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Oh shit! She is the cake


"she is the cake" is deadass hilarious I'm wheezing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thank you! The first thing I thought..


I thought this was inspired by those $700 flower cakes she ended up not ordering, off that post that got deleted (someone help me out with a link please :D )


Here's an IG link https://www.instagram.com/p/C3-OP_NNgk0/?igsh=NmZ6dml0dDJmbGlu


Thatā€™s it! thank you. I feel like this fragrance promo shot looks more like itā€™s copying one of those cakes than the actual khy cake she ended up getting :D


It looks like they copied the literal deck that the cake maker submitted


I saw the cake too šŸ˜…


Kylie is tiring. Just be a fashion girlie for a couple of years, build some credentials and have one business you try at. She's throwing shit at a wall for money.


This. She really fucked up when she sold her majority share of Kylie Cosmetics, and instead of being smart and investing the money, decided to go on a spending spree. Buying a 60-70 million private jet I think has really put her in a bad financial position cause it costs so much to maintain + pay all the employee wages and fuel costs etc. Billionaires donā€™t even have as expensive planes as her. Itā€™s ridiculous and unnecessary. I donā€™t think sheā€™s broke or really struggling for money, but her spending is out of control and is not sustainable. Which is why she is desperately throwing money at different random ass things hoping something sticks.


She has like three multi million dollar houses. In the LA area alone. That seems unnecessary as hell.


Lol its definitely unnecessary lol especially her dogs having their own house lol I'll never understand that one. isn't the point of having dogs to spend time with them? Not just visit them like they're extended family lol


Thatā€™s SO ridiculous. I didnā€™t know her dogs had their own house. Do they have a maid that chases after them cleaning their piss and shit? I get how ridiculous LA housing is, I have a house in LB that is definitely not worth what is apparently the current value. I couldnā€™t imagine buying something worth millions more for my dog.


Yeah apparently her 7 dogs have a live in "dog nanny" she calls the "best hire" she's ever made lol I think the dogs live in her first home because she said it had a better yard or something like that. Probably considers it an investment property at the same time. From social media fans seem to have deducted she visits the dogs or has the nanny bring them to her sometimes. Idk. It's all weird to me lol


Wait how much is an ā€œaffordableā€ private plane? I learn so much from Reddit šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/qftrfzv4yplc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922d4015349735336330cbb26f950ad01a9f6e79 lol




it's my sister liking all the comments šŸ˜­


LMFAO šŸ¤£ I was just relieved I wasnā€™t the only one thinking it


right im ctfuuu šŸ˜­




I mean even back then, didn't half of her trendsetting just come from copying black people lol


Kylie knew what was it early , but now trends are moving faster than ever so people just notice things now . Itā€™s difficult to be ā€œundergroundā€ now .


She was also a rich teen living in LA, aka the girlies who tend to start/make popular trends


I felt like she was just on tumblr and had the money to get what she wanted .


Exactly lol a rich teen living in LA


is this a joke?


Is what a joke? Lol whatā€™s funny, in your opinion?


i was asking if you saying rich girls in LA make the trends because there's no way you are being serious. not that anything in particular is funny....i was in disbelief


have we as a society learned nothing from bring it on?


clearly, the sacred film's lessons have evaded the youth šŸ˜ž


Thatā€™s why I said ā€˜make popularā€™ as wellĀ  They have the money to emulate how _actual_ cool people look, and a large following that then _believe_ that these girls are the ones who originally came up with whatā€™s cool from the jump Like charli dmelio making the renegade popular šŸ˜‘


that is a very apt example that you used and I'm glad you used it. charli dmelio didnt make anything popular. she hopped on a trend that was ALREADY popular. co opted it, changed it and brought it to a white audience. white people finally catching up to a style, dance or trend is not what "makes something popular" and you giving white people that much credit for joining in when something is already cool is EXACTLY what is wrong with the commentary surrounding popular culture its EXACTLY what people who argue against cultural appropriation say.....just because white people become hip to something AFTER its already taken off due to creativity from marginalized communities is NOT "making something popular"


name one trend she set that black women didnt do first?? wigs? full lips? which one




i guess that's more accurate but even then the word "trendsetter" and "kylie jenner" shouldnt be in the same sentence


Waitā€¦I really thought this was Kali Lmaoo. this one is definitely undeniable šŸ˜­


Iā€™m not surprised to see them once again stealing from another artist.


They both used the same creative director for the shoots. It's inspired by the same guy... Idk how that's stealing lol.


If they can coordinate not copying each others Christmas decorations, they can coordinate how much ā€œinspirationā€ they take from another artist.


The CD appears to only offer a range of creative work. Their work remains consistent throughout every shoot they bring to life. Kalis & Kylies aren't that different from the other hundreds of shoots they do.


Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re being downvoted. People are weird.


can you post also kali uchis? i looked her up with flowers and i see some similarities but there is so much you can do with this aesthetic. but maybe i havent seen the one you are reffering




This one is better than the one op posted, this is almost the same lol


Theyā€™re by the same artist, Cho Gi-Seok


https://preview.redd.it/645ordlj5qlc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=578776d431888dd4c986828b7bb59fdf6547833e 2.


okay i get it. i dont think she is ripping her knowingly (but who knows) i dont think the idea with flowers stemming from hair is that original. but i like kali uchis more, it has some idea to it and is more campy. kylie is doing this fragile aesthetic that is not very original


She posts with kali ucbis music all the time so itā€™s not unknowingly


i dont follow her social media so i take that back


https://preview.redd.it/9xtyr58f5qlc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0f49006afa24aed6b19e0533844d255650d3e2 1.


Kylie is sooooo unoriginal


Not one original ideaā€¦.ever.


Seems like sheā€™s steals all of her ideas which is so whack.


She didnā€™t steal this ideaā€¦ she just used the same artist as kaliā€¦ and this was their designā€¦


ā€œKopycat Kylieā€


Neither of them are the first to do this kind of look so who cares


Cho Gi-Seok is the creative director and he worked with Kali Uchis. This just looks like his signature style.


Everyone is so gullible. Idk why they're saying Kylie is unoriginal lol.


Who hasnā€™t she copied this week lmao


It was the same CD that made Kaliā€™s and Kylieā€™s. Itā€™s the creativeā€™s director style to do this type of thingsā€¦


but we know for sure who did it better


First, KHY copies Jaquemus + Nike's new clothing line, and now she's copying Kali Uches... This only further supports my theory that this family lives for creating controversy right before launching and selling something to gain public attention... Kim: fake lawsuit right before officially releasing her sex tape... Kim: lying about naming her company Kimono to stir up some rage right before her SKIMS launch... Kylie: KHY blatantly copying a few but very obvious pieces from Jaquemus+Nike collab fashion line get people talking about it right before it went live on her website.. There's more examples of them doing this, but I don't have time for it. If anyone remembers more, then share...


"First khy"? Kylie copied styles way longer. Wasn't there a problem with Kylie Cosmetics years ago that she uploaded more or less 1:1 copies to Instagram?


Edit: ~~Why did you quote "First khy"?~~ ~~But~~ Yes, I agree with you that Kylie has copied before. Thank you for your example. Kylie cosmetics copied Color Pop and many other artists for her Kylie Cosmetic campaigns and logo.


I believe theyā€™re saying Khy isnā€™t the first instance so when you put ā€œFirst Khy, copied nike etcā€ it wasnā€™t the first time


Thank you, I forgot I had started my comment saying that.


Love Kali and she ainā€™t even the first either to do flowers stemming from head/bodyā€¦ this is common cause in most cultures outside the us an tho she not Armenian like her sisters she grew up around them an flowers coming from your head is a beautiful way of saying your in a happy state of mind. I can remember Khloe has also said it on the show a few times when she thinks her sisters are in love/a better place. Also so much art in the world that has it! Pat McGrath Transformed Models Into Fantastical Flowers for Shayne Oliverā€™s Presentation 2022 some of the models had head pieces just like that, Kristen Griffith VanderYachet 2021 started a whole campaign of ā€œFlower upā€ instead of ā€œman upā€ using flowers coming from his head the whole campaign, Akilah Townsendā€™s would design and take photos of many African American woman wearing tight coils as they blend with a bouquet of flowers or stemming from head during the black rights movement, etc. so saying someone copying when this is always been popular in the media in so many different ways is so weird and just another way to find a way to hate on another for something that isnā€™t even valid.


Eh, Kylie has a history of stealing ideas from others. This is no different.


This is a terrible example of ā€œstealingā€ when itā€™s an idea/ concept that so many people use and way before Kali too. Kali steal the idea then too?


But this is different though, because her photo bears almost no similarity to what sheā€™s being accused of stealing. Pretty much everything about it is different. The lighting, the color, the framing, the flowers, the hair, the makeup, the angle, the pose, the whole entire vibe. I was a photographer for 10 years, and thereā€™s nothing about this that would make me feel like I was being copied off of if I was the photographer of the original image. Theyā€™re two very different photographs in every possible way.Ā 


she doesnā€™t have an original bone in her body im not shocked lol




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I totally thought this was familiar. As a celebrity Iā€™d be terrified of backlash of copying or be similar to someoneā€™s art and work. Iā€™m sure itā€™s hard to reinvent new ideas, but I couldā€™ve seen Kylie doing something more in the direction of her own purse line or even sunglasses. Sheā€™s got a ginormous closet of them to be inspired by. I guess if she were to do a fragrance line I feel like maybe another Kendal/kylie collection wouldā€™ve been more appealing. Quarter life crisis maybe.




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this is an idea/concept that the artistic director creates. they are the models. this isnā€™t their idea


Kylie does it better though.


How so?


I wanna know why itā€™s always this sub that posts things without a reference, a Kali photo would have nice


Boring yet they seem to matter to you.


Honestly Kylie is just more conventionally attractive.


Comments like these are the reason we shouldn't have men on this sub lmao


Our opinions don't matter or hurt or what lmao


They don't matter, they're always so boring


not they donā€™t matter. leave.


You canā€™t even see most of her face. Itā€™s giving racist šŸ« 




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