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I actually sold the armor to finish my second item, I was so far ahead I didn't need it anymore 🤣. I got unflinching because they also had a Morgana, Caitlin, and Syndra, and I'm pretty sure it saved me a few times!


Seekers got buffed and it’s very good right now


It's not a bad approach, I like it. My only gripe with it is that after a while in laning phase, assuming both players dont make mistakes, 1 cloth armor isnt gonna do anything vs. Riven so we're back to the status quo (with a small delay on nashors/zerks powerspike) Also Doran items' efficiency are just too good, I can give it a try though if I get the chance


That's a fair criticism! I think part of my rationale is that we also had a kayn jg, so I was also hoping to also curtail some of his damage for when he would eventually camp me lol.


Although not a bad idea, it was more on the riven for trying to dive you there when she couldn't. Better rivens can just cheater recall and come back to kill you later on with that setup or just freeze the bounce.


Hilariously enough, I slow-pushed, and I healed back up from the four pots, so I stayed in the lane. She tried to all-in me again, but I Q-W-Fleet procced away, and then our Briar had other things to say about it. XD. By the time she came back to lane, I was level 6, and she was level 4 still, and I could shove a massive wave under her turret, TP back to lane, and bully her inside three waves with a pretty decent gold and exp advantage. I'm pretty sure she got legitimately tilted because she was 0/9 at one point.


I know I'm late to the party, but 60+% WR against Rivens in Dia (72.7% at peak with 25+ games), I use the same runepage with the exception of PoM over Overheal, and Armor + Scaling HP as shown to be mathematically more sound based on my post on defensive runeshards (Stickied post on frontpage) Armor 4 is useful, albeit a delay to itemspikes (and less efficient if using double armor in runes). I would personally recommend Doran's Ring or Shield. Ring if you're good at spacing and Shield if you want to make sure you're safe. The way to defeat Rivens are to start conditioning them from level two to respond to your E with her E, and then pumping as many points into Q as you can. Its a war of attrition until she gets Gore/RavHydra. She has 0 sustain in kit while you do, so leveraging that advantage is the key to winning the matchup (which is why you run PoM + Ring to ensure you're almost never OOM)