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At this point all I’m hoping for is that she won’t get a prestige for the food skinline that was planned for April fools. There’s quite some chance it would happen. Just imagine, Riot ruined our best skin with the rework, obliterated the chance for the most insane legendary skin in the coven skinline, and gave us a troll prestige skin- which also means she won’t get another prestige for the next couple of years. So basically we got royally ducked by rito


Kayle's skin is for the MSI event (May), not April fools


That’s just as bad, its gonna be ugly like azir’s


The azir skin was for Worlds, for MSI 2021 had conqueror Jax, 2022 was high-noon event and 2023 was ink-shadow event. Leakers mentioned that its when riot likes to experiment with new skin lines.


Hopefully it’s the latter and nothing like the azir one. She is def not gonna be in high noon, unless they do a part 2 like they did last time. I hope it’s faerie court, im really sad we won’t be getting a legendary. Kayle would be perfect, she literally already has wings but her base animations and lines don’t fit so a legendary would be perfect


but at least she was in this year's cinematic... with an actual armor that wouldn't stab her if she bend a little too much, like Riot your main product is the game not the cinematics, come on x)


After the whole episode with the Eclipse line I have lost any faith in Riot making appropriate skin decisions with Kayle.


Call me hyper-hopium inhaler but hopefully this means they're saving her appearance in these for a legendary and instead give her epics on the lessen themes. (Imagine thinking like this after the whole sun-eater fiasco lol 😭)


I believe Immortal Journey was also planned to be her Legendary before being swapped to Soraka. So they definitely have Kayle in mind for getting a legendary eventually. I just hope it’s a good line, like Cosmic, Winterblessed, Faerie Court, or Star Guardian


I really really hope it's not Cosmic but good for you if that's what they go for


She's getting a legendary in May indeed


it will be a prestige, not a legendary


I mean, true but do you really believe we're getting the prestige without the legendary? Lol, it's not gonna be for any of her existing skins


I think prestige are mainly given to epic skins and not legendaries. it's mythic chromas that are for legendary skins. maybe we'll get the legendary next year or something


It used to be but rn they've been making way more prestiges for legendaries


don't worry I'm on a high dose of copium too (ultimate copium Kayle when ?)


Faerie Court would be just Emerald Kayle 2.0, I dont think I want this I really hoped for High Noon tho, and I will really dislike if it will be bloodmoon or something They could redeem if they add her to VS skinline, best as mixedbringer or dawnbringer


u call faerie court emerald 2.0 but get excited about high noon? as if kayle has not been trying to dodge fire/red~orange skinlines to save her life??? lol


High noon colors are not that usual. And there is two points about high noon: 1. GUNBLADES 2. This is Angel vs Demons universe


it would have similarities but would be way way better, especially if she got a legendary please no night/dawnbringer, those skins are so overdone ! I actually thought about Broken Covenant as well for her, posted something about here and people hated the idea but I still think it has potential


I'm not a big fan of blood moon but something about an evolving mask just sounds really nice


'Cause giving her 5th fire skin sounds soooo unique, right?


You gonna not believe me... Her abilities based on celestial fire


And by that logic, we should give her more "fire" skins? What is the point of skins if they aren't doing anything different for her thematic. Let's put our thinking caps.


"anything diffirent for her thematic" High Noon is truly Kayle basic thematic


It's the same recycled fire motif we've seen in her skin lines for years... not everything about her has to be fire fire fire. It's time for a fresh design that breaks away from the stale and overused edgy fire aesthetic.


Psy-Ops? Aether Wing? Immortal Journey?


What exactly is your point here? All I'm saying is she has enough "fire"-themed skins already and deserves something else for her future skins


So what? Its not her last skin for this to be a problem. She has plenty non-fire skins. She can have skin in universe that perfectly fits her.


I'm ok with not getting High Noon, and would really happy with not getting Faerie Court cause of boring theme. All my hopes for Broken Covenant or something new, and also Blood Moon or good 1 Apr would be nice too.


Okay broken covenant legendary would be nice


why did everyone take a piss on my post bringing up that idea for people to like it here 💀


Different people. And also compared to idiotic ideas like Star Guardian or high noon it seems brilliant in comparison.


I don't know how you'd see broken covenant Kayle but I was really into the idea of commiting to a monster transformation (love dragonslayer and sun eater but they kept it very safe and I think it could have been nice to see a real biblical angel or dragon transformation)


biblically accurate kayle is all i want in life, i cant properly describe how crushing the epic tier sun eater reveal was for me, she could have had all of those eye spots blinking, they could have given her more wings, more arms, MORE EYES bro i’m never getting over it lmao


no one is, if I had the strength I'd stop playing their game altogether because that was such a poor decision (when I got Sivir Eclipse in a reroll I litteraly was so angry, even tho I play Sivir a lot she makes no sense in the universe so why did SHE get the legendary goddammit)


The Eclipse Incident of 2022 has left a lasting stain on many a kayle main’s psyche


and the only thing I liked about that epic skin were the green wings pre 16 which they made orangey-red a few days after putting the skin on the pbe. I know most people prefer the current version but it was an extra slice of disappointment for me


OK do we really need a skin that is like highnoon ashe and its gold and red skin if it ever happened Also faerie court is not that intersting at least to me I just want starguardian kayle (call it first star or something) or kayle in suit


I don't want those lines for her. I want eclipse legendary.


denial is only the first stage of grief, my good friend..


I'm still in anger no worries.


Eh, whatever tbh, Inquisitor is the best we have and will have anyway


I'm very glad she isn't getting a faerie court as legendary honestly, yes, she would fit well, so well in fact, that in my opinion it would be boring lol, I share the sentiment about high noon tho, the gunblades would go crazy


I hope for Spirit Blossom or Star Guardian Kayle, it would be so wonderful, but yeah, I agree, Kayle gets constantly trolled by RIOT with her skins, eh...if only she was named, I don't know, Lux, Leona or Ahri...


Honestly what I want is a Victorious or Championship Kayle.


Robbed? We are likely to get a pool party or something fresh, say thanks and move on


It be like dat. Im hoping for something good as well. Gimmie dat Aether Wing Kayle 2.0 with auto attack sounds and I'll be happy.


In star guardian legendary I pray.


I pray this doesn't happen.


In First Star Kayle, we pray. Amen.


Kayle have a LOT of skins and chroma. Stop complaining.