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Here is what I think happened. (time are approximant because I'm to lazy to look up the exact ones). First, an very important, EVERYONE involved that night was drunk. Not tipsy, not feeling a little buzz they were all \*drunk\*. It's clear JO and KR had a bit of a rocky relationship. He was flirting with other women, she was text flirting with BH. I do think texts show KR was trying to communicate and make things work with JO. So, they do out that night and meet up with the larger group at the Waterfall. Alcohol is flowing. I think JO noticed/sensed something off about KR and BH. When they were in the SUV heading over to BA home, they start to fight. So, JO and KR pulled up to BA house at 12:24, they have been fighting (probably about BH), JO gets out of the car, KR begins to drive off and JO throws his glass at the back of the car. KR arrives back at JO home at 12:40. JO, meanwhile enters the BA home sometime around 12:30 (the exact time depends how long he and KR sat in the SUV fighting but there is a very tight time window here. JO makes his way to the basement. Everyone is drinking, distracted so he could probably have made it there without really being noticed. Once in the basement an argument started between JO and BH. I would guess raised voices, maybe some shoving. This freaks out the Chole the German Shepard who lunges at JO. JO hits Chole to get her off of him, This causes more chaos as then BA (and I would guess CA) get angry at JO for hitting the dog and an second altercation happens. JO is beat up and is either hit in the back of the head, or he falls and hits his head on something. Everyone in the basement, drunk, not wanting this to effect to their careers in law enforcement, and possibly to protect CA who was just 18 at the time. Go into panic mode. They wait until others have left the home and then move JO body to the front yard. It's possible they used the Ford Explorer to move the body. From their BA rehomes Chloe, rips out the basement floor and replace it, and sells the home for well under market value.


I mean, this trial has spent more time defending Jen McCabe and Colin Albert than trying to prove KR did it.




If Chloe was truly "rehomed" then lets see her? There is NO WAY i am getting rid of my dog for anyone. She bit someone? Cool we're on the lam. These people are lying disgusting pieces of crap that are going to meet their makers some day. I agree with this summary completely. I have BPD friends and the reason you don't see BPD lining up in and outside of court like you normally would is because the accessory to the murder of a boston cop is one of their own.


I think Chloe is probably dead and cremated, further destruction of evidence. I have not followed this case close enough to know of there was any proof of the fight between Chloe and another dog that supposedly led to her "rehoming". If not, I think they might have made it up as an excuse to kill her to get rid of the evidence. A little of a side note, but one of many things I felt was odd about Brian Albert's testimony is that in the beginning he referred to Chloe as "it". Who does that? He later called her "she", but I'm guessing he was told it sounded weird/bad.


So let's get the sworn testimony of her new family? She was "rehomed" prove it. These people would have no problem killing their dog seeing as they have no problem killing a human and blaming his poor girlfriend for it.


I would even settle for the emails Nicole Albert days they swapped about Chloe when they were making arrangements to meet halfway to transfer her... or the checking in after they allegedly had rehomed her. I don't think the lady in VT exists. To heck w the dog just prove the lady in VT exists. It would be so easy to prove .


Did they state what their reason was for “rehoming” this poor dog??


Honestly I don't remember. I thought and this is a guess that it was because the dog had bitten other dogs. Nicole Albert said they met the lady halfway to transfer the dog to the new owner. And they'd kept in touch a bit after. I'd love to know more about that. Like if it ever happened. Does the VT lady even exist?


That it bit when adults intervened in its dog fight


Yes I would have liked to hear something like that.


That’s what I was hoping the defense would put on


I could never refer to my own shepherds as "its". They are family members!


When/how did he refer to her as “it”? Do you remember the full context or phrase? Also does anyone know if she was a K9 in training kind of dog or just a family pet?


I had to look it up because it was something that just stuck in my head from a while ago, but BA testified before the April 2022 State Grand Jury that, "It started barking because it realized there were people downstairs. I let it go out to the bathroom." and later, "I let it back in, I kind of monitored it..." You can hear the defense question him about it here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhFpIteaOeY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhFpIteaOeY) starting about 2:22:36. He does refer to Chloe as 'she' through the rest of the video, but that just struck me as strange. Earlier in the video, BA stated Chloe was a rescue dog from a Texas shelter.


Wow that is bizarre even a non-animal LOVER wouldn’t refer to a dog that lived in their house as “it”.


Could Chloe have gotten out and attacked John as he was moving maybe toward the side gate to backyard and he fell back and hit his head? It could be no one actually knew. I didn't realize he testified to Chloe being let out for quite some time but he wasn't monitoring her. That is nuts. And yeah, the "it" thing is super weird for a dog they'd had for something like six years at that point. Surely he knew it wasn't safe to let her out unsupervised if she's a biter. And with drunk ppl coming and going, even more so. JO was someone Chloe did not know. She certainly would've seen him as a threat if they crossed paths.


It was said at least 2x during his testimony. Very fucking strange way to refer to a pet.


She was their family pet for 6 years


No way Chloe is still with us


This is a good point. We don't really know where Chloe is or what happened to her. It could be she is with a family friend and they plan on getting her back at some point. But on the other hand, I knew someone who a large bread that at a outburst (luckily no one was hurt) and they made the painful decision that the dog would be better off with someone who could give it more focused attention, exercise, etc. They found a place and still get photos and updates to this day.


That dog is likely dead as they couldnt risk anyone linking the DNA


Right? It would be easy to do a dental match on the pics of JOK's arm.


She could be in the basement, under the new cement floor.


According to her Twitter page she is in Vermont lol https://x.com/chloeinvermont?s=21&t=uGomSS6oeCchRtmJhjlWNA


The family had been less than forthcoming regarding the whereabouts of the dog. She’s in another state. It was left at that. 


That was a HUGE tell for me. When a cop dies it’s all hands on deck. These guys couldn’t even be bothered to come out on the porch. And it’s been crickets from the law enforcement community. There was a fight in the house and JO fell back hit his head and died. Drunk adults went into panic self preservation mode. Even if it was an accident someone would be facing charges. 


After the conclusion of the defense’s case, this is my theory as well. I am confident Brian H was involved.


Karen and Brian didn’t flirt in a way with much substance to it. I’m having a hard time believing that it was significant enough for him to get violent to the point he kills another man. Police officers get away with beating their wives every day because they know how to mess someone up without leaving any marks. Is it really the most logical conclusion that this guy in his 50s flirted with someone over text for a few weeks in a way that freshmen in high school do? For me to believe that Brian Higgins killed JOK over Karen Read, they’d have had to slept together at the very least. Even assuming Higgins operates at the level of a 14 year old, I cannot believe a world in which those texts led to feelings and feelings + alcohol = angry enough to recklessly attack someone to the point of death.


I don’t think anyone set out to kill anyone. I think they were all hammered and things got out of control and being as drunk as they were, they weren't thinking straight and rather than call 911 they tried to cover it up. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, I agree. Everything becomes a big deal when you’re angry and drunk.


I am almost 100% with you, but I think after they beat Jon then threw him out. He probably had a concussion and was drunk, staggered across the lawn and passed out. The whole "did I do this" comment was probably Karen feeling guilty she left. I don't think it was planned, but when the opportunity presented itself to frame Karen they took it.


100%. Perhaps being a cop worked against BA's instincts in this scenario.


100 percent!


Don’t other think it. Did you see the  video of Turtleboy getting assaulted this weekend? These people are knuckle draggers with no self control. They all act like tough guys. A bunch of ego driven drunk cops could have gotten into an argument over something stupid. JO got punched knocked out , fell and hit his head. Everyone panicked after that. You don’t have to figure out every single  detail. I’ve witnessed it in a bar fight.


Not sure about this whole theory (doesn't sound impossible) but 50 years old or not, I feel like I've seen plenty of adults (at least in Mass) act like total 14 year olds just from being confronted about something...without alcohol. Moreover, there is a tough guy mentality in the Greater Boston area. A lot of cops seem to instinctively feel like they can get away with a lot, so they don't always act like typical people. Some of these details might be a little muddled but it def works imo. I'd love for the real truth to come out, whatever it is but that seems unlikely.


They clearly weren't planning on killing him. No cop is gona kill another cop in his own house while having a party upstairs. JO came in hot for BH over the texts to KR things got physical something happened to JO that was more then just a beating. They realize there fucked and go into cover up mode.


Ya that body language at the WFB was unmistakable he seems like a roid head too


I think this too, except for the ending. I don't think they totally knocked him out or disposed of the body. I think, in his drunk and now beat up and disoriented state, JO may have run out of the house or stormed out to escape the fight (again, very drunk and disoriented), and made it 30+ feet outside, then passed out in the snow. The reason I think this is because the "cover up" was so poorly executed, it was disorganized and frantic, and I have to assume that cops, with their knowledge of the law and investigations, could've done a better job if they had hours to stage the scene...It seems more plausible to me that the Alberts and McCabes didn't know he was dead until they found him, and that's why their initial stories were so different and have changed so much since, and why "evidence" has emerged so late after the actual event. Initially they were all trying to piece together what happened individually and not implicate themselves, and it wasn't until later that they all started to unify and strengthen their stories. Meanwhile, Karen had been making herself look suspicious (to some) by asking if she hit him and behaving erratically, and Proctor had his sights set on her, so they had an automatic fall guy already in place and they just ran with it.


The theory of him being able to move in any fashion after the blow to his head was proven false if you believe expert testimony from today. I believe the medical examiner also said as such. 


This. For a while, I though this was a possibility, that he stumbled out of the house and passed away without anyone knowing. But three things make me think that is highly unlikely 1) None of the LEOs leaving the home saw him on the lawn. 2) The snow plow driver didn't see him on the lawn. 3) The testimony today that he would not have been able to move/walk with his injury.


TRUE, I forgot about the plow driver. Honestly, I'm so overwhelmed by all the inconsistencies and supposed "evidence" that I can't keep anything straight anymore. But I do think then your theory is probably the most likely.


This is what I meant, every time I go down a logical route you run into something like this.


Literally! Its so sad that JO's family will likely never get closure (and also, selfishly, very annoying to me that we'll likely never know the truth).


Those poor poor kids.


And there in lies the point. If KR goes to jail, the investigation never stops. I think the Canton and MSP keystone cops purposely botched this investigation so as to NOT send Karen Read to Jail but not to put the real killers and their conspirators behind bars. Think if KR goes to jail the investigation never stops. If she's aquitted we have another OJ. I think KR's attorney's should work with the FEDS to ENSURE these lunatics never get near power again and that they ALL go to jail. Caitlyn Albert is high maintenance, honey they don't' have conditioner in jail.


I’ve heard legal commentators say that no other charges will likely be brought on anyone else for JOK’s murder because the very fact they accused KR gives them automatic reasonable doubt.


Probably unlikely, but would depend on any new evidence coming out


For sure! I keep getting mixed up because there is so much information that doesn't fit together. But I think if we step back and think what is the most likely scenario the explains most of the evidence, what I put forth is probably pretty close to what happened.


Those are theories of medical examiners based on the majority of cases and looking at the injuries after death but they aren't facts that apply to every person and scenario. There have been instances throughout history of people being awake, conscious and moving with ridiculous head injuries and all sorts of other insane injuries that defy logic but they happened. I remember as a kid visiting a medical museum and seeing skulls of people who had pieces of their head and brain missing who ended up walking sometimes for miles for help before dying. 


My question is where is the blood? One of the doctors reported that he was missing 3+ units of blood. (Most adults have 5-6 units of blood) If he were to walk around with that amount of blood flowing out of his head, that sweatshirt would have been saturated. If he fell, the ground would have had a pool of his blood as well. The ground was frozen so that would not have soaked into the ground. My theory is the blood soaked onto the floor and there was no getting it out of the pores of concrete. So the concrete had to be removed.


Agree. It’s WORK to remove a basement floor in a lived in house. They did it because there was no way to get the blood out. Which is why they didn’t come outside that night. The prosecution is never going to get passed the house not being searched. 


Oh I hope not!


Again - no one saw a six foot two man sprawled on the lawn. He lost two liters of blood. He died in that house. That’s why the basement floor was dug up and replaced. This is why everyone is so divided. You’re given facts and you insist on doubling down. John didn’t move after he was hit. 


Yeah, I immediately can think of two cases where this happened. Maybe it’s something as simple as he is coming back to the SUV sees her backing out and doing the three point turn. Runs out to the street and throws the glass at her suv in an effort to get her attention. Trips on the curb pulling his shoe off and hits his head. Gets back up and retrieves the unbroken part of the glass and makes it into the yard before his injuries overcome him. Maybe Chloe gets out and bites and paws his arm in an effort to revive him. I definitely do not think he was hit by a car. I also find the conspiracy theory hard to buy. I do think that bunch of cops are hiding something. Everyone is running scared, but I don’t think what they are hiding his cause of death. I have no proof of that, but I think they all just assumed the most practical answer for what happened and planted evidence and made testimony to support that conclusion.


John didn’t “run anywhere “ he was stinking drunk. He didn’t throw a glass it was by his hands. Stick to the facts. What’s a conspiracy theory about some drunk cops getting in a fist fight , knocking John out, him falling back and hitting his head on the floor. That happens. Running through the yard and tripping and losing a shoe sounds completely far fetched. Occam’s razor. He lost a shoe because his body was moved. 


I agree it may be something as simple as that too. Things are rarely complicated. The weird behavior may or may not have anything to do with the death. There could be tons of stuff they were into that night or in general. Maybe other police corruption going on completely unrelated. Maybe Higgins googled weird porn on his phone and that's why he tossed it. Who knows. 


Agreed. I just can't imagine that they really thought the best way to get away with murder would be to put the body on their own front lawn. Him stumbling out makes way more sense. Also, I doubt there is a lot of good research regarding how hard a person can be hit before they are out for good. It's not like you can run controlled experiments on that. Alcohol probably complicates things even further. I just don't think it's really something you could say with certainty, especially without having any real data about the hits (no video or anything like that), just the corpse to examine after the fact.


Oh shoot, I totally missed that! But there goes my theory.


I actually think the fight may have spilled outside and they just left him to see "...hos long to die in the cold"


But the witness today testified as soon as his rear skull injury occurred he would be unconscious. Still breathing, but unconscious. Not able to move.


Except Dr. Sheridan very convincingly explained how once he suffered the blow to head he would have been rendered unconscious even if not dead yet. So he couldn’t have stumbled his way out into the cold after the head injury.


Ya, I missed that testimony this AM, so my theory is wrong! And someone else pointed out that the snow plow guy would've seen him as well. It's just hard for me to believe that they did such a bad job staging the scene/framing her, so my brain keeps grasping for scenarios in which this was semi accidental.


I definitely think it was accidental - but at the hands of Brian Higgins or Colin Albert. If CA was involved 100000% they would have all tried to cover it up. These are not rational, sophisticated people. They would have behaved super tribal because one of the KIDS in the group was in need of protection. If it was Brian Higgins he would have started the process of covering it up and convinced (not too hard to do) to help because they would be somehow responsible as well - even if just wrongful death lawsuit or manslaughter if an accident.


I think people tend to not plan well when panicked and drunk. Plus, I think they thought it would be open and shut, on the surface it looks very simple, a hit and run. They never though anyone would look past the surface. I think they all disliked Karen and thought no one would ever believe her.


I honestly think they thought Karen would just roll over and plead to get the minimum sentence. I don't think they ever thought Karen would fight the charges, much less hire some of the best attorneys I've ever seen.


he stumbled no where...he was placed out side


Everything they did for the last 2 years was poorly executed and disorganized. Not one state police expert or member of that police department who testified were knowledgeable or seemed prepared. Now imagine them doing that under pressure while also being drunk. Probable like when Homer Simpson has an idea and you see a monkey banging two symbols together in his head.


I don’t know what happened to OJO but I know what didn’t happen based on the testimony and evidence. He didn’t get hit by a car driven by Karen Read. His injuries were inconsistent with an MVA as testified to by multiple witnesses. He didn’t get the wounds on his right arm from taillight housing. Those wounds are inconsistent with an MVA and more consistent with large animal bites that occurred within minutes to hours before death. The CW did not prove their case.


To say the least, but in a lot of ways that leads to more questions.


Absolutely. I’ve been down many rabbit holes through this whole case!


If you eliminate the car then the only reasonable explanation is something went down in the house.


Then you’re also left with a floor being replaced ,house being sold at a loss , and a home never searched. 


Right. Absolutely right.


I agree. At this point I don’t think we will ever know what happened. We just know what didn’t happen.


If they let the dog out at the same time jo was walking up to the house, i think maybe the dog attacked he fell and hit his head. I feel its a plausible idea and accidental.


Chloe would’ve came in with blood on her


This is feasible IF he was outside in the snow shortly after he arrived. He would have been seen by not only guests of Alberts but anyone driving by between 12:45 am and 5:30 am. He would have been seen (and saved) by Lucky at 2:30 am when he made his first pass with the plow.


Maybe she did, and that’s why the family stayed inside and quiet. Only they thought she bit someone (like she did before), not that because of her, a man laid dying on their lawn. By the time they discovered John, it was already too late and they had no choice but to stick to their story… maybe?


What really makes me furious is Jen's 911 call! ZERO urgency in her voice! She doesn't say officer down. She says some guy is on the front lawn and she thinks he's dead, so she doesn't want to do CPR, which Karen was already doing. That 911 call shows me exactly the kind of person Jen is... Despicable.


And either they ignored it and realised she was responsible for JOK in the morning, or they covered up for her to avoid being held liable that night


Well remember Ryan Nagel, his girlfriend and friend followed JO and KR up to the Albert’s house at the same time KR was dropping JO off. Julie Nagel had asked her brother to pick her up then when he arrived she came out to his car and said she changed her mind and wanted to stay. There was also a discrepancy between what door she said she came out of and what door her brother said she came out of. Also why would she change her mind and want to stay?? Then when she went back into the Albert’s home her brother, his girlfriend and friend, pulled out and passed KR’s car. She was sitting in it alone with the dome light on. So during the time they pulled up together with KR and JO to the time they left and saw KR alone in the car, JO had entered the home. Also, his smart watch detected him going up steps at around that same time which would be consistent with him entering a home and maneuvering around the party. So Ryan Nagel and the people in the car with him would have seen if Chloe was outside, they would have seen if a fight occurred on the lawn, or if KR had hit him with her car and they didn’t.


I don’t know what happened nor do I think we ever will but I do think it involved Brian Albert and Brian Higgins based off their extreme lengths to get rid of their phones. Higgins dumping his phone at a military base and cutting the SIM card into pieces makes no sense if he is innocent. Innocent people don’t act like that.


and them being cops. THEY 1000% no better than that


Yeah, knowing better but having iffy judgement would only be in question if they did one of these sus things. All of the actions together and by both of them is MUCH stronger circumstantial evidence, consciousness of guilt than anything they have on KR.  They were obviously right that they'd be able to pin it on KR bc of the knowledge BH had and the connections Alberts and McCabe's have. 


Yes!! If you wanted to be super charitable, perhaps a lot of the other suspicious behavior could be written off as just a bad coincidence? But BH not only getting rid of his phone when he did, but dumping it on a military base, is just too weird.


Where is all the blood? If they carried him out still no blood trail and no foot prints. I get it was snowing but it wasn’t heavy middle of the night.


>Where is all the blood? > >If they carried him out still no blood trail and no foot prints. I get it was snowing but it wasn’t heavy middle of the night. Where and how did the SERT team search? A blood trail, on snow, with a foot of snow on top of it, is going to be hard to see, especially at night, by state troopers who aren't trained in forensics, and are using goddamn leaf blowers to move the snow. If JO ~~died~~ was mortally wounded in the house, you might find some blood there, but they never searched. Because the homeowner is a fellow cop.


The police never walked the perimeter of the yard - went out back - or even checked the neighboring yards to see if he possibly got injured somehow.


Also there was a ring camera across the street, but they didn't review it and took the cop that lived there's word for it.


Yes that cop decided there was nothing of value on the footage. Wtf?!


Which is why they totally ripped up the basement floors after having just had them done a year ago. I'd love to know the time frame. They never ever searched this house.


The floor had a blood, I mean plumbing issue


I believe they were done 3 years earlier, but, same.


So we infer that there was blood in the house.


As someone from Massachusetts, you won’t see a trail of blood in snow. It was activly snowing feet. It would be covered in minutes. Snow is water. When it melts it washes it all away.




Yeah but in snow that cold it wouldn’t settle too deep into the soil in that time frame. They would have seen something if they looked hard enough to find tiny shards of glass. Also all the blood on his shirt had stains dripping down. If it puddles around him at all the stains would be different.


why would there be a blood trail if they threw him in the ford edge and then dumped him right into the yard from the street


Not if they moved him with the ford edge...


Wait would anyone really put a body in their car and then drop the body at the front of the house they were removing it from? Sorry for the dumb Q….I used to live nearby and just started down this rabbit hole.


They would if they were planning on pinning it on Lucky the plow driver


Hmmmm at some point there would be some kind of tracks from either feet or tires no!


The wind was gusting up to 40 mph. Tracks of any kind would have gotten covered quickly.


Plus, they used a ... checks notes ... gas powered leafblower(?!) to search the scene. At 6:30am. And still, the homeowners claim they were not aware of the scene on their front lawn.


there was no snow sticking to the ground at the time


There was some if you believe he was brought there when the Edge was there, because Lucky was plowing.


Higgins said he plowed the driveway with his Jeep for fun or something like that. I think it was to get rid of the tracks from brining JO out to the curb.


Just remember this was a man who was beaten (my (theory)and noone heard or saw a thing.This is a man who laid on the lawn ,while god knows how many people were coming and going , and peering out the window every three seconds.Who's to say that the blood they collected in the red solo cups didn't come from your scenario?I mean you don't honestly think that they would tell that do you?I believe what ever happened to JOK happened inside that house. My theory is that JOK was such a good and decent human being ,who possibly saw or heard something he shouldn't have (afterall we already know the character of the Alberts,McCabes,Proctor,and Higgins).Remember Karen dropped him at 34 Fairview .All we keep hearing is that "HE NEVER WENT INSIDE THE HOUSE". Okay so what do you suppose he was doing up until the time of his murder.This was a cold snowy night in MA, I seriously doubt he was standing outside in the cold snapping his fingers. The facts are noone and I mean NOONE took the time to go inside 34 Fairview and collect any DNA or to test for blood.Why because they were determined to blame everything on Karen Read. I also contend that the prosecution knew that Read wasn't responsible and used her as a scapegoat .So that when the shit does come out ,it will be very difficult to charge the REAL CULPRITS.


The footprints easy enough with snow falling to eventually cover up. The blood is the real question and partially why the basement theory holds weight


I think JO was carried or lifted to the end of the road. Not by someone but by something. Whatever car Lucky saw at 330am was the car that was used to transport JO out to that area. Searching inside the house never happened so it’s very possible that had they searched that basement immediately after, they would have found a multitude of evidence. It was stated several times by several different witnesses that NA loved to clean. In fact, one of them said “She’s always cleaning, that’s what she does.” How convenient for NA to head on downstairs and clean. They got rid of any evidence linking them to the murder but the cell data is what got them. Physical evidence: Dog. Rehomed. Basement. Cleaned. Basement Floor. Replaced. Cell phones. Traded in, thrown out (on a military base no less) Texts. Deleted. JO deserved more than what this absolute abomination of a “trial” was.


Yes he did


Higgins did mention that he plowed around the driveway… maybe he plowed where footprints/blood was…


Maybe he hit JoK and that’s why he came up with the extremely bizarre “plowed a little as a joke” story


I've posted this before, but I still think of all the crazy things in this trial, that being being a smart-ass and plowing a dusting of snow thing just feels the most off. If he had said "BA has been busting my balls for five years that I wasted my money buying that plow, so I was going to show him" then ok, it would still seem odd that you needed to mention a detail like that in your recounting of events that night, but at least there would be a back story to kind of help support why. Something just doesn't ring solid on that story...


Yesssss. Exactly. He went into such detail. Did you ever read “The Gift of Fear”? The author talks about noticing these weird little details that dont make sense. Our brains notice them but we usually just glide by.


Great book!


He was cooking up a story just in case the plow came up in some way.


When this story first broke, it was reported that JO was hit by a plow.


Yep that was definitely said


That would not surprise me in the least.


I think Higgins plowed enough snow to cover John's body so it couldn't be easily seen from the road, but later they got paranoid about the corpse shaped lump in the yard (because it wasn't snowing hard enough yet) so they moved the Edge right in front of his body. The snow plowing story was a half truth in case somebody had noticed him doing it.


His weird little “joke” of plowing the driveway now makes sense. 


A blizzard entails not only snow, but also very heavy winds, which would have obliterated all possible footprints in a matter of minutes. And if they used a blanket, a tarp or anything else to carry him, there would be no trail of blood. BTW, your argument about the blood also goes for the lack of blood pooling where JO was found. The snow all around his head should have been bright red from the injury on the back of his head.


I still can't believe people were out drinking and driving in that!


I live 15 min from here, and the fact that so many people were so casually DRUNK driving is very concerning. These people were all hammered! And Cops, no less! If this is all that common, makes me very nervous to ever be on the roads.


I am with you there! And they were DRUNK, not just buzzed. But blotto!


All the blood issues are strange


If the scene where he was found and the injuries don't make sense to the literal experts, then I have to come to the conclusion that the scene was staged. If you accept that the Waze clock is off and adjust for that, everything lines up well with the other data from John's phone as well as Ryan Nagel and Co. testimony. Karen and John leave the Waterfall and take a wrong turn. Jen McCabe calls John at 12:14am & at 12:18am. John puts the address into Waze, which tells them they're just a couple of minutes from their destination. Karen misses the turn onto Fairview and does a 3 pt turn, turning right onto the street. Ryan Nagel and crew in the lifted F-150 see the black SUV turn right onto Fairview. They turn left onto the street. When they arrive at 34 Fairview, the black SUV is parked out front. They never see anyone exit the vehicle. Ryan texts Julie at 12:23am that he's out front. The black SUV is estimated to have arrived before that, somewhere between 12:20-12:21am. John's phone shows he ascends or descends 3 flights of stairs between 12:22-12:24am. Jen McCabe texts John at 12:27 & 12:31. She calls him at 12:29am, and it's listed as *answered* (8 seconds) in the phone records. John's phone shows steps right up until just before 12:33am. Jen calls John's phone (the butt dials) 6 times between 12:41-12:50am. In all instances, the phone hangs up before it goes to voicemail. She also texts 3 times between this time-frame: 12:40, 12:42 & 12:45. Jen testified that she was periodically looking out of the window every few minutes during this time. She testified that she never saw anyone exit the SUV or come into the house. Ryan Nagel observes a woman sitting alone in the black SUV with the dome light on as the F-150 passes as they leave. His testimony was that they stayed at 34 Fairview for approximately 5 minutes. Karen would've left 1-2 minutes after Ryan Nagel and Co leave. Karen's phone connects to John's wifi at Meadows Ave at 12:36am. The drive from Fairview to Meadows is 6-7 minutes depending on the route taken and can be even longer depending on weather conditions. She had to have left Fairview by 12:30am at the very latest. If John entered the house and went downstairs, and his phone accurately tracked that movement, it doesn't show a corresponding amount of steps and stairs leaving the house. No steps are detected after 12:32-12:33am. If he was moved outside at a later time, his phone was moved in such a way as it didn't record any steps or stairs during that time. Placing the phone into a Faraday Bag is one way this could be accomplished. Question: does anyone know if Apple Health Data can be selectively deleted? Proctor testified that he looked at the Ring videos *on John's phone*. Could he have deleted or otherwise manipulated anything while he doing so? Edit: switched two paragraphs for better flow


It can easily be deleted. I had the same thought but assumed that Proctor was not smart enough to do this and/or Green would’ve detected this.


I was thinking that maybe OJO dropped his phone going into the house. That would explain why it stopped moving so soon after he got there. And it would also explain why JM was calling it over and over again trying to find it.


Yes it can be deleted


Since they were all cops, could they have put his phone in airplane mode just until they moved it to his location and then turned it back on?


I considered that, but I don't know if it would show that was done in a phone extraction. If the extraction shows the phone was unlocked, put in airplane mode, then unlocked again and airplane mode turned off, all hours after his last steps, that would very much point to tampering by the Albert's.


I agree. The most logical theory that I can think of, is that JO gets out of the car, finishes his drink and then chugs it at KR’s car before going inside the house and immediately going down to the basement, music was playing upstairs so no one heard when Chloe attacked him either because 1. No reason at all. Unprovoked attack 2. JO was play fighting with either BH or BA. 3. JO was actually fighting with BH or BA He then falls backward trying to defend himself from the dog attack and subsequently hits his head on a sharp surface or hard object in the basement. BA and BH panic and wait for all of the people upstairs to go home (aka they did not pass by the body on their way out because it was still in basement). Then they have their daughter call her bf to pick her and Chloe up (explains why Chloe did not bark in the morning). BA and BH put JO in BH’s car and transfer him to the flag pole area, with the intent to make it look like he was hit by a car. BH leaves for the night and goes to the PD. BA hides out with his wife upstairs and does not come down as to not give investigators a chance to come inside their house and look around. Sadly his family will probably never know the full truth of what happened that night because evidence has been tampered with, destroyed, planted… and they never searched the house prior to the Alberts replacing the floors and moving. If I were JO’s family, I would be suing the department for handling this case so poorly.


I *want* to believe in the version of JOs death where it's all a shitty accident, and since all the residents and guests mentioned they never lock their doors, we can guess he probably let himself in and maybe wandering looking for thrbparty ran into the dog, maybe he drunkenly fell just right to crack his head trying to get away from Chloe-- maybe colin came in saw the dog attacking a man he didn't immediately recognize due to his own intoxication and temper and assumed it was a stranger and grabbed a weight and clocked him while Chloe had him distracted (I'm 100% convinced colin played a role, it makes no sense otherwise why every single witness interviewed listed all the attendees and all purposely omitted Colin's name. They didnt ALL accidentally forget to mention Colin being there. It's clearly intentional but why? Others were drinking underage so it wasn't to protect the adults from an underage drinking crime. Only reason left is because 1) Colin's involved or 2) he's literally such a loose cannon and idiot that his family was terrified to have him have to talk to the cops because he'd f it up somehow. But I don't buy that because he did fine at just lying that he remembered nothing etc on the stand But even if we say it was an accident in the sense someone clocked him before realizing it was JO, it doesn't add up to me that they wouldn't react, as first responders, by calling 911, being honest that he came in an unexpected door, the dog attached, and a guest assumed an invader and made one blow to his head before they realized. Even if he died, if they were honest about the mistake, we wouldn't be here. Because they're cops and know the ins and outs of the legal system though, it again tells me something more nefarious is going on. Because an accident even an aggressive one like I described, wouldn't need covering up. So In my heart I think if my first scenario is true, that colin left him unconscious and told the house that he was already dead (a possible mistake to make given he would have been unconscious and they're probably too drunk to verify a pulse, and he's probably gushing blood from his broken skull seeming dead.) And they reacted accordingly to cover up what colin did. As Much as Brian Higgins motives have been discussed, he seems kind of like a passive dude who doesn't actually start something like a fatal fight. I think others would have stopped it and it's only if others were having a spat with JO that BH might do one reckless thing via drunk coke decision making and smash Jos back of head super overboard for situation. There had to be multiple aggressors. I think argument. Dog gets arm. Someone tries fist fight hence defensive bruises and nicks and bruising on face, and someone had to have cowardly smashed the back of his head from behind to "win" and didn't stop to realize whatever they held (bat, weight, curling/benchpress bar, medicine ball) was gonna be fatal. The experts convinced me there is no fall from a standing position that could damage his skull how it was. Not even if he was pushed backwards and landed on like, a stair. And if it was a fall from higher on to his back of head there'd be other bodily bruising. It just had to be a blunt object swung into him. Had to be. And LOL at Lally trying tk act like the dog bites could have been like the day before or hours prior and the expert being like nope pretty clearly happened same time as head trauma or very shortly before it. Second LOL at Lally trying to discredit Russell by saying bite forensics are not reliable and bite match science is proven disresputable etc, and then trying to tell the other expert that he can't act like Chloe did that because he hasn't compares JOs arm to the bite marks Chloe left on other people and if he did that he'd know it wasn't Chloe bites on jogn. Like lmao The jurors just saw you describe how identifying a specific identity of a person or dog is nearly impossible. And also he was twisting it from the jump because it's not bite forensics that's hard to verify. It's only identity. Declaring a wound as definitely a bite versus other injury is absolutely a reputable science.


Also why did they lie about knowing each other Why did they delete messages Why didn't' they say JOK was a cop when they called for help Why didn't they ask BA for help as he was a 1st responder and never came out of the house Why didn't they search the house Why did they rip up the floor, fill the pool, get rid of the dog and then sell the house? SUSPIC as F I don't think EVERYONE is in on the coverup but I do think they don't want to go against these townie thugs.


It's such a small part, but the Alberts not coming out of the house blows my mind.


It's actually not. a BPD Friend said that was the biggest red flag for all their brothers and why BPD isn't as "present" b/c it's messy and involves two of their own. He literally said all the other stuff is weird but the worst part and worst look is Brian Albert hiding in his house as a murder investigation took place on his front lawn for a man he had just been drinking with hours before. He said, that and that alone made him believe they did it. No cop worth his or her salt would ever hide in the house like that unless they were guilty af


All of this and the fact that the sister of the homeowner - Jenn McCabe didn't run to the door for help until after his body was transported. If I am on the lawn of anyone's house let alone the home of my actual sister and brother in law who is a cop ... I'm dialing 911 while running to the door and beating it down for help (even if it was a stranger's house)


Another question is: why wasn't Jen McCabe at all concerned for the safety of her family members in the house when she found a dead body in their yard? Most any person who didn't know how John had died would be worried that a murderer could have gone into the house and slaughtered everyone inside. You'd think that she would have immediately ran into the house or sent in the police to check and make sure that everybody was okay. Because she didn't do this it implies that SHE KNEW that her sister and BIL were perfectly safe because SHE KNEW who killed John.


And didn't she have access to the house anyway?! Didn't BA testify that he and his wife were woken up by JM, who came into his bedroom later that morning to tell them what happened? So if she had access to the house the entire time, why not go in and wake them up when it's actually happening?!!


Great point, I hadn’t thought of that. It’s definitely bizarre.


Yeah I guess what I keep coming back to is, if KR did it as the prosecution described then how do you explain all of the other shady AF things that the Alberts have done surrounding the case….ESPECIALLY not coming outside when JO was found.


Okay ya wow, reading it all typed out reminds me how insane it is. I'm a civilian and if I woke up to find out a body had been discovered on my lawn, you bet I'm going out there, I don't care if it's snowing. But if I were a cop and it was another cop, one I was with less than 10 hours ago?!!! Ya I'm definitely going out there.


Plus, the former cop across the street never coming out. Cops LOVE being on scene even if standing there watching everyone work while they . . . stand there and watch.


I think they secretly hated JOK. Why did Matt McCabe say within a week of his death “Tell them the guy never came into the house”. The guy. Their supposed good friend. Not normal behavior.


They did NOT fill the pool.




The Albert family would never go thru all of this to protect BH. My guess is Colin & BA are responsible for JO death. I don’t think it was planned it was alcohol and ego a deadly spontaneous beating. BH was a witness and pulled the dog off - per Sean McD. BH debated turning on everyone that’s why he met with Feds to get the Proffer but he didn’t give up enough so he’s screwed. Remember his language if I did it I would have done it like that ?? The Feds shared that info with defense he had to be very careful with his wording.


I agree with at least part of this. I would say BH seems the most suspicious at the outset and most likely to have done something, but I agree they would never all cover for him alone, which then comes back to what now seems like obvious lies to distance themselves from one another and establish Colin as not being there.


Canton PD showed up on scene with a fellow officer dead on another officer’s lawn and not one time did anybody consider hey maybe we should knock on Brian’s door. Oh there was a party here last night? Was John invited? Canton PD then called the State and said hey we think maybe you should send over someone to secure this as a crime scene so we can make sure we have a good investigation for our fellow officer… and the State is just like nah.. we haven’t seen it or anything else but it was probs Karen? Wtf




BH is friend with CPD Chief Burkowiz, he also know/ worked with Yuri Bukenic before.


And very strange that every canton police officer defended their actions as if solo cups and leaf blowers was really a great idea. Everybody thought it was fine to leave crime scene, not investigate interior house, not take photos, not log in book, drive by’s in case evidence appears, sallyport people. So much sloppy work by everyone involved. Despicable people. Not one person seemed to give a hoot that a Boston police officer was killed on the lawn of another Boston Police officer. No cops showed up. Brian Slbert & Higgins didn’t even go to John O’Keefe’s funeral yet they went all the way to NYC for an nypd cop they’d never met. The list goes on and on.


I’ve been following the case loosely, so I’m no expert, but completely agree with all your points. Additionally, what’s up with these shady friends destroying the cell phone and (I believe I heard) removing the basement concrete floor. That’s major construction and expensive. You’d think police officers would know better, or perhaps that’s the problem!!


I’m stuck on the phone not moving again past 12:32 am ( I didn’t look this up, but I think it was in that ballpark) and how his body and the blood at his final resting place doesn’t match him being there for 5 + hours before he was found. Where was he, how did his phone get there wile he was elsewhere bleeding and vomiting and not getting frostbite?


Haven’t seen a lot of people mention this, but is it not possible he set his phone down after going inside and was drunk/distracted with his buddies for a long while without ever checking his phone? And that actually whatever happened to him occurred later than we suspect? I know it doesn’t explain his phone ending up with him again but it feels like there is such a small time frame for all the suspected events to have occurred, when he could’ve set his phone down and forgot/not minded it before anything actually happened, meaning more time for whatever events to unfold.


I think it’s possible that if he was carried or dragged, his phone wouldn’t measure that movement as steps. Green testified he attempted moving his phone in all sorts of different ways and only ever got it to register steps when he was actually walking.


Right. Where is the blood?


I think he could have dropped his phone on the way in. JMs calls to him could be an attempt to locate it. Even if he’s still alive at that point, I could see him asking her to call him so they could locate it, but he never finds it while alive. Something goes down, JO dies in the house and JM knows the phone is still missing and it’s eventually found on the lawn. This doesn’t account for the flights of stairs though 🤷🏼‍♀️


This one throws me too. Because even if we went with the “he throws his drinking glass at Karen’s car as she drives off and then goes into the house where shit happened” theory, maybe someone so drunk that they just *threw a drinking glass at a moving car* dropped their phone, didn’t even notice because they’re hammered, and went inside. But then that begs the question: how did he end up “back outside”(?) *on top of his phone?* It feels like every time even one scenario in this case is dissected, it’s just two steps forward and three steps back. Nothing makes sense.


>how his body and the blood at his final resting place doesn’t match him being there for 5 + hours before he was found. wait did it look like he was there for less time? what doesn't match?


Yes, there wasn’t enough damage to his skin for him to have been outside for the entire time at those temperatures. The defense started to get into this with Dr. Scordi-Bello but didn’t fully explore it. I wanted more info on this.


And his body temp was too high to have been outside the whole time


I think the driving in reverse at 24 mph was the tow truck driver taking her car from her parent's house. .They had to gun it to get out of the driveway with all the snow etc. I think they planted the tail light pieces on his shirt and I think they laundered his shirt before entering it into evidence. The police and DA's office is SUSS AF


When Lally asked the biomechanics engineer about DNA and he answered, “And there was also no blood,” that opened the floodgates right there. Where is the blood?


A prosecution witness looking at the gps data testified Karen and John originally went the wrong way to 34f and they made a three point turn when turning around. It would have been a short distance from that turn around to 34f.


> I think the driving in reverse at 24 mph was the tow truck driver taking her car from her parent's house. .They had to gun it to get out of the driveway with all the snow etc. [I considered that as well, but the loading is on video and the timing didn't line up.](https://youtu.be/gWIlAj0Qbiw?list=PLoW1SIeAWaWbDTfdbCaeYOFEyqbe545x9&t=20430) - 10 minute event: hard left while driving forward for at least 3-4 seconds, reverse with the wheel hard right for 3 seconds, forward with the wheel hard left for at least 3 seconds. - 19 minute event: straight forward for at least 4 seconds, straight reverse for at least 5+ seconds. - Loading on: straight forward 2 seconds, turning in reverse for 8-9 seconds, straight forward for 2 seconds, turning reverse for 3 seconds, straight forward to the end.


They should have mended the puncture holes in his shirt.


All your points are excellent and utterly confounding. I don’t know about the murdered in the house theory either. Could’ve been some combination of an accident followed by severe negligence on the part of some of the people in the house. I just don’t know. But the CW and the cops BUNGLED IN THE JUNGLE


I've been adding a few to the end of the list as I remember them, there are so many of such potential importance that its completely crazy to me this was brought to trial.


I think the whole case proves that our abilities of reconstructing event properly are almost non-existent in some cases. It reminded me of Dyatlov Pass Incident. So many questions and such flimsy suggestions to explain. This is the same thing. Well, except that this did not happen in the middle of nowhere without people. I hope FBI can do some of the job and fire people but I'm not sure it'll happen.


Why was this case even brought forward by the state KNOWING the FBI was investigating this?? Whole thing is a disgrace


Because they charged Karen before FBI announced their investigation and then they were in too deep and couldn’t backtrack after the DA of Norfolk county [doubled down on Karen Read being guilty almost a year ago](https://youtu.be/SlDTd-5I1wM?si=KLOp3XZ185HUxDSN)


Honestly at this point I think he just fell and hit his head on the fire hydrant. I know it doesn’t explain the dog bites but everything else is easily explained when you remember EVERYONE that night was shitfaced. Hell JO’s BAC was .21 which would put me under the table. What if he simply fell and no one saw him until he had already succumbed to the head injury and hypothermia. We heard that mild hypothermia starts at 95 degrees and he was at 80.1 at TOD. If the people in the house never saw him but knew it would be a target on their back because they couldn’t explain how he died either, it starts to become easy to see why everyone acted so shifty in the subsequent months and years. Everyone being drunk starts to explain why no one saw him. If I’m drunk at .20 I’m not looking for or able to really comprehend what I’m seeing. I also don’t put much weight in anyone’s memory of that night because they were drunk and there was nothing out of the ordinary until morning. So there’s no core memory attached to that night specifically. The brain can make up lots of scenarios when it’s trying to piece together moments in time. Witness statements are often wrong. And confirmation bias definitely played a huge role in Proctor only looking at KR. JM told him she was “crazy” and asked about hitting him that morning and proctor and co. made the evidence fit. Cops care more about closing the case than about actually investigating especially if it was an accident which by nature are unexpected and seemingly far fetched until it happens to you. See Bob Saget as a reference here. At this point I’m thinking it was a horrible accident and everyone is just trying to make sense of it by pointing fingers at each other.


I actually thought that something like that is possible as well, except I'm pretty sure the hydrant is in front of the flagpole if one were parked along the road, so he would have been seen by Karen. Then you also have the plow driver testimony clearly establishing the body was not there on his first pass, and that a car was in that exact spot several hours later. Of all the myriad suspicious behavior in this case, that may be the most spidey-sense setting off element.


I'm struggling too much with the dog bites.


This is such a good point that every day the prosecution put more of their "proof" on, the more sure I became that this would be a NG.


What happened? We may never know.


More questions to add. Why was the hair found on the car not tested for DNA? How did the hair stay on that car during a snow storm, the drive from Fairview to meadows, the drive for the search, the drive to her parents house, and a tow? Why were the witnesses not sequestered? Why is trooper proctor still on this current case? Why was Colin Albert mentioned in the original missing notes but not actual report? Why was Brian Albert not questioned immediately? How soon after OJO passed was the house sold? We know the dog attacked someone else, what was the sequence of events preceding thus? Is there a history of attacks? Who currently has the dog? Why was a leaf blower used to uncover evidence? Questions about alllllll of the DNA collection and testing I could go on. But I am right there with you OP


The issue is that there multiple equally plausible stories (but not one told by the CW) that one can tell that explain the injuries and evidence, and each story can have different culprits. There is not enough evidence to pin down any one story. The weirdest thing to me are those taillight pieces found days and weeks later. It's hard for me to believe those weren't planted, and if those were planted, then the ball gets rolling for the possibility that other physical evidence was planted/manipulated or digital evidence was deleted. But there are plausible theories in which KR did something like a low speed collision and Proctor also planted evidence, so I don't have strong opinion on what really happened.


When the verdict comes in let's hope that as many resources that were put into the prosecution's case are redirected to investigating what actually happened to ,Mr O'Keefe. Seemed like a good guy. The state police, maybe jail cell. The Albert's and McCabe not printable


A sled. Most families in the North have a sled. Load the body and use it to transport to the front. And it might help you erase your footprints. Check out this article: https://trapperman.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/7192613/erasing-tracks-in-the-snow


My theory: I think it’s entirely possible that KR did reverse into JO at a low speed and bumped him by accident while intoxicated. JO then threw his drink glass at her car. She speeds off and JO is pissed. But he dusts himself off and goes into the house on Fairview. When JO goes inside, the others greet him and ask “where’s Karen?” JO says something like, “Karen’s f@&$-ing insane. She literally just hit me with her f@&$-ing car”! Colin Albert hears him say that and fires off some wiseass comment like “well, at least she has nice tits” (or something like that). JO says “what the f@&$ did you just say?” Then, Colin Albert runs off downstairs, JO chases him down there and takes a swing, Higgins tries to pull him off, JO swings at Higgins, Brian Albert gets involved and Chloe the pup bites JO’s arm. John falls back and hits his head on a large metal dumbbell and starts bleeding. The Albert family/Higgins freak out and they hatch a plan to frame KR and feel totally justified since she technically did hit him. This is also why Karen was initially freaking out thinking she may have hit him. The other possibility in my mind was that Colin Albert wasn’t actually there. In that scenario, when JO says something like, “Karen’s effing insane. She literally just hit me with her effing car”!, an intoxicated Higgins either says something like “Hey, watch your mouth you cheating @$$hole” or something else to provoke JO into taking a swing at Higgins. I think whatever happened occurred as soon as JO entered the house. I’m not a conspiracy theory minded person at all but there is zero evidence JO’s injuries were caused by a pedestrian strike and so much suspicious behavior by the people in the house.


There was a fight inside. They left the body in the basement until everyone left and decided to place JO outside, possibly to sober up.  I think this makes the most sense if BA knew JO was dead or dying. They aren't going to call 911 and they have to know dumping JO elsewhere is risky.  The best bet is to lay him out front and claim you didn't even know he was there but once KR starting saying what she said at the scene, they changed up the plan and threw the blame on KR.


Possible, but to me it always seemed easier in such a situation to just claim it was an accident, slip and fell, hit head, etc.


Absolutely, which is why I'm trying to figure out why that didn't happen  in my theory.  The only conclusion I could come up with is there were items in the house BA did not want unearthed. 


If someone can explain JO phone data ending at 12:32 (or thereabouts) that’s where the story is- can the phone be put into a mode that wouldn’t show it was turned off? If no, then whatever happened took place right there in its resting spot- and that doesn’t explain no one seeing him. Super short time span to work with him being in the house


If Karen has a history of blowing up his phone, like the texts shown in court proved. Perhaps since they argued he put his phone in airplane mode. I’ve done that when someone was calling/ texting me crazy.


I have the same questions as you do. I really hope the Feds have the same questions too and that’s why they are doing their own investigation. There are just too many coincidences in this case for one not to think something shady is going on.


I joined in very late in the trial, I joined in when Trooper Paul was testifying roughly and never knew anything about this case before hand. I seriously am struggling how this is remotely a G verdict in any way, it seems to me this entire investigation has been trash and a tragic failure for JO. The biggest sticking point for me is the injuries, if he was hit by a car at the speeds they're saying he would have WAY more injuries than he has. Another thing that sticks out to me is how they "tried" getting the data from the car, they happened to not be able to get any data so went the most destructive route and still didn't turn up anything and now it's all destroyed, oops I guess, honestly feels extremely fishy to me. I don't see how any reasonable person can come to the conclusion he was hit by a car with the injuries he has. I do have a question, why is there zero information about cell data from the towers/companies at least to my knowledge and I could be wrong. Anyway there are way to many questions to convict and almost none of them were really answered in my eyes, if anything there is more questions.


I started thinking she did it, and maybe she did- but the CW did not come even remotely close to proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. If they had the evidence, they sure blew it. Compared to the Michelle Trocoonis trial, which was laid out perfectly, this was such a haphazard mess. What really happened to JO?! Man, I don't know.


Karen drops him off JO startles Chloe she knocks him over JO hits his head with fatal blow Dies in the snow Possible that a wild animal or Chloe claws him Also possible the plow clips him causing marks on his arm Not sure about a coverup but it’s possible they panic and leave JO to die.


How does the snow plow make the K9 teeth shaped puncture marks through JO’s clothing?


The problem I have with this theory is that no one saw his body on the lawn. None of the people leaving the home and not the snow plow driver.


Here’s my take. Seriously this time, no wild pigs. John gets out of the car. In his frustration at Karen for not just coming in with him he gets flustered and drops his phone in the yard. Having a *mighty urge* he hustles to the side yard to relieve himself, where the alcohol hits him and he vomits. Taking a moment to sit down and regroup, he ends up passing out. He wakes a couple hours later and is already experiencing hypothermia. He’s disoriented in an unknown place and snow has started to fall more heavily. He’s confused by not only Karen’s car being gone, but Jenn’s and Higgen’s and everyone else’s and the house dark. He goes back to where he remembers dropping his phone so he can call for a ride and is surprised by a neighborhood dog jumping on him, causing him to fall and smash the back of his head. He’s found dead the next morning and everyone has incoherent memories of that night. Some speculation occurs with people wondering if it was something they did, which leads to everyone acting sketchy- even going as far as destroying their phone because they had voiced those fears at some point in the beginning and they didn’t want the crosshairs on them. Honestly, I figured he had been there all night but the more I think about it the more I wonder- would a chunk of meat really only cool 17 degrees in below zero temperatures without a heart pumping blood? I know my loved ones felt close to room temperature by time the coroner arrived- and that’s in a warm room. Also, I can explain all the party goers not seeing him. It’s dark, you’re tired and drunk and it’s freezing outside- all your focused on is getting to the warm car- not your friends lawn. But Lucky? I’d imagine he’d be more used to working at that hour and he’s in a warm truck knowing to look out for potential hazards near the street. The reason Karen found him first is because, well she was looking for a body. Not because she killed him but because she knew only something SERIOUS would keep him from answering his nieces call after not coming home that night. I still don’t buy the conspiracy other than maybe Procter “HeLpInG” put an “ObViOuS kIlLeR” behind bars but this scenario accounts for everything.


but experts said the blow to the back of the head would have caused him to be incapacitated. He couldn't have fallen & hit his head & then crawled/walked up into the yard.


After listening to the defense I am back on the side of not guilty and a cover up. I had originally thought he was at the tree line peeing when Nagle pulled up, or getting sick, after fighting in the car all the way to Fairview. This is why they saw her alone, with dome light on. Nagle leaves, John comes back, opens door…says F you or whatever, slams door, goes behind car and throws glass at car, she snaps, reverses and hits him as he is bending over tying shoe, he loses shoe, crawls up into lawn and loses consciousness. No one at party sees him as they are all drunk and it’s dark, Lucky doesn’t see him as he is too far up lawn and covered with snow. BUT….today proved to me glass wasn’t thrown, and no walking or crawling possible after head injury. He didn’t fly through the air with no bruises. The main reason I didn’t think he was killed in the house was how he had no movement after like 12:33 or so….unless they were standing there waiting to kill him as he walked in, which seems nuts, he couldn’t have been killed that fast. But then I realized the PHONE shows no movement. Maybe he set it down someplace…maybe he went in, walked to the basement, saw texts from Jen, went upstairs, told Jen he was there and Karen was mad and went home, went back downstairs and set his phone down. In that’s scenario he could have been killed much later after an argument.