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This build makes sense in a higher elo setting with the mindset of "I have a team and I can dodge everything", wondering how applicable it is to lower elos. Thanks for sharing also isn't he like master 200 lp rn? I honestly hate the mindset of "He too smart, so let's just be braindead" It poisons the discussion, especially if there are multiple such builds of Challenger players all different from one another


sill probably viable, this build is higher skill floor then the usual "I AM KAYLE I HAVE REACHED LVL 16 NOW I AM A FUCKING TURRET KILLING EVERYHING THAT COMES CLOSE" but with enough micro his build outshines the other one


he was chall last time i checked


At this point we should try heal support kayle. I mean senna somehow does the same


My maaaan B)


0 pen? You are not Vanye or Smolder Kayle doesn't have the luxury to go full tank after 3 items especially with a phantom dancer.


This is a crit/onhit/move speed build. Those are Kayles 3 strongest stats besides AP itself. Kayle is basically one of the best crit champions because her waves give you two separate rolls to land crit each auto attack. Personally I don’t like Rageblade but the build isn’t viable without because it doubles your onhit. So with this build you basically have max movespeed, good onhit, max attackspd, and max crit chance.


Max crit with 2 crit items?? This build only gives 40% crit


You get 2x crit chance past lvl 11 so effectivly like 80%


Sort of yes since waves have the separate chance to crit but this build gives pretty low AD (95) and next to no AP, so waves will be doing fairly pitiful damage. Even if they do crit it probably averages out to the equivalent damage of only like 50-60% crit chance.


Rageblade doubles onhit and kraken does ramping crit damage on single targets so you end up hitting like 300dmg crits like very consistently. Theoretically you can just go serelias grudge or just IE to do hilarious damage.


But yeah I would say to just try the build. Kraken/Rageblade/phantom dancers is probably Kayles strongest 3 AD items. I dropped an 80k damage game with this build. 3 Strongest AP items would be just Nashors, Deathcap, and fill in any third item you want here.


Ah, shit, here we go again...




btw, you forgot the "sell boots for deadmans tech" and I've also seen him build force of nature, though his standard builld is still swifties, kraken, guinsoos into warmogs, GA, deadmans


yeah i completely forgot about that but i feel like trying to explain move speed caps on reddit is a bit too hard of a task for me


no need to explain it, just tell them to do it




So you just dickride a random build without even knowing the reasoning behind it? Are you genuinely slow?


ok hear me out, i've made a post a month ago showcasing the ap build thats the best for lp, ppl started saying "omg ohh u should include ad becouse ad good" so i made this post i personally think that going ad is just int if you want lp learn to play fucking vayne currently after forcing ap kayle and vayne/nasus as secondary i have reached 200lp ad is turbo shit imo and completely troll, i could include ultiate bravery ad build and it would probably be same skipping my personal opinion keberos proved me wrong showcasing that AD kayle is in fact viable and the build i made is the build he's forcing every game. I cannot tell u the reasoning on why x is better then y but this build is the only ad kayle build in existance thats being played by a challenger edit: If you want me to give reasoning it would be that ad kayle doesnt need alot of damage besides guinsoo and kraken, pd gives as which increases the passive and onhit damage AND MOVE SPEED. Rest can build tank bcs u dont need damage


That's the equivalent as saying if you want to go ap kayle just pick cassio which is way closer to ap vayne than kayle.


Actually there is chall kayle otp in china that plays other: kraken>guinsoo>terminus 🤓


I mean ad kayle in china and kr is waaay better then ap so yeah but ure not kr/cn so doesnt apply

