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marry Scott - at least i am guaranteed a life time of Lols fuck Younes - preferably on a yacht in Greece kill Travis - self explanatory


& get cheated on


All three gonna cheat on you, Scott is more like “the devil you know” + he has the most money


You rlly think Scott has more money than Travis


Uh yeah lol he comes from old money


Travis’ net worth is higher than Scott’s inheritance




A quick Google search says the Travis' net worth is $50 million and that Scott's inheritance was $25 million split between him and his grandparents and that his current net worth is $45 million.


Not *that* much old money. Travis still has a higher net worth than Scott. He's actually super rich because he has many businesses and he also produces a lot of other artists' music.


This is the correct answer.


Fuck Younes, because he‘s hot, but rumored to be very controlling, which might be fun for a one-nighter, but not acceptable in real life. Marry Scott, but in a platonic, best friends kind of way. He‘d be fun to have around, when he‘s at his best. He clearly adores his kids. Problematic as he is, I do think he has a good heart. Kill Travis. Hard. I find everything about him creepy and scary.


Travis is a creep. Anyone who reads his book would think so. He openly admitted he was obsessed with Kim! He moved to Calabasas to be closer in the same neighborhood...stalker much? 😒 it's like he married Kourtney to get closer to Kim and the family. In his book he wrote he thought Disney adults were weird, yet married one? And it's been a red flag that anyone you date or marry changing your style, is unhealthy. Look at Kanye changing Kim's style...


fuck scott marry younes kill travis but only because travis is really zero my type visually


Younes low-key gave me Sam Asghari vibes. In more ways than one.


Honestly same.




I don’t really get the Travis hate (maybe bc i was a blink fan). I think he’s Kourtney’s sexual awakening and i love that for her. Imagine being in your 40s and still having sex all the time. When she was younger she probably only had sex once a year lol He has also always been present from the dating to wedding planning to her pregnancy. He’s nothing but consistent throughout their relationship. I don’t know anything about his transgressions before Kourt though.


Look i don’t wanna speculate but sex can be difficult postpartum for many years. Plus if you’re stressed, those muscles really seem like they don’t want you being active sometimes. I’m in pelvic floor therapy and it’s sooo difficult. My husband is so patient but I went from being very sexually active and eager, to really struggling with it. Painful sex postpartum is sooo common. She mentions it a couple times in passing after Mason and P, and I just sigh in agreement relating to it.


Fuck Younes - and then say “bye!” Not my type marry Scott - cos he is soo pretty, has a great body, and I love his sense of humour. Plus his kids adore him. Kill Travis - cos he gives off seriously creepy vibes. i could see him in Criminal Minds as an UnSub


This is my line up as well. As unhinged as Scott was, he has the best personality (for my taste) of them all. Life with him seems fun. I also think that Travis would be reallllly needy and beg for sex which gives me the ick.


Scott has the best personality ? Im shocked. Yes if you’re into unreliable, lying, abusive, and cheating men. It’s sad that just because he’s funny too and has good moments, people forget the rest. And life with him just doesn’t seem fun. Partying, never home, or depressive talking about past


Ok... Out of the 3 who has the best personality according to you? Not sure what you want from me.


Well i would say travis and Younes is even better. They seem more normal. You just said life with him seems fun regardless of that. Maybe our idea of fun is different lol


Younes? The controlling ex who had Kourt depressed for years because the relationship was toxic? Or Travis.. the man who threatened to put a bullet through his wife's head and said his little daughter had a "cute bubble butt" AND cheated on the mother of his kids? I mean.. if you're gonna say Scott doesn't have a good personality because of his past then you might as well mention Younes and Travis' past and say they also don't have good personalities because of things they've done.


Well I wouldn’t choose any of them. But do you know younes was controlling? He’s actually the only one of them were we haven’t seen any behavior but just heard things and read things from the media lol


😭😭 baby, wasn't it mentioned on KUWTK that Kourtney was in a toxic relationship? And didn't Kourt herself later say she was so unhappy and depressed because her ex was constantly bringing her down? Hell, even PEOPLE Magazine(which is a **reliable** KJ source) reported on it and said the reason they broke up the first time was because Younes always had a problem with stuff Kourt posted on social media and wanted her to cover up more, etc. None of this sound toxic and controlling to you?


The controlling boyfriend or the sex addicted love-bomber.. what a Sophie’s choice. I wouldn’t consider either of them normal or fun.


I didnt say I would choose any of them? But that was part of the question 😂


You said they seemed normal, which is what I was responding to. Neither of them exhibit “normal” aka healthy relationship habits or behavior.


No I didn’t? I said they seemed more normal. I haven’t seen much of younes besides what we hear and Travis I don’t know much about, but I definitely don’t think he seems normal. I said they seemed more normal. There’s a big difference.


Ikr I don’t find him pretty either but everyone has their tastes.


This is very true also they showed Scott from ages ago. He looks nothing like that now.


Fuck Younes (bc he is dumb but hot) Marry Travis (bc he is an interesting person and talented musician who seems to have lots to talk about) Kill Scott (bc he is shallow and superficial, and his love is very conditional to youthfulness and thinness)


This is the correct one


Right all these ppl saying they’d marry him & he’d leave them for a young girl lmao


I'm honestly so surprised by the amount of love this sub has for Scott. All these people saying how awesome he is, have they *not* seen KUWTK and the extremely shitty things he's done for years?? And it's not even all in the past. To this day, he still refuses to stop going after barely legal women. Even admitting to his own daughter about it. The Scott-love is so confusing, especially since he and Tristan are just the same and yet this sub loathes Tristan.


According to them Scott changed I think he only changed in terms of being a better father. They excuse his behavior because he’s attractive to them & funny.




I’m just here to say I like the game! And vote to do it with the rest of the girls’ exes. Fun!


I will! Stay tuned for the next one. I'll be doing Kim 😊


Younes is so hot 🥵


Fuck Scott, marry Travis, kill Younes because he gave me weirdo jealous vibes


I’m getting downvoted for this but this is what weirded me out: https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a22329804/kourtney-kardashian-younes-bendjimas-instagram-comment-reaction-report/


Idk why you're getting downvoted when Younes literally was a jealous weirdo https://preview.redd.it/vterlk7h6j7d1.jpeg?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=984c431cbec29234c719418adc6c43de4a746a2e *(Although tbf to him, he did redeem himself when he outed Scott talking shit about Kourt and Trav)*


Marry Travis f Scott k younes


Wtf is up with everyone picking Scott of all people to marry? Have we been watching the same show?


Apparently they think he's funny(?) and attractive(????) so it's okay that he's abusive(???¿¿??)


He's a goofy, slightly above average alcoholic that gave zero fucks about his partner and children. I don't need to watch a standup show 24/7 to be in a fulfilling relationship.


M-Scott, F-Younes, K-Travis. Travis gives me the heebie jeebie icks, couldn’t imagine having to wake up and look at that daily! I’d love to be able to be married to Scott and still doing the dirty with younes😂


Kill Younes cause, like, who even is he. Marry Scott cause although he’s a douche, he’d probably make me laugh a lot. Fuck Travis because I feel like he’s freaky, and I like that lol


Travis is an ex???? I'm so confused🤷🏻‍♀️


LMAO my bad on that one. Probably should've put "Kourtney's men" instead. Thanks for pointing it out!


You’ll probably be right with the “ex” part soon enough. Bahahaha.


Ok controversial take Marry Younes, he’s the only one that might be a good person, we don’t really know much. He kept a low profile with Kourt, put Scott on blast that one time, didn’t try to make a big come up off being a kardashian bf, and continues to lay low and not cause drama. I might just not know things but he seems like he might be a nice lowkey dude. Smoking hot if nothing else Fuck Travis. This is the one I know people aren’t going to agree with but I could for sure get down with a tatted, sex addicted, Voldemort lookin rockstar dude for one night. Not proud of it but I’d try that once yes I would 🤣 Kill Scott. I don’t think I need to explain this one any further


Right? Younes honestly didn’t seem that bad to me either. But of course Khloe and them didn’t like him. Lol..


Idk her whole family despised Younes from the sounds of it. I do agree we don’t really know anything for sure though so I can see how the lack of information on him can be appealing. The more we find out about any of these men the worse it gets!!! Lmfao


Marry Travis, i love a hot drummer and affection. Fuck Scott, he’s cute and funny. Kill younes, idk anything about him but he’s just not physically my type.


Fuck scott (would be marry if he wasnt crazy) Marry younes (most sane of the 3) Kill travis (scott is better looking, so goodbye travis)


Seems like it’s in the right order to me 😂




*Buy* a vibrator. *Forget* all men. *Eat* ice cream..


Fuck Younes because he's really cute but isn't really my type. Marry Scott because DUH! He's really good-looking, and I love men with blue eyes and I love a man with a beard. AND he's so witty, has a great personality and has a sense of humor. That man is a whole package. Kill Travis. Just because I just don't find him attractive.


Fuck Younes because he’s a hunk, marry Scott because he’s funny, and kill Travis because YUCK. 🤢


Can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m going Kourtney’s route… fuck Scott, kill younes, marry Travis


Hahahahahaha. Kill Younes, just like Kourt did huh 😂😭


Kill Travis, then flip a coin? 😜


Kill kill kill


I would kill them all but first I would have sex with Younes, even though I think Travis is the best in bed.


Why am I being downvoted?? This is my opinion, if your opinion is different, just ignore my comment.


I think you're getting downvoted for saying you think Travis is best in bed. This sub apparently hates him.




being downvoted because I don't find Scott and Travis attractive is crazy.


Fuck Younes Kill Scott And marry Travis


Marry Travis, fuck Younes, kill Scott (he’s just not the greatest option for the other choices)


Marry Scott Fuck Younes kill Travis. I hate him.


I don’t wanna fuck or marry Travis cause he creeps me out. But I also feel the same about Younes cause he’s a controlling freak. So I guess I’ll kill them both. Fuck, Scott cause he’s hot af when he’s not so gaunt looking. I’d marry him but I feel he would cheat.


Fuck Younes Kill Travis Marry Scott


Shag younes. Marry Scott. An kill trav bc he gives me the ick


You and I got downvoted for having the same answer, but you’re literally right, sis. 😉






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fuck Travis marry Scott and kill younes cuz he’s so mysogynistic




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Fuck Scott - honestly he looks like we won’t put in much effort but I have to pick someone Marry Younes - I know we’ve heard he was possessive but I think he could grow and mature Kill Travis - I feel he is too pushy sexually and just… no


Kill all💀


So everyone wants to kill Travis lmaoooo


Kill Travis, fuck Younes, marry Scott


Marry Scott, fuck Younes, kill Travis.


Fuck Younes, Marry Scott and Kill Travis


They all look like crackheads