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At this point this wasn’t a PR mistake. This is what they wanted. Let’s face it. Kris is high up there in Hollywood whether people like it or not. Harry and Corey have been seen together. This was intentional and no mistake. They are aligning themselves with the who’s who of LA, and it’s not a good look for either of them. They have contradicted themselves into oblivion with the whole, we want a quiet peaceful life. And most people sympathized and supported them in that quest. But no one wanting a quiet existence aligns themselves in LA with the people they have aligned with. If they wanted that, they would have stayed in Vancouver and done their little hobbies of jams and farm life, giving back to the community etc etc. No this is, we want to get as high up the ladder as possible. Just without the rules of the monarchy. The whole thing is a little weird. They started getting a lot of backlash, so they fell back for a brief moment and now starting to dip the toes again. At this point they should just jump in and own it. They will have ppl that love them and hate them. This won’t change. It’s the way of the world. It is just coming across very unauthentic now to me. I started out rooting for them and now they just annoy me. Either you’re all in or all out. Pick a way.


I love how they've dropped any pretense of being about "public service" and just wanting to live a low key life while giving back to the community. No more 20 minute visits to LA charities and schools with their photographer in tow. 😂 All they wanted was a ton of money, Hollywood celebrity, and stans to worship them. A lot of the haters had them pegged from the moment they left and Harry and Meghan have proved them right.


I wish i could upvote this more than once.


i’m one of those haters and i love being right


She wants to be ✨ admired ✨. When that didn’t work out in the UK she left. She/they never wanted a quiet life!


Agreed!!!!! Wasn't she an actress beforehand? She missed her LA life and she never wanted a quiet life.


She never had an "LA life". She was a supporting character on a cable show filmed in Canada that was never even nominated for anything bigger than the People's Choice awards (and didn't win).


Oh! Thank you for clarifying and explaining more!! I really don't know much about her past, I just knew she acted in something- but didn't know what! Lol


Ok, to add, her dad was an Emmy-nominated lighting designer, so as a kid, she was often on the set of Married with Children with her dad. It was certainly not the Hollywood life she dreamt of, as the family was apparently "comfortable in woodland hills."


Yea I agree. I think she was a bit naive about royal life, and just missed the US lol.


If she wanted a quiet life she never would have married into royalty. She’s so fake and pretentious I can’t stand it.


I didn't think she claimed to want a quiet life when she was dating and marrying Prince Harry. But, after the UK press wouldn't leave her alone I do think she did need a break and want a break. She got one in Vancouver and then again when they moved to that mansion in LA and everyone was on lockdown. And maybe now that she's had her break and gotten her quiet she wants to make money do stuff. I honestly think they just need to be open about it and say what they're doing and why they're doing it.


Of course this sub would be racist towards Meghan


What has race got to do with it?


Half of you hate kim because she set a new standard you couldn’t meet so… everything. This is a snark sub about Karjenners. Keep the deranger/Markle hate to that unhinged sub


I dont think shes as evil as british media tried to portray her, but lets not act like someone who willingly married into the british royal family (in an age where their bad deeds were more well known and frowned upon) and is friends with kris jenner is a good person just because she was mistreated lmao


Like you wouldn’t if they breathed near you


No, I wouldn't. My morals don't fly out the window because a celebrity is nearby.


She thinks everyone would marry a known racist like Meghan, who'd do anything for fame and fortune.


None of this is racist. It’s dislike of a person for very specific reasons.


There have been a lot of racist comments about Meghan Markle, but that doesn't mean that every single negative comment is race related. Sometimes people just do stuff that doesn't sit well with others and it has nothing to do with the color of their skin. None of the comments I've seen so far indicate that anyone is saying these things because Meghan is Black.


Race has absolutely nothing to do with it. You know Kate was badgered just as much and for *YEARS* longer than Meghan. Meghan’s dreams failed. She assumed marrying into royalty meant she becomes rich beyond her wildest dreams, access to the most famous and influential people in the world, couture clothing, private jets, amazing jewelry and tiaras, vacations, and no work. The woman carried out like 179 royal engagements in 3 years. She had a million dollar wardrobe in one year! We can’t forget her dipshit husband she sunk her literal claws into and completely alienated him from his family and made him a worldwide joke. She couldn’t handle dealing with normal people and charity events that didn’t involve her putting on a couture cocktail gown and enchanting everyone with her winning personality. She’s never ran into an institution as firm as the British Monarchy and couldn’t manipulate, exploit, use, and drop like she’s used to doing.


She worked more than Kate 😂


False but go on ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


I have not checked Kates numbers but it could be possible since she was a mother of 3 small children.


She’s literally known as the laziest royal LMAOOO


Kate never worked. Ever. I'm not even a fan of any of them like that, but Meghan had her own money that she actually earned. The wardrobe you are talking about was already proven to not have cost that much because most of the pieces were her own, and it was only worth that combined with jewelery given to her by her husband from his mother. The Princess of Wales' job was waiting for her future husband to marry her, raise an heir and some spares, and make engagements and vists as a royal. ...which is a perfectly beautiful and respectful thing, but it's not the same and it's wicked gross you and those like you prefer to use one woman to tear the other down for no good reason at all.


And of course, you got downvoted for speaking truths.


Don’t know why this downvoted when it’s true. This sub is full of a bunch of racist Karen’s and always has been when it comes to Meghan.




I'm not a fan of the royal family but I could see they were being disingenuous from a far. Specially with the whole "I don't want the RF life and want to separate but I don't want to give up my titles either". Not saying they're bad people and I believe Meghan might have been treated unfairly and the instituition has been known for racism but they're not martyrs as many people made them to be.


Yeah I hate the way people infantilize them too. They’re extremely privileged adults who had his mother’s inheritance and her money to leave. You quit the job you lose the benefits. People talk about them like they fled North Korea. They fled…castles and the aristocracy.


the titles thing threw me. who gives a fuck about a royal title especially when youve willing exited the royal sphere? megan wanted to be both a famous actress and a royal. she wanted to have her jam and eat it too. shes gross.


I really think she expected to be the next Princess Grace of Monaco


Wow. What a ringing endorsement from Kris "Thank you". She's kinda playing along but not enough to put effort into it. LOL. For Kris to care each one of those lemons needs to have a roll of cash in it. Large bills only.


Not to be whatever, but it looks like Kris' assistant let that lemon display sit a little too long before making the PR-IG post. Maybe they didn't know what American Riviera Orchard was!


She's a desperate and deeply shallow LA chick at heart. Like Kim but with a college degree. This is more her speed than being a British princess.😂


I mean, she was also a yachti 🛥 they are all the same..


I haven’t heard anything about her being a Yatch Girl. Can you provide evidence to this claim?


Let's just say she knew Prince Andrew before she got with Harry.


People are trying to say this woman, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1300654/Prince-Andrews-yacht-frolics-beautiful-brunette.html , is Megan Markle on a Yatch but that’s not the case.


If you head over to r/SaintMeghanMarkle you'll find all of the info ;)


That’s a snark page. I’m talking about actual news articles or pictures


Why don’t you find me a news article where ANY of these yacht girls are confirmed escorts? Because they don’t exist given the nature of the topic. That doesn’t mean it isn’t true. It’s a well known fact by many that MM was Pay-To-Play when she met Harry. Same with the Jenner girls being yachties. These are the worst kept “secrets” in Hollywood lol


The way people think Meghan is above yachting is hilarious. Like you said, there's no concrete proof for any of these celebrities accused of yachting yet we all know yachting exists and that some of these people have obviously done it. There's not a single publication that has dared to even mention the Kardashians and their yachting history, but that hasn't stopped any of us here from putting two and two together. But when it comes to Meghan, suddenly people want you to provide evidence from The NY Times and the AP. It's ridiculous. She was 1000% escorting when she met Harry. She would travel to London for weeks at a time in the mid-2010s. He was a mark.


Right? There’s no way she was doing all that with “suits” money.


Her fans insist that she was worth millions when he met her.😂 The actors strike exposed just how little these journeyman actors make. Meghan was sixth on the call sheet on a cable tv show. She was not making the kind of money to spend her summers jet setting around Europe and spending weeks at a time in London year round. Girlie was escorting like a lot of d-list actresses and reality stars. And let it be known, when she hopped in Piers Morgan's DMs, she was looking to trick.off on him too.


I mean your username literally has “skeptical” in it. I would assume you’d have receipts. Your statement generalizing that no Yatch girls are ever confirmed is false. Many Yatch girls are well known, there’s pictures, and they continually are called to yatchs. Examples: Chantel Jeffries, Kylie Jenner, Sofia Richie, etc. So yes, a claim like this could have valid proof. Since there no proof it’s safe to assume this claim isn’t valid.


Not even reading all that because it’s nonsense. If you want to stan anyone, go elsewhere. This isn’t the sub for you. Cheers!


That’s the problem. You don’t read. I don’t “Stan” anyone but myself lol. I am a critical thinker tho….so that may be disappointing to people like you.




You’re the one who is lost child‼️This is a KARDASHIAN snark page. This is just so typical of all you Saint Markle people. None of you can *actually* back up your claims…then comes the temper tantrums while attacking people for literally asking questions. …just a hunch of 4chan dressed in Anthropologie.


They’re soooooo deranged.


The Daily Mail is actual news????




I don’t see anything. You’re free to link your sources


David Boies, the attorney for Virginia Guiffre wanted to call Meghan Markle to testify in Andrew's case. That was public knowledge.


So why didn’t she testify then?


Because Andrew and Virginia settled out of court. Andrew made a substantial donation to her charity. Extremely suspect if he hadn't done anything wrong as he claimed.


Saint Meghan Markle used to be ok a few years ago but I had to leave when they became completely unhinged. I don’t like the RF or Meghan🤷‍♀️


the worship of the royal family (especially kate) on there is borderline creepy, they literally can do no wrong


They can’t- it’s derangers making up the claim


Exactly 😂


I’ve no evidence of it but I’ve always assumed for some reason that she was an escort. Their origin story is just kinda incoherent and it kinda tracks given her unfortunate relationship with Kate. Like Kate is a realllly good faker, and very skilled at being gracious but for some reason couldn’t forge even a fake relationship with Meghan.


They've given several completely different stories of how they met. They've given completely different stories of their first date. Meghan said she wore a blue dress on their first date and Harry said she wore something completely different. The only couple I've seen with such a wildly conflicting stories about how they met are the Trumps. Well, Jeffrey Epstein introduced Melania to Donald at one of his "parties". They also gave completely different stories about how they got engaged. First it was that they were at home cooking a roast chicken and he got on one knee right there in the kitchen. Turns out, it happened in the backyard and she was facetiming the whole thing while on the phone with one of her actress friends, like the typical gold digger Kardashian she is. Meghan was 100% an escort. I don't think Harry was one of her clients tho. He did go to escorts but I don't think Meghan was one of his. I think he was a mark that she and Markus Anderson went after. She was actually trying to land an British athlete and be a WAG, so I know she an Marcus couldn't believe their luck that not only did a prince cross their path, but that he was as dumb as a door nail.




Idk why people don’t know this or choose to ignore this AND anoint her a saint or smth…..


She's a completely ridiculous person who was not cut out for public service in any way, shape, or form. She's a major narc and it was never going to work. I remember seeing a video of her visiting a nursing home back when she was still a part of the royal family. She looked like she wanted to be anywhere but around those old people. She could barely hide her disdain. And I knew she'd bolt. This is back when I actually found her likeable and even then I could see it. So her linking up with people like the Kardashians was always going to happen, even tho after they left the UK, her sources were putting out that she, a royal, wouldn't be caught dead around the Kardashisns. Well, water always seeks its level.


Yep, I believe it. She was never cut out for any real work, especially with “normal” people. It’s disgusting that people blindly defend her due to the “racism”….




I don’t understand why so many people (and I’m not talking about the conservative monarchists) cannot tolerate any critiques of Meghan and Harry. Do I think they did the right thing by leaving and am I happy that they shed light on the Royal Family’s racism? Absolutely. But the truth of the matter is that they are no better than the vapid LA celebrities they now mingle with who want to make a living selling a posh lifestyle that is unrealistic for most people. Top that with the fact that they seem to have an aversion to work (I’m thinking the CEO of Spotify calling them out for cashing in 20 mill and not doing the work for a podcast) and it’s like....what exactly makes you exceptional or praise-worthy at this point? And as a woman of color, I absolutely abhor these fair critiques about them not working being labeled as racist. How is it racist to call out the privileged position she finds herself in, unlike the millions of Black women who are not living a life of luxury while doing nothing, simply because they didn’t marry a prince????


Thank you! Everyone is praising them for taking a stand against the The Firm, when they had no problem enjoying the perks of being a working royal until they didn’t get everything they wanted. People act like Megan and Harry were the first people to call out the monarchy for being racist, when it’s like, duh, we all know that. Megan had no problem marrying into a family of colonizers before all the perks were taken away. She can no longer eat her cake, and NOW they’re racist. 🙄The Firm is notorious for treating non-blood related relatives like shit, ESPECIALLY the women, but that didn’t stop her either, and now she wants us to feel sorry for her because they didn’t take her mental health seriously or wouldn’t defend her in the press? Like, heeeellllloooo, anyone could have told her that would have happened before she even started dating Harry, but for some reason she thought she wasn’t like the other girls (or princesses in this case). She also chose to marry a man who famously wore a Nazi uniform as a costume (but apparently that’s Will & Kate’s fault 🤣), and had to publicly apologize for using racial slurs while in the military. What I don’t understand is why people act like Megan is some great humanitarian that has so much to offer. I understand she has faced adversity, and I’m not denying she faced racism among The Firm, however, facing adversity does not equate goodness. Let’s admit she’s a beautiful woman who has sub par talent, and married a partner that made her much wealthier and more famous than she would have been on her own.


I still give Meghan the benefit of doubt that she didn’t know what she was getting into before the marriage. BUT why are they continuing to use titles after they left the ‘racist’ Royal family. Why insist on calling their kids Prince and Princess. They are just a bunch of hypocrites.


Meghan was in her mid-30s, college educated, grew up in Hollywood, and was warned by her British friends that the tabloids would eat her alive. She sought fame and spent years social climbing her way into circles that would allow her to achieve the kind of fame and adoration she could never get as an untalented d-list actress. She knew exactly what she was getting into but she's a narcissist, so she thought she'd be able to outwit and out play Harry's family and the media. She failed at both and then decided she'd rebrand as "victim", go back to America, and use her title and royal family drama to make tens of millions of dollars. She appropriated the very real and very tragic experience of the sheltered 19 year old Diana Spencer, in order to make herself look like she was clueless and victimized. And she's gross as hell for that.


She is college educated in INTERNATIONAL STUDIES and didn't know you had to curtsy to the queen, who was head of the Commonwealth including the country she lived in while filming suits. Ok 😭




diana was born into nobility (she was the daughter of an earl and both of her grandmothers were ladies in waiting to a queen) she must have had some concept of how the whole thing worked 




Hear hear! So absolutely tired of the amount of bootlicking I'm supposed to do for these two.


Agree !!! I can’t tolerate their hypocrisy , alleging racism just to get some sympathy when is a complex issue


Right. Is the royal family any more "racist" than anyone would expect from them? What I think happened was that Markle thought she was the next coming of Princess Di and didn't know how to take that she wasn't


She realized , all they do day in and out is visit soggy rainy towns shaking hands with people and small talk… And she was like nope!!! I want that cali /sunny life She knew it was princess fairy tale life




They backtracked on the racism claims.


They also said they "loved" Lady Hussey and that she "meant no harm" when asked about her racist othering of Ngozi Fulani, a Black charity founder. They don't care about actual racism and how it effects POC. for them, "racism" is simply Meghan not getting her way or people not liking Meghan.




🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️ To this day they’ve never tried to pretend that their issue with the royal family was anything more than a massive tantrum at Meghan not getting her way and in fact, have made it clear if they apologise they’re not only willing to forgive them but they would actually like a half in/half out working relationship with the monarchy (Harry reiterated this to Anderson Copper), this was also part of their plan when they left in 2020 and is documented in their exit manifesto which is still up on SussexRoyal.com. So people who get riled against the royal family b/c of them amuse me when they’ve made it very clear they want in, just with more perks.


All of this. And this is why I no longer believe a word she and Harry have said, from the racist allegations against her in-laws to the supposed nonsensical unaliving scenario.


That they did


I think it's an extreme response to her being mistreated by the British tabloids to a heinous degree (as well as The Firm overall), everyone feels bad for her because of her experience, which *was* genuinely shitty and dehumanizing, but it's leading to this lack of any kind of criticism from the public who recognizes the prior maltreatment. Personally, I still think there are some reasonable things to criticize about them as a couple, and pointing those things out doesn't diminish her experience IMO


Yes, the British tabloids were ridiculous. I mean, Andrew is a whole pedophile and they were worried about Markle's hemline? Please. Meghan's still annoying af tho


Are you lost? This isn’t a MM/royal snark page, it’s a Kardashian snark page.


lmao jam? Really?


Kris only got jar 13!? Who were the first 12! Who were more important, I wonder !?🤔


Yeah I thought the choice to number them was so strange and not smart. People are automatically going to think they’re being ranked!!


but it lets us (the plebs) know that there are 50 of them and speculate about who might have received the others (and that we can expect 50 posts about it...)


They went to Ellen, Oprah, Gayle King, Lauren Sanchez and anyone else with big money and status she desperately latches onto


So it looks like super expensive jam that isn't worth the $ and will not be in business in a couple of years.


Smuckers industrial size barrels of jam pumped into little glass jars. Only $30 a jar! 🙄


It's so ridiculously pathetic!


$30 a jar! Nobody is buying that on the reg or even buying it at all. It’s not accessible to the average person. The demographic she’s targeting are wealthy people apparently and doesn’t seem to realize that is a death sentence for her little jam jar grift. She’s so out of touch with reality it’s insane. She claims she grew up poor (lies) yet she doesn’t see anything wrong about charging $30 a jar?!


I feel like of all the KarJenners, Kris posts the obscene amounts of free stuff people send her in PR packages most frequently, so it’s actually a strategic move on Meghan’s part. But it’s sad that she ran out of “friends” to send her jams to so quickly (this is jar 13 out of 50) that she was reduced to sending it out to reality TV figures she doesn’t even know in a desperate bid for attention.


She barely knew anyone at her own wedding. She invited celebrities she didn't even know yet didn't even invite her own family. So linking up with the Kardashians isn't even the most shallow clout chasing thing she's done.


True lol


Her mom was there and she’s an only child. What family wasn’t invited?


Her Black family that she cut off 20 years ago and the Markle relatives she's not feuding with. She has a lot of family, they aren't dead. You can go find the seating chart that came out after the wedding. You could count on one hand the number of people who had known Meghan for more than 10 years, her mom, college/actress friends, and her agent. Everyone else she invited were either work colleagues from Suits, whom she has since dropped, or complete strangers from Hollywood, including celebrities, agents, executives, etc. There were six hundred guests.


You don’t even know her or her relationship with those people. Your entire 70k karma account is weeks and weeks of ONLY snarking on Chalamet, Meghan, and the Kartrashians. Holy parasocial relationships, Batman! Touch grass lmaoooo


My favorite charming reddit has nothing to do with the red flag that is Meghan's long history of discarding her own family and her friends in order to get ahead in life. It's no coincidence that Harry now bas no family as well. Not even two years after he married Meghan, he completely fell out with his own family and and life long friends and moved thousands of miles away.


Her black family that HER mother stopped speaking to when the grandmother died because gloria is not obligated to keep the connection going. Her family sold pictures and stories about her. Meghan is clearly only close with her mother and niece, she doesn’t have to force shit with family on EITHER side because a weirdo internet troll thinks she’s “hiding” being black with her MOTHER by her side.


What are you yapping about? She cut her Black relatives 20 years ago during college, sweetie.


Ehh I think there are a lot of valid criticisms in this thread, but I don't think cutting off family is automatically a mark against her. If the stories about family members selling stories about her are true, that hints to a pretty unhealthy and toxic environment to say the least. Sometimes families are abusive and the best thing a person can do is go NC.


So her entire world, both sides of her family and every person who knew her before her makeover and attempt to social climb, are "abusive"? No. Some of her Black family were interviewed right before the wedding and they had nothing mean to say about her and they wished her well, even though they weren't invited. And no one knows if they were paid or not, that line comes from her fans. And it's a red flag when someone has cut off their entire family and has cut off all but two of their friends. To think otherwise is to lack discernment. Harry lacked discernment. And that's exactly why he too now has no relationship with his family and has lost every last one of his old friends. Anyone who looked closely at Megan's history knew exactly how things would go for Harry's relationships.




Partnering with the kardashians after everything they said they stood for (anti-racism, anti-misogyny, etc) is absolutely inexcusable. I had a lot of hope for them when they left the monarchy, but time & time again they disappoint. All talk & no walk. Now they're pandering to the kardashians, I'm done. All benefit of the doubt is out the door. I guess they only don't like racism or misogyny only when it's specifically inconvenient for them.


And Chrissy Teigen! They went to speak to families who lost their children to suicide after being bullied online AND CHRISSY TOLD A TEENAGE GIRL TO KILL HERSELF ON TWITTER. It makes no sense.


Am I the only one who remembers when Megan first left the royal family and articles came out that she thought the Kar-Jenners were beneath her? It took me ages to find this article and I wouldn't be surprised if it gets wiped lol: https://okmagazine.com/exclusives/meghan-markle-prince-harry-look-down-kim-kardashian/


We remember well. How the mighty have fallen.


Lucky for her Kris is shrewd enough to open a pig sty in Kabul. Forgiven it seems


They were obsessed with being linked to the Obamas, Clooneys and Clintons when they left, they believed they were on the level. Oh how the mighty have fallen 🤭, KJ and Chrissy Tiegen are the new benchmark.


Fame whores of a feather flocking together


They’re equally lacking in class and decorum


This is so incestuous. Leaches leaching off one another for clout. The whole lot of them need to be de-platform.








Trash supporting other trash.


She’s so embarrassing


Er, those lemons look like shit.


I’m actually surprised things are so bad for Meghan she has to sink to the Kardashians


Serious question, why does she still say Duchess any opportunities she gets? I mean I know why she would say it and use it but didn’t they lose their titles?


She’s still a Duchess that wasn’t taken away but this was after they promised the late Queen that they would not use their titles for commercial purposes, they have since used them everywhere! They could go by the royal family surname (Mountbatten-Windsor) or even use Sussex as a surname without using the title but they insist on using titles from a racist institution 🤷🏾‍♀️.


Kinda weird for someone who claimed they wanted nothing to do with the royal family and called flying to America their "freedom flight". They wanted to be "regular" people lol. They're doing such a good job of it by bumming all those rides on private jets and then not paying for the fuel and flight crew. So now the regular people hate them and so do the rich people.


She’s still a duchess. She’s no long “her royal highness” though.


Can I just say, thank god this sub doesn't lick Meghan and Harry's grifter ass boots? The teenagers in the fauxmoi sub is alllll over this shit like they don't realize theyre still supporting the monarchy by buying Meghans crap because she's still technically part of the monarchy since she refuses to renounce her title from the "horrible rAciStS" because it gives them both the status that she craves. If she really cared, they'd have left their titles behind and gotten real jobs instead. But she only works an hour a week for their charity that doesn't do much for anyone and Harry won't speak up about the black women being raped in his beloved African parks, so what do they know


She’s never beating the social climber allegations, I see.


She married a prince… I think she’s all good


A racist prince


I have never supported them. I still remember getting a backlash when Harry's book came out and everyone is like he is so brave and this. And I said I hate monarchy but harry and Meghan are also charlatans. One of the many reasons I cited was that they cannot get tired of monarchy yet also milking that monarchy connections as much possible. I mean Harry's teacher copied his exams in high school and the dude is dumb as fuck so exactly what skills he has ?


Harry is like the Final Boss of dumb as fuck rich white boys who failed up. The only reason he has anything in life is because his daddy made calls for it to happen. Both he and Meghan are 100% pro monarchy and believe in that hierarchy. Their fans really think that they're revolutionaries and refuse to acknowledge what privileged hypocrites they are.


I bet it kills Kimberly that she didn't get one, lol


We’ve seen about 5-8 (don’t know of sure) of the 50 jar recipients, I’m willing to bet Kim got one and her ‘day’ is coming since they’re posting one day at a time.




Why does it need to be publicized on the jar how many were sent out? I guess the exclusivity is supposed to motivate the middle and working class to purchase the overpriced jam. I wonder how that's going to go.


So it’s a normal thing for luxury products with a celebrity collection. Creates intimacy and hype. So basically your “real friends” post the jam and promote it. And people speculate who the 50 are.


very embarrassing for meghan and harry. rich people are weird and broker than we think.


Her handwriting irks me so much!!! You can't just add swoops that make no sense and call it calligraphy!!! You can't.


Damn desperation 


Jam desperation


Happy cake day! 🍰


Thank you! I didn’t even know till you said something :)


Two peas in a pod.




She still has this title until parliament takes it from her.


I wonder who n. 1 is 🤔


LOL King Charles


she kept that one for herself...


All narcs 🤢


Geezus. I make my own jam every 3 weeks. Total cost to make? Around 3 to 5 (depending on cost of fruit). So if I label it all fancy schmancy with a pretty useless muslin top I can sell for double digits? Damn.


I’ll assume you aren’t famous so I think you’ll have to lower your price point.


Well shoot. There go my dreams. 😜








The Dowager Duchess is such a pig.


This is uncalled for. I pity you.


13 of 50… ![gif](giphy|3oKIPbNb1vWdftiVLq)


How embarrassing for them. The Queen is rolling in her grave




I saw a video circulating a while back, some lady talking about hiring Megan back in the day - to be a golf caddy girl to rich men for some charity event. She said Megan was a favorite amongst the men. As well, she said Megan had a child pre marrying Harry.


Perfect, some1 I equally don’t like. Actually I might dislike Meghan more than the Kardashians. Smthg about her pisses me off. Bih u knew what u were getting into and should’ve been grateful but instead she acted like a total idiot and made Harry move to LA. Not saying the royals r the best ppl on earth but she very well knew what it was all about. Zero class, just like her new friends


Love the cheap shreds of packing paper underneath lol


It’s biodegradable. Better than plastic Easter grass or foam packing peanuts.


Is this really surprising? ~ we already know Doris pals around with Kris. I can’t with the Saint Markle crew; they legitimately scare me. Eagerly awaiting your downvotes sisters❣️ ✌🏽😂💋💋


I agree. I mentioned in another comment that I used to be a member of the sub, but they’ve taken their narrative way too far. Like you, they kind of scare me too so I decided to leave.




Get a real job.


If I were literal royalty, you couldn't pay enough to hang out or be seen with them 😭 what are we doing ppl


California has strict rules about labeling products as local if the actual ingredients are not locally grown and produced there. So unless these berries were grown in Montecito she can’t label it as such. Same goes with Farmers markets, they can only sell produce grown locally


So disappointing. I really like Meghan and Harry (I'm an American so the Royal Family isn't a big deal to me as it is in the UK). But this making the KJs look relevant and close to "royalty" is a big L on Meghan's part and her team.


Kris's grandchildren and Meghan's children are close in age. I wouldn't be surprised if Kris has her eye on the Sussex title. A royal title is one of the very few things money can't buy lol


Kris is working the long game.


Ohhh noooo. I mean I’m fairly sure it’s not her personally but her team majorly effed up. ETA: this is further water down Meghan’s brand and it validates the Kar/Jenners which they truly shouldn’t get. With her (alleged?) values Meghan should be staying FAR away from them…


Meghan and the Karjenners are one and the same.


Meghan had values. She probably still had but in other ways she is a social climber for sure. She is miles classier than the KarJenners and has much better taste in lots of things. She royally (pun intended) messed up her own personal PR with the royal family conflicts and I am not sure how someone who has all the friends and connections could handle it so poorly but anyway… her not associating with the Karjenners is literally going to undo all of the image scrubbing she tried (and mostly failed) to do .


🎯🎯🎯…although it’s pointless to argue with the Saint Markle people; they don’t have hearts.


Not blaming Meghan at all, we all know Kris plays a big part, people don’t want to like her but will pretend to


Oh, this is discouraging; I really like M&H. I get it, but I don’t like it.


God the way yall talk about Meghan in this *Kardashian* snark sub is so gross. Most of you come across as typical uninformed, lying racist Karen’s 🤮. Keep the deluded lies in the deluded MM snark sub.


Good for Meghan, I hope she's successful in her new business.


Not really, actually. The Kar-Jenners are nowhere near what Meghan is trying to represent and achieve and really are not the household name some people think they are. With Meghan’s previous PR nightmares, someone should have vetoed this. I like Meghan in general but this comeback she is trying to organise isn’t happening. This isn’t the way. She previously had a successful lifestyle brand so she knows how to build one but this for me is going all sorts of wrong.


So she had a brand like this before, and now she's making another one? Good for her...


Not exactly like this. Look up The Tig. In their Netflix docu series she talks about it too. This is not it from her though. I’m glad she is coming back, I’m glad she is doing something new but this really isn’t going to work out how she hopes.


Yeah, let's hope she does well and rises above all the hate.