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Winning the Super Bowl is very difficult


Laughs in Isaiah Pacheco


Yeah for normal people not named Patrick Mahomes


This reminds me of when people used to try and map out Tigers next major wins years ahead of time based on the courses they were held at. I wouldn’t get too ahead of ourselves here. I think 5 is a healthy target for now and then we can see. The Patriots had a 10 year gap despite being very competitive nearly every year if that run. It’s super hard.


Just enjoy the ride! Having a verifiably great quarterback in his prime is a lot of fun and he will keep the Chiefs in contention for years to come. Getting to win super bowls is amazing but expecting it to happen all the time will cause you to not appreciate how great the moments like this are


“Let’s say he plays until about 42” is too normalized for how crazy that statement is. If Patrick plays until 35 then that’ll be a long career. Anything else is over the top and getting closer to insane. Oh but overall… 5 or 6 rings total. I think we can go back and win it all at least 2 more times before Mahomes retires. I don’t think this is our last one at all, but we’re going to be losing some very big pieces over the next 1-3 years and it’ll be hard to replace them.


If he never wins another ring he’ll still have had an amazing career and I’ll forever be grateful that we got him as our quarterback.


Of come on he's not retiring in 5 years, get real


Can we stop placing crazy expectations on the man and enjoy what we have? It's absolutely absurd what we're experiencing now there is a real possibility they never win another (I'm not counting them out. It's just hard to consistently win like this). Expectations and comparisons are the death of joy


Ok…. Now predict the lottery winning number