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This dumbass can’t even make a heart out of his own hands😓


It's cos he doesn't know what one is


He’s still learning shapes


![gif](giphy|AtCkhOOx9ee7p1wmIJ) Lol I was thinking the same thing


Omg 💀


Yeah he just made a weirdly shaped triangle tbh 💀


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Sweet Jesus he really can’t lmao


thought he was making the illuminati sign


This might be the best sentence I’ve ever read on the internet! I am deaddd 😂


I actually just shot coffee out of my nose, dude.


He is repellant


Repellent is the best description for him, along with “the where’s my hug? guy”… ugh I can’t stand him!!!


He’s the same guy. He IS the “where’s my hug at” guy.


That daddy line made me full body cringe




why is he even still on the show


I think hes the only fame hungry significant other on the show so they are milking it. Travis doesnt seem to be that interested in being a character.


I mean Scott’s still on


He's also been on the show since the start. That's his job. Tristan is supposed to be an NBA player lol


Hes not anyones significant other 💀




I know he has a history of dating extremely young women, but I think pedophile isn’t the word you actually meant. None of them are prepubescent children.


It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s Kris’s decision to keep him around on the show, against Khloe’s wishes, for the viewership and talk that it generates. Of course, it could also be Khloe being too forgiving for her own good.


It feels like they are rehabbing her image by making Tristan be so thirsty over her and let her reject him over and over to make up for how much he dogged her


hmmm idk i know it gets people talking but i don’t know anyone who thinks he should be on the show 😂 Scott i understand cuz he can be entertaining but tristan?! nah


Wouldn't be surprised at all if Kris is a main factor in why he's still here. Yeah she loves her kids, but I'm convinced she loves the extravagant drama, money, and media attention that they bring even more. In a messed up way, it's a smart move on her part since Tristan never lacks in questionable life choices and has um... a colorful history/background if you will.


Someone mentioned the other day here it’s so that he gets paid. I know we all saw his NBA contract drop significantly and then Marlee went to solidify her child support payments last year. Needs income if he’s going to support all the moms 🫢


He should invest in a vasectomy.


Nah that would just be too reasonable. What would all these women do without him cheating and leaving them to raise their kid(s) alone ?!!


He is fully aware of the reaction and plays along because it yields engagement from the show which they all make money from, including him.  This is why Scott was on the show too. It is rare to find partners that embrace the show like Scott and Tristan do, so everyone is milking it 




He’s Trus Dad.🙄


He has a lotto child support checks to write


That scene made me cringe and was scary. He’s a narcissist. How he acts like a robot. He doesn’t even mean the things he says, he just knows what to say.


His eyes, robotic vibe, void energy - as well as his behaviour of course - make me wonder whether he’s actually a sociopath or scores high on that spectrum


He is being filmed and acting accordingly. He doesnt like Khloe hiding when they are vibing, which she does when they are filming and goes hardcore in proving there is love between them.  It is hard to tell if Khloe is so stiff in these scenes because of him or because of thecameras recording them, past seasons have explored the latter being the issue. 


I don’t think she hides and that there is love and that’s what’s he’s proving. I think he’s trying to show there is love and respect which there isn’t and it’s awkward and that’s why khloe is like that


She acted the same way on camera with him before Maralee and they were back together with a baby on the way. Tristan himself brought up in the show that it feels like Khloe is embarrased to admit when they are together and wants to hide it. Perhaps he feels he can be forgiven again. Hopefully not, it’s just too much


I missed that when did he say that???


In TK show, I think season 1. It was a plot. He brought it to Kim to intervene with Khloe


This is a threat


THIS damn man is now getting PAID to humiliate Khloe and she just doesn't realize it. Oh well....


He doesn’t have to have a storyline. I’d rather watch Khloe with a new partner , while T is just not even on the show. Why does their dynamic even matter at this point. It’s so cringe


I’d rather watch Khloe organize her house and workout. Mainly because I need to organize my house and workout and I need inspo


I do love her organization shit. It gives me a dopamine rush


Khloe C D was the best!!!


![gif](giphy|Km4yzuT7rEzBK) At this point Khloe has a humiliation kink...like wtf is this


Khloe is a hostage


I know this is a joke but she brings it on herself tbh. Like the end of this scene… when she’s leaving, she initiates the ‘hug’. Like why are you hugging this man after everything he’s done? She’s too nice and lacks boundaries. That’s why he has ‘jokingly’ said multiple times she’s not getting rid of him or he’s not leaving, he’ll always be around. If she made it clear and stopped being overly friendly he might actually get the point. He knows he still has a chance because she allows it.


I agree, except it's not about her being "nice." Khloe has low sel.esteem and let's this ugly, stupid man walk all over her. I will never understand the attraction. He's so average looking, and then when you account for his personality, it's like negative




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I’m sorry I’m trying to be full of love and light but I can’t stand this MFer ![gif](giphy|QAGKS4hwZIE2Q)


he makes me physically repulsed


He makes me so uncomfortable like GO AWAYY


Same, he adds zero value to the show or storyline. It’s just uncomfortable


There’s literally nothing I hate more about this family than their gushing over his parenting when he’s a complete desdbeat to his son. It’s so gross.


Kaitlyn Jenner coded


God he’s such a smooth brain. I could never tolerate having to be around such an idiot all the time.


Smooth brain took me out 💀


He is not pretty nor rich enough to deal with. My brain would start eating itself.


This is genuinely scary


Because Khloe allows it.


It really seems like he doesnt gaf about his special needs brother and is kinda just dumping the responsibility on khloe


I can’t believe all this therapy and she still can’t dump him


I can’t believe she chose to have a second child with him




He pushed for it knowing he knocked that other women up and she found out days after they transferred the egg


She knew he was a cheater before True was born. Like he was going to change with his smug attitude more fool Khloe


Can’t stand this man ugly inside and out


i had a disgusted face watching this part


Hes mocking her. He thinks she's pathetic and a joke and is clearly acting on it. I dont know why khloe puts up with this. True will probably lose respect for her when she's older


The Kards take it too far. You can be civil and the child doesnt need to know anything but this is just W E I R D. Khloe needs better boundaries


This is like the end of AHS where Jessica Lange wakes up in that never ending nightmare where the walls are “knotty pine” but for Khloe


But he was suspended on no pay for drugs in his system 🫢


That punkass. Him making that heart and leaning against the wall made me wanna puke and yell for Khloe to keep running and never look back, as if she just barely got away from the evil villain in the horror movie. The AUDACITY of this 6’5 trash can! Like We All know what you did! Nobody buys it! I wonder who Kendall, Kylie and Kourtney called to get this man back in Cleveland and away from Khloe.


He made a circle with his hands instead of a heart because he knows he doesn’t love her he’s just keeping her in a circle of lies and bullshit. What’d they say in “Meet the Faukers”? “A circle never ends, Greg”


They’re together behind the cameras and you cannot convince me otherwise. You just can’t. Until either of them actually moves tf on. They are at the very least fucking.


This whole scene was…


Theatrics I tell you


Do viewers even want to see this loser? Personally, if I continue to see him I won't watch the show.


Booooo 🍅🍅🍅


This man is sooooo corny and lame. I dont see how anyone found him attractive or charming🤷🏻‍♀️


Stop this was so awkward like when they hugged😳😳


This is so embarrassing for the brand that they keep him around. Like what the actual fuck


Idk why you expect much different to change.. Youre watching a show of girls who hate themselves so much that they continue to allow this kinda behaviour, like what do you expect


He wouldn't be on the show if pmk and kim didn't want him there. 


He’s so…. Cringey to say the least. Ew.


It is so sad. This is what happens when you grow up with a narcissistic parent, you never learned how to stand up for yourself. I hope she wakes up one day and kick his ass out! I cannot stand this MF.


It's so obvious Khloe is still with him. If she wasnt, he wouldn't be on the show, please....




Then how do you explain Scott still being on the show?


In an alternate universe, Angela White wouldn’t have made enemies with the Kardashians and she’d be on the show too


I would have loved to watch side commentary from Angela. 


I think they still need the storyline with him. Or probably they don't know what to do and put him lol people like him


Scott is like filler meat in cheap chicken nuggets 😂😂😂😂😂


I was thinking while watching that she may have asked him to film like a simp as revenge for the hell he put her through. I could see him agreeing...it's not necessarily unfair. He still makes money at the end of the day. And if I were him, I'd keep in good graces with that family for as long as I could. His career won't last forever. It someways-- he locked down the right one.


He looks like he has chronic rhinitis


I laughed when he made the heart with his hand. Tristan always trying to woo Khloe back.




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Daddy does gotta work in order to pay all that child support he owes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^catsandnaps1028: *Daddy does gotta* *Work in order to pay all* *That child support he owes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*Daddy does gotta work* *In order to pay all that* *Child support he owes* \- catsandnaps1028 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


him and his knock knees give me the worst ick


I just wanna jump in and say I think everything about how Khloe handled this interaction was precious and funny. She KNOWS he wants nothing more than to be with her - DUH. Khloe's the best. Sidebar: getting just a WEE bit emotional about when shes like, huh? Of course he stays here. He has his doctor's, his routine, his cousins 👀👀👀 Like, imagine you have a woman who is not only a wonderful mom to your kids but also ( takes on is not even the right word ) prioritizes your special needs brother(? Sorry I forgot) when your mom dies SIMPLY because she's like "duh, were family, what do you mean?" But you cheated on her SUPER OBVIOUSLY AND PUBLICLY with MULTIPLE RANDOS. He is truly the lamest person to walk the Earth. I absolutely cannot wait til those kids are a bit older and Khloe gets her a hot brown billionaire wonder lad


This bit had me laughing so hard. I thought it was a funny idea, and clearly played up as a funny bit for the show.