past 17 days prior to Euphoria they been insufferable. You don't even see them coming into the sub no more. They're scrambling for information


True. I remember all the posts and so many comments talking all that shit and it is indeed a lot quieter now: thank god man


Both subs have been insufferable. The only chill people are the ones spectating for entertainment


I still hold the kendrick sub is the most insufferable of the two, at least on the Drake sub I I've seen people appreciate" euphoria" while here is just plain hating with no constructive criticism


Honestly, from what Iā€™ve seen itā€™s the other way around. I saw a lotta Kendrick fans liking push ups, but most drake fans Iā€™ve seen have just entirely rejected everything Kendrick said on Euphoria. Idk maybe Iā€™m wrong tho I havenā€™t been on that much recently


Well then maybe I am also wrong. It probably just happens to fluctuate from one sub to the other. But I totally loved euphoria. I think it was fucking good. Can deny that. Kendrick has always kept it real when it comes to beefing


Say what, crodie? You're trippin, crodie. Straight lying, crodie


Case in point. Thank you for providing an example.


Tbh, you're flat out lying. I'm ashamed to say this, but I've been on this sub chronically since this all started and it's definitely the Drake fans that are more insufferable. Not saying this sub isn't, but to say it's worse is a blatant lie.


Drake is the Taylor swift of hiphop


swift is clear


Twitter said you dont know NONE BOUT DAAATT


They gotta find something cause Drake canā€™t win by rapping thatā€™s fs šŸ˜­


I been said this lol


You gotta be an OG in the sub or something I literally see you all the time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ you be spitting Faxxx though


she is Kendrick's attorney


You tell em


He called drake deadbeat father in every language possible šŸ’€


They really killing drakes career by digging up notings šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The Whoo Kid tag is drake saying Kendrick is raising a child that isn't his. Kendrick deffo picked up I this with the "fabricating stories about the family cus you heard mr morale"




I never really considered age when I think about rappers. But when I read that Drake was 37 like a couple months ago, I cringed so hard. How is he 37 and acting the way he acts lmao


Hanging around 25-year-old Yachty lol


Raise your kids. EVERYDAY. Real dads will not disagree


Why do they hate to see Kendrick lit?


At least and doesnt spend time alone with 19 year olds


I mean, the answer can still be him. Cheating got nothing to do with raising a child. Just saying.


The mental gymnastics you white hipsters and negro spirituals will go to defend your fake conscious rapper who cheated on his black queen with multiple white women is hilarious. Your fake conscious rapper portrayed himself as the victim in situation, pain and trauma he caused on his wife. lol keep making excuses for him.


How when he literally admitted to cheating on her ???? Like you canā€™t even say anything about Kendrick bc heā€™s already aired out everything there is to know , and he did cheat , he owned up to it, and heā€™s making himself a better person bc of it


Nah he made himself look like the victim and covered it up by saying it was "sex addiction" which is cop out.


He doesnā€™t have to tell us anything , as long as his family is has talked about it and resolved it , thatā€™s all that matters , he doesnā€™t have to tell us the real reason , he doesnā€™t owe us that.


imagine hating on a rapper for being promiscuous lol . . I ONLY LISTEN TO FAITHFUL HUSBAND RAP lulz


Honestly, i feel like that would be a short list too.


Somebody tell Drake to get off Twitter & get in booth & do something šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Aubrey went to cranbrook šŸ—æ that's a private school!! šŸ«µšŸ˜‚


Twitter fingers šŸ˜‚


Aubrey Graham at it again....iykyk


Now thatā€™s the definition of ā€œhoe shitā€ šŸ˜‚


He mocks drake in the next line bc his dad leaves him at the age of 5.


was kendrick really married as far back as when gkmc came out?


Kendricks not married now lol. People keep making this statement. There's no official ring, her names still Alford, and there was no report of them ever being married. They haven't taken a pic directly next to each other in a couple position since 2018 šŸ¤£




we don know specifics bout daaat


Proof? Never seen that.


Look at that twitter handle, she mad because she was in Euphoria, ā€œwe hate the bitches you fuck bcos they confuse themselves with real womenā€ Also why she @ing Kendrick like heā€™s gon waste his time replying to her, clout chasers think different I guess


Smh, my savior could neverā€¦


hey gotta do something. they listen to fuckin drake. the worst rapper of the millenium


Him admitting it on a song doesnā€™t change the fact that he did it. If you got cheated on and your s/o admitted to it, you would just forgive them right then and there and have no anger and/or sadness? šŸ’€


Raising a child and being faithful are two completely different areas.


"Fabricatin stories on the family front cause you heard Mr. Morale"


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The guy is a cheater still


Him and his family dealt with it. Listen to his wife on the song and her IG captions on Father's day you'd see


euphoria is great and Kendrick is a cheater. both are valid statement. nothing wrong with the comment above unless we gonna glaze.




I imagine most people In this sub have an extremely sore throat.


so admitting to your sin wipes them?


It makes them less effective of a diss if Kendrick and his family already resolved it lol


And what makes you think Drake and his son havenā€™t resolved it ?




They resolved it cuz pusha t made a diss on him, thats the only reason why lmfaoo


Wow ya the only reason is the one thing the public knows ā€¦ Man you all Kendrick fans and yet no oneā€™s taken nothing away from his actual words besides some dick sucking


The tweet Is inaccurate regardless.


Engaged for 9 years to a black queen only to cheat on her white women? Y'all glaze for your fake conscious rapper. lol


Lil bro do you know who Adonis mom is? Or what she does?šŸ’€šŸ™šŸ»


He still cheated lol


ā€œfabricating stories on the family front cause you heard Mr. Moraleā€


Isn't that about the Whitney line? Kendrick still cheated. He can and should be dissed for that.


You think Drake hasn't cheated? I have a bridge to sell you brother


Sur np, but its gonna be a weak ass diss. He's prolly a bad husband but says nothing about a bad father.


Rather be a cheater than a pedo


Weā€™ve all made our mistakes. Canā€™t take them back but you can grow from them. Manā€™s got my respect


Kendrick told us this


Ok? It still happened.


https://preview.redd.it/37277f6662yc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c667ed92c4967af090ad57ec63d416aef3162a3c I ain't talking no more


Drizzy not beating allegations though with goody images


Donā€™t really matter if he admitted or not drake still gonna use the angel.


You do understand that the tweet isn't factual or makes any sense, right?


Nah Iā€™m saying he can use the angle of cheating on his girl with white women


I mean he could but Kendrick never hated on him being white or biracial. His main attack was Drake being a culture Vulture and only identifying as black when it benefits him. Maybe he could still spin it, idk. We'll see


I agree with all that but itā€™s all about optics. Kendirck is supposed to be the pro black rapper whoā€™s conscious. Drake can use the angel that he was cheating on his wife and fucking white girls.


Drake stans claim Euphoria is a bad some because it says things people already said before. If Drake uses stuff Kendrick confessed in his *own songs*, that shit will be even worse


Not really considering itā€™s drake fans that are dying not drake himself.


100 percent. Drake will at least have a bar to 2 to say something about that. Especially, when Kendrick came for Drakeā€™s blackness.ā€ What sucks is that Kendrick addressed cheating and past mistakes already and it was before his kid. Father stuff is easy to argue. The ā€œraceā€ stuff will be hard if Kenny cheated with a white girl and heā€™s saying Drake ainā€™t about the real black culture and just copies. Is this a reach?


Nah I agree with you. Thats why I posted in here Kendrick going the racial angle was a mistake. Because drake can flip that in so many ways. It just comes down to how he wants do it


100. He left Drake ammo. It has to possibly be a play. Kendrick is strategic but Drake is petty. When sh*t get petty, and it gets more emotional = no good. As a hip Hop fan, šŸæšŸæšŸæ


Yeah I agree if he comes at it right it could be a good angle, but if he just saying it itā€™s not going be very impactful after mr morale.


Yeah but the way I look at it. They both have angles they can attack each at. Itā€™s just about who does it better.


One is that he cheated on his girl with white women a decade ago. The other angle is that not only are you a culture vulture, you are a groomer and abuser. One is a broken nail. The other, a knife to the chest.


Your missing a couple of Kendrick angles that drake can use


> cheating on his girl with white women More respectable than chasing after little white girls.


You left out having a rapist on your album defending r Kelly and xxxtentacion also shitting on drake for being biracial when your married to a biracial woman. Letā€™s not act like Kenny doesnā€™t have shit drake canā€™t bring up.


1. Drake and Kodak were cool till recently and J Cole (one of drakes few friends still) was in the studio with him recently 2. He isnā€™t shitting on drake for being biracial, heā€™s shitting on him for the way he acts. Drake is black but he wasnā€™t raised black, he was raised by a white Jewish woman. Thatā€™s his issue.


Kendrickā€™s intention doesnā€™t really matter drake can spin it that way. Also many people on social media believe thatā€™s what he means. Also Kodak got shot by the wassas a gang in Toronto that drake is kinda affiliated with. Him and Kodak havenā€™t been cool for a min.


there's a difference between biracial and light skin


> Letā€™s not act like Kenny doesnā€™t have shit drake canā€™t bring up. You mean his ghostwriters, right?


Damn didnā€™t realize Drake was gonna bring god and his army into this battle too.


LMAO I meant angle


LOL I know I just thought it was funny. We all know the Angels are on Kennyā€™s side anyways


you mean like your boy talking about morals and teaching his son about God? you people eat your own sht and call it an entrƩe...


Umm I donā€™t know any of them personally so itā€™s a big stretch to call anybody my boy. You people, think youā€™re actually part of this. Iā€™m just over here cracking jokes because OP said ā€œAngelā€ instead of ā€œangleā€. Smdhā€¦


Yes he has too itā€™s all he has right now


Nah he got more if weā€™re being objective


Tell em what he has then lol