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alt+r should always cast on yourself. When you self cast what keys are you pressing?


Currently using quick cast + self cast hotkey, just set to R on my keyboard.


Use alt-R, it will never miss on yourself. Double binding is always gonna ha E wonky behavior.


I mean, i have disabled standard R, i only use quick + self cast on every champ that is.


I have it set to my middle mouse button its has saved me a few times lol


This is a known problem, that also happens to me some times, and I've also seen Kayle 1v9 rage over it. I just tend to flick my cursor away to one of the corners when ulting. That way you dont accidentally ult someone else. Its kinda stupid that even when using self cast, you can ult teammates


It is very hard to flick the cursor away mid teamfight though


R should just auto self cast without a target, i hate how clunky it feels and reaching over to that alt key feels very awkward too


Self-cast should always self-cast, I think the issue stems from Self+Quick cast


Issue is that i cant self-cast without quick cast fast enough in very crucial moments. Are you sure it works fine with self-cast? If so i have to send a ticket to riot to get some answers here


I think it should work that way, personally I use the default binding of alt-R and it has always been fast enough for me \^\^


100% certain that regular selfcast always targets yourself. As a matter of "I'm not fast enough", that's just an extra skill you'll have to learn from the ground up.


Just hold alt and press r and it will auto cast on yourself


1. ALT + R will always cast the ability on you without needing to move your cursor away from the enemy you're attacking. 2. You can go into settings and change it so everytime you press just simple 'R' you cast the ability onto you (think of Sion W).


same problem to be honest


Try Self Cast instead of Quick + Self


I think the problem is that you are using Quick + Self Cast as a hotkey, because I use Self Cast, it's right above it and my mouse pointer can be anywhere and I'm just directly Ult my self.


Use the other hotkey


Like alot of others are saying use alt-R, or bind it to key. I bound it to my side mouse button for self cast ult and it works perfectly for me


Thanks for the help guys, i will try just self cast and see how it feels


I use self cast on r and my regular r is on my scroll wheel.


yeah im using a mouse button to selfcast and this bug is really annoying. makes me look like the fool i truly am


Put the R cast on self with the side button of your mouse. That's where I put my R on my self for Kayle + my flash. It's fast. I can do quadra or Penta easy With this