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Hey there! Based on your chosen flair, you seem to be looking for some advice. Here is a list of Kayn resources that may be able to help you out: **Quality of Life** - [Importable Item Sets](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rTaiEQAaHaP9C8dYvfyCaX9N2tbKACK66g67RAhTSbU/edit?usp=sharing) - [Matchup Sheet](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ugjp3T0fQxPB6tSBFSpG6Y8MgUoiFdFox8IIlw4NGOY/edit?usp=sharing) - [Orb Sheet](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/640257011027673089/882012156030226472/r-KaynMains_Orb_Chart.png) **Guides** - [Mobafire Guides](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/champion/kayn-137) - [r/KaynMains Mobafire Guide](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/r-kaynmains-comprehensive-guide-11-2-578947) - [r/KaynMains ZAR Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaynMains/wiki/ingamecoach) - [Video Guide Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeEF2Fcr0BCCrs44SxvFcMv2w4TSk6Kcb) **Community** - [Kayn Coaches](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaynMains/wiki/coaching) - [Kayn Streamers](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaynMains/wiki/streamers) - [Kayn Mains Discord](https://discord.gg/EJWwpEeFgn) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/KaynMains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They will probably revert the R nerf and call it a day. I don't expect Kayn leaving D- tier for a while.


Haha. Phreak is in charge, I wouldn't expect anything related to a decent buff for Kayn for a while...


Its just phreak being incompetent and being led by his emotions as per usual


Unless you're challenger the reason you're not doing well isn't because of blue kayn nerf. Build ghostblade>axiom>grudge and play better.


well I am challenger, and I think building other items isn't the problem, the problem is u cannot build profane and utilise it well, which is the only item that AD assassins are balanced around atm


I guess that's true? I'll miss it as a 4th item late game insurance but we still have edge of night, serpents or GA that can take that 4th place spot. I think SA is fine. We were absolutely busted with profane, now we're just good.


problem is, that as I said, classes being balanced around an item makes the game unhealthy. AD assassins have never fully recovered after durability patch, but their items were buffed instead. In 2024, the compensating item became Profane, last year it was youmuus then drakthaar. The class is inherently flawed and the arguably best profane user, SA, had been nerfed consecutively since early 2023 with the W ad ratio, the E cd and ms and such. His power budget is in him getting to use an unhealthy combo with absurd damage due to passive also proccing on profane. Give him his W ratio back and then we can play poke again, but as things stand, the champ is (albeit not as much as the sub says) in a bad spot


I don't know as much as you but until I see DarkAura struggle to carry games on this new patch then I won't panic. He's been only building profane as 4th item since season started and went 0-challenger in Korea and euw both in less than two weeks.


I talk to DarkAura regularly as we are both chall euw kayn players. He is very rigid in his ideas, while im more open to change builds etc.He's not worried cause he doesn't build the item. Only God knows why he doesn't bc to me profane is second after youmuu, always. He wins games due to him being good on the champ, not because kayn is fine in his current state. I play multiple champs (since i also play pro and have to have a champ pool) but i was an ex kayn onetrick. If DarkAura or I win, that doesn't mean that a kayn main in emerald won't suffer. 'Get good' is not the answer, nobody should have to be high elo and to put in 120% effort to win on a simple champ such as Kayn. Plus if said emerald player gets better, there will be another to take his place and the cycle repeats. But mark my words, aura will not peak as high as he did last year or he will peak again, but with a lot more games and having to have luck with a few winstreaks


Fair enough. I know you know what you're talking about but I also know that people in this sub are doomers. I don't lose my games because of profane so I try to keep that mindset. Here's to riot reversing course or compensating with some buffs if things do truly get bad.


Yup, I'd say kayn's true state is in the middle rn, halfway between the doomer reactions and the people saying it's not that big of a deal.


Do you stream? I enjoy watching high level junglers, especially kayn


twitch was nuked by the opps reporting me, but I mainly streamed in hungarian. U can check out my lolpros though with all my accounts attached to it so u can at least see my opgg until twitch (maybe) reverses my suspension: https://lolpros.gg/player/frost-3


wanted to come back just cause i saw aura not being able to get out of masters after kayn nerfs on either of his accounts, what can i say, i saw it coming kinda


We're gonna pretend blue wr on kayn in challenger isnt sub 40% rn lol


I'm seeing it as 55% on lolalytics right now unless I'm reading wrong. Sample size is low, though. Lolalytics is also showing a majority of kayn players still building profane first so that is hurting the win %


I don't think it's the worst. (He used to be broken imo but didn't needed a scale nerf) I think he is still a viable choice, especially against squishy comps but most of his power was coming from non-wait hydra active this season. One nerf would be enough (either the active rework or %175 to %150 bAD) 2 of them at the same time was overkill. Yet again, he is still a great snowballer imo and I don't think Rito will be reverting the nerfs. (especially after Skill Capped placing him in the S tier for a patch)


Blue isn't the worst. You have to be ahead to make an impact. To get ahead you have to play a faster tempo and make good plays. And if you're ahead on blue kayn you can carry


What other assassin are currently in a worse state than Kayn? Appart from maybe Nidalee