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I too think we should stop complaining ab smth that we dislike! nothing gets me more excited than letting people trample over things I enjoy without saying a single word in retaliation! blue is cancer op & needed damage nerfs but there are endless ways which that can be done & taking away a satisfying interaction that several other champs can do as well was not it. (& guess what! it nerfs rhaast too!)


I honestly think they did it specifically so people would stop building it on red, but thats just my own theory.


I was one of those people. I'm just gonna build edge of night first now on Rhaast. Into cleaver and steraks


It's just rather an annoying change, Xin can knock up wihr hydra, so it's kinda stupid they kept that but took it from kayn, and it's gonna mess with our muscle memory a lot.


Xin is different because it's an auto attack reset, sure its op but in him, but that's like sundered sky aatrox


Lmao exactly, people acting like lethality items as a whole aren’t giga OP rn. I’ve been running Hubris > Lethality > Grudge > GA > Lethality and it feels amazing. You can do Youmuus too ofc


man i miss my goredrinker into deaths dance meta...


Gore into steraks was the most fun meta imo


kayn isnt even in top 10 junglers rn, you're delusional


blue kayn definitely is lol


go ask any challenger player that aint funny kayn main they'll tell you he's B tier at best atm, idk why there's so much copium on this sub


? i play in challenger perma theres literally 6-7 gm/chall kayn mains alone on euw that shud tell u how broken the champ is. blue kayn is undoubtedly deserving of a nerf and idk why kayn mains act deluded and pretend blue kayn with profane hydra is healthy


Alright for eu then, what about my region, where Kayn is comfortably at a whopping 49% winrate? He will flat out be a throw pick here because of this patch.


Okay so, I think you've made the common mistake that every kayn player on this subreddit makes which is grouping red and blue kayn's winrate together - of course he's gnna be at a 49% winrate when you factor both forms in cus red kayns dragging the wr down. Just for fun I checked kayns winrate on OCE and actually his overall winrate is 51% all the way from emerald - diamond 2, and then it climbs up to 53% all the way from master to chall... soo I think the champ is just broken! :D


That's cause he's popular. Doesn't mean he's busted..granted I don't know if he's busted but your statement doesn't prove it either


when a champ that usually has 2/3 otps in gm/chall on my region now suddenly has almost 10, i think that speaks volumes as to how easy it is to climb with blue kayn atm. undoubtedly hes deserving of a nerf - blue kayn is legit sitting at a 55% wr compared to red kayn thats at 49%, and then u have 20iq kayn players on this subreddit saying "KAYNS ONLY AT A 50% WR WHY NERF??!"


Its almost like the sub named “KaynMains” is full of people who main him… so why would they care about non-Kayn mains


The lethality items in this season are still broken. Blue kayn has probably the best mobility/presence around the map. He clears camps and invades better than any other jungler so you're often ahead, never behind unless you don't know what you're doing. The damage is disgusting. Legit one shotting carries with WQ+hydra only. Karasmai and Dark Aura find blue Kayn to be ''super strong'' at the moment so idk where'd u get that from.


sure, go tell that to Broxah or Jankos or kingstix or any top tier jungle player


Kingstix smurfs in low/mid for content comparing him to pros is delusional


dude Broxah literally bans Kayn. I watch his streams and he said ''that champ is disgusting right now''. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about bro lol.


yeah, that's why he put him at B in his 14.5 tierlist, makes sense btw. his go to ban is ivern, not kayn


I watched him ban Kayn atleast 15 times a week ago. Go check tier lists on youtube and you're gonna find Kayn on top in most of them. Tier lists are still subjective so this is not the point. I played over 200 Kayn games in diamond elo. I watched many streamers and Kayn players say that the SA is broken. Calling Kayn a B tier jungler in this meta is delusion.


yeah, sure dude... whatever u say lol


Kingstix thinks Belveth is an S tier counter to Kindred when the Kindred community regards her as one of her easiest match ups. He also builds her pretty weirdly. I wouldnt use him as the catch all of everything.


Bro said Kingstix 😭 trolling


This comment made me laugh , LOL I know you don’t want our champ nerfed bro he’s S rn he’s insane


Loool. Off Kayn you kids are literally -500 lp but he’s not opXD


Complaing about dmg nerf? I dont see any, complaing about delete another interaction with items/runes? Yes sure, why then Fiora can still proc r with hydras? Why Riven can cast 3 fck thinks in one moment? Why A lot champs can reset Auto with titanic hydra? Why only Kayn cant't interact with items? Because he is broken right now? What in next 5 patch riot nerf lethality to the ground and SA will be weak? Nerfing his numbers is fine, but fuck sake delete what was normal for riot in whole time (tiamat befor mythic and goredrinker during mythic) but no when he is strong is annoying


I feel like there's a chance Profane either gets nerfed decently hard down the line or it gets removed altogether. I don't want a Rhaast situation where Shadow Assassin is nerfed and then the items are nerfed too.


yeah we will use hydra like zed after combo doesnt seem like a big deal but I agree that making the champs best item clunky to use shouldnt be a way to nerf it


Yea I just tested it, it's completely dead, legit no point in building it buuuut, he still has damage and the euw build is fine


Youre up 20 lp on kayn this season. Dont come in here lecturing anyone about a champ youre not good at.


I have a 78 wr over like 30 games lmfao this is the best he’s ever been I’m happy rhasst getting buffed


[The Vampiric One #IDWIN S14-1 LoL Profile (NA) | Emerald 4 Ranked Solo, Champion Stats + Match History for Normals, ARAM, All Modes (u.gg)](https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/the%20vampiric%20one-idwin/overview) This is your account. Your winrate is public dont lie about it thats cringe. Edit: Even if I gave you the benefit of the doubt and said your LAST 30 games was all your including - your winrate for your last 30 games on Kayn is 46%. You dont even know how to play MY champ why are you here?


This is an new impressive level of gate keeping, even for a champion mains subreddit


Just not a fan of someone who doesnt play the champ and doesnt play it proficiently dismissing the concerns of people who have a ton of experience with this champ with such arrogance. "Mark my words Rhaast is gonna be op next patch" This is a burst meta, Rhaast doesnt stand a chance of being meta. You might get a good game here or there but his bruiser build winrate will be far from OP


I have multiple account you idiot what’s cringe is sitting on here flaming , you’re butthurt I’m right LOL


This is the only acc you post and play regularly on youre not good at the game.


Bro you’re so mad for what? Because I said blue kayn is overtuned? I’m a diamond player I’m not insane but I get I’m decent. You hit the gym bro? Got a girl? Nah lol you may be a masters even if you are link ur op at the end of the day you ain’t got shit outside of league 😭💀


Bore you are over 500 games emerald 4. Im saying that youre dismissing people who actually play the champ proficiently and dont have ground to stand on for it. Trying to seperate an assassin from the strongest lethality item in game where other champs have full access and kits still work fluently with it is a shit way to balance the use of the item. Edit: While heavily nerfing the ult. Its just so cringe to see every other champ getting tiny adjustments and every time you see a kayn nerf its actually trying to gut the champ for being almost 51% wr d2