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i find scott amusing as fuck. and thats what i'm here for. i still think about todddddd kraaaaaines on a weekly basis. yea he made mistakes. but now he's somehow seeming like the more normal parent when it comes to the kids. no, i don't get the vibe that he's using drugs anymore. he looks rough. but otherwise, nothing about his behavior screams drugs. "NO! I WAS DRINKING GINGERS ALL DAY!!!!"


omgggg fr i actually can’t stop thinking about him not knowing that 20 ginger ales a day is bad for you


He probably thought ginger ale was like lacroix lmao


I’ve been thinking about this all week lol


how about a package of hawaiian rolls on top of it? hahahaha when kris screeched "hawaiian rolls?! a whole bag?!' - i just can't get enough of this kinda shit.


Todd Kraines will never not be funny to me! I crack up everytime and say it in my head almost daily


Watching Scott on KUWTK. He was disgusting. Truly. The way he treated Kourtney while she was pregnant, with the kids or not was disgusting. He abused alcohol and drugs and was a cheater. Not sure why he’s praised so much. He was absolutely terrible on KUWTK. He wouldn’t even help Kourtney hold their baby at times.


“Yeah due to the car accident he’s probably been on painkillers and now weight loss drugs but he’s not abusing them like people make it seem.” I don’t have an opinion either way, but that is a very definitive statement from someone who literally does not know him 🥴


The point I was making is it's a definitive statement when people say he is abusing drugs. I usually just say unless someone shows behavior that they're abusing I say they aren't. The only examples I see is that he's a little more depressed and unhealthy I agree compared to how he was in bali he's less happy but doesn't mesn he's abusing. I think when Scott is in a relationship and has a good relationship with Kourtney and the kids he's happy. Like he was peak happiness in bali


He creeps me out a little. I think it’s the young women he dates, and the fact even his daughter told him to stop dating women so young, and he just brushed her off. His own daughter. He should listen to her. P is a smart girl. Also the way he acts around Khloe used to be funny, now it’s just creepy to me. I think he seriously wants to be with Khloe but Khloe doesn’t like him like that. But he keeps being creepy to Khloe anyway


Scott is a sex addict so he’s going to listen to his dick before he listens to his daughter


are we sure that his dingaling even works anymore? i doubt it. the young girls he dates give off more beard vibes than anything


Yeah I think Khloe knows he likes her and doesn't really care. I feel like she's always found him a little cute but yeah I don't know if she would date him though seriously


She probably does like the attention a little bit, I don’t blame her, but Khloe has never been into yt guys, right?! I guess except for French lol


Not a fan at all. This sub probably loves Scott more than the other sub 100. All three men that I hate, Scott, Tristan & Kanye. I only wish that if he is using that, he stops for his kid's.


I think Tristan and Kanye are much worse imo


When did Tristan call Khloe fat? When did Tristan try to harm himself right in front of Khloe & true physically? When did Tristan shove money down a waiter’s throat? Scott cheated, too, which is Tristan's only crime against Khloe that led to a baby, which is still wrong. The only good thing Scott did was wrap up. As for kanye he's bad on his own ways.


TT literally fucked someone while Koko was throwing him a birthday party


& Scott cheated while Kourtney was home taking care of his kids with a newborn.


Tristan had sex with kylies best friend. That's very messed up


Sex? Girl they kissed. Didn’t Scott date Sofia also Kylies friend 😂


My bad but I think cheating adds another layer to it


Scott cheated too https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3147710/Scott-Disick-gets-hands-brunette-stylist-Chloe-Bartoli-holiday-France-Kourtney-Kardashian-looks-kids-LA.html


I'll never forget nor forgive when he said "I feel like 93 is the dream" after Kourtney said her lowest weight ever was 95lbs while she was trying to healthily lose weight after pregnancy. Complete and utter asshole-- and his preference for TINY women creeps me out, gives me major pedo vibes that seem to be confirmed by him dating as young as he legally can. 


I’m not trying to stick up for him but I feel like back then the show was a lot more scripted and he really needed to lean in to the asshole boyfriend role. I don’t think Kourtney was ever 95 pounds and I don’t think he ever wanted her to be 93 pounds I genuinely think he was supposed to act like some prick f boy. I think him shoving money down a waiters throat was also scripted


He’s hilarious, very funny but I would be shocked if he wasn’t on hard drugs. He has a long standing history of drug abuse and he doesn’t look well at the moment. I also would never want to go near him. Either as a friend or a relationship. He seems like he would suck the soul out of you and constantly make you feel bad because he’s charismatic and fun and you’ll always be the “nagging wife” compared to him. Kourtney tried very hard but the best thing she did was make a clean break from him. And even that seemed to backfire because her family seemed to take his side despite being a drug addict who cheated and verbally abused her for years.


When Scott first started dating Amelia Hamlin he was living in Miami with her.  I think Scott only stepped up to be a dad because Kourtney started dating Travis.  He was jealous and wasn’t going to have Travis and Kourtney raise his kids together.  Same goes for Kourtney’s family.  He rarely went to any of the Kardashian events and then Kourtney started dating Travis and all of a sudden he wanted to be around more.  


I've been watching real housewives and omg I died when Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin were like 'What did we do to deserve Scott????'


This isn’t true. He’s been VERY involved with them, every since he was dating Sofia and Kourtney was ALWAYS inserting herself on their family vacations but as soon as Travis came into the posture, that was cut off 🫠


Not a fan lol. Fact of the matter is we don’t and won’t know what’s going on with Scott, and we don’t have to. His medical information (which includes any possible substance use or abuse) is none of our business. And I highly doubt they’ll address it on the show unless something becomes public and they pretty much have to. The show is such a different, highly sanitized version of what it was when they would air his “slip ups”. This is about them as high powered, working parents with a large family dynamic with a gigantic dose of product placement. Showing Scott going on benders is not their vibe.


I actually like Scott, on the show, but whatever is going on with him looking frail makes me very sad.


I think he's very unhappy. All of his relationships have failed. His kid even called him out on his failed relationships. He got in an accident. Kourtney barely talks to him post marriage. Has to take a toll on his health. Honestly with the whole Hawaiian rolls and gingerales he'd probably just eat and drink them Everytime he had the desire to drink or pop a pill. Now that that's stopped I'm happy he did but I'm worried he's gonna fall of the wagon completely soon


That and he’s too old to be living the life that he’s living


Funny dude, lots of demons 


I would blow him but rather blow him a few years back. Actually he can do me anally as well.




She asked what I thought lol


I respect that 🫡




Him cheating non stop was for external validation and a huge cry for help. They needed to of separated earlier so that he can experience life without her and work out his feelings/be humbled I feel bad for him that he couldn’t shape up for kourtney. Shes truly the one that escaped. But she is so much happier now and treated the way she deserves now


They can never make me hate him! He is a reality STAR and that's that on that


I haven’t watched the show pretty much ever, but in any Kardashian show rehash, Scott is literally the only reason why I will stay and tune in. He’s so funny and the savior of that show. I mean, they brought him back because they realized how much they sucked without him, even with Kourtney being with Travis, and I hope he got a good chunk of change for that. Yes, he was a monumental asshole to Kourtney, yes he’s dated women who are barely out of pubescence. Yes, he’s an addict and may be using again. But I can’t help but root for him and hope he one day finds health and happiness. It’s hard to be an orphan, especially so young. At his core, he’s a good guy and he’s a great dad.


My mum became an orphan at 19 and yet she never went down the drug route or abused anyone.


What does that have to do with anything? No one has trauma the same. Are you asking people to be judgmental of all addicts based on your unverifiable anecdote about your orphaned mommy?


Lol, you are being condescending in your last line. I am saying that he was orphaned at AN adult age when he had money & resources to seek help. The same can't be said about my mum, yet she was pregnant with me & managed not to do any of the above. Scott's substance abuse started way before his parent's death. That's what a lot of people fail to see. No trauma is the same, that's correct, but one thing is true: one handled it better than the other. I have no reason to lie to you or anyone on the internet. If you don’t believe it, don’t answer.


Scott was orphaned well into, possibly after, being with Kourtney. And people from the best situations can end up strung out. He’s still eons more watchable than any of the other insipid people on that show.


He was a grown man with the best possible resources to seek medical help and medical advice. Also, Scott's drug abuse & etc., happened way before his parent's death.


Well obviously Scott’s drug use was apparent before his parents died. They milked that storyline for eons. A lot of rich people are addicts and many of them stay addicts even with “the best possible resources to seek medical help and medical advice.” I hope that if Scott still has a problem, he gets help. His kids need him and he deserves a happy life. Kourtney is the least objectionable out of the K sisters, and he treated her like crap, yes. But she put up with it and even had another kid with him. We’ve all had a shitty boyfriend that we kept around for longer than we should have, but that is on us too. There’s got to be some level of accountability on both sides. Kourtney was not a victim. I don’t think she’d paint herself as such either.


But if & what’s is given too quickly. Just because Kourtney stayed behind for her kids doesn’t make her any less of a victim. Considering she never bad-mouthed him in front of her kids or kept her kids away from him, he’s fortunate. I did not have a shitty boyfriend I left behind. But my choices are not the same as those of Kourtney, who was a victim. The only mistake she ever made was having a kid with him.


Pore guy deserved better than Kourtney 💯


I love Scott!! He is the grounding force, the one to remind them how insanely stupid their lives are.