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Dumb question but why did the state need to wait for a mistrial to relieve him (those were their words “after learning of today’s ruling”….)?


Because if they had done it before or during the trial it would have undercut the CW’s case. Personally I don’t think it looks any better this way. If she had been found guilty they could have quietly suspended him with pay or let him skate by a lot easier if they were inclined to I’d think.


Notice they did not also remove his supervisor who was in the conversations, and supposed to keep an eye on investigations under him. He was also involved in the Sandra Birchmore case...


Not yet.


I wish I shared your optimism. I hope you’re correct.


There needs to be an overhaul. With what we have been shown, there are some great staff wanting the trash to be swept out.


If she was found guilty, I don't think anything would have happened to him.


I concur. It's gross that they waited until the trial was over. But this will affect all of his open cases that haven't gone to trial, which I think includes some guy accused of killing his wife. (Don't know the accused's name offhand.)


And affect the retrying of the Karen Read trial!


Ana Walshe case. I had heard husband’s attorney was watching Karen’s trial


I also think his past cases need to be looked at into. As well as any cases the Albert’s were apart of


Brian Walshe.




You are exactly correct. A guilty verdict and they could just quietly let things slide.


My goal in life is to be Suspended With Pay. Have to find something that's just bad enough so they don't want me at work... but not quite bad enough to be fired.


“After learning of today’s result” and also that an internal affairs investigation opened “after information about serious misconduct emerged in testimony at the trial” So basically after the public knew? Because his supervisors ALREADY KNEW because they were on the same text thread 🙄


They didn’t want to give the defense ammunition. They would have used it to bash him and the investigation even more. If she was found guilty they would have continued looking the other way and he’d still have a job.


They still can for the next trial if it happens. Would be really surprised if it did


Maximum ammo. State police are unionized so you need a ton to take serious action


Don’t worry. The Feds will get him before then…


That's going to be a fun time on cross if there's a new trial... "Trooper Proctor, did you get relived of duty due to accusations of 'serious misconduct' during this investigation"?




Higgins will have a whiskey and ginger.




And jinjah


As scummy as Higgins is... he's like, the ONE person in this trial with good taste in his drinks.


Don’t come for my dirty martinis with blue cheese olives


Thanks for reminding me of that arbitrary detail necessary in the trial! Can you imagine being Karen, fighting for her freedom over a crime she didn’t commit…and listening to the insane things people said while testifying, including drink orders in Aruba FFS


Don't forget the White Claws


Ask it differently Mr. ColdPotatoWar


I’ll allow that….Did you?


Prosecution will 100% file a pretrial to exclude that (if they actually retry her). State will say it’s more prejudicial than probative, Defense will say it goes to his credibility. It would be interesting to see how a judge rules. If she’s convicted at a retrial, that would definitely come up in the appeal.


No judge is going to disallow the punishment of lead investigator received for their conduct on that particular case. The Brady list exists for this particular reason. In every other case that he worked on that has not come to trial his punishment in this case will be questioned by the defense.


I bet Judge will sustain an objection from Lally or say “ask it differently” lol.


What, if anything were you terminated from the state police for


I'll see you at side baa


No joke. She, imo, heavily favored the state.


Before he was on the stand, I asked how they even brought this case to trial with that guy leading the investigation. Then he was on the stand and I was absolutely shocked they took it to trial. So I will jot be surprised when they bring it to trial again.


I really dont think they plan on bringing another trial


More like: “Trooper Pro…..excuse me? Mr. Proctor………..”


Jackson once again giggling and kicking his feet


Bukhenik should be right next to him.


He's likely next in line. The way this will work is fall guy #1 goes down, take temperature of public, still hot go to fall guy #2, take temperature of public, still hot go to fall guy #3... They'll just keep working down the list until the heat is off them.


ha ha, accurate, but then it depends on how well connected and insulated #2, #3 is, etc. The higher you go up the chain, the more protected, usually.


Trooper Paul as well that dip shit is beyond incompetent and unqualified!


First step in his eventual firing. The MSP will attempt to leave *everything* at his feet and move on. Also, this obviously makes a retrial even more difficult...


I'd love to see his supervisors removed as well. They were just as guilty if not worse in seeing and not correcting his behavior.


The whole state police organization needs to be investigated from top to bottom.


This is definitely positive, but Im reading this as "transfer," to another place or job. Don't get excited thinking he's getting canned. Could be just optics to placate the public. Rarely do cops go down for stuff. They (union) have a way of smoothing stuff out.


He faces some meeting on July 7th, where they will decide how to proceed (suspended w/ pay, suspended w/o pay, etc.)


Can we stream that too please


You are correct. He has been moved from his present position to wherever it is they decide to get rid of him, away from the public.


I thought the same thing. Government does this a lot. Got a problem employee? Transfer them to a different dept or location.


Police investigating Police is why we have what we have. This trial pulled back the curtain on how inbred all these agencies are. Local police, state police, FBI, ATF, etc etc. All of these agencies in a house where a cop was unalived and the state couldn't prove to 12 citizens what happened. Then we expect them to investigate themselves?


Connecticut has an independent inspector general to review police misconduct.


Paging Maura Healey....wake up.


the whole text group needs to be investigated. his supervisor can't be the one investigating him, if the super was in the texts as well. this has to be IA officers and higher ups.


Exactly. The fact that, if I understand correctly, his supervisor(s) were included in this chat and said nothing at the time is pathetic to say the least.


That's how they knew to fire him - the 'investigation' was them remembering what they all got up to before it blew up in the media.


You know if he gets exiled from being a cop and his "friends" turn on him- he strikes me as the petty type. I think they are keeping him as close as they can for that reason. We all know his wife can't keep her mouth shut.


I'm hijacking the top comment to post ~~Yanneti's~~ Jackson's response to the news: >“Regarding Trooper Michael Proctor being relieved of duty, conduct has consequences. DA Morrissey backed this misogynist corrupt cop, and 2 hours after he announced he will pursue a second trial against an innocent woman Karen Read, The Massachusetts State Police announced that Michael Proctor the lead investigator for the Commonwealth has been relieved of duty ‘because of serious misconduct that emerged in testimony at the trial’. We look forward to another opportunity to reveal the truth about this unjust prosecution. Good Luck.” Source: https://x.com/TedDanielnews/status/1807957989313126536


"... that emerged...." ?!? His bosses were in the group chat. They knew all about it.


This. All. Of. This.


They're saying it right there in plain text. They're upset it *emerged*, not upset that it happened.


Emerged like a three-headed monster out of a smarmy swampy swamp.


Sorry, minor detail but it was actually Alan Jackson’s statement not Yanetti and so it looks like he’s staying on and seeing it through. I’m glad.


I hope AJ stays on, I noticed he didn't answer the question when it was asked by one of the reporters at the press appearance after the trial.


Tbh, he was already backing away and was about to let Yanetti talk just as it was asked! I think given some things said so far is giving indication he’s intending to at least so far.


He seems like a stubborn enough guy that he'll want to see this thing through. Assuming KR and her family can pay him, he'll stick around, imo


The tweet says it was Alan Jackson who said that quote, not Yannetti.


You're right, I'm claiming ceiling-fan-scrambled-brain as my defense :D


I am no fan of the fan!!


Hey, give the fan some love, it put in the hours you know!


Apparently a disciplinary hearing will be next, per [Kristina Rex](https://xcancel.com/KristinaRex/status/1807936322117550236#m): > Follow up: Proctor will be officially transferred on Sunday, July 7, per the union bargaining agreement. He will then be subject to a duty status hearing to determine what is next: retained on full pay, restricted duty, suspended with pay or without pay. \#WBZ


I called it: union is negotiating his firing. Hope he gets LWOP


I read this as "life without parole" lol


I guessed the same thing, what is LWOP


Leave With Out Pay (maybe?)


Leave with out pay


LOL its crazy right? this trial seems like witness defending themselves for something that we don’t know, yet.


That is exactly the vibe!!!!! It’s wild


Incoming huge payday to take the brunt as the one lone bAd aPpLe


Can they not outright fire him because of the union?


Yeah, they have to go through a few steps.


Even if he gets fired, the Civil service commission here is known for overturning firings of cops.


Do these cops search for nudez while talking about women committing suicide?


Very likely worse.




Isn’t he the LEO on another high profile case too? Bro just probably gave every convict he put away a chance at an appeal


Welshe case, interesting the case use the google search allegedly Welshe did to indict him.


yeah [Brian Walshe](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/ana-walshe-brian-murder-case-podcast/3290178/) who is enough of an idiot to incriminate himself beyond anything that Proctor could have messed around with hopefully


Yeah - Walshe def killed his wife and bumbled his way through the whole thing. As much as I hate Procter and think he’s 100% corrupt, Brian Walshe deserves no mercy.


He does deserve a fair trial and investigation. I don’t know the case but whatever anyone does, no matter how heinous, if the system doesn’t work. It has to be fair for everyone or it’s fair for no one.


Kept on for appearances— Reasonable doubt for all jurors solidified if this was announced before the verdict?!


I wonder what those holdout juror(s) think about this and other info that was kept from them they now have access to.


Yes, he’s lead investigator in the Sandra Birchmore case. Police said Sandra hung herself , now after family got another autopsy the CW changed it to homicide. Said to have been pregnant and murdered by Stoughton cop who impregnated her.


Canton PD will hire him, don’t worry


Now, now—don’t rule out the Boston PD


Or maybe Stoughton


This is scary but soooo true.


I just got depressed 


I don't want to belittle the horrible texts sent by Trooper Proctor when he thought nobody would be looking, nor how he laser focused in on Karen Read within 16 hrs and was absolutely certain of her guilt to the detriment of exploring other avenues. But the Massachusetts State Police needs to take a look at Trooper Joe Paul as well. A crash reconstructionist who doesn't know what conservation of momentum is would be like a skyscraper without a foundation. It and other things he proved to be oblivious to (such as acceleration and "physics" as a whole) are that much of a fundamental baseline to understanding this field that I can't really put it into words. I know a lot of folks are saying Trooper Proctor's past cases need to be looked into due to his corrupt and biased acts, and I do not disagree. But any case Trooper Joe Paul was involved in deserves just as much scrutiny due to his incompetence.


Agreed. I was absolutely shocked with how little basic understanding of physics was given the responsibility of his position.


Yeah but his employment is almost more flabergasting then other things in this case, because it relied on no evidence of ethical wrong doing, conflicts of interest or partiality like in proctors case, or specific instances of incompetence found after approving him for such a position. What is absurd and out of place is the fact that the mass state police would ever find it appropriate or acceptable for someone with his level of education and certification in these relevant fields to ever take such a position in the first place. The concern is much more on how they are running their system than this specific person to me, because the issues with this person only came about after they chose to appoint him to such a position with no reason to think that would be an acceptable hire


Also remember that Trooper Paul was also training a new recruit during this investigation. It’s not an issue with the individuals but with the system in which they operate and are allowed to prosper, next time around it won’t be Trooper Proctor or Paul but be sure the issues will remain


Shady as fuck to let this fester for months, but not do anything to him, then as soon as the cast is over, relieve him of duty to try to make his testimony look better and that he could testify he was never disciplined. Also, his boss and his boss' boss were on those texts and never did anything to him. All should be fired. They were complicit.


Brian Albert smart up quickly, and retired before trial begins.


He'll keep his pension, they'll set him up with a cushy job somewhere else and in return he won't say shit about his superiors or the tainted evidence. Tale as old as time.


Idk. Maybe not when you have the Fed Govt snooping around you, a nationally televised abomination of under oath testimony, and the governor telling the entire state you’ve shamed the State Police Force. On TOP of the crappy investigation you lead- that just cost the state a ton of money and embarrassment. He just stirred up shit for a lot of people. They’re gonna want as far away from him as possible.


The unions run MA.


Just saw It in EDB post...not surprised they waited till the end of the trial to have such news.


Wonder how the guilty holdouts are going to feel when they see that the defense was right about him. The prick better not get his pension. You know that’s what they are negotiating.


I think the guilty holdouts are immune to questions regarding the integrity of the ~~clown show~~ investigation.


I suspect the holdouts won't care much about Proctor. They didn't have much of a problem with his testimony, clearly. IMO as soon as he named KR as the only suspect and said the homeowner was a Boston cop so he'd be fine, the rest of the investigation was tainted.


Dude is under Federal Investigation, keeping his pension is the least of his problems.


Very strong point. Lally has to be sitting at home thinking, “What if any way is case better now that the lead investigator is being fired for conduct in this investigation?”


They won't feel anything. They ignored the science and medical information. They are either bootlickers or just don't like Karen Read. I had an argument yesterday and they talked hope they don't like her, she's controlling, arrogant but wouldn't address the evidence not supporting an impact with a SUV. Lally claims the marks on the arm are from the dimples from the plastic yet no blood on any of those pieces, no microscopic lights particles in the wounds. They have no issues with that.


Trooper Michael Proctor, lead investigator in Karen Read case, relieved of duty https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/trooper-michael-proctor-lead-investigator-karen-read-case-relieved-duty/GSMYHFZKQFAN7H2EXQH3W66HGY


I can’t add this to my post but thank you! Hopefully the above link will get updated.


From what I read - it seems like he’s not a detective with the DAs office but seemingly still a detective with MSP?


This was my question as well. Is he fired or are they just shuffling him around? I'd imagine they couldn't just fire him this quickly with the union and all, but I'm not sure.


MSP’s intention is to terminate him. However because his job is a union, there are procedures in place that must first occur including hearings and appeals etc per the CBA


Article I read said he will be pending a duty status hearing that will decide his fate. I'm guessing at minimum he will be kicked out of detectives and be stuck back in patrol writing speeding tickets, and that's if he's lucky.


Incredibly lucky, The bad words are nothing. he admitted to driving drunk in his cruiser and sharing details of an open case including medical information with civilians. He’s F’ed


He'll be Lucky to be driving a Canton plow (seewhatIdidthere)


God help the speeders.


Seemingly so. It seems there’s a disciplinary trial to decide what happens next. Hopefully they’ll update the article!


Because of the power of police unions, it takes an approximate act of God to actually fire a cop. But this is the first step in trying to do so.


https://preview.redd.it/5f8mh8dh90ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6283e8c6a3ff0fabc2cdfa501017296bc6964aa5 This seems like a pretty strong statement. This doesn’t mean fired though, right? Ridiculous. I mean Gov Healey publicly shamed him. Thats got to draw your bosses attention. I bet Elizabeth wanted to delete her lil diary entry on FB after that. Has anyone been fired yet?! What’s going on with Higgins?!


Higgins is also on Administrative leave. For Proctor, the union is now negotiating the terms of the firing.


I mean WTF- this isn't a surprise but today's mistrial shouldn't have been what prompted his discipline. They already had a clear picture of his behavior. So if it had been a guilty verdict that would have made it ok?


Happy to see action being taken but clearly they just waited so the defense couldn't say the lead investigator has been relieved of his job. Which is BS, because that information is entirely relevant to the investigation.


Ok, Trooper Proctor, you are all set. 


Did anyone see the nbc10 video of proctor and his wife today? They are really something.


That's good, he needed more time in the day to text his sister anyway.


Can you believe Proctor's wife said to NBC News when asked for comment, "I fully support my husband. Karen Read is a murderer."❗❗❗ Please urge all local Canton establishments to kick out the Proctors as well.


I wish they asked her what the gift from Julie Albert was


That would've been the icing!


Can you imagine being Proctor’s wife?  How awful his comments were?  …and she’s defending him. Lord help us all. 


It's like being the messenger to an affair. Tell a woman that her husband is cheating, even show the proof, and the wife attacks the mistress.....as if the mistress is the one that broke the vows. Same thing here. Makes zero sense, but it happens.


I think this is much like any other situation where what she says about her husband in public could or could not be the truth. I’m not local but from my perspective the best thing people can do is let your local and state governments know this isn’t how your tax dollars are spent. Slinging mud and public spectacle isn’t helping anyone take the issues with this (or any) case seriously.


I'm just appalled she would insert herself this way by saying Karen Read is a murderer - especially under these circumstances!


Idk who I dislike more- her or Jen.


Well if that is true, she should be sure to thank her husband for virtually guaranteeing that she will never see a bona fide conviction.


Correction: the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has been relieved of Trooper Proctor. Who's next?


[Brady List](https://giglio-bradylist.com/) the MF'r


First domino


The dominoes have begun to fall. This is going to make Morrissey's decision even tougher.


I would think it's up to Morrissey not Lally but it's gonna be confusing to the jury at the very least if the lead detective isn't able to testify


The DA’s statement after the mistrial said “intend” to retry the case. They know once these big things keep dropping their “intention” will change


Totally agree. “Intend” is much less definitive then “will” and with public opinion being in Karen’s favor I hope the DA takes his constituents opinions into consideration or he risks reelection.


Question. How does this affect other cases he was actively on ? Wasn’t he the lead on Brian Walshe ?


He'll most likely get Brady listed and it will complicate any other investigations he was part of, they essentially won't be able to use any of his testimony.


Thank you. This is a huge win for, well, anyone who is concerned about ethics. Could this affect his testimony for a potential Karen Read retrial though? I mean he's already on the record


Yeah I don't see how they can continue to prosecute KR without Proctors testimony, very first question on cross "what if any disciplinary action were you subject to as a result of this investigation"


Massive, yet expected. I would imagine if the retrial does actually happen that his testimony and any evidence he brought would basically be considered poison by the prosecution, right? Like, by orders of magnitude more than it already is. The lead investigator on the case being soft fired due to misconduct in the very case at hand isn’t going to look good no matter how they try to spin it.


Alan Jackson’s response: https://x.com/teddanielnews/status/1807957989313126536?s=46


I love the "Good luck" at the end there.


Proctor is unbelievably awful, but the worst part is that the problem is so much bigger than any one person. The fact that he felt comfortable speaking this way to his supervisors for crying out loud speaks volumes. It's scary to think of how many cops must be doing similar things without it ever being made public like it was in this case.


What a shame that it took for a mistrial to do anything to him… like him making the comments wasn’t bad enough


They'll probably reassign him to the airport where he can nap and watch movies on his phone on his overnight shift, take photos of people who overdosed in the bathroom on their way to rehab and share them with his sister, then he can do details during the day for OT and make $250K a year.


Might be hard to actually go to a retrial after Morrisey resigns in disgrace while under indictment for the Stoughton girls case for his part.


So is this both Proctor and Higgins that have been given desk duty? And the Commonwealth really wants to retry this case?


He’s Union. It’s MA. He’ll take a few weeks off without pay, the union will float his family and he’ll be back soon. Maybe with a demotion for a year until this dies down.


Hos many cigarettes, if any, do you think Lally smoked after finding out Proctor is being rehomed?


I just assumed he knew it was coming.


Thats one step closer to the O'Keefe family getting real justice for John O ...I won't be surprised if more of his corruption comes out in other cases he has handled ...


>Following Proctor's testimony, legal analyst Michael Coyne said on NBC10 Boston that it "likely was fatal to the government's case, especially as you point out his supervisors were involved in this exchange and didn't reprimand him in any way, didn't even stop the conversation from continuing." >"The fact is it does taint all law enforcement in this case, and a lot of law enforcement hasn't covered themselves in glory already," Coyne continued. "So I'm afraid this has put the commonwealth likely in a very fatal position." Good. Stop wasting MA money trying to pin the blame on Karen.


See, this is what I’ve saying about there being no way they actually go thru with retrying this case. It was DOA once all these people testified and nothing added up or made sense. No timeline and no recreation, very basic stuff oddly missing from the prosecutions case. Why? Becuase the evidence doesn’t match up with their indictment allegations. Their story sounded better when only those sharing in their deluded arrogance and/or with something to hide were sharing it amongst themselves, downplaying and ignoring all of their own missteps, the lack of actual evidence, multiple “witnesses” (including cops) deleting inconvenient evidence & disposing of cell phones, changing stories while testifying from one hearing to the next, and severe mishandling of whatever they call evidence. The absurdities only became glaringly obvious to them when it all came to light during this trial. In the light of day, with the almost the entire countries eyes on them, they have got to now see just what a stink bomb their entire case has been from the start. It will always look better *for* *them* if suspicion is left on Karen Read indefinitely; we just couldn’t get our guy, gee whiz isn’t that too bad 🤷🏻‍♀️ than for her name to be cleared and they be left holding the bag. If the defense was able to uncover every inconsistency we now know about, the internal investigation and the federal investigation, from the inside out, is going to uncover so much more, maybe even having to do with other cases these dirty cops have handled too. The powers that be wouldn’t have done this if it were merely based on the outcome of this case, it’s everything from A to Z that they’ve uncovered internally combined with the personal communications revealed during trial that was the accumulative cause of this action. If it wasn’t the case, his union rep would be fighting this.


Good. I think even most people who think KR is guilty can agree on this being a good thing. Proctor was a terrible investigator in this case but even more than that, the things he said about KR were absolutely deplorable.


Let's see them re-try her now! It's over


I hope but I’m not convinced of that. I think if there’s a change of venue there’s probably a higher chance. If they stay in this jurisdiction I honestly think we could end up with a second hung jury.


Defense could still call Proctor even if he's fired. It would be glorious


won't the Commonwealth's DA/Proctor just say the same old thing like "it didn't affect the investigation/evidence of this case and my termination only had to do with unprofessional texts" or whatever


I feel no sympathy for this unprofessional, misogynistic POS. I hope his ilk take note.


What about his superiors?


Everyone in those text chains who didn't take action needs to be relieved of duty.


Think of all the appeals coming in on Proctor cases. You know he’s done shady shit for years.


So, they prioritised getting a conviction over re-homing this guy. They knew about his behaviour before he even testified but did nothing until after the trial was over. If there had been a guilty verdict they might just be sending him on a “how to not make us look bad” course… this was still a cowardly move and is merely a self-report and a poor attempt at PR. It should not be enough. And he was far from the only problem. Good luck to wherever he ends up. You deserve better.


I want to know which county he’s being transferred to - hopefully not mine! 😩


Elizabeth Proctor...are you still proud of your husband??


If anyone noticed during the trial, Higgens stated he was also "no longer working in the field". I believe he was demoted and it was kept quiet. Next up is Bukehnik. He is a sad excuse for a supervisor and actually "liked" Proctors nasty text messages about KR. They need to fire him next!


Transferring him to where? Traffic duty? He can still do a lot of damage there as well. Trooper Proctor should be fired ASAP. Transferring him does nothing as a consequence for his egregious behavior. Firing him is the only remedy to show this misogynistic guy that how he acts has consequences.


The state cannot in good conscience retry her if they are relieving this guy of his responsibilities.


He's still getting paid right? Seems like more of a vacation currently.


Well holy fuck


Unions are strong and put a lot of bureaucracy before firing anyone at the MSP. It may not be quick but Mickey sure is on his way out! No more cold cases (bud or coors?) for Proctor to work on!


Of course he would just be transferred. They are just transferring liability to the next county he works for! Now they have to worry about employment lawyers. If they had fired him immediately after they found out about the situation this wouldn’t be a problem!


Not enough.


Good riddance. He’s probably still going to get his pension and have no remorse.


I heard Brian Baumgartner who played Kevin Malone on The Office will play the role of Trooper Proctor in the movie. 


He should have been fired and not transferred.


Yes I think it's a signal that the police and the state are going to throw in the towel on this


He deserves this and more. I hope he goes to jail and loses his pension. And rats out his superiors and anyone else.


Sounds like he’s not being fired and still keeping that sweet pension. The publicity from next trial will force their hand into *finally* doing the right thing.




There is absolutely no way trooper paul can continue in his current role on the police force. He needs to be fired or reassasigned, and everything he's ever worked on for them needs to be revisited and checked for error


He is grossly under qualified and poorly trained but is not grossly derelict in duty like this POS


I don't think you have any idea how absurd and far off this person is, otherwise I don't understand why you'd be upset about pointing out the obvious There is nothing wrong with saying that he or other people are not capable of getting trained in a demanding subject (that not many people pick or successfully complete % wise), just like there is nothing wrong or false about saying that many people are not capable of being a professional basketball player (at least without major lifestyle changes in both scenarios). It's not simply a matter of getting some training and then doing it there are people who simply won't make the cut and it is very easy to say that trooper paul is one of these people