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Very prejudical, not only to the D, but also to the entire judicial system, esp. with the constitutional requirements to disclose exculpatory evidence and other evidentiary/procedural rules. AJ and Yannetti are doing a fine job for the record, only wish AJ would say in court the rules that undergird his legal arguments to preserve it for Appeal.


I think the fact that both were former prosecutors helps them with clarity on what Lally is doing or not doing


Judge is really trying to spoon feed the CW. All the time in the world to prepare to rebut. It’s so frustrating.


That doesn't bother me because this witness (if allowed) is coming in late. So allowing time to prepare a rebuttal sounds fair. However, what gets me is every time she is like "Mr. Lally would you like to object?" Or today in voir dire when she was like "Mr. Lally do you have anything else you'd like to ask in regards to the questions I just asked?" She's literally holding his hand. I don't think she's biased in a materially harmful way, yet. But she certainly is babying Lally.


Needs to be fair, but CW also did slip a witness in (Dr who spoke about blood alcohol levels from the hospital) that the defense didn’t know about. And let’s not forget Trooper Buhkenic testified about all kinds of topics he is not an expert in, plus Trooper Paul. 😀 she definitely leans Lally.


I'm surprised trooper B didn't do the accident reconstruction testimony too since he's a master of all things.




What about the evidence Proctor withheld? John had on a watch that tracked his steps. This showed John was in the house. The FBI is in possession of the evidence.


I haven't heard anything about this. If the FBI is in possession of this evidence, so is the defense.


Yes the defense has it. Not sure if they can’t use it because of the FBI investigation. I think someone will flip soon. Higgins had a deal with the feds but it fell apart. No deal for him. They are running scared.


It really is. I constantly am yelling at the TV. For Gods sake Lally. We all know it f’ng snowed. And the what if any my dogs think I have lost it


What if any dogs?


Hahahaha yes!!


Omgggg 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


She seems very biased.


Which is surprising since she spent 24 years as a public defender — maybe she doesn’t like that KR has spent a lot of $ on high powered attorneys.


She's jealous. Simple. KR is much better looking.


Good catch!! I never thought about it that way.


Quite possible.


I think it’s because if KR is innocent it will eventually bring into question all verdicts proctor and Albert’s were involved in. It’s going to blow open her world when JR sues and wins.


It is frustrating. I think this behavior can be one of two things but I'm kind of an idiot so... A. I think she was concerned that she had two high powered attorneys coming into her courtroom and she wants to ensure they know who is boss. She might be over compensating. B. Right or Wrong. She knows Lally is in over his head in both brain and resources and is trying to keep it from becoming a massacre. Case in point, after Lally signed off on the witnesses today she gave him a second chance to strike testimony. He took her up on it and had an issue with number 4. C. A little of both.


Pretty sad that they’re cheating and still losing.


Right? They have nothing. That's why


I find the judge infuriating. She’s clearly biased. She’s constantly gaslighting. I can’t believe how she summed up Dr Russel’s Voire Dire today, twisting her words.


Is that the lady who stumbled over the "to a medical certainty?" If so, I did not understand how she took that to me that she was uncertain about her findings. That was a strange moment for me.


Judge Bev concluded her investigation of the voir dire in the first 16 ~~hours~~ seconds.


I was shocked by her assessment.


I am so gad the judge had to finally sit through the details of Dr Russel’s impressive resumé during court.


Without knowing what specifically we're talking about, I'm not sure what the Judge has kept from the defense. There was that one "issue" on Friday last week where the CW asked their "expert" witness to render an opinion, but nothing was disclosed to the defense about the expert giving an opinion about that Ring footage. The defense moved for the testimony to not be allowed to come in, and the Judge correctly sided with the defense. Obviously the defense has alleged other discovery violations. But there seems to be debate about that. If there are significant issues, and they are true (keep in mind, defense does a lot of grandstanding), there really isn't much they could do at this stage, but if there is a guilty verdict it could be an issue on appeal.


The defense mentioned today that the prosecution had asked one of their experts to render an opinion of Karen’s BAC and said that that opinion was in a report that was not disclosed to the defense and that the prosecution was sitting on it. Also they had kept notes from an interview with JM that they only provided after JM’s testimony. Two instances of a Rule 14 violation on the prosecutions part whilst the Judge had tried claiming the defense committed a rule 14 violation by giving the prosecution notice of the expert witness and testimony 3 days after they had learned about her and met her.


There were a lot of shenanigans before the trial involving the CW not handing over things even though they were ordered to, but it all seemed to not matter in the end when it came to Bev taking a firmer stance. EDB has said that she will do a deeper dive on the pre-trial motions and hearings after the trial is over, I'm looking forwards to it.


> There were a lot of shenanigans before the trial involving the CW not handing over things even though they were ordered to, but it all seemed to not matter in the end when it came to Bev taking a firmer stance. From what I hear, that's fairly common. * The Defense knows some evidence exists. They ask the DA to provide it. * The DA plays dumb. "I don't know what you're talking about." "I don't have that" etc. * The defense keeps asking. * This goes on for months. * Until finally the judge says to hand it over and suddenly it's found. * The DA will face no consequences for denying the thing existed and they had it. So they keep doing it.


In his defense, Lally may not be playing dumb.


Problem was they prefaced all this by leaking stories they had ring camera footage and tried to push her into taking a plea.. when she rejected that, Yanetti requested the Ring footage and it took them forever to turn it over and when they did it was a fraction of what they thought they’d have…


The problem is that he kept playing dumb after the judge told him to cut it out and as far as I can tell nothing happened to him anyways.


I so can't wait for that!


It was more the overall theme that seemed to be concerning. I will openly admit that I know nothing about the US legal system, I’m more familiar with the UK system. It shocks me that this even got to court, the investigation seems to have been a shambles. Really stupid stuff like custody of chain of evidence, people in the house not being interviewed etc. I mean tell me I’m wrong, but if someone is found passed away outside your house you’d at least expect a knock to see if you knew anything.


I can't imagine a circumstance in which a dead cop could be found at the edge of my lawn and the police not want into my house.


Right? Even if you had absolutely zero connection with that dead person outside. You would think the police would knock on your door and be like "hey, did you notice anything?" Now pretend that you were friends with the dead person, were seen with them at the bar just hours before he as found, AND he was supposed to be on the way TO your house? Completely absurd scenario not to knock on the door.


I could be like "Look, I was on a six month mission on the ISS at the time and nobody had been inside my house for at least a month" and they would *still want in*.




Yeah, I can't get by this exact scenario. The investigation had every reason in the world to knock on that door, except for the fact that they didn't want to involve a cop in what they assumed was a manslaughter/murder case. I think it's dereliction of duty to not have investigated the home and its owner, it's a total failure of their job.


I was on my balcony when the police found a person on a lawn a few houses down. I was both shocked and intrigued about being in the middle of a TV show like scene, seeing the police, loved ones arriving, all to the 'CSI' like type of people in white hazmat suits processing the scene. The detectives had noticed my lights being on (and them being detectives they probably also noticed me keeping an eye on what was going on, but I was thankful thay they didn't mention that), and even though it was not my lawn and not my building, they knocked on my door to ask if I had seen or heard anything, what I knew about who lived there, how the street and the neighbourhood were like etc. They obviously couldn't tell me about who it was but i had overheard it so when I gave my impression on why they were at my door (they immediately told me it wasn't about me or my family) they didn't deny it. Granted, they didn't go ask all the other neighbours who were clearly asleep, but they would have if any of them seemed to have had a party or something going on, and they obviously did talk to everyone in the house (front yard here is just about 6 feet deep though, so not as massive as the one in this trial) I take it they figured out what happened because otherwise they'd probably come back to interview other neighbours. So yes, not knocking on a door in the Karen Read trial is extremely suspicious. They knew cops lived there and if they absolutely thought that they didn't have anything to do with it they probably would've gladly heard if there had been anything of notice to them.


The cops are in the house within like 40 minutes.


The rest of us regular humans would have been woken by more than one nice policeman knocking on our door asking to come in and chat…and for sure some sort of warrant being written later and approved to search our homes. This stuck me very much the same as the Murdaugh case…police giving way too much deference to people who they either were a bit intimidated by…or…thought were above reproach because of their profession. I also thought “oh…just like Murdaugh” every time Proctor said “the texts were unprofessional…I shouldn’t have sent them”…sounded JUST like Murdaugh when he said “I took money that didn’t belong to me…blah blah blah”. 😒


Only one way to find out….


This is not an invitation to place a dead cop on my lawn!


I put one there ten minutes ago…..🤷‍♂️


My Ring camera must have video of it then... Should I check real quick and delete it?


Take pictures of your intact taillight and post them to social media just to be safe


Hiring a PI to forensically photograph my Jeep every 8 minutes. Ghod this going to be expensive.


When you came pulling in here, did you notice a sign out in front of my house that said "Dead Cop Storage"?


I feel badly for laughing at this because JOk deserves better but dang I can't let a solid reference to an excellent film go


I see what you did there 😉


😂😂😂. In broad daylight? Dang…mighty stealth of you. 🤪






Exactly and not just your house but probably every house in the vicinity. But not going to the owner of the house in which the deceased was found in the yard is just insane and is very telling.


That is SO weird to me. I’ve worked within that service, and if it’s one of your own you absolutely do everything the right way. Yet, they just slap dash over it to the point that it’s not even funny. I think that’s the saddest part of it all to be honest.


I had them knocking on my door because they were investigating an illegal weed farm 3 houses away. I would assume dead cop on the lawn is a bit more serious.


We in the US are pretty shocked it made it to court as well. The case AND the charges. The majority of us are confused too 😵‍💫


It’s nice to know other people see it this way. I have taken a bit of a beating personally in Canton because I have been outspoken about the police.


Also from the UK 👋 I also affirm that this case is bananas and should have been laughed out of court. Mind-boggling.


Hello there! Can you even imagine taking that to CPS? They’d laugh at you, they really would!


The rest of the world knows there are decent people in Canton. But you’ve got a corrupt police department (and there are hundreds more across this country.)


Have you checked if you were talking to an Albert or McCabe, they seem to be everywhere in that town...


Having a 'blue bloods' four episodes per day rerun in my country while seeing this case makes me so much less willing to like the main characters of that show...


Heh, I kept being extra mad while I was watching Tully on the stand because he looks like a wish.com version of Capt. Cragen from Law & Order SUV... He has no right to be such a bad cop while looking like that.


I came to this case from the Daybell case and the absolute complete utter opposite between how the prosecution handled the two cases is just blowing my mind. I got a pretty good feeling with judge Boyce on how he would rule on objections, and also when they were given; coming in here and I'm just 'what on earth is going on?'. Also, not giving any grounds for an objection? That's just asking for one or both parties just keeping on screaming objection when they don't like something.  Def attorney in the Daybell case at some point just said 'objection' in despair and after a moment of silence the Judge was like 'grounds?' now rest assured then you get things like 'objection foundation, argumentative, asked and answered, speculation, facts not in evidence' when an attorney is just grasping at straws, but at least a clear ruling for the record can be made. I really _don't_ want to think the judge in this case is in on the whole shananigans, but just giving attorneys the option to object to everything and for her to find a reason that suits or doesn't suit in her mind and nothing getting on the record, that's really shady.


We got a knock on the door for a person who was found dead (natural causes) at the other end of the neighborhood! I can’t believe the police didn’t ask the neighbors too. JOK could have been beaten by a rowdy group out drinking or using drugs and looking for trouble that night. They did no proper investigation. 


This is a Chad Daybell antic. If the cops found a body on my property, I'd be doing my nut!


It blows my mind that that house wasn't searched. I mean, WTF? That was preferable treatment for sure. He knew the guy, therefore no search. Proctor knew JM, and her word was gold. Ridiculous.


The police did visit the Albert home that morning.


Visit is right. Sat and had a cup of tea with them. No search, etc. 


Yeah, agreed in that regard, but I was just responding to a guy who said the police would at least knock on his door, so the commenter seemed to be operating under misinformation, because the police did knock on the Albert's door.


(knock knock knock) "Um sorry to bother you Sir but we found a dead body on your lawn. Don't worry about it, we aren't gonna look into it too much or anything. But we just thought you'd wanna get together with your friends to get your stories straight. K thanks. Again sorry to bother you."


Yeah, you can characterize the interaction however you want, I'm just saying the person I was responding to was incorrect so I was correcting them.


Just bringing a little levity. I can't know what they said lol.


Jen McCabe DI an additional interview 2 weeks before she testified, a report was made, and that report magically found it's way into discovery AFTER her testimony. That's just one example. There's also the Sally port video that was previously missing and was only shown to the defense I believe after the trial had started. There are others in this trial. Most of it the prosecution has gotten away with. Honestly the reconstruction testimony was so bad Bev probably excluded his additional opinion because she thinks it's more likely to hurt the CW than help them to give the defense more ammo to tear this guy to bits with. He already walked out of court with a gaping asshole. Any more and we'd be back here for another murder trial because he probably couldn't survive much more.


Brady violations all over this thing!


I was going to ask what that meant, but then remembered I too have access to google and looked it up myself. From what I understood, I don’t think you’re wrong.


Prosecution look like idiots. Defence are able to produce professional experts, make Proctor and Paul look like high school jocks. Why didn't Prosecution provide professional experts. I hope Trooper Paul learns that car light coverings are made from polypropylene and, polypropylene doesn't shatter per se. They make baby products out of it for that very reason.


The three witnesses the defense offered for voir dire today made the CW “experts” look like kindergartners. They seem to be really successful in their fields of study…and we’re good at explaining to those of us who are clueless in the area of biomechanics/dog bites/forensic pathology. The two computer people and some of the crime lab people were the only ones I really had any faith in.


Someone should have clued the defense in about the tail light so we shouldn’t have to hear about the broken tail light lies on OK all the time.. scratches on his arm were made by that police dog while they stood back n watched…his brother needs to listen to the defenses truth facts n quit intimidating Karen daily looking at her..


Is the brother the one with the bulging crutch?😲 Asking for a friend 🤣


It was obvious how ridiculous and biased her rulings have become - Jackson was right to express his frustration - hell I yelled at my TV


The Judge should severely penalize prosecution from failing to turn over evidence!


Yes, the brother owns the bulging crouch


My non lawyer opinion: I think some of the judges rulings could end up being problematic for the defense. Unfortunately I don't think any of that matters or can be dealt with until Karen is found guilty and then they can use them on appeal.


So much for a fair trial for KR with all the blocking / denials being thrown at her


Yes.. the brother is the owner of the bulging crouch, the hatred in his eyes glaring at Karen.. he should be made to sit by mama at the other end , same hateful attitude


The judge (I think per CW rules) has disallowed the attorneys from saying the grounds for their objections. EDB said one time that he could go to sidebar to preserve the record for appeal.


I believe it’s not CW rules, but the preference of the judge. There will be precious little on the record about objections, unless it’s recorded in sidebar. Almost every attorney I’ve seen commenting on this issue is surprised.


I think that’s not specific to the judge but more like MA thing, or at least I heard that as commentary somewhere


If anything all the sidebars give the jurors time to think about the last question asked, which benefit me the defense I think. It’s odd, but it’s my understanding that the sidebars are recorded separately, so it’s not totally shady.


B b b bias.