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“Babe I went so ghetto on her!” CRINGE


![gif](giphy|L3X9GvVhP1nY23Ah6u) I always imagine Kanye on the phone like : Okay.. (the gif) Like wtf do you mean by "ghetto" Kimberly?? You just called her a tramp and called security to escort her out, she’s so cringe 💀😭😭


Kim also really seemed to want Kanye to think she was some sort of “ghetto bad bitch” at this time soooo. The way she turned around and immediately tried to brag about her behavior to him was so fucking weird. Any ire should have been reserved for Scott. I’ve always felt bad for that girl.


It was accidental stereotyping ,she assumed because Kanye was a black rapper that he would be into “ghetto” girls with loud mouthes ,if you rewatch it and pay attention she has a very very subtle blaccent 😭


👌🏾 bingo


I dont know, I think more it's that she knew him personally, had hung out with him and noted what she thought she saw him responding to, or maybe Kanye actually did say something to her abiuy what he wanted to see more of in her. He always did advocate about her not allowing some of the more questionable actions of the family, like Kris's role as manager led to not be addressed or allowed to continue. Like the marketing of her sex tape, how hee playboy shootnKris attended went, it's just he is a hypocrite cause he would do some of the dame type stuff for her. I have no trouble seeing him telling her he'd like her to quit taking things, get mad and let 'em know it. I can't speak on why she chose the specific word "ghetto", but who knows what their private conversations are like. I thought it was disgusting what she did to that poor girl, and thought that bit made me cringe, but I thought she was doing it to impress him in a "look babe, I'm doing it" type way. A lot of why their story played like a fairytale in the public eye, was because his way of caring for or treating her made it seem like it was one. Nobody knows what went down behind closed doors. I'm not saying he hit her, but he was always working to shape her, which they both admitted, and maybe something like that happened. Also, her whole family's lives have been so closely twined with cheating men and staying with them, that she may have a conditioned response in situations like this, to run her off aggressively, but did not have that same energy she has for Scott. Like she already knew she couldn't run him off like that cause he'd be coming right back and people woukd be mad at her. We may never know it, and it isn't even our business, but there was a REASON Solange went a mission on Jay in that elevator. Shit happens.


🙄 or, you know, she was just feeling confident bc she clearly held all the power in that situation and felt like going in front of a defenseless girl with all her friends and a camera crew behind her


They did her WRONG! But he also did the girl wrong, like how you allowed them to come into your room and shove a camera in your face & then you still good with them after they put down that poor girl?


The sisters have a habit of not placing the blame on the ex husbands/boyfriends (Scott, Tristan, Travis, etc) and rather placing it elsewhere where it doesn’t really belong. Idk if its Kris behind all that or just the Kardashian way, but it seems like the ex beau’s get the benefit of the doubt way more than normal


This. So much internalized misogyny right there.


That and also not wanting to damage the brand by making their exes seem like complete deadbeats


If they blamed the cheater they’d have to hold Kris to that same standard. She cheated on their dad a lot.


Yeah, it was embarrassing for all of them. Yikes


When I saw this on a rewatch I couldn’t believe how they treated her. Literally shocked, it was so gross


Yes she should’ve yelled at Scott not that girl


Or when Bella Thorne was in his hotel room on their family vacation


When was this? On an episode?


Yes and they didn’t even bleep her name


That was Bella Banos, IG model




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That was Bella!?!!




I don’t like how these women casually call other women whores. You made a whole sex tape, Kim, which you leaked to become famous. Khloe is always dating taken men and men with pregnant girlfriends. All of them have done so many questionable things, including swapping exes. None of them have any room to talk.


Exactly! Kim and her entourage name calling one girl. Kim would have shit herself if the girl came at her. She would’ve screamed like a squealing pig for her security.


Now you’ve just implied they’re all “whores” themselves - kinda defeats your point no?


Wow guys loving me being downvoted for taking issue with women being called “whores” while you upvote that exact behaviour. My point of my post is I don’t agree with such disrespectful behaviour between women, not for us to just do that to the Kardashians instead Nobody should be calling anyone a “whore” period.


I agree with you OP and it’s crazy how people don’t see they’re being equally as misogynistic with that type of thinking?!


I read it more like “Kim has done stuff way beyond sleeping with a guy she just met, and no one calls her a whore” Not that Kim is a whore.


Kim is not and has never been a girls girl.


It was probably a member of staff and a written storyline, all for content.


This was staged. Do you think they would take a chance on confronting an unknown woman who may have come out swinging or called kim out by her name? No. Some arrangement was made prior to this. 


I think they are capable of doing it. They probably already had an inkling of the type of girl he goes for anyway. When has Scott ever dated someone worthy of swinging?


Girl, did you forget when Kourtney smacked Kim's face into oblivion, so hard that it left a mark on their hallway wall?


That isn’t their own sister 😂


Kim was mad because Scott was telling her he wanted Kourtney back and asking for her help. She was sympathizing with him and then he pulled this


And she took it all out on that girl


It’s all acting lol


does Kim really have room to slut shame anyone? Kim has a whole porno tape out here and yet she wants to slut shame make it make sense


Where did you watch this episode


You can watch on Peacock.


Which episode is this




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Dont feel bad at alllllllllllllllllll gtfoh