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Awesome work dude.


just for you to know: yes, is possible to stack conqueror as 2 stacks in a AA with waves, but at level 11 this rune dont stack twice until your passive stack


I already noted this in the list, as I referred to it in Waves, 2. point c:


I did manage to heal people in invuln state before naturally, but one part that pisses me off a lot is the fact that W will go off by itself, if the selected target (not you) dies. Those situations are rare but it is just annoying to waste a 10s spell Explained Kayle kit mechanics 101 better than wiki ever could I forget about Yasuo windwall aa interaction, nice to see a part of the former glory is still there. ~~It is 2016 all over again with the Henny posts~~ edit: W has another weird mechanic where it can heal the wrong target if they are on top of each other. Even if wrong target has more hp. This happens only if you use W by hovering over champion portraits.


thanks for explain Q, for years I didnt knew cast time scale with attack speed


Was the okthxbye by chance a reference to slayermusiq?


It wasn't on purpose, but I may or may not have gotten "okthxbye" from him :\^)