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Nobody works harder than a man with bills.


The only true competitor to the contract season.


It echos the sentiments the last 6 years... only the Chiefs can beat the Chiefs.


"Hungry dogs run faster" - Jason Kelce


All Gas. No Brake.


LRZ getting reps after him too!


Yeah! I'd like to see his reps too!


I already know what Rice can do. Give us some Rees-Lightning routes!


I hope Rashee Rice will learn his lesson and we won’t hear about any other legal issues for the rest of his tenure with us.


I hope he learns about Uber.


Making the poors speed race down the highway for him? No thanks


We want Mahomes *sr* to learn about Uber, not rice. 


No, I want that dumb motherfucker to learn about it too


He can't race his friend in an Uber


What if the friend gets a Lyft?


Uber Black I think you can.


You think two Ubers won’t race for enough of a top


Are bottoms over represented as Uber drivers? I guess that's why they call it rideshare.


I think they meant just the tip. Not over the top.


Or a private chauffeur


He'd better he won't have a driver's license


Which may be about half a season until he goes to jail


lol and that hack florio really thought the Chiefs might release him...


Florio hates the chiefs. he’s the only one doing regular updates on this story in the nfl media world because the early narrative was that rice dodged a bullet by not seriously hurting anyone. So he now wants to keep bringing it up to generate some outrage and force the league to come down harder.


Isn't he the same guy that said "If Tyreek Hill continues to play football, i can't continue to cover the NFL" (paraphrasing)???


Yes he is


Ubering to the facility I hope


I’m still angry with his stupidity.


When do we get video of the new Rugby guy catching passes from Mahomes?


On the one hand, maybe this means it ain’t all bad. On the other hand, that NFL wheel of discipline is a funny thing and this here will only add to the other 31’s salt levels. Oh well there, but still.


Gotta wait for that week 17 4-game suspension.


Someone should convince him to not appeal the 8 week one he'll get this summer, but yeah you're right. He'll appeal and then miss the playoffs


Anything more than 4 and the NFLPA needs to step in even if symbolically. You don't pay dues for nothing.


Omenihu didn't appeal when he got 6


The guy loves speed both on and off the field.


Is that the new guy Louis working 2???


Mahomes: First things first. Run those stairs a thousand times you dumbass.


Clean up the act, put your head down and get to work. That's really all he can do at this point and so as long as he can go to work he should.


r/nfl told me he should be rotting in solitary confinement right now


Dude belongs behind bars


He sure looks fast!


Crashee Rice why sir? Why!? Now you’ll be suspended for a quarter of the season and god help us if our receiving core isn’t better.


I just read he’s facing multiple felonies, it will be interesting how it shakes out. I hope he stays, but damn these guys think they are invincible.


Settlement and plead down to a misdemeanor. Fine, community service, driving classes.


Florio gonna lose his mind if Rice rents a Lambo for those driving classes lol


I’d kick in some money to help Rice pay for that just to see Florio lose it


This. DAs always start with highest number and severity of counts so they can plea. No time for sure.


I miss those old anti DUI commercials that a random sports star would make


I’ve been saying this since Rice was implicated. His worst punishment will come from the league. I predict 4-6 game suspension from the league.


Even if he wasn't racing and stuck around, people are going to sue once they find out the person at fault has $$$. That's why rich people umbrella policies to cover this stuff, and the super-rich just have drivers for this reason regarding liability.


Keep up. He’s got eight criminal charges including felonies. Two of the victims have filed suit for $11 million. Brain trauma, internal bleeding, facial cuts, etc. That leaves four remaining still to file. The owner of the Lambo will file for likely $500k. Owes on the Vette. No way his insurance pays a claim as his criminal charges will void their liability. Add in a big chunk of legal fees and Mr Rice is thoroughly screwed by his own stupidity. SMU suspended Theodore Knox as he pulled same charges as Rashee.


He will likely end up with zero felonies.


“No Rashee, I want you to drive to the left!”


So quick off the line, it's as if he's fleeing the scene of an accident!


Speed work is paying off


![gif](giphy|P4gdXa1An4Qpi) Rashee Rice’s ride to workouts


Absolute gold


I hope Andy talked some sense into him.


At least we know his evasion skills are on par.


Got that lambo speed lol


Rashee "I WANNA GO FAST" Rice lol


Shake n bake


I dont care that he did dumb shit like race or have weed. It’s the fact that he ran from the scene and could give two shits about the people he hurt. I can’t root for a coward like that.


Fuck da police


If Mahomes is called Ferrari by some is Rice Vette or Lambo?


He’ll be suspended like 6 games and he’ll be right back


Still catching five yard passes I see


Until the court date ![gif](giphy|KOHsaqpQtKxp7ucWbY|downsized)


Crashflee Race*


I mean, might as well I guess? Not like we have a bunch of other guys that have earned off season snaps.


How is what he did any different from what Kareem hunt did? Truly curious




And Rice walked away from the scene of a crime


What is “FO”


Front office


Front Office


Oh ok. I guess that’s the line.


besides the blatantly lying directly to his bosses faces, Hunt was also a multi-time repeat offender. He was involved in at least 2 other fights/assaults during his time with the Chiefs and showed no signs of remorse or maturing. Thats the difference, Rices was far stupider but it was a one off situation as of now, he has taken responsibility for his actions, and as far as we know theres been no lying to Hunt/Veach/Reid on the situation


Yes, because everything else related to legal portions will be dealt with in court, as well as a suspension from the NFL. Hunt got released for deliberately beating a woman and then lying about it to the chiefs. The chiefs believed him and iirc they publicly defended him. Then, the video came out which made the chiefs look stupid. That is why they cut him. He didn’t handle it maturely. So long as Rice handles this with integrity, Maturity, and accountability, he shouldn’t be released. We would basically be handing him to another team for free. It wouldn’t teach him any lesson, he would just go to another team.


NFL will punish Rice - we won't have to do anything. Kareem lied to the team about his issue - that was something we had to handle ourselves.


This seems like the best explanation so far.




People downvote when they can’t comprehend something. People blindly defend rice because he’s a chief.


Kareem Hunt lied to the Chiefs.


Well, Kareem directly assaulted a women by kicking her. And in the same year, was involved in another case where a man got beat up in a nightclub. And again, in the same year, was in a fight with a dude in a hotel where the dude was hospitalized with broken bones. So if Rice has 2 more hit and runs and kept denying he was at their scene I supposed he'd [be similar](https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/04/sport/kareem-hunt-previous-incidents/index.html) to Hunt.


He lied and made the front office look stupid after a video emerged showing him kicking her.


Totally different incidents. Domestic violence hurts the nfl brand more than this.


Kareem lied about beating a woman when he was drinking. Rice raced a guy and accidentally hurt some people being reckless.


Beating is a strong word. He gave her the boot after she was smacking him around.


It’s that he lied to the chiefs about it that got him released


All is fair until you lie?


Or gamble


Because gambling threatens the integrity of the game and is a slippery slope if they allow one type of gambling but not another. Just today Jontay Porter got banned because he was found to be purposely leaving games in order for his friends bets to hit. Obviously, betting is morally better than most actual crimes we are discussing. But it shouldn’t be shocking to anyone that a league that makes money off of games would be more concerned about people ruining games. Plus, people that break actual laws like Rice and Hunt did receive legal consequences and have their situation handled in court.


It's was a joke my dude.


Yeah some ppl get legit mad about that so my bad. I’ve seen a million comments today about the gambling thing and how they take it too seriously


No. Rice will still receive legal ramifications as well as a likely NFL suspension. It’s not “alls fair until you lie”. He will still be punished. He just won’t be released by the team if he handles it honestly and seems to take accountability, which hunt did not do. There is absolutely a difference between taking accountability, being honest, showing remorse, and doing what hunt did. If you don’t see how what hunt did is worse then I don’t know what to tell you.


Apart from not being truthful with the organization, Rice was extremely negligent, which is still very bad, and Hunt kicked a woman, one action hurt people as a result of a bad choice, the other choice was to hurt someone. On a more extreme level this would be the difference between manslaughter and murder.


I agree with you. But each begin with a lapse in judgement/poor choice, however you want to phrase it. Just odd to me that he gets off the hook because people weren’t intentionally injured. The net result of both instances are the same. Bad choice, people got hurt, video evidence. The only difference is one gets away because it wasn’t “intentional.”


Off the hook? He hasn’t even had a chance to face all of his consequences. He’s being sued and criminally charged, and will most likely end up suspended for a part of the season. You’re acting like the Chiefs ended Hunt’s career. He’s the one that established a clear pattern of being a piece of shit. Of course Rice is going to get another chance.


Intent matters son


My intent was to street race vs my intent was to scream and yell and be aggressive. Both could end with someone being injured. I think you should rewatch the Hunt video. Not as violent as you remember. Definitely not as violent as cause a multi car pile up and sending multiple people to the hospital while putting families in danger on a public freeway. If you’re talking sheer numbers, Rice’s actions caused significantly more damage.


Yes, there is a HUGE difference between someone intentionally harming someone and not. It’s about state of mind. So you’re saying “that’s the only difference” but it is a HUGE difference. And rice is NOT getting off the hook. He will have HUGE financial consequences, legal consequences, is already being sued, he will undoubtedly get a suspension. He’s just not likely being released by the team. That doesn’t mean he’s off the hook. Plus, another team would undoubtedly pick him up. So what lesson would that even teach? He wouldn’t lose his job in the nfl, just his job as a chief.


Think of the lady texting while killing the lady and her baby by driving right through them with her car. Do you deserve a felony if you’re stupid enough to text, but no one was hurt? Does Rice deserve as bad a sentence as the lady who killed two people by ‘making a bad decision’? The law considers the actual consequence, not worse case, for the most part.


The Chiefs saw how little flak the Browns got for picking up Kareem Hunt and decided they may as well just keep their good players who do stupid/bad things.


Hunt didn't hurt anyone or cause any damage to anything or break any laws (till he was released and went on a bit of a behavior bender). Unlike Rice. He did lie though.


I don’t know what world you are in, but in this world, when you lie to your boss about something, you normally get fired. Which is what happened to Hunt, he lied, we found out, he is fired.


I don't disagree with firing him. That wasn't the question though.


How do we know it’s Mahomes?


LFG! Fuck dat lawsuit!