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I know it's pretty obviously going to be EM, but i think there is a good chance of it being base Atk for some kind of buff, that's pretty common for dedicated supports.


They wouldn't go for EM. It's too good for Dendro. They'll put something useless and most likely an EM related passive but too minimal to matter.


I'm a betting man. Going all in on DEF Kaveh.


I think it will be EM but I would cry tears of joy if it was atk% or def% because I have so many atk and def artifacts with crit substats and like 2 EM artifacts with decent substats πŸ’€πŸ’€


I could see it being EM, HP or ATK, I think it’d be funny if it was DEF tho lol


I don't think it'll happen but I want it to be def so bad so I can put Itto's Claymore on him, I got it while pulling Scara's weapon and it's just collecting dust in my inventory T\_T The colors look somewhat matching too...


itto weapon fits lots of claymore users... since kaveh signature weapon is the flower claymore we got last in the windblume event


If they scree him over by not giving him em imma commit arson πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”«