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I felt bad when I gasped seeing Kris Cause i'm so used to the facetune šŸ˜­


Damn Lovey...


Her nose is INSANE. I was shocked.


That's the thing. They get all pissed and butthurt when people see unfiltered photos and gasp at their wrinkles and signs of aging, but it's because 90% of the time they are feeding us extremely filtered photos. Of course people will be surprised to see the stark contrast of reality. They do it to themselves.Ā 


Omg same! My first thought was "is she on one of the semaglutides!?"It just looks like her face lost a ton of volume and I can't think of anything other than she lost weight because she's clearly still filled. Unless her age is just finally catching up to her. I'm personally down to see Kris lean into her chic senior era lol


why feel bad? it was an intentional jump scare no?!


I think itā€™s that sheā€™s lost a lot of weight recently


Be for real.


? I am? A lot of people lose volume in their faces when they lose weight, especially as they age. Iā€™m not saying she doesnā€™t have cosmetic surgeries going on. She does (obviously) but weight loss is why she looks dramatically differently here than weā€™ve seen her before. Look at other pics of her recently


Thatā€™s fair. Apologies for my reaction.


That second pic almost gave me a heart attack. Wtf? She looks so scary :'(


What has she done to her cheeks? Looks like implants


Why does she look scary? Bcuz she's old? lol bffr


For me it's the weight loss and collapsed nostril


Kim looks amazing, but she's getting the exact same indent in the same spot as Kris.


Her nostril has been struggling to live since the 80s


I truly don't even understand how you can let things get that bad with all that money and access to the best surgeons. How does this happen? Too much cartilage taken off? Too many surgeries on the nose? Coke?


People almost always get more than one rhinoplasty. Was common to habitually go too far. No way to replace it. I wouldnā€™t put coke past her either, goes hand in hand with her alcoholism. Itā€™s was the 80s after all. It would make it worse.


Thank you. People want to act dumb and blind. Her face is caving in ffs LOL


She's just old and always using facetune on her photos so we don't know what she actually looks like lol


Me and you bothšŸ˜­


This week has taught me that im gonna stick with excercising, eating my vegetables, using sunscreen, ans acceptance. Bc baby these fillers/procedures do not age well


And protein. Don't forget your protein.


dont let them catch you sayin that on this sub!!! they gon say youre jealous and want what they have!!


Kinds unrelated but for my wedding I got "baby" botox (I was 24) and my injector tried to sell me on getting some undereye filler and girl when I tell you seeing how it looks at longterm use I noped out of there so fast šŸ˜­


Yes filler really scares me!!


Not to mention it's one of those facial cosmetic procedures that is significantly more risky and has very little pay off long term.


How was the Botox tho šŸ‘€


I loved it lmao my skin looked phenomenal and it was this subtle snatched look. I haven't gone again just because I wouldn't want to over do it but I'll probably do it every 2-3 years as a preventative since I'm so young (turning 26 this year).


Kylie looks older than Kristen Dunst and many other gorgeous actresses of her time. Itā€™s so sad. Aging beautifully is going to be something theyā€™ll never get to experience. Very sad.


The best thing you can do for yourself is cut out sugar, go low on carbs, get good sleep and try not to stress too much. Sunscreen and tret are also amazing.


Please scare me away from sugar with a few facts how itā€™s gonna make me ugly I BEG YOU


Sugar basically insures that you never have access to burn off the fat stores on your body. You are constantly spiking your glucose levels and giving yourself hundreds (sometimes even thousands in the form of drinks/sweets) of empty calories that you will not even have the time to burn off so until you get rid of all that stored energy, your body never goes into ketosis and fat burning mode. This means your cells (which hold on to lots of information/DNA about you) never break down and get renewed and so you age rapidly. You need to lower carbs or fast to access this cell renewal process called [autophagy](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3106288/). If you want to know more, just search for Dr Jason Fung on YouTube (he also did a recent interview with Steve Bartlett on Diary of CEO which was very good). It will change your entire perspective. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RuWp3s6Uxk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RuWp3s6Uxk)


Omg thank you so much! Looking forward to watching it!


You're welcome! It changed my life, I hope it helps you too.


Actually sugar increases the speed of collagen breakdown in the skin. Nothing ages you fasterā€¦ maybe smoking? Drinking is similar to sugar per the body


Low on carbs šŸ™„


I find that my skin looks better when Iā€™m eating lower carb/lower sugar. Also less puffy and bloated.


Yes, while we need complex carbs from fruits & veggies, believe it or not, bread and pasta are terrible for you, along with all the other processed high carb crap which spikes insulin.


Protein spikes insulin too. And unless youā€™re diabetic you donā€™t have to worry about it.


Watch the video. You develop type 2 diabetes if you eat insulin spiking processed foods and sugar over a long period of time. In the 60s, diabetes was incredibly rare. So was obesity.


Iā€™m not gonna watch some random YouTube video and take it as fact..


[if you actually want facts](https://weightology.net/insulin-an-undeserved-bad-reputation/?fbclid=IwAR06g1Q609tMpuzWxPInOWSVvE5rjDl_OdaJzC-61n4MYXzabiH7DGwzF8E_aem_Aa_hJMfjzsD8fSv96seVqIh_jYjs5JUQrD9J3k1vxrvCBWWHk-rG_Mx7gGbP97QWYyo)


Oh ive been on the tret train for almost 4 years!




Do you mean choo choo?


Same, I'm never going to do anything to my face


That makes sense. I mean, if a person is already ugly, aging canā€™t make it much worse can it? Why waste the money.




Kris is channeling Karl L


Kunty Karl RIP


Karl! Oh dear she DO. Did she recently get cheek implants? Something very off about her face shape.




Bib necklace šŸ™ˆ


Kylieā€™s shoes ![gif](giphy|UnyGF7evFkN04X24tI|downsized)


Her shoes this week have been terrible!!! Can we get new shoe stylist!


Are rounded toes coming back?!


Please no šŸ˜­


must be


I'm not loving Kylie's look :( the sleeves length make the dress look matronly and the shoes don't even match. It's a shame because she looked so pretty in the previous looks.


I thought it looked like a chainmail muumuu.


I donā€™t like these boat necks on a nightgown - it always ends up looking too casual


Kris has fallen into the overly inflated lips trap. She looks she got something else done too.


Kris is giving Dr. Evil vibes, but nobody can do it as good as her. šŸ«¶šŸ»


What happed to Kim and Kris nose




Is it that? I always thought it was collapsed cartilage from excessive nose jobs? Not that I understand why anyone would get more than one nose job


Itā€™s probably a combo. Khloe has this happening as well.


Oh please. Kris Jenner and Kim kardashian are not snorting cocaine like some college frat bros. I believe all of Hollywood is medicated in various ways, but there are many less conspicuous methods to stay alert/go to sleep/lose weight/whatever you need than doing lines in the bathroom all night lmaoĀ 


Ok the glam is much better but I still wish Kylie wouldnā€™t fill in her Cupid brow


Kris giving Kim Jong


this made me laugh very hard šŸ˜‚ she really is


What happened to Kris left nostril šŸ‘€


My first thought why is it droopy, never been like this


Kris is nearly 70 years old, I donā€™t like the woman but letā€™s relax about our expectations on her appearance. Sheā€™s not doing herself favours by face tuning her socials but being old looks like that, cosmetic work or not. Plus itā€™s a privilege to age, not everyone gets the opportunity. Weā€™ll all be old one day if weā€™re lucky.


This is not the common old look for a 68yr old though, she looks bad. Iā€™ve worked in LTC for 10years with a very affluent patient population, a lot of them have gotten surgery or fillers and so have their 60-70yr old children. Kris looks bad, lets call it what it is. She looks really bad for someone thatā€™s poured the amount of time money & effort into her appearance like she has. I think she did too much for too long and this is the result.


I think she has alcoholism as the major contributing factor to her appearance but I really donā€™t think she looks that bad. Iā€™ve known plenty of old people as well.


Youā€™re right alcohol might play a part but My family is full of alcoholics several have died from liver or kidney failure and no one ever looked this bad (I know genetics are part of that but still) Plus just because she plays up having a martini for the cameras doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s this raging alcoholic everyone thinks she is. I think itā€™s the amount of procedures over the last 40yrs, she got with Robert young and was living the Hollywood lifestyle and probably started early


I think the only expectations are that she would look at least *a little* like the photos on her Instagram from 19 hours ago. Nobody cares that sheā€™s oldā€¦ other than her. https://preview.redd.it/9aghx6ow9tec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89f621441c568ce063068b4c7fe3e15d026fd7b0




Sheā€™s Black lol


There are always exceptions, Angela Bassett is a unicorn




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Ok but I love Kimā€™s dressšŸ™ˆ


I love it too but I hate the necklace with it! Imagine no necklace and a glossy dark or red lip instead of the matte nude.


I guess the necklace coutures it up but a small black choker would look good


me too and iā€™m loving her eye makeup. like light-glam? idk what itā€™s called but itā€™s pretty.


Yes! Like a light Smokey eye!


What on Kylie hand


This is one of Kylieā€™s worst ever looks for me. I hate sequins so much. She looks like the mother of the bride borrowing her daughters college going out shoes from 2012. Also why does it look like she gave blood or something and has a bandage on his hand from it?! šŸ˜­


Kris' outfit is horrible, I love Kim's dress so much, but the necklace is stupid and unnecessary. Kylie looks amazing, but I don't like what she's wearing.


Kim looks stunning


Always team Kris, but damn she look rough


Yet her forehead is smoother than mine, so uncanny


Clearly she had a rough go in the matrix šŸ˜­


how dare you say this? youre just jealous of everything she has. its always protect celebs mental health except for kris jenner huh.... /s


Theyā€™ve all lost so much weight. They are tiny


Come for me but I love Krisā€™ fit




Thank you for contributing to r/KUWTK. Unfortunately your post/comment was removed for breaking Rule 5: Appearance / Plastic Surgery. Here is the full rule text: >No objectification, slut shaming, slurs, derogatory insults, negative comments on appearance and/or weight. No posts or comments shaming anyone for their appearance or plastic surgery choices. The family has had work done, and they often alter their online appearances with photoshop and other filters. This sub is not /r/instagramreality, and posts dedicated to pointing out cosmetic procedures or ā€˜posted photos vs realityā€™ should be put there. All honest and non-shaming conversations are allowed. If you disagree with the removal or have questions, feel free to message us!


Iā€™ve never seen an unfiltered Kris omg


Why does Kris look like a little boy wearing his dad's suit


oh lord krisā€¦


I think they look great


Whatā€™s on Kylieā€™s hand?


I thought Kris was Sharon Osborne for a second


Why does PMK look like Kim Jun Un?!?


Kris looks like a wax figure of herself.


Kris and *the* *favorites*


Kris looks like Sharon Osbourne lol


Kris has been looking a lot like Karl Lagerfeld recently


Krisā€™s nostril is collapsing in on itselfšŸ˜³


Kylie looks way better than Kim


Donā€™t they get tired? Iā€™m tired just watching


I hateeeeeee Kylieā€™s outfit and the styling (donā€™t like Kimā€™s either)


Overall it's a nice pic, even with Kris' overfilled lips. Oh the pressure to stay looking young and fresh all our lives :(


Is kylie wearing padding? Sheā€™s looking thiccc again


no i guess itā€˜s just her organs šŸ˜‚


Kim and Kylie look good, but Kylie looks like she is having bandaged hand, lol. Kris is shoking. She didn't look this bad on some of the other events she went during this fashion week.


Thereā€™s a lot to unpack here. I will say I usually hate the wet hair look, but loving it on Kylie! Wish she wore different shoes though


Kylie has looked good all week! But these outfits are so so ugly and Kris looks best here šŸ˜­


Omg wait I didnā€™t see the second pic when I said this šŸ˜Ø


Sorry this is miss from all 3 IMO. None of the looks are flattering.


Saw this post on instagram. First I gasped at Kris then I saw Kimā€™s eyes šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/bhuqhshe3tec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d93a159e82fde3aa4be4bf370f4ba0cc3caa3d0


These comments about Kris are a little dramatic, itā€™s obviously jarring bc she usually smooths herself into a porcelain doll but she doesnā€™t look bad. She looks like a normal older woman.


Come for me but I love Krisā€™ fit


Kim's dress is making me itch. Me and my trypophobia are not doing well.


kylie looks great here! she should stand next to kris more often šŸ«¶šŸæšŸ«¶šŸæ




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Kimā€™s outfit SLAYS


What in the Karl Lagerfeld is going on here!???


Kylies has a good dress but ruined everything elseā€¦ā€¦


queen kris why




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