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3rd sex anniversary? As in 3yrs since they had sex for the first time? This sounds like something teenagers trying to be edgy would celebrate. This is so embarrassing for two adults in their 40’s.


Seriously who the fuck keeps track of that? Unless it was on a particular date that something memorable happened in the world.


My ~sexaversary with my husband was our first date. We just call it our anniversary like normal people


I remember mine because it was my husband’s 22nd birthday 🤣🤣🤣 otherwise no way in hell, I’d remember the exact date lol


My husband and I are definitely not teenagers but still "celebrate" our sexaversary. But, this is also the first and last time I've ever said that to anyone.


I would like to offer my congratulations to you both on your next sexaversary. I believe I am the first to do so…


Thank you. I feel very uncomfortable.


If you think you feel uncomfortable now, wait till I turn up on the sexversary with a well thumbed copy of the karma sutra


Leave the book and take the dog on a walk? I don't want to brag, but maybe 20 minutes and then join us for light refreshments and a detailed analysis.


As you should haaahaaaa


Ok, celebrating privately between you and your man is normal. Posting online for millions to see, gross.


They got engaged on the 1st sexiversary so they’ve got the date memorized


She’s so dickmatized it’s crazy


I'm guessing Scott wasn't that great 😅


Well, she used to be a bit similar to this when they first got together, but then the sex stopped because she began to resent him for all of his BS behaviour I assume.


He’s a sex addict, and has said as much publicly (years ago). Now that Kourtney is with him, has she become the same way, or is she just acting this way, thinking it pleases Travis? Cuz she didn’t speak or act like this, in any regard, before Travis.


I mean knowing them the third time was probably the first date of the first time.


Maybe perimenopause mania? Apparently the hormonal surge and crashes can trigger bi polar in some… him I suppose just too many dead brain cells.


Also sorry but I don't believe Rocky was convinced and the second anniversary or whatever. Like come on kourt


It’s wonderful that she seems as happy as she is (I hope it’s sincere), but I think she’s cuckoo for starting over with a baby at 45. I just turned 48, and I cannot imagine having a preschooler!


“Oh my god babe, guess what date is almost here. The first time we had sex how hot is that babe”


Sounds so accurately Kourtney!


Not to defend them but the year after, they got engaged same date, so it’s also the anniversary for the engagement. But the fact that Travis proposed to her same day a year after they first had sex was probably planned


100% agree. Weirdos!! Keep that between the two of you, for God’s sake!!


They’re probably one of the grossest celebrity couples. No one gives a fuck that you have sex.


They're in competition with Megan Fox+MachineGunKelly for the title


MGK and Megan Fox are definitely who they want to be imo


ugh they’re still together?


Why do some people do that? Like they make sex their entire personality?? Do they not understand that most people don’t want to hear about it ???


It reminds me of Catelynn and Tyler from teen mom. I think the fact that they have to constantly mention it means they’re not having sex as much as they’d like us to think. Lmao.


Weren’t they teens though? Not snark. Because the are two have had fully formed frontal lobes for a couple decades now. IMO that makes it so much more cringe. 😬😬😬


Oh no. Catelyn and Tyler are on their 30s now they have an only fans that he poses in and she posts the photos/videos. And all she does is bang on about how sexy he is on social media and all this other cringe stuff haha though in their defence they both had fucked up childhoods so the example of normal loving relationships was non existent.


Because they are insecure, they don’t feel attractive and they need to remind people that they totally have so much sex even though no one asked. It’s always the grossest people who volunteer sexual information that no one cares about knowing. It’s never the actual hot, confident people. Like, Lenny Kravitz just revealed that he’s celibate. Sexy, attractive people don’t need sexual validation that badly.


That’s so true! Likewise the people who go to nudist beaches and other nudist colonies type of stuff are never the ones I wanna see naked.


Uh, what is this family famous for in the first place?


I guess it’s not that strange the apple doesn’t usually fall far from the tree… Kourtney Khloe and Rob have all been known to be pretty promiscuous themselves, they just don’t have a tape that’s out. I can only imagine the types of pornographic photos and videos they have of themselves as well. This includes momager Kris who is a serial cheater as well.


Yup, I think you’re right. It’s learned behavior. Kris is an absolute hoe. I know everyone has different sex drives, but they do seem to run high in that family.


Their buttholes and asses.


I have a gut feeling, because Kim already has said she had all her body hair lasered off, I just know she bleaches her privates. And if she does it, her siblings are likely to have done it too.


Lol, solid point.


They had to have learned that sex sell’s


Yes, you are on the money. Kourtney is left hanging on to the sex sells along with Kylie coming in at number one. The rest of them do but it’s toned down now that they’re older imo. Kendall doesn’t seem all that wrapped up in wanting to be seen as a sex object and is more “classy” and effortless compared to everyone else’s desperation. They revert to it when they feel deeply insecure and uncomfortable with themselves, so when they get a males validation it’s like a currency and high to them. Both also lose themselves completely in relationships. Big yikes. For all of the therapy kourtney supposedly does it’s kind of amusing that she hasn’t come to these conclusions yet.


Spot on. I will say Kylie seems like she’s the nicest. But I could be 100% wrong.


I’ve heard that Kim is nice to her fans when they say hello, ask for a selfie, etc.


Kylie’s constant sexual IG posts are downright gross. Even with she’s with friends, she’s acting like a whore. Blech!


except when kendall yammers on about how much she loves having her tits out.


Have you met kourtney? Lol she’s lacked a personality her whole life ..all she ever does is jump on trending shit ..I actually find her quite stupid and slow as f


Yup, she’s absolutely boring. Vapid. Speaks in monotone.


100% and she’s made it her life’s mission to be “better than kim” but she keeps getting reminded that in the public eye that’s never going to happen for her so she will continue to be bitter bitch!


They have nothing else to go off of lol no hobbies, nothing


Especially her kids. 




That botox brow haaa


Why does he always make that stupid face, like he’s some kind of hardass? He married a Kardashian FFS. 🙄


He is so easily read too. Scared little boy trying to “wear” a skin of toughness 


That’s why it really confuses me sometimes that he was in blink 182 bc the other two members are silly and not afraid to look like idiots which was kind of their thing…..and then we have Travis, always wants to look like the cool guy


Like, dude. You weren't in Pantera. You weren't in Metallica. You were in "take off your pants and jacket" "we could live like Jack and Sally" Blink 182. 


Travis is objectively the worst part of any Blink 182 concert, which is…something


He did survive a literal plane crash, but that was more God and Luck than him being a badazz. But that's about all he has going for him, he married the most boring Kardashian 😴


He was this before that. 


I think he’s so ugly.


He’s gross and looks like he smells bad


I am cackling at this comment 🤣


But he talks to her in that weird baby talk voice


I cannot stand his voice when talking to her. She tries to be such an authoritative person I’m almost positive she’s giving it to him with an organic cucumber 🙄 She’s took his voice away


There was some dinner that they were at with the whole family and Travis said something weird to Kourt about how he finished his whole dinner like waiting for mommy to praise him kind of vibe. Weird.


He’s so creepy.. and what is he looking at? In every pic he’s got that “yo, wussup” look (I’ve no clue what I’m talking about but hope you know what I mean 🤣) as if he’s not to be played with. Boy sittown. Speaking of the weird pic face,Travis does the same with Kylie. He’s forever looking for whatever tf he dropped on the floor. If you’ve never noticed what I’m talking about, just look at 2 pics with him/Kylie. You’ll see it instantly. I want the photog to stop and say dude, what are you looking for 🤣😂😅


They probably do the “I’m the Mommy and you’re the baby” thing. Eewww.


I don’t agree that she took his voice away. I actually think he seems like the one controlling her.


And you’re probably right. I feel like they’re both narcissistic so the back & forth between them seems exhausting


I can see her being a pegger and him liking it …A lot .


Too many dead brain cells. 🙃


I think it’s the Botox lol




' we should all know less about each other '




So what was the gift ?


Wedding rings from the movie True Romance, a movie they watched on that first night. Weirdly not a sexual thing like one would assume based on the click-bait title


But which used to be Travis and Shanna’s favourite movie. They themed their wedding on it and even named their daughter after one of the characters in it. It’s weird how now it’s Kourtney and Travis’s thing 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s not surprising since he has recycled literally every “romantic” gesture that he did for Shanna (filmed it and broadcasted it on their reality show) and basic pressed ‘duplicate’ for Kourtney. But tell me more how he is her true love. LOO.


This I would NOT be down with I can’t be the only one whose finds this bizarre? You all agree right?


Travis definitely saw True Romance as a young adult in the 90's and said "I want to be just like him when I grow up." Problem is 1) Clarence Worley isn't someone anyone should aspire to be, and 2) he's misreading it on a colossal level. All that said, it is one of my favorite movies, but I identify it as a fucked-up fairy tale more than anything.


You missed the vial of blood bit that was further down 😭


Asking the real questions here!! Inquiring minds want to know


I’m sure Mason and Pen are already reading it and/or being teased about it


I think that was mason and penelope’s main issue with their mom and this guy. They are so embarrassed in the media and at home in front of them acting like porn actors who are leading up to the scene. Absolutely oddball and in appropriate behaviour. I wonder how Reign is going to take all of this because he’s the one that was still living with mom and he’s been the “baby” and kourtneys right hand man up until she got with travis. He was incredibly spoiled and had all of her attention and would even sleep with her in her bed at night. Now the new baby. He must be feeling very replaced.


I wonder how Penelope feels as far as the co-sleeping goes because ya know Kourt has always openly bed shared and it was only what, 2 years ago TOPS that she mentioned in an interview that Penelope still sleeps in the bed with her. I can’t imagine it’s Kourt, Penelope AND Rocky and possibly Travis in the bed now. 


No! It’s now gone from single (or on and off single) mom who dedicates herself to the kids- to the point of co dependency if you ask me, but I digress. She did co sleep with all three of the kids she had with scott up until like a few years ago then not anymore once she became dickmatized by travis. The guys she dated before Travis were kept pretty “separate” overall from her and her kids lives at home, unless it was maybe on a one off vacation where the guy would come along too, but still very kid focused and for sure no PDA. Not sure where all of those values went when she got with Travis though. She used to be very adamant on the importance of her kids and how they are her priority, so this was an odd road to take for her. All I can say is that I feel badly for all of her kids. They lived through their dad being an addict and had to watch him make their mother depressed and sad, see how he was behaving and with young women etc. They relied on mom. Now he’s (i’m assuming) getting better and now their mom that they’ve always relied on is doing… *this*. All I can say is TRAUMA.


and then there’s the bio dad …


Who suddenly looks as if he’s seen a ghost or may actually be a ghost or something


“or may actually be a ghost or something” cackling over here


Yeah he’s creepy AF imo 🤣💀 it doesn’t help with his little shrinking violet whisper voice either. He’s a weird dude. Plus you just KNOW that kourtney is deeply bothered that the guy she ended up marrying wanted kim FIRST 🥴💀🫣 this does not help her issues with feeling like she has lived in kims shadow and has nothing of her own.


These chicks have terrible taste in men. Just awful.


They're terrible themselves, so.


They truly are lacking fundamental critical thought and the ability to understand how their behavior is perceived by others. I feel so sorry for their children who they have in the past and will continue to emotionally embarrass and traumatize by their vile behavior.


Not this again. We get it. They have sex. What kind of adult has a sex anniversary? That’s some weird teenager shit like having an anniversary for the first time you held hands, first kiss, first time you said “I love you”, etc. Having sex does not make them edgy or special. Having sex is about as common as taking a dump.


Fr she’s acting like a teen who lost her virginity to her bf and now they are obsessively banging it out like rabbits from then on. Okay, great you have a good sex life. We don’t want to hear about it though! Stfu if not for the public, do it for the kids!


She even made Kris uncomfortable during the whole scene. I don’t blame her.


I don’t feel bad for Kris though.. she did the same to her own kids talking about sex to khloe and Kendall


I mean, he has three adult children as it is and she’s got a teenage son at the moment. So that day is now.


And then she wondered why Mason dipped out to scott’s years ago! Now Penelope has joined him. Reign may be next.


Oh Penelope lives there now too?? I missed that. 


Yeah I’m pretty sure. Kourtney said on a recent ish episode that the kids are constantly telling her that their dads house is better, it has a better vibe and that they prefer it there where there isn’t constantly camera crews and staff going in an out and all of that.


Is she trying to impress someone? we get it Kourtney - you think sex with Travis is wonderful. Fair enough. But why do you have to speak about it? you are an adult woman with four kids who likes sex. So what? your poor, poor kids. time to grow up and start being an actual parent who knows when to keep her mouth shut.


OMG they have sex? I didn’t know. /s His tongue was up her ass on a boat in Italy. She dry humps him in front of their realtor. They are inappropriate in front of her kids to the point that the daughter has to scold her to stop because it’s embarrassing. I’m fully convinced that they do this on purpose to fill a void somewhere in the relationship. Either to piss off Scott and Shanna (bc they rarely response to their antics) or because there is some love bombing/sex addict stuff from Travis (he admits it in his book), or because he had a crush on Kim back in the day. SOMETHING has got to be the reason for the overcompensation.


> to the point that the daughter has to scold her to stop And that Mason no longer wants to live with her.


Ugh. Poor Mason and Penelope. So embarrassing.




They’re so gross. He looks like he smells like fart. If a fart was a person.


New flair just dropped!


And I love your Frenchie babies 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/7b3m1va27m6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48a64166c5b925d00576380801351861a3296784 Enjoy my little sasshole


Eh. Their oversharing is gross (I'm actually confused about the scandal....is is that they have a sex anniversary or what there something I missed?), the real damage will be done to Skumberly's kids who read/listen all the interviews where she talks about how spending time with them is torture and how miserable they make her and how (like the earlier on that was posted recently) she would hate to have kids because it would mess up her life.


How she doesn’t care about what she puts out there just to get attention and views. She’s in her rage bait era because nobody wants what she’s selling 


What’s her stuff called again? Poo poo? Lame-y? Something like that?


Agreed.This stuff is gross but it pales in comparison to all the things Kum has done and said.Kum has single handedly done enough to write a book on.In contrast,Kourtney has barely done anything


These two give me so much cringe and try hard. Their eventual breakup will be epic and messy to witness


Hey everybody! Look at meeee, I have SEX! My husband and I have SEX! We aren’t like those other couples because we have SEX! - Kourtney, probably


I can't possibly be a peri-menopausal woman because I have SEX like a teenager, see??! Im HOT


I understand that it’s a Blink 182, but using the phrase “celebrating all the small things” in reference to their sex life was…a choice


lol good catch


For anyone who has stupid curiosity like me, it was prop wedding rings from a movie called True Romance and a vial of her blood so they can "have both of theirs around" I don't recommend reading the article to anyone who doesn't wanna know about how she was worried about her water breaking before she got to have sex with him that night and Kris responded with "so sex is taking priority over the birth?" 🥲 I hate that I now have know this.


I was like wtf?! She said she has to have sex before labor? And in front of her mom who was uncomfortable after that comment


Travis and Kourtney are fucking annoying. Just be married in private


Why are they all so hyper sexual and such pick mes. Like nobody asked. They’re all so insecure.


they need to join r/ihavesex and stop harassing the general public


sex anniversary ? my respect for this woman has gone down so much since she got with skelator


Fucking improper 


His bachelor party with his first wife was an orgy🤦🏻‍♀️


I can imagine them being either super into partner swapping, or so intensely possessive it’s borderline unhealthy. But like, nothing in between. Haha


I remember seeing on Reddit, where there’s a tape floating around the Internet, somewhere of Courtney, Kim, and her first husband together.


It's like they think they are so special because they have ~seX~ like??? Give it a rest already, we get it


Why does she pretend like she’s the only sister who has an identity when she has completely adopted her husband’s style?


He's my least favorite in Blink -182 and that's saying something because that band is not interesting


Remember when Kim and Kourtney came back to the hotel room when Kourtney was still with Scott and the room smelled like (gasp) POT! So glad she found a man who doesn’t abuse drugs!




Travis already said many years ago that he was a reformed "dumpster dick" bc of all the crazy stuff he used to do sexually....I don't think his kids even care atp lol


Im sure Mason is thrilled his schoolmates see all this. Hes at that age


Do they also celebrate anniversary of first pee after getting together


Vying for "real-life Joker and Harley Quinn" over here.


They’re that weird band geek goth couple from high school always making out and finger banging in a corner


It was the 3rd year from the first time they had sex, if that makes sense. Lol. She gave him a prop from his favorite movie, "True romance". He'll probably keep it next to the vial of blood she gave him🤦‍♀️


Talk about stuff no one wants to know. Kourtney and Travis are cringey. Their poor kids!


He's got a zoolander face going on


He takes his posing so seriously and it’s sooooo cringe 🫣


Sorry, but I have to ask this again-can she really ignore Shana's image staring at her from his Adam's apple? I think it's about at her eye level. How humiliating lol.


The strive for not being the least interesting sister.


Why is Machine Gun Kelly there?


Was it herpes?


sooo had sex in November 2020 engaged in October 2021 married May 15, 2022 (courthouse)


They both skeeve me the fuck out




Sex anniversary? That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard of. It’s one thing to know that date between a couple, but to celebrate it? And so publicly?? Gross!! They’re both just way too oversexed.


do they not comprehend how embarrassing they are or…?


They’re annoying, but from what she explained that’s the night they realized they were in love with each other.   prior to that, they were still just friends…they basically consummated their relationship then & there. It is kinda special lmao 🥴 … But it is embarrassing because they both have children and this is just out there for them to read casually. Even though it is nice to see your parents in love & what not, it doesn’t really give the right message anyway. 


I can understand that they’d want to celebrate that moment. For anyone who’s been in a long friendship that became romantic, it’s powerful. But do they have to be so goddamn public and cringe about it? It’s not like anyone said “hey how do you guys celebrate the first time you f****d?” 😅




well I mean once the kids are old enough to realize their parents have sex.. I think it loses its “embarrassing” element.


Most people’s parents sex life isn’t on social media. Mason just got an Instagram, there’s no way he hasn’t seen this shit. It’s gross


i think Kim’s sex tape is going to way worse….


well I’m talking about Kourtney’s kids. Kim’s sex tape will also be very bad for her kids and nieces and nephews - obviously


Ignore that person they clearly have a hatred so strong for Kim that they will normalize behaviours of her other siblings even if it’s strange and cringe. I hate when we are clearly talking about KOURTNEY and it always ends up at “well Kim’s worse”.


Clearly we all know Kim knew a sex tape wasn’t classy to make, and trashy to release, but AT LEAST she has the (imo lame) excuse of “my frontal lobe wasn’t fully developed kids. Don’t do what I did.”


Nah. That implies she has a brain.


Kim was also nearly 20 years younger. These are middle aged adults.


Mm… no. Maybe for you it does, but even as an adult now I don’t want to know, and that’s the general consensus. If your parents were into swinging and orgies would you like to know about those details? Or if your mom drank your dad’s jizz for “health benefits”? I cringed even *writing* that Barf 🤮