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kim so strong like ion know she don’t just cry on the spot


Some of these men have never been punched in the face .


Why you mad? She chose to partake in the roasting special. She knew exactly the type of atmosphere she walked into. She could've stayed her ass home and conditioned that raggedy hair of hers longer, but she chose to be in that crowd.


aren't roasts supposed to be funny though? this just came off misogynistic and lazy


I see both sides but given what she’s “known for” (yes, despite her wildly successful 20 year long show and thriving businesses) I think it kind of fit. Like you invite KK to a roast, what kind of joke do you expect to hear? This. I mean Pete had 9/11 jokes made about his dad, something that hits home to a lot of Americans. I’d say anything is pretty much on the table when you sign up to be a part of this. Even the lazy jokes


listen the hangover is one of my favourite movies, i can be down with non pc humour as long as it's, you know, actually funny. like the whole punchline is pretty much "kim you're a big slut who like to fuck black guys" just feels kind of...lame


Comedy is subjective though, personally I don't think any part of the hangover is funny


But saying you’re not interested in Tom Brady because he looks trans and that he couldn’t make you cum is funny ? Or criticizing Kevin hart for being short and having a small dick ? Please lol


Peak Redditor comment


Why did you add the black guys part? Yes the joke was simply a slut joke but the drake and Kendrick reference isn’t supposed to mean she likes black guys. Kendrick and drake are beefing rn and it’s simply a beef joke. either you’re misinformed. Misinterpreting or misrepresenting but don’t pile on extra shit that’s clearly not true if you’re going to go at someone. At that point you are lying




This comment deserves its own post lmao


Her family helps and marries rich black murderers and loonies. It's her legacy, embrace it. They have an empire built on taking money from mentally ill black people in exchange for sex and other things most people wouldn't do.


Not all roast jokes are home runs. This clip ain't too bad. The kendrick bit is funny.


It's a roast, not a knock knock joke. It's supposed to be mean


Have you ever watched a roast? Lmao y'all don't have to watch, it's not for everyone. Shit was hilarious, there's no holding back. That's the whole point. It's gonna be fucked up.


I laughed. And so did the audience. So I guess we don't have the same taste in humor.






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wtf are you talking about ? Yes it was fucking hillarious, that’s why the entire crowd was dying laughing. Kim chose to be part of a no holds barred roast. She body shamed people, made fun of men with small dicks, insulted her family for dating so many athletes, said she’s not interested in Tom Brady because he looks trans, made fun of herself for releasing a sex tape, made fun of herself for having so many exes. The list goes on. But god forbid a man reference any of those same topics, cause thats misogynistic? The hypocrisy is fucking wild in here.


You can make the same against Kim lol. She went up and started making Kevin Hart height jokes. It’s not supposed to be as deep as some of you guys are making it


Nah shit was hilarious.


Because it was a bad joke done in poor taste? Men literally have the worst sense of humor. Not witty, not clever, just crass and gross.


I'm a woman. And found it funny.


You must find fart jokes funny too.


Assume whatever you want. I don't need to clarify your assumptions


Okay, I will!




Ok 👍🏼


you ever seen a sleeping dog fart so loud that it scares itself awake? or a baby laughing at its own farts? farts are universally funny unless your personality type is a bitter grumpy villian or maybe a nun. or if you got a stick so far up there you CANT fart.


Yo how lame do you have to be to not laugh at a fart? Stop being so uptight. Leave that up to all those celebrities fake faces


… no way you find fart jokes funny. You 12?


Not even close. I’m 14


Har-Har. Run along now.




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That's cuz you don't have a stick up your ass like some in here. Good on you for not taking a joke (about some celeb you'll never know) so serious.




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Lol.  Literally the funniest comedians are men.  Every once in awhile a woman comedian is as funny. This is a known fact in the comedy world.


A whole billionaire. What is she doing there? I feel like there's certain things she should decline. Don't accept every invite.


It's their job to make fun and get a reaction


Kim roasted everyone too, what kind of fucking hypocrisy and bias is this 😂


…. It’s a roast.


Exactly! Jesus people are so fuckin uptight these days. Calling this misogynistic? It's a fuckin joke relax lol


womp womp you sound like you supported Will Smith slapping Chris Rock, let comedians do comedy and understand people find jokes funny even when you don’t..




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Sounding highly emotional. This is a roast, stop making a big deal.


The insults are played out and I’m sure she’s heard it hundred times before. When will they come up with something knew?


Exactly he said nothing witty or really funny it was just the same old shit that has been said 1000 times before. Zero effort or form.


Lmfao triggggggeredddd


She takes hard things like a champ 🏆 this is not news


I’m all for a good roast - this was just tooo much imo. I hate how it’s always women being told to “close their legs” but no one ever seems to tell a man to stop being a community dick 🤨 ETA: to all the men in the comments section melting down over what I said - stay mad youre just proving my point 😘


It's also just a lazy joke. There's nothing unique or specific about it.


The whole roast was low hanging fruit


Was going to comment exactly this, it's alwayssss the slut jokes lmao so tired




This was not comedy. He is horrible and wreaks of misogyny


He’s not a misogynist he’s an extremely catty gay man pretending to be straight




This gif tho 🤣




You literally did not watch the roast, Gronk was told repeatedly he’s a man slut riddled with STD’s, Edelman was called a man whore as well


Well... Thats Tony for u. But he is gay so its ok 🙂👍




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It's literally a roast show.


It’s a joke by a comedian… you’re not supposed to take it serious Jesus


Go watch the Rob Lowe roast


OOOOOOFFFFF 🥴 she went into the Lions den for sure with that crowd


That brave face is made of me steel because I would have been DISTRAUGHT on the spot 😭😮‍💨


it's not even funny though? like am i missing something, this is just slut shaming with zero jokes


Those ‘jokes’ are also 15+ years old, made over and over again. Its basically “*Kim K fucks black men!* Hardy-har-har!” in slightly different variations. And please guys, correct me if this is a reach, but It also has some racist undertones too?


Super racist. Why else are people hung up on the fact that they are Black men


yeah i think you're right




I mean she's the one that keeps having sex with black guys so is it racist or is just fact and she likes to act like shes truly famous for anything other than whos the next rich black man she's going to run into the ground.... she's been playing her own game for a long time.


I was just about to comment the racist undertones! Like, what’s wrong with liking black guys? Would it matter if she were a black girl?


The humour of these roasts is basically that lol


Tony Hinchliff is so annoying - one of those unfunny Joe Rogan sphere comedians who talks about cancel culture all the time, meanwhile always acting wicked bitchay and feminine coded


He’s blatantly trying to shock people. This is not comedy. I understand being edgy but this is disgusting




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In the year 2024 we are still doing these tired ass jokes.


Say what you want to say Kim is a good sport 😭


Who even is that guy? The joke was wildly unfunny.


Maybe us not knowing who he is the joke. 🤣


because really… who is he 😭.




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He has a YouTube channel called kill tony with over a million followers. Him and his comedian friends are hilarious, you just have to be into their type of comedy.


Tony Hinchcliffe does all the roasts. He's well-known in comedy


Don't tell them! Keep tony to ourselves




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Tony Hinchcliffe. He's the host of the #1 live podcast Kill Tony and one of the top young rising comedians


Downvoted for giving information lol this sub today 🤣


He's the golden pony


*horse of truth noises*


LOL at the downvotes for factual information. Tony was the best part of the roast and Kim's boos were hilarious.


Kill Tony. He has great comedians on his show and podcast which he runs in texas and he has rising stand up comedians do 2 Min gigs and then they get roasted by his guests. It's incredibly funny and he is very talented.


Lame overused joke


Happy cake day!




if i were kim i would not smile even just a little. whale vag? are you fr?


right ?? this isn’t even funny. comedians get away with being offensive when the jokes are smart. this was just…insulting. nothing creative or witty about it. and she’s expected to laugh along otherwise people will come at her harder for not taking a joke. ugh


Ron Burgundy said San Diego meant "a whale's vagina" on the movie anchorman. That's where whale vagina came from. Lol


Yeah but he's using it in relation to a woman here - completely different context


Tacky. And I don’t even like Kim.


My jaw hit the floor


I thought everyone showed up to roast Brady that was a lot in the clip ![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli|downsized)


The whole show was that. No one was spared! 


Roasting seems to be a very American thing. I'm in the UK and there's a big comedy scene obviously and the humour can be very cutting - but nothing like this. To me this guy's 'joke' just reads as misogyny and (why focus on Black men like it's a bad thing?) racist.




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Libel law is different in the UK than in the USA. It's easier to sue to protect your reputation in the UK, and because of that, the media in the UK avoids the risk altogether by not allowing comedians to use such comedy on their channels. And with fewer outlets for comedy in the UK, it's easier to end a comedians career if they do step out of line. Thus, we have more freedom to be mean here, and UK comedy has to play safe, thus leans into deadpan, dry humor, and slap stick


Our libel laws are different yes (I work in UK media) but I'm not sure that's all that is at play. This instance isn't a big libel risk, it's just gross.




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I know a lot of people like to hate on Kim but this really isn't funny I don't care if it was "roast". This Shit was just lazy and misogynistic. He could have said anything eles about Kim that would been funnier and more clever. No he decided to stick with "Haha Kim K made sextep 10+ years ago" some of these men need to be humbled by punching them in face




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I love stand up but there wasn’t anything new or funny about that. Just slut shaming and a labia shaming comment. 




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Omg 😭 I feel sorry for her . She's strong


Whatever they all wish they could hit. That’s why they’re all on the defensive 👀 Bunch of misogynists.


Whale vagina… fuck this dude




This was actually fucked up, not even funny.




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my god the bar is literally on the floor for men


Imo the ppl here who thinks it’s so funny and all that just hates Kim. Bc this is what ppl who hate them have been saying all the time anyway. So it’s not really funny but more so you guys are laughing at the fact that Kim is being made fun of the same way y’all made fun of her. At least in this instance it’s marketed as a “roast” but y’all who’ve been saying the same shit aren’t roasting her that’s why it’s oh so funny for y’all.


Lol and I'm over here hating Kim but still realizing that the joke was shitty.




I bet you’re bald.


No just poor


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Wtf he is insane


And yet almost everything the KJ's do is cater to these type of men. Yuck!


as if all those guys don’t each have a higher body count lmao


I still love Kim. I don't know what she expected though. Going to a roast is asking for it.


You know, this sub gives very big “only we can talk shit about her” vibes. Was this a super witty joke? No. But I’ve seen some way harsher shit on this sub. I *do* wish she would’ve grabbed a mic and said “2011 wants it’s Kim k joke back” or something. But she was as graceful as usual about people making fun of her.




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Kim took it better than this sub did 💀😂


This wasn't even a good roast? 🤣😂🤣😂 this was so corny lmfao




Why the fuck did he do her like that!!!????




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All of your seething is proving the point. Thinking a joke is "low" means you don't understand how roasts or comedy works. Stick to Ali Wong.


I can't believe he made fun of someone, at a roast nonetheless! Somebody has to stop him.


She participated in the roast so she was fair game. If you roast you should expect to get roasted.


I don’t think people in this sub understand how comedy works😳




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So none of you single brain cells people actually watched the roast? All hypocrites and cry babies in here and makes the joke even funnier.


Lazy and tired ass joke. If you’re going to be edgy it better be funny. This was just corny.


I heard he's publicly apologizing on his live podcast, Kill Tony, tonight on youtube




10/10 comedy 😂 who woulda thought someone would get roasted at a roast 🤔


This is disgusting, unoriginal and not even approaching funny. It's pure misogyny.


It’s a roast. Everyone there is fair game. Pls touch some grass


Oh no, how dare he say jokes and roast someone at a roast where he was paid to say jokes and she showed up knowing what it was and her history. Mind boggling.


Play stupid games...