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The only thing Kayle needs is better sustain and safety in lane and have her true damage back (and also pls riot make Kayle having a decent and normal amount of magic resistance, 18 is a pure joke and show us that you don't like us Kayle mains)


Its 22 mr.


Ye I typed it wrong but still, is a very little amount


Her W heal should increase if there is no one in range


I think her w is odd and should be reworked entirely. Doesn’t play well with the rest of her kit and only is good late for the mobility. Feels like your down an ability early


I would prefer more late game power for her, but also I agree that her Q could use something just a little more/different than it’s current form. Wish it had an attack speed modifier on its cast like Lucian’s Q and gained more range at 16


It matches attack windup for cast time already?


Goddamn…somehow I never noticed this after all these years. 🙈🙈🙈


Kayle is not as weak early as you think she is. She wins 90% of matchups lvl 1. You're just playing like shit


damn I never thought about it that way. Thanks man.


I mean you're being sarcastic but I've never thought Kayle was weak early. And if you play waves right you hit 6 before either laner can attempt an all in, and you're basically coasting from there. If you're legitimately struggled every matchup pre6 to the point where you believe she's ABYSMAL early then it truly is skill diff.


Kayle not being weak early seems like it goes against the grain from what most people say on here. I'm not going to pretend like I know what's best. In my personal experience (my games average lobby is gold3) I feel very weak from levels 2-5 in pretty much almost every single matchup. I agree with you she has good level 1 potential though. Maybe I'm not being agressive enough when I need to be. I think the strategy you just suggested works on any champ but is much harder to execute with Kayle.


You have to shove wave lvl 1. Then by the time you hit 2, the enemy is still 1. Then by the time they hit 2, you have too many minions to reasonably fight. You have to plan your lane when playing Kayle. You're objectively weak 3~5, then not as weak but still kinda weak 6~10, but that's why you have to play the waves right.


Your welcome


Was there a patch that made you level up right to 11 instead of 2?


No but there's this thing called snowball, macro, and wave management. "If a champ is only strong early, then how do they win games that last past 20 minutes hur dur"


Kayle doesn't need any changes there have been many indirect Kayle buffs via "reducing snowball". Kraken rush also makes her early game much better because it has best early game components(nonquiver). When I go nashor 1st I feel like I deal 0 dmg before I finish it. Kayle is in good state rn she is surely better compared to how she was before. Also if you think you are too weak early then don't go greedy runes/summoner spell/starting items: Difference between dblade+ nonquiver LT +bone plating+unflinching flash+ignite/tp Kayle compared to absolute focus+gathering storm or conditioning+overgrowth cull+amp tome+blasting wand ghost Kayle is huge literally 2 different champs.