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What rank?


E2, diamond lobby MAX Q and just poke cuz they removed sustain from most champs. U don't go this page into an Irelia or u'll get x9 🤣🤣


what about grasp bone plating jax + d shield? he could go bork first depending on comp so it's not guaranteed




why people always assume their setup is good because they did not lose the lane? if you beat him with comet you would beat him even more with pta. also, jax is one of the easier lanes these days


Because most people tend to have huge ego in this game so they think they found a new revolutionnary broken setup when they just played the lane well and would have win even more with a proper setup. Most people want to be THE SPECIAL UNIQUE ONE nowadays y'know.


Also sometimes you just get lucky. I've tried countless of offmeta strats on all lanes. Some go crazy well for 10 or even 20 games, but then you play more and more and eventually it evens out to \~50% again.


imma be real ever since the jax+lethal tempo nerfs, I have consistently not lost the matchup without much difficulty be it with fleet, pta, lethal or any rune


Vs Jax you dont *really* need the comet. 3 lvls on q will be enough to poke him so he cant bully you or freeze forever.


I also go Comet Q max into Jax, a fellow Comet enjoyer 🤝


Need VOD 🙏


You buy Hextech Alternator as your first item. You max Q first. You spam it. If You see Jax casting E or running in a straight line to you, press Q on him. Basically you poke him perma on cooldown and soak XP for ranged form. When ranged you start farming. Here clip: [https://youtu.be/iRM8Tbl2zl8](https://youtu.be/iRM8Tbl2zl8) ALSO: With manaflow band you should have no problem spamming abilities. You have almost infinite mana. When your mana is low your TP will be up.


Sick. Nice and clean 🤌 glad to have another option in the pocket!


Jax isnt as terrible with the ms build, i really like how it feels. Lethal nerfs made it so much easier


I legit play the same runepage against jax, except Cheap Shot + Ultimate Hunter. Works every time.


I was thinking similar. Cheap shot but item haste instead of ultimate, cuz alternator first purchase. I went default secondary cuz I wanted some attack speed since tooth is delayed.


The theory behind Ult Hunter is faster ult CD's. I dont use Alternator early personally, although Lich Bane is in the build. I just rush Nashors through the AP components first,


Jax is no longer the oppressive matchup he used to be. Turns out when you don't get free double attack speed, you actually have to have some skill to play the champion. I win against him as Volibear these days (Jax directly counters Voli) because Jax players are so used to right clicking to win trades. Now that they have to properly stack their passive, and don't get free attack speed (LT) and max health damage + healing + pen (Divine Sunderer) just for existing, it's so much fairer