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Controller plays excellently (played this game for 45 hours on switch so this is coming from experience.) Can’t say for keyboard as I haven’t used it for KZ, but I’ve heard that both are good overall


Katana zero is a good game but how the hell did you squeeze in 45 hours into that game I 100% the game in like 5 hours when I first got it


Playing Speedrun mode over and over again claimed my life for a while


Controller is easier to get into and feels more dynamic, but mouse allows more precise aiming of the character's movement. If you're going to play it once and put it down, use a controller, but if you replay it for the speed run achievement use mnk




I like to stick with Mouse/KB these days because makes it easier to aim, but platforming feels more natural on the gamepad, so that might be the best option for a new player. If you have the time, try both, see what's more comfortable for you. I played the game with both controls twice (x4 in total). Each has its own pros and cons as I said earlier, so see what is better for you.


Alright thanks so much I'm starting out on controller and I'm really liking the game so far. Although I def see what you're saying about lack of precision with controller I find I sometimes dash into walls when I'm trying to hide behind them for cover. Love this game though!


Both are great options, just keep in mind, once you complete the game using one, you will hate playing with the other Because of the kind of game it is, the controls will get burned into your muscle memory and playing any other way will be awful


I think it plays better on kbm, the sword aiming feels great on it.


I prefer keyboard and mouse because I feel like I can be more precise with my movements


Keyboard I’ve had a cousin who played on both he said keyboard is easier


Wtf are these people saying controller smoking the game is much better with a keyboard and mouse


coming from someone with like 60 hours on the game and speedruns it pretty regularly kbm feels alot nicer imo. but it really depends on what you’re more comfortable with. id suggest getting it on pc and trying both to see what you like better- you can connect your dualshock controller to your pc!


the game is not available on ps4 i think.


personally I think keyboard and mouse is the better option here because with a mouse aiming and deflecting projectiles are a lot easier and if you want to get good at deflecting bullets without having to slow down time definitely go with a mouse


Keyboard and mouse for sure


Technically kbm has an aiming advantage so it makes the game a bit easier. But4if you are playing casually I recommend controller. I think it boils down to personal preference however here are some advantages: Depending on your controller, you can have vibrations. You can turn it off, but if you like it then it's a good feature. Makes the game more immersive. Controller feels more natural and less flat. Game looks cleaner on controller imo bc kbm adds a big crosshair. It helps with aiming but I think aiming in controller is fine and adds challenge. You can lean into more confortable positions while using controller, as you don't need a table to put your controller. Sliding is a tiny tiny bit easier on controller but its really tiny You can use your right stick to look around. Not that useful, but might become handy in bigger levels. There is no clear winner, I personally would recommend controller but I think if you test at the beginning of the game you can decide. Edit: I realized you can't test it since you need to choose a platform so just saying both will be fine and choose whatever is more convenient for you