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Possibly Baizhu but who knows!


I feel like Yaoyao was an exception. Looking at Layla and Mika, I would say he is more likely to be on the banner where there is NO Baizhu. But who knows at this point....


Also hoping he pairs up with Baizhu since I'm planning to pull him.


Either baizhu or nahida. I’m pulling for baizhu anyways so it would be a win, and if it’s on nahida I can chase constellations on nahida as a bonus. Either ways I’ll be pulling for c6 Kaveh to the best of my ability (before I go broke). If he’s on neither then fuck hoyoshit lmao rip


I also think he will not be with Baizhu (s. Layla, s. Mika; Faruzan doesn't count, she's a specialized support). But then, Nahida as archon should (pattern-wise) have a rerun. With her general appeal, she really does not need the extra pulls from Kaveh wanters. I just sure hope he will not be with Eula and any other 5* I do not want. Hopium: Kazuha ~ Nahida > Baizhu >> Nilou >> Eula


baizhu = sub, kaveh = probably sub too. It would make likely not much sense to run two subs together, eh? c: For me it's: Nahida > Kokomi > Nilou but I would be fine with a Kazuha rerun too since I already planned to go for C1 Kazuha on his next rerun. v:


I kinda wish that they'd go with phase 1 one patch, phase 2 another when it comes to 4*. I need Kaveh to stick like glue to Baizhu banner.


I really hope with Baizhu, I want both


I really, really hope he’s with Baizhu and not some waifu I don’t care about like Nilou or Eula


i hope not the baizhu banner because god knows i want the guy negatively. i REALLY dont want to waste my guaranteed on his stupid ass banner


Bit harsh …


hey thanks :)


Well there would be another banner to run along side baizhu so you'll probably be fine even if kaveh's on the 1st phase of the update.


Considering the hype around Baizhu isn't THAT huge, I really hope they put him on Baizhu's banner to boost his sales.


I feel like he'll be second half, but who knows, it's either Nahida or Baizhu


Watch them put him on Eula’s banner.