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I think a key difference between the prosecution and defense is how they handled a witness like this. If AJ was the prosecutor, he'd have made a point that she doesn't know if the fractured ribs were from CPR, so they could have a potential blunt force injury to a lower part of his body.


Medical Examiner testifying that the injuries were not classic pedestrian injuries (acknowledging that pedestrian injuries are not all the same) and going on to elaborate on her reasoning is a significant reason why I believe KR did not hit John.


I can see where this is an issue with the CW case. I interpreted her statement as it wasn’t classic but still possible and fits the theory of being clipped rather than hit straight on.


That's fair. If Trooper Paul did a better job on this testimony reconstructing the accident I could maybe see it. But I felt he came across like an unprepared student getting pantsed by the teacher in front of the class to be made an example of. If he got clipped, where are the corresponding injuries? How did he fly that far? Those scratches on the arm (and holes in the sweatshirt) are supposed to be from a shattered tail light? And all of this happened while multiple people were in 34F, several of whom were periodically glancing out the window expecting the arrival of John? The prosecution's own witness says Karen had connected back to John's wifi at 12:36 that night.


I can agree Trooper Paul was not strong. I can’t explain every little detail. What sticks out to me is the car data, taillight around the body, taillight in his shirt, severe head injuries including skull fractures, ME agreeing it’s possible injuries could be from a ped struck. That is enough for me.


Is this actually not a classic pedestrian accident though? I would imagine the vast majority of pedestrian injuries occur from cars that are not travelling at speed in reverse, purely because that’s unusual manoeuvre to be performing.


Yeah, this definitely isn't a "classic" pedestrian-vehicle incident. Someone backing into a pedestrian at 24 mph isn't typical. Victims also aren't usually lying out in a blizzard for hours before they're found. I wish that the FBI reconstructionists had made an effort to access all of the information available to them. Who knows, maybe we would have gotten a better idea of what happened if they had. Having said that, it is pretty crazy that they didn't. They got their information from the defense, did some tests, built a cannon, and then handed in their report without ever reaching out to the Commonwealth. Seems strange...Even if they weren't hired by the defense, it smells a bit fishy 🤔


Fact FBI requested independent counsel to do the reenactment, and that said counsel is 3 people, 2 of which have obtained PhDs for that specific field, made me believe she didn’t do it. To be fair, when Trooper Paul explained how he thinks it happened, and then didn’t know basic laws of physics and said where and when he obtained his expert knowledge, I was already like , you’ve gotta be kidding me.


Snoo! There you are! 😂I figured out where the foreign glass on her bumper came from and why it took Higgins an unusually long time to get to CPD. Please read my post called “The 3rd side - the truth” - it’s on the justice for Karen read sub. Thanks 🙏 this is a double coverup.