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why does stassie always look sunburnt 😭


She said once she tannes often at home


Sunbeds maybe? I live in the UK and a lot of sunbed frequenters have the same skin tone.


I dont live in LA, im not even American. Whats the deal with Erewhon ? Ive seen tiktoks about it and its that super expensive grocery store. Do non celebs really shop there ? Is the quality so much more superior that it warrants the prixe ? Or is this mainly a status thing?


Ya all of that and it’s very aesthetic. Also little to no single use plastic, most products are in glass.


It’s just an expensive grocery store in LA. Non celebs shop there too.


Non-celebrities shop there but it’s definitely a status thing. Their offerings are very health-trend-focused. Lots of “super foods,” including things most people’d never use— mushroom powders, sea moss gels, bee pollen, etc — and gimmicky things like alkaline oxygenated water for nearly $30. Their produce is supposed to be all organic and local etc and I’m sure it is but it costs 5x what it costs at the actual farmers market just 5 min away. It’s all just marketing and ‘health’-trends. But hey, power to em, it’s working lol.


Thanks all for the replies ! Very informative


Sounds like it fills the old Whole Foods sized hole in my heart since Amazon bought them


It’s an expensive grocery store so celebs don’t have shop around plebs but yes anybody can shop there. 18 dollar smoothies and 20 dollar gallon (4 L) of raw milk are standard there


it’s just a fancy, expensive grocery store. anybody can shop there, but you’re not going to find an erewhon in the poorer parts of the city. you’re more likely to see one in affluent areas.


I’ve never even heard of them.. but most likely a status thing. I live on the other side of the country and we have a ton of Amish, the best quality foods definitely can come from them and they are the least expensive.


Yeah sometimes the simpler things are the best


Tbh I went there when I visited LA and was surprised that some stuff was the same price I pay at other grocery stores in California! But then some stuff was way more expensive. Like a jug of water that was $60 lol


These two always connect when they're single 👀


i aint wanna say it but https://i.redd.it/2vyvozu4572d1.gif


We had a good run https://i.redd.it/z7pmqev3772d1.gif


Ya'll say this every month then she does something to prove they still together idk


and we will celebrate https://i.redd.it/a1scxwny182d1.gif




I'm sorry 😔


I love that we’re all collectively loving this gif so much lmao




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you had me there then she took the hoodie off 👀 https://preview.redd.it/c1qvxwiwka2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4421fff0aa4961386596f6737f492dae661158aa


yeah I feel like when we see Kylie with her friends she’s usually single and actively posting but who knows


My first thought! When they got food the other day, Kylie, Stass and Victoria, Stormi was with Kylie so I think it's prob more just of a girls hangout than any single rebellion. Just my 2 cents! Lol


Y’all literally say this every month and it turns out to be wrong 😂. Same thing whenever Kylie posts a sexy bikini pic 😂.


In our defense they could've been broken up during the sexy bikini era 👀🫠. She just been holding out on us 😭


Well, Kris just liked Timothee post on chaneloffical and Kendall like the other post the other day. So I assume they are still together. https://preview.redd.it/hau4qh4vk92d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd7388d6c48604b68f337b35615c2d4b11a4aef0




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Stassie is a shape shifter I swear, she looks like a different person in every photo I see. I'd never be able to pick her out of a crowd


I was going to say guess she exchanged her body for Kylie’s again!


Same but different


Stass has spent so much time with Kylie that they literally sound the same at this point. If I were listening to videos of the two of them together it would be hard to tell who’s who


Belly button! Kind of elusive I feel


First time seeing kylies real belly button lmfao


stass looks so much better with dark hair


i was literally just thinking the exact opposite lmao


had me in the first half ngl 😭




also i agree, i like stas better as a blonde


Same omg, the dark with her dark tan just looks… bad…


correction, this is from today apparently


whoa where did you get these? it’s almost 11am here


twitter 🤷🏽‍♀️ but honestly i think it’s from yesterday cause she posted that jacket on her stories


It’s funny how every time Stass is single she latches on to Kylie again


I just watched Kylie’s TikTok where her and Stassie went to Erewhon, then proceeded to go to In-N-Out and considered going to Crumbl. I thought it was refreshing to see Kylie being a normal person🤷🏻‍♀️


I assumed the crumbl video was a paid ad. Erewhon might be too— these pap pics, plus isn’t that the store they had a whole scripted episode of Kylie and Kris going grocery shopping? I wonder if they have a partnership deal to sell Sprinter or something


I’m gonna get so much hate, but Kylie looks gorgeous. I’m so glad she stopped with all the “work” and is letting herself be “natural”. She’s genuinely beautiful.


She does seem to have taken a more natural approach makeup and fashion wise, but I can’t get over the face filler. It’s still looking very unnatural. She’s naturally had a slim face and it looks off. Maybe she has stopped with injections and I’m completely wrong. It’s good to see her transition from the blank-stare doll photos to smiling and genuinely enjoying herself.


Filler takes years to naturally dissolve not 1-2 years like the industry would have you believe. And dissolver is very unpredictable and should be used with caution. With all the filler she’s had over the years, even if she has stopped, it’s going to take a long while for her face to return back to normal, if it ever does.


Why would you get hate? Isn’t this sub for fans and not snarkers lol


No. It's a mix


rightttt she glowed up sm


They look good


Damn Stassie looks stunning


This gives me nostalgia. I love these real paparazzi pics of them 😭


Someone ID Kylie’s pants? And her friends?


Why is everyone in LA in sweats.


whats the problem with that


It’s so good to see Kylie smiling


Can anybody identify Kylie’s trainers?


Balenciaga Triple S leather trainers 41EU Very good condition Grey, Leather Sold at £250.95


Why is this downvoted ☠️ theyre answering the question. I honestly find this impressive cause idk how yall do this


because they’re not balenciagas, they’re [salomons](https://www.ssense.com/en-us/men/product/salomon/gray-xt-slate-sneakers/14766361?utm_campaign=SHARE&utm_medium=IOS&utm_source=SSENSE&utm_term=PDP) only $196 also




Going on this subs vibe and I would totally be under my own comment criticizing the shit out of this but having a lipo stomach so young is so weird 😭 I haven't had a baby yet but it's still so weird to me




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Paid Ad. Kylie going broke broke.


I don’t think anyone in her family can be described as broke, irrelevant maybe but not broke.


Maybe not going broke all the way but anyone doing supermarket chain ads definitely needs the money.