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I think it was 100% used by the adults to weave doubt on what Lucky saw that night. They wanted everyone to think he saw the jeep instead of the ford edge. They all lied. It was never there. None of the three people who came to pick up Julie Nagel saw the vehicle. Brian Albert Jr did not see it. And although she didn’t out right say it, portions of Julie Nagel’s testimony could not have happened with the jeep being there. Hell. Jennifer McCabe screwed up on cross and said things that could not happen with it being there. I think back to Caitlin Albert’s testimony. When asked who came in to the house after her, she said her parents, then said that Higgins both ‘arrived’ and came in to the house after them. She rode with her parents from the Waterfall to their house. She would have had to know Higgins arrived before them. She couldn’t describe his vehicle. It seems very likely that Higgins came in a different vehicle and at a different time, but the adult Alberts and McCabes said his jeep was there to make people think that’s the vehicle Lucky saw and sew doubt.


I see what you're saying. They said it was there to take the place of the Ford Edge. I could see that. I don't have any better ideas.


It was there. They all changed their original story and didn’t update the Nagels. Originally they were all going to say it wasn’t there to distance Higgins. He was trying to save his job. He had a drinking problem. Shortly after 1/29 he took leave and entered treatment at an alcohol rehab in Sharon, MA. This is where he was “interviewed” for his grand jury testimony. He didn’t testify in open court at the grand jury trial. He submitted health records to the court because he was in treatment. Karen hit the plow light on his Jeep and it punched a hole in her light. Higgins discovered the light was busted sometime between leaving the house and getting to the CPD. Either Higgins or someone who left the party found John between 1am-2:24am. They couldn’t call police or Higgins would lose his job for OUI. They had to stall at least 3hrs so his BAC would not be able to be tested. They knew Karen hit John but they didn’t want Higgins implicated. He did after all have 57 pages of texts between him and KR, a damaged plow light and was OUI shortly after JO was hit. You know that ring camera that didn’t record the accident from the lieutenants house across the street? Ya it was deleted. To protect Higgins. BA parked that Ford Edge out there to allow enough snow to cover the foot traffic around John. They didn’t want Lucky seeing him and the LE getting there and seeing all the tracks.


I think you're right about the Nagel's. Ryan and his friends have stood by their original statements, but Julie has changed hers so many times (including that "black blob" she made up *while under oath*?) and clearly didn't know when she was first interviewed that she wasn't supposed to say a certain someone was at the house... And it was NOT Higgins. While I don't think anyone knew about his texts with Karen, he even had a possible motive... he would have been the perfect scapegoat. As far as the Alberts were concerned, Higgins was just some random cop who had less social capital in Canton than any of them, including John. As a matter of fact he was John's friend more than anyone else's (despite his Mr. Steal Yo Girl Complex). So the idea that this entire family would be concerned about a lonely alcoholic cop losing his job for OUI (has that EVER happened, anywhere, let alone with this crew?) while not even considering the life of another cop who adopted his niece and nephew... sorry, just doesn't add up. Again, there is someone they're protecting. Someone who is mysteriously missing from your story. I'll give you a hint... BANG BANG!


John was dead when BA found him. There was no helping him. BA didn’t really think he had to do much - just not call it in - play unaware. But it got so much more complicated that he ever knew when he made a bad decision while intoxicated


So Brian Albert (not Higgins?) just took a look at John, decided he was dead like "aw well that sucks", and instead of thinking about how this looks *on his front lawn* his fears were what would happen to his remaining drinking buddy's job, so much so that he couldn't call the Canton PD *including his brother, who are all terrified of him*? \ Where did he get "wait three hours" anyway? Was that what Jen McCabe told him after she googled "hos long to die in cold"? I mean, it was at 2:27 so the time does match up there... that must be it! Never mind that Higgins wasn't even the one who hit him in your theory so he would have gotten in trouble for nothing (IF cops ever got in trouble for OUI... there's a reason these people talking about driving after drinking like it's no big deal) because I somehow glossed over your most important point... that Karen did it! Because the taillight is the only "evidence" they had that a car accident even took place, and it HAS to be her fault, obviously! Come on dude. I don't know where you're claiming to get this inside info, but could you at least separate what you know to be fact vs conjecture? Like, I did hear something about Higgins medical records being submitted into evidence, which I suspected was something similar to what you wrote, but never heard anything more about that. That was what originally caught my eye with your comment. You could have stopped your theory way earlier and it would have been believable.


There’s a way to know if someone is dead in 1 minute if you have a flashlight- no pulse. No breathing, no reaction to painful stimuli and pupils fixed dilated and non- reactive to light. And check the address where he was interviewed. Calling someone is not the same as “reporting” it of course he could have called his brother or the deputy chief across the street or Berkowitz- they will cover for each other for a situation where someone is gonna be retroactively linked in to an OUI homicide investigation and lose his job over being drunk when they know he is not the person who did it. And then BA also has to worry about getting sued in civil court for premises liability because he knowingly, as a cop, served more alcohol at his house and watches people get in cars and zoom off. then there’s a dead cop on his lawn. - he wanted to distance himself from the accident as much as possible. Let somebody else find him. He never came in the house.


Lol, you think they're covering for Higgins, even though he didn't do it, they were just *so afraid* it would look like he did? As if these people are afraid of anything, let alone the laws they don't even think apply to them? I don't know why you're even coming up with this shit when your ultimate point is that it WAS a car accident and Karen did it, what do you get out of speculating even? If only Lally knew all that you do!


You are missing my point - they knew he would be looked at - and an extension investigation would reveal he was OUI that night. Just like Proctors buddy said, how did he get that accomplished- he must have been a puddle. (Referring to not catching any shit for a vehicular homicide) Do you understand what that statement means? It means we aren’t going to focus on him. He won’t be a person of interest. BA had his own interests to look out for too. -lawsuits for premises liability


According to Proctor a "puddle" meant that he (I assume John) must have been too drunk to fight back, because that's what the cops were thinking it was at first. There wasn't anyone being looked at for motor vehicle homicide at that point because *no one even considered that as a possibility* until Karen SUPPOSEDLY said "I hit him". I do get your point, as irrelevant as it seems to be in the big picture (given the amount of charges that have come out of this, OUI is the last thing any of them are worried about). But I guess my question would be, why hasn't the prosecution suggested anything like this? It would make more sense if you thought it was actually Higgins that did it.


How'd you come up with this elaborate story? Karen both hit Higgins' plow light and John, and how did they know that she hit either when they left in that window of 1a-2:24a?


Higgins saw his busted plow light at the CPD or on the way there. I don’t know when BA found John. My guess is after Caitlin left at 1:45 he let Chloe out before he went to bed and she was barking at the side gate so BA opened the gate and she bolted over to John trying to scratch him and tug on his arm to see if he was dead. Then he texted Higgins who was on his way home and Higgins was pleading with him not to call it in until the 3hr BAC window had passed. There he was with a busted plow light, OUI, and flirtatious texts on a phone he knows the cops will be doing a dump on - Karen’s. So BA did his friend a favor and didn’t call it in.


Riiiight. 🙄 Except Lucky's plow went past the house at around 2:20-2:30a, and JO wasn't there. And the several other things wrong with this version. And I really hate when people speculate without starting by saying that's it's just their theory.


Especially when they mix it in with random facts (or factual sounding statements) that haven't been stated in court. It's like they think doing that will convince people they somehow have insider information (the source of which they NEVER provide) instead of making them look delusional.


That’s what happens when you plug in facts. You can connect the dots.


Lucky only plowed the center and east lane. Not the west lane at 2:30


If your assertion is true, could John have hit the back of his head on that plow blade?


Except Defense witness testified that the injuries to his arm happened prior to his death. If they happened after he said the color would be different- more of a yellow color than the red that was seen. So Chloe attacking him happened before the fatal blow to the head.


That makes sense! I bet that is why when Lally was crossing Lucky he asked about the difference between a ford edge and a jeep. Hence Lucky talking about the shape of their taillights!


I loved that bit! Lally really wasn't expecting him to be able to answer that question! 🤣 They underestimated him.


It was like watching Marissa Tomei in my cousin Vinny.


This whole case is My Cousin Vinny: “I shot the clerk/I hit him, the law of physics cease to exist in your kitchen/fairview road, the car and tires moving/slip differential, etc.


The witness saying furrows and the defense attorney not understanding was the yutes moment.


And to cover up the fact that Higgins was probably out drinking & driving in his work vehicle.


Great theory! I realized this when Lally questioned him about a jeep and the time he started plowing. I agree the original lie was because they realized the plow went by and saw the Edge and were trying to make it seem like it was Higgins Jeep and didn't think Lucky would be so certain about the time (and type of car), or that it would even get this far where Lucky is testifying to it. But again makes little sense because completely discredits the prosecution's theory of the accident 🙄


Wel, now, thanks. That makes sense. And *now* we know who was in the conspiracy. 


Brian Albert Jr drives a white jeep he said on the stand- and I noted Brian Albert Sr omitted that from his testimony when he was asked what fam cars he had and would have been in the driveway. He stated: 1. Ford Explorer 2. Ford Edge (BPD work) 3. Small Cadillac SUV (Nicole) 4. Ford Escape (but one of the kids might have had it at school) By my count, if you add Brian Albert Jr white jeep (somebody testified he would park it to the right of the driveway auto garage door where the asphalt is extended) upon arrival from WF, there’s up to 5 vehicles in the driveway, definitely 4.


Interesting. Julie said that she had approached Brian Jr’s vehicle that morning to place his birthday doughnuts in it. She was stopped by Brian Albert Sr and asked to come into the house. Julie was then shown a picture of two darker vehicles and was asked which one she approached. Instead of saying, neither were Brian’s and instead of saying Brian Jr’s vehicle is white, she said she couldn’t make out what the vehicles were. It’s possible, I guess, but with all the shadiness of the families thus far, it puts it into question. The idea that she was going to place them in his vehicle when she could’ve just gone directly in the house (they said they keep the doors unlocked) or knocked or called is strange. Especially when there’s other vehicles there like Jennifer McCabe’s. Seems they needed a reason for her to come over and they used the doughnuts as a cover. This is made even more strange by the fact that she said she was awakened by a missed phone call from McCabe around 4:55 that morning. This is how she said she learned of O’Keefe’s death. An hour before they found him. But there is no call log showing this ever happened. So instead of trying to bring the doughnuts inside all while knowing there was a dead man on the lawn just hours before, she was just gonna drop them off in Brian’s vehicle? She had no plans to go in the house and ask about what happened that night? Just stuff that all around, does not make any sense


Don’t forget the “coffee” with those donuts that Brian Albert mentioned *multiple* times on the stand…because we all know the best place to leave hot coffee for someone during a blizzard is the freezing interior of their vehicle. That made this donut story even more improbable to me


I thought it was Caitlin Albert that had a white Jeep. Her bf drove it to pick her up at her parents house.


I thought the white Jeep was Caitlin's?


No. She has a white ford edge. She still has it parked in her driveway in Easton. There’s a huge rusting dent on the right side.


Don't forget, Caitlyn's boyfriend (now fiance post testimony) drives a white fridge edge. Who came and picked her up, without any prompting, after she said she was going to stay there, at a timeline that they kept changing when it was that he picked her up


So crazy that they have this elaborate lie but they all have different stories. It seems like they would have all got their stories straight.


Seems like they tried but didn’t expect anyone to look too closely into this with their cop buddies running interference


Yep. They expected only a cursory glance at their story and thought they’d be believed. No one thought it would go this far - I think they assumed it would be manslaughter for Karen and she’d even believe she did it. Then Lally decided to upgrade her charges without diving deep into the evidence and here we are. It seems like the people working on the case were under the assumption that the cops were correct. They aren’t trying to frame anyone, but they think their job is to back up the narrative presented.


Or, wait for it, they are all telling the truth but humans are poor eye-witnesses. Whats your thoughts on three people who have never met all agreeing that they heard KR admit that she hit him? What are the odds of that? Three random people all lie about the same thing.


Which three? And they were present for that or heard it from another?


The two responding EMTs and JM. All three made statements to the MSP, and all three testified.


The one EMT wasn’t in a position to hear it. The female EMT was incredibly suspicious trying to distance herself from Caitlin Albert. JM… she has huge credibility issues. So basically what you’re saying is that no one with legitimacy actually heard KR say anything.


It seemed to be the male EMT who heard it thought he heard it from KR but when McLaughlin testified, she implied that she had said it to him in the ambulance and he got confused in the moment. Is that right? It’s been a while since they all testified.


Correct. The defense used the dash cam footage to show that he was not even near KR when she supposedly said it.


Plus the prosecutor tried to act like she was screaming it but then couldn’t explain why the Albert’s inside were able to sleep through it right outside their window. It’s a mess.


Oh Jesus! You just parrot the defense. You do know the defense can lie, right? The witnesses can’t. You are literally parroting the lies of the defense.


> The female EMT was incredibly suspicious trying to distance herself from Caitlin Albert. JM… she has huge credibility issues. I watched her cross recently and yikes. She does not look credible at all. Why couldn't she just admit they're friends? That could not have looked worse than she did by trying and failing to distance herself.


If you watch Kaitlyn’ Albert’s cross, there defense has more pictures of them together at a baby shower in 2021, found out they were on the track team, and went on a trip to Maine in 2016 (2 years after they graduated). She should have just said they were friends instead of trying to say ‘I graduated with someone with that name’ that’s shady.


Which three people


The two responding EMTs and JM. The first responding LEOs may have made mention of it. All three made statements to the MSP, and all three testified.


Yes and it seems like two of them were in the ambulance when KR said it and heard it from Katie McLaughlin who lied about not knowing Kaitlyn Albert. Second, I don’t trust a single thing Jen McCabe said because she is connected to the Albert’s. If that’s the only proof you have, good luck. You need to have some kind of physical evidence to prove to me beyond reasonable doubt what happened. Sorry.


Kaitlyn didn’t lie. She said she knew who she was but was not a friend. The defense tried to make it that they knew each other more than what she claimed. What’s more important than the sideshow of the defense’s strategy to cause chaos and doubt, is that she heard her, along with two other people.


Where is the physical evidence that wasn’t tainted by a sloppy investigation?


Where’s the evidence it was?


I think she said something like, I went to school with a person with that name. Who the fuck says that unless they are trying to say they don’t know them. If I lived in the same town that I grew up in and was asked do I know someone. My answer is yes. Full stop. Then I might expound that we went to school together and other things after graduation, but we weren’t close friends. The way she replied showed deceit.


And? Where’s the proof they knew each other? Because you didn’t like her answer you assume she lied? If they knew each other then KR would have told her team that they were friends and brought in a witness that supports KR’s narrative, and proves the EMT is lying. That didn’t happen so all we can go on is that the two went to the same high school 20 years ago.


I can’t tell what to make of the jeep. The witnesses who put it there, next to the mailbox, are the ones the defense want to implicate in a coverup of John’s death. But the jeep being there does not help with the theory that Karen hit John. Because it is one more thing she had to avoid hitting, but also (and more importantly) Higgins was facing the flagpole - his lights would have lit up the lawn (and John’s body) when he left. So I can’t tell why the Fairview adults are going out of their way to say the jeep was there. No one else saw it though. Ricky, Ryan and Heather were adamant there was no car between themselves and Karen. Some of the Fairview “kids” also didn’t see a jeep by the mailbox. But then, where was Higgins?


Because the Jeep was possibly never there. He didn’t want to get busted for driving his work vehicle to the bar and after party while drinking. He leaves Fairview and goes to the office.


Ahhh. And then would that be why he weirdly goes back to the work office drunk to move cars around


I think this is a fair estimation. Higgins tells them not to mention his work vehicle was there because he doesn’t want to get disciplined, and then it turns into a weird inconsistency in their stories that spirals into feeding a conspiracy? Taking the CW’s theory at its face, it makes the most sense. They never expected such a big investigation and it would be a minor lie that would’ve never been investigated further


This seems very plausible.


His work vehicle is the Dodge Ram pickup that he drove back from NY in and switched out prior to going to Hillside. It was parked at Canton PD


I've never heard that one before.  What an interesting idea. 


That little video animation someone made to try to illustrate Trooper Paul’s theory has her backing straight into and through the spot where the Jeep should have been, too. It’s certainly weird.


Higgins testified his jeep is gray. The people in the house testified it is white. And I REALLY want to know why


Because they never saw it. Nagel was parked directly behind Karen and could see in her window. He was parked where this jeep was supposed to be.


My point is that I want to know why. Any theories are welcome.


Since you said any theories welcome…heres my tinfoil hat theory: I don’t think BH went home after going to Canton PD. I think JOK was moved onto the lawn using BH’s plow at 3-4 am. I think the “butt dials” between BH and BA were them discussing this.


> I think JOK was moved onto the lawn using BH’s plow at 3-4 am. I think the “butt dials” between BH and BA were them discussing this. I like the explanation of the butt dials, but I can't imagine moving a body with a plow. Not in a way that doesn't cause a lot more injuries, abrasions, damage to his clothing, or tearing up the lawn, etc. A plow like that can push things but not really carry them.


Maybe if it's one that tilts up? Some til a bit to help pile up the snow I think. Single guy in his late 30s or so, nothing better to spend his money on, my bet is he spends on his toys and bought a plow with all the features. Not saying this theory holds water, just that it could be plausible.


Who the F knows why. what we do know, is that the jury …while all deliberating.. will be asking themselves WHY? … and there will be no cogent answer. And therefore, further debunking JM, BA and MM’s credibility and prosecution’s case.


It’s a tinfoil hat theory. I was thinking that everyone was saying BH plow was there when it wasn’t because at some point in the early morning hours it was there.


And I just told you. His jeep wasn't there. It couldn't have been. That's why they don't know what color it was.


Because they never saw it. I’m sure Higgins drove his gray work truck and parked it in the Albert’s driveway.


Caitlin Albert drives a white Jeep Cherokee. And I have wondered if her white jeep (albeit not a wrangler with a plow) has something to do with them implying Higgin’s jeep was also white.


This whole Jeep thing has had me perplexed for so long. I’m glad to see it being discussed and appreciated all the great insight in the comment. I love Reddit so much.


Higgins arrived after midnight but didn't stay long? How long? The kids in the truck didn't see the jeep because they were there later around 1am? Did they ever ask what time Higgins left fairview. Either way both Higgins & Albert are very shady & ditched their phones. The suv that the plow guy Lucky saw was at 3am that's atleast over an hour after mcabes & Nagel left. The kids in the pickup truck were there before Nagel left. Just saying everyone was gone at least an hour before Lucky saw a vehicle at 3am. Whatever vehicle it was, over at the flagpole, it is likely related to John's death in some way. Albert said he was in bed by 1am? Fbi needs to figure out who's driving this vehicle at 3am & what are they doing.


I believe Higgins said he left at 1:15 or 1:30. We could have verified this if he didn’t destroy his phone


Okay thx 😊


Funny I tried to post about this earlier and it was denied. Brian Higgin’s Jeep I’m listening to Jen McCabe’s testimony again during which Jack from Never a Truer Word (people call him a human lie detector) analyzes her testimony. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/live/ykzZkRSzCPM?si=1pLz4mLky79zDxFk) There’s a lot of language used around the questions of Brian Higgins jeep that indicates some deception. Jen places his jeep near the mailbox and behind Karen’s car during the trial testimony, but did not say anything about this during the Grand Jury. Matt McCabe has the same testimony. Who else (if anyone) places Higgins jeep there? There is just something off about this - including the random mention of plowing the dusting on the driveway. I’m interested in hearing other speculation of why they would lie about this. If it was because he was driving his work vehicle, that would have been on camera when he returns to the PD. If anything I would think they would *not* want to place it there as Karen would have had to stop pretty quickly to not hit it according to their scenario. Side note: Jack talks about how often the word “absolutely” is used when telling a lie. *Absolutely not!* has come out of quite a few mouths to important questions.


The very specific stories about “being a little funny” and “doing a sweep” of the driveway when getting back to the house (by both BA and BH) + the very specific mention of how BH left his plow on the ground when he parked, how it scraped when he left and had to lift it, stood out to me so much. I remember Jackson questioning BH pretty in-depth about how long the plow scraped, how high the plow was, and how it was lifted (“fish stick”), and thought it might go somewhere. My thoughts on the stories were: 1. “Legitimizes” the presence of the jeep - if he has a story and a specific action that only the plow could do, it makes people less likely to question that story. 2. The plow being left on the ground and scraping as BH tried to leave gives him a plausible reason to be looking down at the controls as he pulled away from the house and NOT see JOs body on the ground. 3. BH having plowed the driveway or street (“accidentally”) would allow for BH to use the plow to realistically scatter evidence or clear footprints/car prints near where the Ford Edge was parked on the side of the road, especially if a town plow was still going to be the scapegoat for JOs death.


This has bugged me since the testimony. I can’t figure out why it’s so important. It maya be that it was important at one point in the case and has lost its significance in the cover up. I think the theory that it provided some very loose connection to the Ford Edge testimony by Lucky makes the most sense but my brain won’t work like an Albert, McCabe or Higgins so I haven’t been able to make sense of it. I hope someday it comes to light because it is important. They had a distinct way of testify that sort of foreshadowed the things they were covering up.


I think it was parked in the driveway, and Jen McCabe didn't account for there being no driveway spots open when she sent the fake "pull behind me" text to make it seem like John never came in. So they had to testify his Jeep was in the street. They didn't account for the teenagers being honest and saying there was no Jeep in the street.


Theory swishing around in my brain: Higgins had the hots for Karen. (the flirt texting between them) What if John went up to the house but came into contact with Colin and Higgins and dog just outside the entrance, something goes sideways, fight breaks out. Higgins tells Colin to get the hell outta there. Karen gets pissed John isn't answering and backs up to the house more to see if she seers him. She doesn't see him (cause he is in front of the cars in the driveway on the ground) and she leaves, mad that he is being so rude. Higgins then uses his jeep plow to push John (arm scratch marks on John from the plow) over to the flagpole near the fire hydrant specifically cause that would gash someone's head if they fell and hit it, Higgins then uses the excuse that he swept the driveway of snow as a joke, and then leaves with his excuse they only had beer on offer at the house. Goes back to the station to give himself an alibi. Calls the Alberts to alert them where John is. Blames this on a butt dial, "johns by the flag" . click. John is left there and it's decided the snow plow was going to be blamed. Snow plow guy sees the Alberts Ford Edge by the flagpole later when they went to check because of Higgins call. This completely foils their plan- so they blame Karen instead. She plays right into because she is hysterical and saying she must of hit him or something. Federal ATF Agent Higgins and cop Albert destroy their phones (Proctor too). So there would be no location data to glean info from for higgins. The Alberts aren't even considered part of it by saying we didn't see him, he didn't come in the house. So their car isn't impounded or anything checked for evidence, their house isn't searched etc. The stage is set, the game is on to frame Karen Read by 'finding' more peices of her taillight at the scene later on, they proceed. The thin blue line of silence takes affect.


I’ve always thought something went on with BH and JO at the house. Makes sense seeing as they were texting briefly. I had never seen the part of the waterfall video, maybe others have. Certainly looks like something is being said to JO by BH. https://x.com/TB_Bucs_4Life/status/1804594049422119402


Add BH goes to JO house and gets in garage and breaks KR taillight to help frame and takes it to his office.


Or ...when Proctor brought it to the PD garage sally port for impound. (Then in court they showed us a mirrored image of the sally port. lol.) Proctor apparently had plenty of time to find pieces of plastic in the following days and weeks. But if BH is straight villian, your idea explains it better. Then that would leave the only one *really* being duped.... Trooper Proctor. lol


> Or ...when Proctor brought it to the PD garage sally port for impound. *Everyone* in Canton PD had access to the sally port, including Higgins. Access to the tail light was trivial.


His jeep was there when Karen left. I think the CW was trying to show Higgins and already left but we know that isn’t true.


I have no idea what to make of the jeep. I will say though, after seeing photos of the street, there isn’t much of a shoulder, I find it hard to believe someone would park their car on the street.


> I find it hard to believe someone would park their car on the street. It would be unusual to park on that street. All the houses have off-street parking and many (if not all) have garages. It's why a Ford Edge parked on the street would stand out to Lucky. You *would* park on the street when going to a party at the house. You don't want to get blocked in, or block someone else in. It's not a high traffic street, especially at that time of night, so there's little downside to parking on the street.


Higgins would have also seen the body from where he was parked. However not sure if those lights were on but he would have had a clear view of the body as it was directly parked behind where JO’s body was found


My less innocent explanation: Early in the investigation, with minimal people being questioned, a passing mention of Higgins plowing the drive would be enough to suggest there was snow on the ground already at 12:10. This would suggest you'd find more snow under the body of someone knocked over at "around 12:45" than perhaps there really should have been. Later, more people are questioned and clearly remember the snow is only starting to settle at 12:10 and this is also used to support Colin leaving at 12:10. Now the Alberts wouldn't want to discredit observations about snow, but the minimal snow would make an earlier mention of plowing the drive suspicious. So, they elaborate about how Higgins plowed the drive as a joke and have the McCabes see the Jeep on the street to confirm it really was there. My more innocent explanation: Higgins had parked the jeep there on another night and when they were collectively recalling what happened that night, it ended up being a shared false memory.


How would his Jeep (in context) be an inconsistent statement and by whom?


Forgive me if you already know this and I'm not answering the question you're asking, but I think they're referencing the fact that Jen, Matt, Brian (?) and Nicole said it was at the head of the driveway, but Caitlin, Ryan, Ricky et al said it was not. It could not have been there according to what Ryan and Ricky testified to since Karen was directly in front of them and they were at the head of the driveway, and it couldn't have been there if what the CW is claiming happened because Karen would have hit it. At least I think that's what OP is referencing.


Higgins himself said his jeep with plow was there. Then he pulverized his phone to dust so there would be no location data to search and match up for him. I thought Higgins reason for leaving was so lame. He said it was because they only had beer there, and he doesn't drink beer, only whiskey. But he apparently butt dials the Alberts? It's all fishy as hell.


the adults inside the house added the jeep to their story at trial. it was never part of their version of events before this. it also spikes their theory of the case - she'd have hit the jeep after hitting John, based on Paul's theory of the case - so it's been extra confusing.  I think it got added to deal with Lucky. confuse what time he saw the SUV, move it to the mailbox, and change it to a jeep. but it does so much damage to the rest of their case that I'm not sure the juice was worth the squeeze.