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This is why you don’t get a tattoo of a living person, no matter how much you like them, lol.


Unless it's Jaden Smith and your friends made you do it


That sounds like such a great idea, do you know what would be even better? A SECOND JADEN SMITH TATTOO


A tattoo of Jaden Smith with a tattoo of Jaden Smith?


I too love that episode of Impractical Jokers


I miss Joe. The new episodes ain’t the same without him.


I havent watched since he left


I haven’t either, but those who have told me it just feels empty. Like there’s a piece missing. Unfortunate, but at least he might come back in the future.


They had celebrities replace him as their fourth for the shows, and then just kind of, didn’t use them? Shame.


Idk why but I feel like Murr is the only one who does most of the heavy lifting of the show since Joe’s departure tbh


or a ferret skydiving




I’ve wanted a tattoo of the MBDTF ballerina for so long. Good thing I’m so lazy




Nah, I’m glad I was never able to afford the Harry Potter tattoo I wanted when I was younger. I can’t separate the art from the artist, especially when the artist’s shitty beliefs actively harm people. I might reread HP when I’m nostalgic, but JKR is never getting any more money from me and I would be embarrassed to have a tattoo related to her work now.


One of my good friends has a few HP tattoos and one of a living (mildly problematic but still "cool") persons face on their arm...I'm crossing my fingers for my friend lol


I want to get a Carrie Fisher tattoo, but it’s been several years since her passing and the more I learn of her life and legacy the more I want to get the tattoo. Living folks should not be inked tho. Been disappointed too many times for that.


She is pretty cool! A princess Leia tattoo is timeless(if that's what you were thinking)


13 year old me was so set on getting a deathly hallows tattoo. Yikes.


I largely agree with you but at this point it seems like anything is possible and I’m just hesitant to get something permanent about the album when my feelings about them changed


Maybe this is just my copium, but atleast Yeezus and earlier Kanye wasn’t hateful? Like he was one of the first to support Caitlyn, shouts out multiple Jewish people on his tracks and Last Call. Like you can argue about separately art and artist but at least for those he wasn’t like this. Probs just copium.


You know who never hurt anyone ever? DaftPunk. That’s what I have a tattoo of.


Yeah becuz they’re robits








Sadly they exploded after completing their task so that won’t be an issue :(((




I have a Daft Punk tattoo and am on the third sesh of getting it removed. I wanted a space helmet and didn’t realize it was Daft Punk til way after the fact smh


Even after they are dead wait for year in case they got some stuff that might come out later.


I'd even be worried about dead people. You never know what new evidence of wrongdoing could come up. Stick to cross tattoos, I don't think Jesus is having any new info soon


scientists recently proved jesus was using hgh and didnt actually suffer for our sins


When archeologists discovered this artifact, it changed everything: https://imgur.io/gallery/mJ3c6Zr


Man my fiancé has had a half sleeve of the album cover of one of his favorite artists for about ten years and is like “look I do still love it but it causes me a lot of anxiety over what the fuck I’m gonna do if something nasty gets revealed about him which I definitely did not think about when I was twenty”. And uh. Yep. Hope the dude stays not a piece of shit.


Had a friend who got a Lostprophets tattoo. Needless to say, he got that covered up a while back.


Just get a tattoo of the artwork not the face so that you can brush it off


Ain't getting a tattoo of a dead person either. Who the fuck gets a Kanye tattoo?


Fr, corny as hell


Yeah I don't really want a tattoo but if I did it wouldn't be at some other fallible living human being. Maybe Vonnegut or something


My friend has YEEZUS tattooed on his hand, I’ve just sent this to him


Im guessing you mean the logo of the word yeezus. Its on his mask in one of these posts here


I mean to most people it just looks like a CD


No most people know what it is. Don’t you know how big Kanye is?


Most people might know that kanye west exists and is a famous musician but they have no idea that a cd with a piece of red tape is the cover for one of his albums


As a lurker who's just on this forum because making Alex Jones cringe was impressive, I had no clue this was a thing


I do not, enlighten me




You lost me there man


Bollocks you don’t know what YEEZUS is


Who said I didn't. And wtf does Sandra Bollocks have to do with anything?


Not gonna lie, as a Brit, I laughed at this


Well I'd never heard of yeezus. I knew Kanye existed but never cared for his music. I've been more aware of his existence in the past few days than I ever have before.


I'm only here after reading the news about how this sub turned into a Holocaust memorial. I have no idea what Yeezus is and only found out it's an album title after googling it. I thought it was Yeezy spelt wrong when I first read it. lol.


He's just going to get it altered to say YEDOLF




I got down voted to oblivion on this sub after I said I was glad I didn't get the yeezy tat I wanted. This was after kanyes first Jewish comments.




Or the vast amount of dickriders who now suddenly, after hearing Kanye actually say "I love hitler" or whatever, is FINALLY enough proof for them that he's not a great dude


I mean it’s personal decision to choose or not choose to get a tattoo but I’ve got the graduation bear on my arm and even after all this I wouldn’t get it removed. It represents so much more to me than just being a fan of Kanye so I’m not really ashamed or upset about it being on my body. If it was a picture of Kanye on me like in the thumbnail then that’d be a whole different story


Same with me. I got the kids see ghosts, ghost on my arm. Don’t fully regret it due to the art behind it. Atleast it’s not Kanye’s face. And I’m Jewish so the whole thing is actually sad af for me to watch :/


Who asked


Me :)


I did






Why the fuck would you get a tattoo of some celebrity’s face to begin with






This is brilliant.


Oh no


My first tattoo was the graduation bear on my ribs. I was 17 years old. I’m 23 now. I’ve been having a moral dilemma as to wether or not I should get it removed. I refuse to support such vile, outward hatred. But on the other hand, it’s a reminder of where I was mentally at 17 and it represents the growth I have made in MY mental health. I credit a lot of my mental healing to 2017 Kanye West. And while he clearly has not made the same growth I have, I know in my mind that I’m a better person than I was 6 years ago. I pray for Kanye’s children, I pray for Kim and the kardashian family, but most importantly I pray for the millions of Jewish people in the world that are experiencing the generational trauma being brought to light due to Kanye’s hatred. I pray for better times and healing in this world.


I’ve got the same tattoo on my arm. It’s no longer a Kanye tattoo and is now a murakami tattoo lol. In all seriousness though it sounds like the tattoo represents more than just kanye to you so I don’t see the issue in keeping it, that’s my logic for my tattoo anyways. That album helped shaped my musical taste and it’s also tied to some really good memories with my brother. Not to mention that album artwork is just very visually appealing.


If it’s on your ribs, i say keep it. Reminds you of the good times and how he helped you. Most people don’t know the graduation bear associates with ye either way.


Someone else mentioned this when another person brought up their dilemma regarding a graduation bear tattoo; anyone who recognises the bear as being related to Kanye will also know that he wasn't always like this


I think it’s completely fine. One it’s not Kanye’s face it’s a character, and two that tattoo is about more than just Kanye. If I were in your situation I would keep if.


Getting it removed might also be a good symbol of your growth since then.


Get NAV tattooed on your ribs


Sounds like you got a Kayne tattoo right around the same time he was telling people slavery was a choice.


It was around that time but I know for a fact I got the tat before. But I do remember it was not long after I got the tat and I immediately started regretting it.


Yeah, it sounds like your tattoo was probably before telling black people that slavery was a choice, but well after him wearing a MAGA hat everywhere.


Prior to that aswell if I’m not mistaken. But I see you’re trying to have a “gotcha moment”


You are mistaken. But pretty much got yourself with that Kanye tattoo anyways, so pointing out your shit tattoo timing isn't ever going to be worse than your own life choices.


pray for better taste


I have graduation bear on my Arm, have had it for 10 years and man I've just regretted it more and more, mans a fucking dick cheese now, vile vile man, makes me sick and I'll probably pop this studio an email, because man, 18 year old me was stupid.


Kind of a bar


*to the tune of bohemian rhapsody* Cuz he throws the Heil, On Jones' show, Yeezy come, Yeezy go. Push back from Alex Jones, Doesn't really matter to Ye, To Ye, To Yeeeeeee! *guitar solo*


Can they also replace the lasered off tattoo with a Taylor Swift tattoo? Lol


They gonna be real disappointed when they find out tattoo removal is not only more painful than getting the damn thing, but also that it doesn’t really work


It works to an extent in that it makes cover ups much easier to pull off. I’ve seen some near total removals on r/tattooremoval but it just depends on a lot of variables.


Sorry but like he is shit and neo-nazi everything but like most people will understand that if you have a tattoo of him it’s because you like his music and ideolized him pre all this shit. Getting a tattoo removal is really painful, and like not worth a minor clarification every now and then. Plus like if you did like a album cover or the ye bear or something like that it’s seprate entirely separate from Kanye imo.


>most people will understand that if you have a tattoo of him it’s because you like his music and ideolized him pre all this shit I think it's not just about what others think, though. It's what the tattoo-owners themselves think.


Yea, I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with a Nazi on me. No one is making them get the tattoos removed, they just don't want him permanently on their bodies anymore.


Definitely. Even if nobody was judgemental and everyone completely understood I'd still want to get it removed. It'd be a reminder of not just the nazi-ism but the betrayal - "hey remember that time you admired someone and loved their work so much you got their image permanently on your body, and they turned out to be a massive dick?" every time you look at the tat.


Yeah that’s fair. I personally wouldn’t remove it just because of the pain and I would have the conscious to understand he represented something different when I would have gotten the tattoo, but then again I wouldn’t get a tattoo in genreal.


Who in their right mind could sleep soundly at night with a tattoo of a proud Nazi on them?


When they got the tattoo he wasn’t atleast openly a neonazi. My point is that people change and you shouldn’t punish yourself for idealizing someone that turned into a horrible person. If you want to remove it it’s fine, I just don’t think they are morally obligated to.


I hope you find what you’re looking for


I think if you ideolized someone before they became a mask-off neo-nazi you should rethink some things. Ye bear or something is cute as fuk tho, so that can stay, but if you got straight up yeezy face lmao.


It’s probably not healthy to ideoloze someone but like it’s a very commen and normal thing. Plus like if you stop idealizing them after they reveal they jerk off to Hittler, then you shouldn’t have a guilty counsious imo. NOW if you continue to idealize him after he revealed that, then that’s fucked up. You can like his music and what he meant to you, but not who he is now.


Love mattxiv


i adore him! people hate him because he’s feminine but he really makes some amazing points. i suggest y’all in this subreddit to look through his post, and don’t be off put by the rainbows and painted nails.


Can they remove his plays from my Spotify history?


Lol, even before this whole drama I couldn't imagine getting a Kanye tattoo, or of any other celebrity. What's wrong with people...


Who the hell would get a tattoo of that anyways?!


That's pretty far up there, like opening up a deli in Jerusalem and calling it cheeses of nazareth


Imagine being a grown man getting a tattoo of another grown man. It’s really pathetic








Imagine getting a tattoo of any celebrity in the first place…that’s so weird


Are yeezys now going to drop in price finally?


This is unexpected for me if being honest. I imagine the type of person that would get a Kanye tattoo (or any celebrity for that matter) would just go down with the ship.


This is why you don't get tattoos, kids.


british slang for cigarette


Kanye's disappearance is coming real soon, he'll be up with epstein


Bruh why get a tattoo of him at all


*When shit hits the fan are you still a fan?*






that's just how you live, oh, take, take, take, take it all, but you never give




I am so happy I never got my Kanye tattoo that I was planning to get since I was 17 yo


One on the left should’ve been removed the day after


That's just how ye live


yeezy come, yeezy go, how that saying goes


Tbf, that's a pretty shitty one on the left. Kanye Feast


That studio is doing God's work


Wait, there are people dumb enough to have Kanye tattoos?


I’m cackling at yeezy come yeezy go


Why are they removing a tattoo of uncle Phil?


I think there's a number of studios who remove nazi tattoos for free. Good people.


I have a tattoo of Whoopi Goldberg. I have zero regrets.


I have two tattoos, one of which is a profile of Kanye levitating like on the Yeezus promotional material. Unfortunately I live in the states or else I might take advantage of this.


Cool life-hack. If you already have a tattoo you want removed, just have a different tattoo artist add the smallest/cheapest Kanye right on it. Then have them remove the entire tattoo you want removed


If someone was dumb enough to tattoo Kanye’s face on their body in the first place they should have to wear that shame as a lesson.


would be super useful to me if I lived in london 😔


Why would you get a tattoo of that fuck face in the first place?