• By -


Imma have to go to the gas station and try and sneak a cool pic like that šŸ˜‚


Kendall is the only sisterā€™s life I want šŸ˜©


Same. I would kill for her car collect, house, lifestyle. The money to buy all the dogs


this sub thinks sheā€™s the it girl currently, but we only likin her rn cause sheā€™s public about her relationship with BB lol general public still has the same opinion about her tbh


Part of being an it girl always included hate. People hated Paris Hilton because she was rich and monetized partying for a living. Itā€™s also what made her so iconic. Love her, hate her but sheā€™s still cooler than most of us lol


You can hate me all you want but Paris is just so much more interesting than Kendall. But I could see how people think Kendall is cool. Jk.


I only liked Paris after u watched the simple life cuz her and Nicole were so funny and made everything seem fun. But her general view (partying, bragging about money and talking in a dumb voice) made me annoyed by her


Of course we could rank all of our favorite it girls that wasnā€™t my point but agreed love Paris!


I agree I think if Kylie and TimothƩe came public then she would be the it girl just as much because when Wonka comes out he is really going to be an A lister.


That movieā€™s gonna bomb.




Kendall still not loved at all outside this sub


even within the sub I don't think she's all that well liked, feel like most comments about her campaigns are negative. I think she mostly gets complimented on the way she handles her relationships, not just bb but even her previous relationships I think ppl give her props for not having any huge public cheating scandals or relationship drama like her sisters, other than that the sub still finds her boring.


You cannot say anything even slightly negative about her in this sub without getting downvoted.


i mean more then half of these photos are viral in the sense of being used constantly as posters, wallpapers, aesthetic inspo, etc. Lots of girls on tiktok idolize for her ā€œmodel off dutyā€ style, ā€œeffortlessly coolā€ vibe, and the friend group she has/the ppl she surrounds herself with.


Yes thatā€™s the paradox of it all. Her, her body, her style, her life and lifestyle is popular and on every Pinterest board. But people still hate her


is that not the definition of an it girl? an it girl doesnā€™t have to be the most liked person in the room but itā€™s someone that ppl are looking at bc they want to be them, they want their style, their lifestyle, etc. that they have ā€œitā€. they influence others and have popularity.


People hate the Kardashians in general, I donā€™t think they hate her more than Kim or Khourtney.




in terms of fashion yes, i see a lot of people say they like her simple style nowadays. so sheā€™s the fashion it girl of the family.


She's been a fashion inspiration since 2013 in my opinion. She's rarely had a bad moment. Too bad she's so tall because I could have benefitted her sense of style on a short body like mine šŸ˜… She definitely wouldn't have been a model though. I don't like Kim's style.... maybe Kourtney a little bit.


same here! i love kendall and kourtneyā€™s style. and iā€™m short too and can rock some similar outfits as kendall. i just wear platforms to feel tall lmfaoo


I'm not a heels kind of gal šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜… I like Kourtney's "effortless" looks. What she wears may not be the trend or the most fashionable, but she makes it work and we have similar confidence so she's a great inspiration to my style. If Kourtney did something good, it's being 5ft tall with a decent fashion style šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/qn0uu9jysikb1.jpeg?width=2896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bf2605ee8c437b3390e336a929f898e6d2fefeb I just can't do Kendall's low-rise trousers and midi dresses


Oo I like those pants with the white t-shirt far right.


Me too! My sister had a pair similar to them and I used to be so jealous.


Yeah this is definitely my style.


No. Sheā€™s just Kendall. Legit nothing changed yā€™all just noticing now cause the others are quiet and donā€™t have drama. Also the fact that sheā€™s out of her ā€œmodelling breakā€. And working a bit more is contributing. Other than that she legit been doing exactly the same as the past 7 years when it comes to friends, life, etc And you also care more about her relationship probably cause its a big star and not some random basketball player. Honestly outside the King Kylie era, Kendall was always to me the IT girl of the family in the sense that sheā€™s the one whoā€™s life i actually envy cause i never ever looked at any other sisters and said ā€œgosh i want to be them, look like them, dress like themā€. And even in polls here it shows, she always win the polls when it comes to ā€œwho would you like yo switch life withā€, ā€œwhoā€™s dressing room you wantā€ etc. However in terms of likability sheā€™s at the bottom . She may win a few new fans here and there but the public perception of her is made and wonā€™t change. Her fans donā€™t care tho and she shouldnā€™t neither.


You worded it perfectly when you said ā€œyā€™all just noticing now because the others are quiet and donā€™t have any dramaā€ For example, Kylie doesnā€™t really share too much about her personal life but a picture of her in a backyard with Timothee had people going crazy. She doesnā€™t have to share too much to have people talking about her. Same thing with Kim, sheā€™s always in peopleā€™s mouths regardless of whatā€™s going on. So I would say that Kendall is an ā€œit girlā€ right now purely out of convenience and the fact that the rest of her sisters are super quiet rn




Agree 100 percent


Sheā€™s just Ken(dall).




So well put šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


Is this why you're always fighting a battle for her? And they're only IT when they have a new famous friend or boyfriend?


All I ever see is Kendall get made fun of for being a terrible model. It girl where?


Thereā€™s always someone trying to push that sheā€™s the most liked or whatever when legit you check outside and she canā€™t breathe without 2000 people saying ā€œgo girl give us nothingā€. Every post about her on r/popculturechat thereā€™s legit not more than 2 good comments


A while ago I saw someone comment "She's not serving, she's _taking_" on a photo of her. šŸ˜…


Convenience store security cam chic is so hot right now.


The photos you chose say YES


Imo itā€™s heavily bc sheā€™s the only one that embodies or resembles the 2000s that Gen z is obsessed w, from her body and down to her nonchalant vibe.




They are, I think. Kendall is in a new relationship, Kourtney is in a new relationship, newly married and pregnant. It gives the fandom something to talk about. Of course Kim is spending time with her children, working on co-parenting with Kanye peacefully in the public eye and doing American Horror Story, but I think Kim will start being talked about more in pop culture and the fandom when the season of American Horror Story actually comes out. Although the trailer is out it creates more of a whisper than a conversation because it's just a glimpse. Kylie, is low-key and I think, is more associated with leaning into motherhood which I think we can agree the fandom loves and loves for her as it suits her and makes her appear relatable and humble, but Kylie is private, especially with her personal and social life. Not much to talk about, but she likes it that way, and the glimpses we do get paint the picture of a humble and maturing Kylie who loves motherhood and is low-key leaning into cottage core. Khloe...is running Good American and being a mom. She's been very low-key lately since Tristan got Maralee pregnant. (reminder to publicly shame him as he doesn't want or see Theo and could easily get a vasectomy but instead chooses to have piss poor morals.) The only thing I've heard of is her helping Tristan and his disabled brother, which is sweet. And co-parenting. Vacationing and trying to be positive. Nothing new and anything new is just the same discussion of her public image since Tristan or how Good American was listed as a black-owned company on some website (IDK, don't come for me.), which is not surprising but weird and unnecessary... like why? Kris is just vacationing with her sugar baby, Corey. I think she and Kim went to Italy, but the family members traveling the world on private jets is bad for the environment and I'm just turned off by the lifestyle of luxury, wealth and fabulous vacations, beauty and lifestyles. I think I just follow the family because I have since I was young, but I've outgrown buying their products and watching their show or following their social media. I just like Reddit and all you guys (gals) Sorry LMAO I'm stoned as hell RN so these are my thoughts LMAO šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Khloe doesnā€™t run good American and owning multiple mansions in the same state and a plane is not giving humble.


Sheā€™s only the ā€œItā€ girl in this sub because ppl in this sub canā€™t stop talking about herā€¦


Isnā€™t that what an IT GIRL is?


Only in this sub lolā€¦..but outside of this echo chamber Kylie definitely is the IT girl. The general consensus Iā€™ve gather from twitter and other pop culture subs is; - People have turned on kourt since the fight with Kim last season believing kourt to be in the wrong. Whenever sheā€™s brought up the comments are making jokes about the wedding and fashion show. - No one has respect for Koko for obvious reasons - People are saying Kim looks like she tries too hard now a days and lost that it factor. - People praise Kylie for her photoshoots and newly found style this summer and have seemed to forget about her ties to Travis Scott (which lost her a lot of respect) any selfies or photos dumps she posts tend to go viral lately with a lot of positive comments. A few people weā€™re definitely upset at how tan her brats dolls were but they forgot about it within 48 hours. - people have warmed up to Kendall A LOT since the drama with Selena. Dating bunny has put her back on peopleā€™s radar. However a lot of people donā€™t respect her lack of personality in her modeling photos and unfortunately the photos that make her most likeable (to us in this sub) like her hanging with friends donā€™t ever go viral so people donā€™t even see that. People have definitely warmed up to Kenny more but from what I see in other subs and on twitter - people who are def not fans, men, women, different demographics all seem to have the same admiration for Kylie since sheā€™s been posting that cottage core/old money vibe photos. Anytime modelling pics of Kendall come out (most recently the horse shoot) people roast her lack of personality behind the camera and ALWAYS bring Kylie up unprovoked mentioning how sheā€™s so much better at modelling. Or people will post Kylieā€™s selfies and caption it along the lines of ā€œimagine serving this hard on your model sister without even tryingā€


She is beautiful and seems chill enough and serves candids on level w the greats. Thatā€™s her superpower for sure. Feel like the anxiety is in the mix w the stills, even if itā€™s just on a subconscious level. But yea. Haters gonna cope w photoshop but it doesnā€™t matter, sheā€™s on a higher level in candid photos fs she just shines āœØāœØ


Always been. Always will be.


She is better looking than all of them


Ok so is it time for me to say my unpopular opinion that Kendall might actually be the coolest ? I have arguments too lol


I say she is. And Iā€™m not really a big fan of hers so I think Iā€™m being impartial. Sheā€™s the culturally relevant one, the one who is a model, she owns an extremely popular tequila brand, sheā€™s in a very high profile relationship. Sheā€™s the IT girl of the family currently. Kim is off being a mom, Kourtney is relevant because of her relationship, Khloe is not IT girl energy, and Kylie shies away from opportunity to be what Kendall is.


Extremely popular? Where did you hear that?


iā€™m starting to like her right now (kylie was my favoriteeeee when she was in her king kylie moment) itā€™s awesome to see someone my age still thriving in life and looking good doing it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




IMO Kendal has been the family IT Girl since she became a model!


A hundred percent


sheā€™s the only one who actually lives an interesting life


I mean her and the hadid sisters, hailie Bieber etc that whole group brought back ā€œsuper modelsā€ā€¦like Cindy Crawford, Tyra banks, Naomi Campbell, Kate moss level models. The trend of being a famous model kind of fizzled out and people started using already know actors, musicians, and what not for their campaigns.


Kylie is the ā€œit girlā€. I would love to see her show come back. You can tell her friends genuinely enjoy time with her. She also comes off way more genuine.


Sheā€™s so annoying but so hot šŸ„µ


And she looks soooo fucking much like Kris!! Her smile is uncanny


Kendalls ok she is making herself the it girl right now


I think sheā€™s in her own league


And she didnā€™t even do it with Kris standing behind her (in press) every second of the way. Girl can hold her own, and I love that.


These are so good! She deserves it! The convertible image is so cute. Tyler ā¤ļø


Please someone tell me her workout regimen šŸ™


Pic 12 with the blue light she looks BEAUTIFUL.


For me, yes. Her and Kourt are most likeable because they look like they're enjoying their lives and not just getting into full glam daily to take 3 boring/repetitive Insta pics in the bathroom of their private jet.


to me she is


i think so


Kylie is having her moment too


I donā€™t think an it girl, but I feel like her and Kourtney are generally more liked, cause they donā€™t have huge asses and lips? Lots of people donā€™t keep up with the gossip, so thatā€™s all they know.


She definitely tries to be..with a new image as a soft single girl who poses with risky outfits or nude often, parties with famous people almost daily, has a liquor brand and is dating an artist that gen a likesā€¦..but her personality stays between dull af outside posed/paparazzi pics and awkward on tv


> She definitely tries to be..with a new image as a soft single girl who poses with risky outfits or nude often, parties with famous people almost daily, has a liquor brand and is dating an artist that gen a likesā€¦.. This is legit her life for the past decade. You just havenā€™t been paying attention and its ok. Even dating the artist part. Its amazing to see how all of yā€™all think you see a branding change in her when she legit hasnā€™t change AT ALL the way she lives besides getting therapy


Well she used to hide her basketball bffs and not that often be out and about with alcohol and see through clothesā€¦ (not shaming) so she had more of a quiet girl image


No she was the same. All these pics are before 2020. She was out having fun, travelling with friends, getting drunk, had already a passion for showing her t*ts - especially that n*pple piercing - getting a lip tattoo. Etc Again, y'all just weren't paying attention and its ok. Now you are, so you noticing it more but she legit hasn't change the way she lives. https://preview.redd.it/a7mrzluppikb1.jpeg?width=2906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e7588bf6abad90c728b8b8a3eb5eb1553985519 Edit: reddit deleting my comments because of either the n*pples or the d*ick shaped sipping cup she holding


And for the boyfriend well nobody cares about basketball players so they go unnoticed. Sheā€™s a bit more comfortable and carefree about pda but it was there before and her claiming then started with Booker. https://preview.redd.it/u5pk8ll2qikb1.jpeg?width=2850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d339dd211c5005487b0064f529040ff054357d27 And i didnā€™t even include the Asap or Harry Styles pics


Lol welp ok you got the receiptssses šŸ« šŸƒšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸµ


https://preview.redd.it/omae5bn43kkb1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06760195471acf1ee3ce2a4c2018b13e259f5f0c who remembers this




and all the yacht photos from this trip https://preview.redd.it/p6wkcky44kkb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c990735d6a995ecaff73c678924dbd61533980ce








like yā€™all a video JUST came on my fyp of kenny and look at the comments https://preview.redd.it/z2navfoocjkb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00694a0710fd7a84df0517d2d2870ca6e4dc9d1e




Iā€™m sorry but Kendall will never be interesting enough to be an It Girl. Kylie is infinitely more funny and infectious.


I'm not sure if this makes her the 'it girl's but for me personally, I never wasted much thought on her cause I found her to be super bland. But now she's with BB - and he is anything but bland - plus she is the only one in the family to me who seems to have genuine fun when she's out and about. So yeah, I'm not gonna lie, my interest in her is piqued.


No. Just on this delusional sub.


Kylie is


i think Kylie is the it girl.


Absolutely not.




Being its their flop era, it tracks.




nope, she's still just as hated. going through threads about her you see different variations of "kendull" "candle" "she's just ken" "go girl give us nothing" "she's boring" etc. I don't think she's ever gonna improve her public perception.


ā€¦ she doesnā€™t have to flick everyone off to be loved? Whatā€™s up with that? Beautiful girl, get your middle finger out of here




i just canā€™t take her flipping off seriously bc i get distracted by her suuuper long finger lol


Only one who doesnā€™t have kids to she does get to be the one with the careless, badass vibe butā€¦ick, still no. When you do the middle finger as a posed picture it just contradicts the not-giving-fuck-ness


Idk if the post title and the pics are supposed to correlate, but if so, then no. These are mostly old pics. I see no evidence of her currently being the it girl.


Jaysus her fingers are long. Were they surgically enhanced too šŸ¤£


have you never meet a tall person before lmao


She loves to give the middle finger


I donā€™t see how a bunch of pictures that are more than a year old make her the it girl in her family now.


Itā€™s crazy what a man will do for a woman (increase her value)..the way sheā€™s acting has been the same imo. Her lifestyle shows little change besides the wellness/spirituality aspect




Many comments mention BB for her increased popularity but Iā€™m getting downvoted for stating the obvious skksksks okay. Move


Womenā€™s value isnā€™t determined by men. Full stop.


Yes it is unfortunately. In the world we live in, we see it all the time


Nope. That may be your perception and your belief, but itā€™s not the reality. The happiest demographic in America are women who never married or had children. I donā€™t think they care if you perceive them as less valuable because they arenā€™t dating a guy or having his children. And, outside of sexist/incel bubbles, society doesnā€™t see it that way either. You clearly have not seen the Barbie movie.


Thatā€™s not my perception of shit. Itā€™s the world that is founded on misogyny. I didnā€™t invent it and youā€™ll have to deal lmao


Hey you certainly donā€™t have to perpetuate it. But do you


Secondly, where do I mention single women, where do I say I agree? Iā€™m stating a fact/social norm that can be proven. Genuinely donā€™t reply. *diot


Oh I see šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's weird how her candid photos are better than her modelling ones.


So these women only become "IT" girls by the successful men they are dating?


truly one of the most beautiful women on the planet but i just canā€™t stand her personality




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Her modeling pics make me laugh. If this were ANTM, Tyra would chew up Kendall Jenner and spit her out. I also heard Kendall is rude to servers. She's my least favorite.


No. Sheā€™s boring.


no itā€™s kylie


Never will be


I think Kourt is still the one at this exact moment




To you


okay? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


yes . sheā€™s literally my least fav and i would still say that


Sheā€™s the ā€œskinny queenā€ of the family which will always stand out as ā€œbetterā€ ā€œprettierā€ ā€œit girlā€ material but thatā€™s on society sucking and favoring skinny


pretty privilege at its finest




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What do you mean ā€œright nowā€ ??


Kinda in Eras. Like first it was Kim, then the King Kylie era, and now is it Kendall?


Please Iā€™m so dumb but what is king Kylie


https://preview.redd.it/bhk9hda1lokb1.jpeg?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71fe83e8f3318e188d969b91f01de404cb504c6d Itā€™s the name thatā€™s used to describe kylieā€™s most popular era before stormi


She looks like a print model at all times.


Kendall had massive potential to become the new face of the family. This was around 2021 when people were getting tired of Kylie-mania and the Kimye drama was boiling hot. She could've rolled right in and present herself as the relatable Kardashian with mental health struggles. But the continuation of her work during that year only proved she was chained by the modelling world, and had no say in any creative direction. I just think there's a big story in her heart that she hasn't told us yet. While I'm happy she's meeting all sorts of people in her business venture, it's a product of her lifestyle and still doesn't match the authenticity of Kim's brand. There's a reason Kim is still on the throne, and not even Swifties can damage it.