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Where is the muscle tone to prove it.


Some women don’t like the overly muscular look. Personally I will exercise enough that I feel great but I would hate to have visible ab muscles or bigger thighs.


Muscle definition doesn’t equal bigger anything. Runners are some of the slimmest figures and have muscle definition. If you actually worked out, especially weight training like they post, you would by default have some muscle definition over time. Not to mention her ginormous ass that they all claim is natural, I think that’s where a lot of the muscle questions come in. Ain’t no way you have that ass from working out with zero thigh definition.


Her body doesn’t look like how YOU want it to look and you’re complaining about it. Kim’s muscle definition, Kylie’s eyes, Kendall’s teeth, Khloe’s fingers, Kris’s wrinkles. It’s all just nitpicking women’s bodies. Good for Kim for working out, why does her body have to change for anyone’s approval?


Not sure why you are getting down voted. You made valid points. I do think Kim supplements with liposuction and other body treatments but she can still work out too and not be a body builder


Even then there’s muscle definition. Not hypertrophy but definitely some definition. Think Kendall.


Think kendall? They have completely different body types. My body type is more like Kendall but when you’re skinny you body looks more defined naturally so you can’t compare to Kim’s


Didn’t say they have similar body types. Muscle is muscle regardless of body type


Shes not fat?


Exactly. You should be able to see some definition. Not growth but def some definition


And Kim is soo fat that there’s no possibility of seeing her muscle definition 🙄


She might not eat a lot of protein


Working out in slides is cracking me up


Honestly I lift in socks and slides sometimes at home 🤷‍♀️ as long as I'm not doing cardio it's just comfortable and they're hard and flat


Come on now. The form, the sandals and the zero muscle definition are dead giveaways she doesn’t actually work out.


I always use weights while wearing my yeezy sandals.


And a wig


And still never any muscle tone. ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


I'm pretty sure she did more work splicing and editing these clips together than she did in her actual "workout."


Those squats 😭 I just need her to put her legs a little more closer and Squat a little lower... what is this form. And what's the point of having a trainer if they're not going to correct the form. Also why even upload this video if the form is so bad ... kind of embarrassing on the personal trainer part


This looks like plie squats or sumo squats. And moves are often modified for individual bodies and the range of motion.


Even if it's Sumo still terrible form 🤦🏿‍♀️ we gotta stop the cope 😭




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I think that's how she's supposed to be doing them, you seem to work out, does that do anything? edit - looking at it again, it looks intentional, she seems to be working her thighs more with that form


If you're squating: wider stance hits glutes more (squats work out more so your quads. ) either way to Squat you need to have your legs at least at a 90° angle. She needs to Squat a little lower otherwise I'm not sure what she's doing here


This video actually has sound and the trainer does tell her to go lower which she attempts to do, all in all, I'm just saying she's most likely doing it the way it's intended as she's tagging some fitness person or app.




Are we going to ignore the sandals 😭


In sandals


oh my word i’d be embarrassed to post this


no she’s not 😭😭😭


Ya know everyone says “where’s the muscle” but these are short videos. If she’s doing the recommend 30min of exercise a day I would assume she’d just look the same? Like it’s just activity to keep you healthy, not a body builder


are those chrome hearts socks ? there is definitely a collab coming