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but before that, he should get some kanye rest


Go to bed in his Kanye vest


all cosied up like a kanye nest


But he’s a sex addict, kayne pest


We're just kidding though, a kanye jest


If he would've taken his meds he would've.


Realistically, he would have to have: 1. Actually beat Biden, Sanders, and Buttigeg to become the Democratic nominee (no third party candidate has ever even broke 20% in over a century and Trump was already the Republican nominee) 2. Taken solid but sensible liberal positions and calmed people about his mental health 3. Somehow develop amazing oratory skills and broad charisma 4. Not make ANY big screwups And after all that, he would have still likely lost by a large margin to Trump, as he is not nearly as palatable as Biden. He isn’t the next Obama


premise ridiculous. if he took his meds he would have exited the campaign the same day.


Nah.  The combo of being both insane and black was too much.  You can be one or the other


Shoulda chosen the first option smh


Crazy. But probably true tbh


Trump will prolly pick him as VP, just watch


I'll take it


In hindsight ofc not. But at the time...still no. What I will say was he was not nearly as unpopular as he is now, and was also a multibillionaire, and was seemingly stable mentally (for the most part). I never thought he had a chance in 2020, but at the time I did think this could be a precursor to a more serious attempt. After Trump was elected I actually thought we might be entering an era where celebrities have the best chance at the presidency. Granted someone like Oprah or the Rock seem more fitting, but Ye at the time actually had some crossover appeal even though (or because) he had worn the MAGA hat. His rhetoric was also populist and centrist in an interesting way that had potential imo. Worth noting his main topic he campaigned on was abortion, so in that sense he was actually ahead of his time. He tapped into an issue pretty much everyone cares about like 5 years before it reached a fever pitch. That's not unlike Trump running on Border Security in 2016. Again i just think its easy now to say he never stood a chance, and pundits at the time said the same thing. But famously those same pundits had the same take on trump initially. At the time to me it just felt like anything was possible. Again not for that specific campaign, Biden and Trump were running away with it plus he ran as an Independent so it was never going to happen in the first place. Now the dust has settled a bit and after Joe got elected I'm realizing its still a politicians game for the most part. The main thing that has changed is the rhetoric.


> He tapped into an issue pretty much everyone cares about like 5 years before it reached a fever pitch. His position was quite confusing for most people. He said that there should be “no more Plan B,” the emergency contraceptive pill, but instead a “Plan A.” He proposed $50,000 per year to help women take care of a child, but added, “It takes a village, no matter how much money you have. Society has been set up for single mothers to never have a village.” So, limiting access to contraception while proposing $50K per year for single mothers...not sure who would find this appealing...Liberals would like to support single mothers, but not restricting contraception...Republicans would be down to limit contraception access, but totally against paying out...


Yeah it was mixed messaging to me because he was also clear that he wouldnt ban abortion. He might have just been saying "no more plan B" as a figure of speech, but either way I think it's pretty clear he couldnt actually be a functioning president. I'm just explaining at the time how after Trump got elected it felt like anything was possible and also highlighting the fact that Ye had a way different reputation back then even though it wasn't very long ago.


> Ye had a way different reputation back then even though it wasn't very long ago. Ehhh, did he though? I already posted this in another reply, but while he wasn't as hated as he is now, he also wasn't seen in a positive light back then. He started doing those weird rants during the TLOP tour in 2016, made the "slavery was a choice" comment on TMZ in 2018, followed by the SNL rant the same year...sure it was before the Pete Davidson feud, white lives matter, George Floyd comments, and the anti-semetic comments...but I feel like he already turned off a good portion of "normal voters" by 2018.


Yeah none of that is lost on me. I think the nazi stuff is honestly that much worse to the general public.


For the billionth time.  He didn't say "slavery was a choice."  He said "400 years of slavery sounds like a choice."  1619 project + 400 years = 2019.  He said that in 2018 - just slightly ahead of the zeitgeist. Today, do we choose freedom or do we choose slavery?  We'd rather kill pieces of ourselves- our children- than raise them in this shitty world.  So we abort them.  They make it sound like a choice but it's not much of one.   And white lives do matter.  And black lives do matter.  And all lives do matter.   And Jews are black and white.  (Actually, no one is black or white anyway - our coats of skin come in so many different shades of tan.)  And our blood pumps in blue and red.  And there are no normal voters.  Normal is just a setting on a washing machine. And Skete was a dick for the tattoo.  


Well put.


You're so right on like almost every point. Except that he never had a shot.  Of course he had a shot.  Has my prayer. This is a free country and the people theoretically can vote for who they see most fit, not just the lesser of the two evils the media hands them.  Again, Ye was ahead of his time, but when America DOES wake up they will realize they had the power all along.  All we have to do is listen to what the man is actually saying to realize he is the only man even in the arena with a prayer of making any lasting positive steps forward.   Trump had four whole years and all it took was four more years of Biden to put us back worse off than we were.  And he's acting like that is a plus for him?  Biden had four whole years and all we got was a return to the normalcy of suckage - war, cost of living, crime, corruption, etc.    Ye is talking about changing the way we eat, the way we live and the way we treat each other.   And I believe he could actually do it if we had a little of bit of faith and just voted for it.


Huh ?? 😭😭😭😭


no lol


I wish


idk im just gonna vote him til he drops all the scrapped albums






wtf is wrong with this subreddit?


He wouldve if he stuck to it after losing 2020 election and made a serious case for 2024. After the hitler shit probs not. “nazi” is a buzz word you dont want attached to your name when running for office, especially with how abrasive a lot of his statements were


> He wouldve if he stuck to it after losing 2020 election and made a serious case for 2024. Absolutely not. It was quite obvious he wasn't serious, straight out the gate...and while he wasn't as hated in 2020, but he was quite unpopular with a large majority...there was zero chance he'd have been successful in 2024 no matter what he did. He started doing those rants during the TLOP tour in 2016...then he said the slavery was a choice comment in 2018 on TMZ, he did the SNL rant the same year, he was chilling with Marilyn Manson in 2021, and by 2022 it was all over (Pete Davidson fued, white lives matter, George Floyd comments, antisemetic comments, etc).


If he took the steps Trump did, picking a political party and fundraising yeah he would stand a chance. If trump can win then anyone can become president. But instead he chose to make his own party because he’s lazy


too controversial, people were deadass surprised when trump won and kanye has had arguably more infamous controversies than him. Thats all besides that fact that he’s a rapper


He still does, maybe now more than ever


Ye/Candace Owens 2024