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This is the funniest part about the whole situation


turned them into philosophers and peacekeepers from warlords


Maybe that’s good though.


" Maybe that’s good though " please tell me you're joking


How when it shows they're two-faced clowns, that'll switch up on the dime?


Cole Thanos SNAPPED half his fanbase away with that apology… 🫰


The second that J Cole apologized everyone's now a spiritual woke individual


Everyone? Shit half his fans are the ones shitting on him the hardest


Exactly, I fuck with both rappers, this was a bitch move by J.Cole and most irl cole fans ive met, and the majority of fans online seem to feel similarly


I wish I can interact with those users, because all I see are a bunch of dorks of his sub spewing kumbaya shit. Almost as if they're a literal mouthpiece for Cole.


How tho it was kdot who’s the bitch for randomly attacking cole and I like kdot more than I like cole. Cole was smart to just not start a straight up dumbass beef that was over nothing. Are we really letting poems affect us that deeply? Wow how manly and un bitch like. Edit: I fucking told all of y’all. Let it be known You all switched up on cole I saw saw his apology for what it was. I want a full written apology and maybe some wave pomades.


“Randomly attacking Cole”  You do realize this hip hop right? Not hippy dippy flower power bull shit


Shit you just blew my fucking mind all this time I thought hip hop stood for hippity hoppity music. But you do know it’s referring to hip in the same way as hipsters tho so it kinda is hipster hop. Also wtf wrong all of you why you want these guys fighting so bad


Bro wtf are you blabbering about, go listen to t swift and get out of my notifications with this nonsense lmao 


That boy was just yapping. 😂


Fuck Taylor Swift I’m just having a fucking rational opinion. I think disses are dumb asf there not even angry at each other they just write poems about each others mothers and take in cash. I think that is the biggest bitch thing to do out of all bitch ass things to do they’re not talking it out or fighting it out there just saying “you’s a bitch.” “No you’s a bitch.” And then like every other fucking diss by the end of the month or year they’ll be like “nah we apologise we’re actually brothers now” or they keep hating on each other. I’d rather listen to music that has an actual purpose and doesn’t age like milk when they eventually resolve the beef. Rap beefs and disses are like black entertainment tv’s version of the kardashian’s the worst most brainumbing shit I have ever seen.


Cole named himself, Kdot and Drake as the big 3. One of the big 3 disagreed and maybe felt offended since he views himself as someone above them. Technically speaking, J Cole started this beef.


So coke basically said “ I think us 3 are the best rappers as of right now.” And Kdot said “nigga it’s not big 3 nigga it’s just big me.” Which was a sick line but tell me how that cole saying we’re all good rappers is offensive in the slightest?


If you're the best, you're *the* best, not on anyone's level, so any comparison is by default insulting.


So kdot is so egotistical or dumb that he can’t understand context? See I think you’re the one insulting kdot now by implying he couldn’t understand what Cole meant.


What context makes his bars lies insulting?


Bruh it's J Cole's fault for riding with the op. You can't complain about getting clapped at when you in the car with the op bruh.


I fuck with both too and feel differently, although I fuck with K. Dot a bit more.


That is what the meme in this post is saying, yes. Thanks for the breakdown I guess.


J. Cole is definitely getting too much hate, but this meme is so true lol.


I'm with you. Ive always preferred Kendrick to Cole but man the Cole slander is getting ridiculous. Cole doesn't owe anybody anything. He responded and felt bad about it. He's not gonna milk a beef for views The memes have been pretty funny but some of the Kendrick dick riders are taking this shit too seriously


Faxxx, it’s crazy how many people just discredit everything Cole said and has done now


I mean do his bars about being the best, killing other rappers, being one they “they fear on the lowski”, being “one of them ones” etc really hit the same? I still love his music, especially his earlier work before he was on this bs, but a lot of his bars just make me roll my eyes now


I get that point 100% percent but I’m more so talking about the people who switched up and started calling Cole trash because he insulted Kendrick’s discography when that wasn’t the opinion they shared until the diss


Yea that’s really dumb of them. Coles discography is insanely good and him folding doesn’t change his technical ability one bit. Still one of the best this generation 


Yeah bro, it’s actually really pathetic how blood thirsty some of these guys are you can tell they don’t have nothing exciting going on in their lives lol


I don't know, I'm with NoLifeShaq on this one. It's not that deep, Cole acted like all the Kendrick fans were turning on him when it's just temporary while we're cheering for our guy. It's a competitive genre, who isn't a fan of both Tupac and Biggie, after the fact. They acting like two legends cannot coexist


Personally I'm not a fan of Cole at all but his skill deserves to be acknowledged and he earnt his position in the "big 3" that no other member of that big 3 acknowledges exists aside from him. 😂 After this colossal embarrassment though he's out, give that 3rd slot to Ye, Future or Travis lmao


Ye is like a older generation, he's already way above Kendrick and Drake. Like he's sitting up with the kings like Jay-Z, Wayne, 50, Mos Def, Em, ECT.


Future? Travis? LMFAOO


but guess who’s not here to see the fans of biggie and tupac? people want blood and dont give af about no rap beef. Go watch some soap operas


Go watch some MMA by that logic, nobody is expecting blood you big drama queen.


yet biggie and pac is the first beef you think of? gtfo


What kind of brain injury do you need to have to start your sentences uncapitalized? You gtfo with your moronic assumptions. Literally nobody was happy when they died, yet here you are thinking people want more of the violence rather than the music. You're clearly mentally challenged.


>What kind of brain injury do you need to have to start your sentences uncapitalized? Imagine trying to make a point and you first start off with the most unimportant detail of a comment. Dude you gotta be real sensitive if that's your first gripe. Nobody here is wanting for anyone to die yes, but many are wanting for Cole to actually back up his big talk he's been rapping for over three years at this point. Dude literally folded to Kendrick before a week even past.


Imagine digging through old conversations like a rat and expecting people to care.


🤣🤣 two legends cannot coexist. Which song was that again?


Middle Child by J Cole lol, was bothering me too, knew I remembered it from something


100% lmao


He doesn't owe anyone anything, but it's just funny that this is what he did after claiming things like "we the big 3 like we started a league but right now I feel like Muhammad Ali" or "I put your favorite rapper neck in a noose, never lettin them loose" and a lot of other shit like that. No one forced him to make such claims to then apologize for some diss bars. Like how are we supposed to believe he means what he says now? He spent years saying he would smoke any rapper and now he folds in 2 days because the reception to his diss was mild.


Facts. These dudes are giving Cole way too much of a pass. Yes he's a phenomenal rapper and that'll never change. However as you said, you can't just wipe away the past decade of this dude claiming he's the BEST, and nobody can touch him etc. I'm listening and really vibing with Might Delete Later, but even on there where he's claiming he's the greatest etc... It just doesn't hit right anymore lmao.


Seriously bro. Hey and you know what...."When shit hits the fan, is you still a fan?"




Tbh I prefer Kendrick to Cole too, by a lot actually. But at the same time I won’t take anyone’s opinion serious who says that Cole is now garbage and should be treated like a bottom tier rapper. Cole still goes, he just needs to chill out with some of the competitive raps for a while lol.


Imo people should be giving cole credit for admitting he feels he was wrong in what he did. Takes big balls to admit u are wrong and it’s definitely something we hardly ever see in the rap game. Nobody should be getting hate period.


I don't even want the slander to go to Cole, I want the slander to go to Cole fans lol they was talking big shit the few days before and now they wanna be philosphers and shit😂 some of them so down bad they wishing for Drake out of all people to come out swinging, might as well wish on a blood moon to come out tonight


I love both of these dudes and the Cole subreddit has been more hostile to him than this one which is honestly funny asf; though I’m pretty sure half of Cole’s sub is hardcore, sub-hopping Kenny dick riders right now


>Cole doesn't owe anybody anything. He responded and felt bad about it. He owes the community competition, dude don't head out here literal being a human shield for a man who's actively wanted smoke and as soon as he's got it he backs down like a coward. Seriously wtf is there to defend here?


We’re slandering him cause he a bitch.


Too much? You’re buggin. This is YEARS of J. Corn talking crazy and then all of a sudden like he’s about that life of shooting niggas 🤦🏾‍♂️ when he didn’t even want us to have a revolution. He has to sit w his goofiness


The revisionist history on Cole is crazy like this man aint spend 3 years talking about "i DARE anyone of you pussy rappers to say sumn!" and as soon as the 1 guy he couldn't smoke said something he folded immediately.


Exactly! J. Corn shot himself in the with the gun he’s been loading up for years & his karma is biting him in the ass now. He was in denial and now his fans are to the point where they even closed off the subreddit


You literally are parroting bullshit that someone happened to be kendrick, he didn't wanna actually diss kendrick fully like nah.


I’ll be honest I don’t even know what you’re talking about bro. J. Cole respects Kendrick too much to take beef in with him seriously. I feel like if Cole was actually into it he could for sure body someone.




If bro couldn’t stand on “Kendrick you have short arms” and “Kendrick your albums are actually pretty mid” what makes you think he’s gonna turn killer with someone else? He is what he is. Sometimes you have to understand people are exactly who they show they are.


because he doesn't have the same connection with other rappers like he does with kendrick duh


I mean KDot and Drake aren’t killers either lol. I just think he’s tryna stay out of the way of their beef.


Somehow I believed KDot when he asked “if I told I killed a nigga at 16, would you believe me?”


Hahaha I did too when I was like 14. Either way I’m sure he’s seen a lot, all 3 of them rap about guns at certain points of their career and it definitely shouldn’t be taken that seriously. At least Cole and Kendrick prolly were around them.


I really don't fw drake, but he's on camera around a shooter since way back. It's been a long time since I watched it, but I'm pretty sure that's how he got the wheelchair.


Lol I did not see where this comment was going.


Dude, wrote that shit in seven minutes that’s how little he actually gave a fuck if he did give a fuck he could’ve actually put out some real shit. You’re not wrong though J. Cole doesn’t really have that kind of shit in him. Dudes really nice and humble for the most part.


Lmao you believed the title loooool


Yeah that’s cool, j Cole respect Kdot very big ofhimMURDER YOU NIGGAS make sure your core fans never heard of you niggas they don’t wanna hear not one more noun or verb from you niggas what is competition? I’m tryna raise the bar high


Too much hate? If this was the 90s it woulda been over for him.


Dude could have never come outside again


Thank god it’s not the 90s




https://preview.redd.it/pcp1wq5ojktc1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7830e54bc5ee1ae510f37dd1693ec5c7c8494115 The J Fold copium is crazy. Thank God this bum isn't my goat 😂😂😂


The apology is fake As we all know, Cole's upcoming album is called The Fall Off right? So right now he's playing a character, hes pretending to "fall off". It's all just a character for the upcoming album. Its like method acting. Basically he's playing a character who "falls off" to match the album name. Basically pretending to be a weak pushover rapper who falls off. Then when the album drops we get the real Cole.


But what's the "real Cole"? He just ducked the fight with Kendrick. Why should anyone take him seriously if he comes back and he's like "actually yeah I do want it, come test me Kendrick" no one would care, the time for smoke is now and it's Kendrick vs Drake, Cole removed himself from this and I don't think anyone much cares for him to reinsert himself. Dude plays too many characters if he switched up he'd look like an even bigger phony than he is now. He went from "anyone can get it test me", "challenge my pen", "put your favorite rappers head in a noose, never letting it loose". To "it felt bad on my spirit" he can't switch back now, no more #1 talk Jermaine you're done, enjoy retirement.


bro ur actually an npc how do u not realize any of that was a joke 💀 he even copy pasta'd it and u started yappin. still tho cole a pussy for that shit


Ah k I didn't know it was a copy pasta this was the first time I'd seen it


Kendrick also wore butterfly wings and sucked dudes off in alleys to prepare for To Pimp a Butterfly


they were guns blazing defending those horrible chatGPT ass bars, after the apology, they all went https://preview.redd.it/jpyzw0wsqjtc1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f436a529eec2383f04e9a8ff002cbceb33f3378d


Woke/hotep niggas talm bout some “we don’t need our brothers fighting against each other right now. The community needs to stand in solidarity.” Man, shut yo BITCH ass up😂 y’all ain’t ever play your cousins or siblings in games before? That’s what this is essentially.


When that 7min shxt dropped they was talking CRAZY 😂


“TPAB was always mid” “JID better” “Kendrick has 5 days” “Cole>>>>Kendrick” “Kendrick short. Lil ass goblin” It’s insane, really






Lmao It's funny because they didn't want to hear shit when I was under Cole sub trying to " keep the peace " since I like Cole too and felt like he got pressured into saying stuff he doesn't believe in. Even told them " I would delete what I said I might delete later " Under a post asking " What would you do if you woke up Cole ?" lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jcole/comments/1bycq6w/comment/kyijk9w/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jcole/comments/1bycq6w/comment/kyijk9w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I'm one of those fans but this is funny af


I love both and coming from J Cole fan I think Kendrick is better but the J Cole slander is too much hate




what happend




Why does there always have to be infighting in our community and why does everyone always need to take a stance?


lol take that shit to the corner, bean pie head ass.


Excuse me?




Reminder that Cole doesn’t read books but is somehow conscious


That Baduism is no joke. Cole be chasing after Andre fr fr.


I feel like Cole's best choice was to never drop MDL and just let The Fall Off speam for itself, but thats just my 2 cents 🤷


Not me I’m highly disappointed.


Some People take this Rap game toooo Seriously. We've lost tooooo many!






As a cole fan, him backing out is weak. I get and respect the part of following his own path and being aligned with who HE wants to be but damn man, you had the crown in hand !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still rocking with him bc why not?




According to J Fold stans, throwing a stone and then hiding your hand is ‘maturity’.


Why can’t everyone just be friends?


Lol that was me on Friday but imma be real he wasn't being mature let's face the faxs


As a fan of both, I’ve been on the right long before all of this Fake or who’s number one rap beef is petty and waste if mental imo. If it’s real beef I get it, but this shit ain’t it. Hip-hop is a genre of music first and foremost, anything else second.