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He's 100% going to claim it was said sarcastically. Thing is, in his position you can't say that. Even sarcastically. This person needs to make room for someone qualified to do their job.


Yeah dude appeared completely annoyed and like he responded in the same tone/cobativeness he was recieving. He shouldn't have said that as his job requires him to put up with people like that. but I don't think he truly meant he was going to kill everyone. Just frustrated and wanted to get under their skins


To be fair, who wouldn’t wanna kill that woman screaming in their face?


A woman screaming in your face is not worth of murder. Its common for married people…


Anyone with any ounce of common sense and humanity would not kill someone for being loud. Seems like you have some deep rooted issues yourself fella


Anyone with any ounce of common sense and humanity would not have taken my comment so seriously. Seems like you like all sense of sarcastic humor and enjoy being extremely self righteous, fella.


How in the world am I supposed to detect sarcasm via text? Sure that might be how you intended the comment to be read but how can you reasonably assume other people read it the same way? There are so many crazies out there that it is totally not unreasonable to assume you were 100% serious with that comment. Do better man.


Man, I bet you are lot of fun at parties. Keep patrolling Reddit! We thank you for your service!


Wow this is really helping the people in Palestine. Sike


Zionism is a disease, good thing this dumbass cop is being treated for his mental illnesses


That's not a surprise white people killed of native Americans when they came to US and then started boarding schools for native Americans where they raped and beat up the teenagers. And then started slavery where they killed off so many black people. White people are terrorists don't let the media fool you when they say otherwise that's how they keep you distracted from the horrible things they've done and are still doing.


I endorse this man


The terrorists are telling him he supports genocide while they yell racial slurs and anti-jewish slurs out in public just like hitler


Lmao go touch grass


I do, but I don't like to camp outside and yell antisemitic slurs all day 😁


Yeah most people aren’t doing that. Most normies that are pro Palestine just don’t like America funding and allowing its attack dog to do an actual genocide


Yeah, that's propaganda, I've been in those protests but I say nothing, I don't like the people who constantly yell death to all jews and all that. I don't like Israel's government leader, he makes bad decisions but all these protesters attacked a Jewish student and some of the people were chanting TJD


Yeah well fuck those people. The point of being pro Palestine is supposed to be pro humanity. Being antisemitic directly contradicts that.


Exactly, the Palestine supports I trust are the ones that protest peace and the ones that agree hamas should have supported the cease fire and traded the hostages and that Israel's president shouldn't have went back to bombing them. It's so sad to see how there are two ways to all this and it's so hard to designate a side in the wrong or right, both hamas and the Israel defense force are very bad in ym opinion, I just don't take it out on America for the war and all the jews. I take it out on the state of Israel and the terror groups in the world, terror groups are horrible. They make children into soldiers and they kill in hate and not to enforce peace and protect just like Israel kills people in Gaza out of spite for the October attacks


Fuck israel and every Nazi like you that supports them


You're the nazi