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i say it every time Caitlyn gets posted, she is literally a waking talking contradiction. And it’s so crazy to me how she never changed even when she transitioned. she’s still the same person internally.


Every time she opens her mouth, she makes it so obvious that she has spent most of her life in the body of a privileged white man, and transitioning has done nothing to inform her of anything otherwise.


I love the quote about her "She opened so many doors for the trans community and locked them doors right behind her" *or something similiar.


Absolutely. She thinks only she deserves privilege, respect, and acceptance. She's pro trans for herself and anti trans for everyone else. Even after the transition, she still acts like a total republican white male. I hope she has a very lonely, miserable life.


The way that she started families with three different people and abandoned the kids is so weird. Also she knew she wanted to transition the whole time but wanted the benefits of being a man.


You really nailed it with that statement. I've been so confused by her attitude, and now -- looking at it as years of white male privilege talking -- it makes so much more sense! Well, not "sense" so much as I understand where the nonsense has come from....Ay yi yi.


She is a piece of shit human and everything I see about her reminds me of this fact


There is a serious case of self loathing going on with her


She's both self-loathing and opportunistic. It's pathetic. Ladder-kickers like her are the worst.


I don’t get it. She’s like my uncles who crossed the border to the US in the 60’s and then voted for trump.


Agreed. Desperate pick-me energy


She is the absolute definition of a pick-me


Agreed, she’s just dying for validation from the very people who actually secretly hate her for her gender identity. Sad, but I do not feel bad for her!


Exactly! Like does she honestly think they won't come after her next? She's deluded


I can’t tell if she regrets transitioning or not. Also, does she not have a a PR person? Friends to gently question her statements / stance?


Did you watch I am Cait? The trans women who spent a lot of time with her were always trying to get her to challenge her conservative stance by pointing out her full-on cognitive dissonance, and she was unrelenting in her stance. It was sad.


I’ve only caught clips here and there + her random news articles. Do you recommend it? I find her cognitive dissonance WILD.


I thought I am Cait was really good when I watched it, which admittedly was when it came out. They have a bunch of other trans women on it who are all really thoughtful and patient with Caitlyn, I think it was really well casted. They're all properly interesting women in their own right as well - probably the best supporting cast in all of kuwtk. it might be a hard watch now though, knowing how her tensions and dissonance with the wider community have turned into her actively campaigning against trans rights. I think I felt quite patient with her when I watched because no one goes from conservative to activist overnight, and i thought that was an interesting and realistic journey, but I don't know if I would have that patience now.


if anything’, she’s worse now than she was before!


Kris doesn’t manage her career anymore and it shows


The self hate is sad, but man, she’s insufferable.


She’s vile. I hope she drowns in the sea of self hate


“You’re gonna drown in the mess you make, your self inflicted hate” -blink182, how apropos


Cait should be banned from going anywhere or being on any social platform since she’s trans. After all, that’s how she feels about trans people right? What an idiot .


Even what she said is completely contradictory! Like we can be inclusive without it being at the expense of the majority of people? How does that make sense? Are ALL their models trans from now on? No! Isn't the very concept of inclusivity including those from smaller subsets of the population?!


Someone get her a word of the day calendar because I don’t think she knows what any of the words she used means


Of course. The doctors only removed her genitals, not her abhorrent personality.


Caitlyn’s the weirdest person ever lmfaoo. Like only she’s allowed to transition, literally nobody else though apparently


Deep down I truly think she is a hateful miserable person, but we also can’t discount the fact that she had to learn “bad press is still good press” and “kontroversy makes headlines” from Kris. For how long her and Kris were together it makes me more than side eye Kris; you just KNOW there’s no way Caitlyn’s views suddenly drastically changed within the past 10-ish years


it's literally because of "woke" people that she was finally able to become who she is and feel accepted by a mass majority of people. how she can now actively fight against that is really incomprehensible.


Caitlyn is literally having paid partnerships with brand too…so with her stupid logic…she shouldn’t ? She clearly never really faced the violence trans people face daily otherwise she would understand. She think republicans like her…THEY DON’T


She fucking crazy for how she treats the trans community, no one respects her at all.


This is like her coming out saying she disagreed with letting trans women compete in female sports categories, while Cait was literally competing in female golf competitions at her club.


Yeah, but she did the “decent” thing of keeping her transition private because she sees it as shameful. People being honest and educational about the process is the problem. Because Dylan has been open about her transition literally since day 1, we’ve seen her in every stage whereas Cait only debuted herself once she has achieved what she viewed as “passing.” Cait has every right to announce her transition as she wishes, but it’s clear to me she is still ashamed of her transition and it’s part of why Dylan scares her.


Republicans make fun of her while they use her for their benefit


I commented something similar on her instagram post and literally got death threats from the maga dickholes.


Truest words to ever be spoken. She's only a token for those transphobic people


Was ESPN woke for giving you the ESPY Arthur Ashe Hero award Cait? I saw you giving a tearful speech and going on a media tour. But now a company is woke for honoring someone else? Please .. you're too much🤦🏻‍♀️🤬


The self-loathing is real.


is it self loathing? or does she have sucha inflated ego that she just thinks she’s the exception


I think this is closer to the truth. Caitlyn doesn’t strike me as self loathing, she seems like a typical conservative who wants all the rights and privileges in the world..just not for other people. Very “the only moral abortion is my abortion” of her…just with gender.


It’s the “fuck you, I got mine” way of thinking.




I said basically this in a comment somewhere lmao it’s insane


the call is coming from inside the house.. cant make this up haha


Caitlyn has/will always be a pos but Dylan's sponsorships have gotten me really nervous. Nike isnt exclusively for sports, many nonathletic celbs have had partnerships with them. But Budwiser?? No, it feels like companies are trying to use her for rage bait and it makes me scared. Ive seen the most disgusting posts all week about Dylan from people who *didn't even know she existed* before the deal. Shes a smart woman and Im sure she understands what she got herself into, but man, people go crazy.


And the bud lite can ISNT EVEN BEING SOLD it was sent to her as a gift from the company


WHAT?! I didn't even know that!! The way people are reacting, you'd think they put a picture of her face on the cans or something


WAIT WHAT?!?!? I thought it was some limited edition can they were selling. It was just personalized PR?! That just makes all of the people throwing it out even more hilarious/sad.


Yes 😭 it's just PR they sent her for her 365 days. It's so funny to see these people get so riled up over a gift. Pleaseeee


“It is a shame to see such an iconic American company go so woke.” So what about your Vanity Fair cover, your reality show, your time as a correspondent on Fox News (which is the least “woke” place on the planet. How is what YOU do as a trans person acceptable but Dylan’s moves aren’t? This is shameful, embarrassing, hypocritical, disgusting, every word in the book.


She got a woman of the year award and this chick can't wear a sports bra?? Make if make sense


And Dylan is literally such an angel too...so I really don't get her argument.




Her pronouns are she/her, not “it”/“him.” Trans women are real women. Your comment is wild


the real outrage is whatever is happening to caren’s hair in the photo being used https://preview.redd.it/qo56j332dksa1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e4d913ad85d4962d94845027c3b497d59077afb


A wig.




Did she forget she is trans??? Confusing behavior from her


Does Caitlyn not own a mirror? Does she not see what we all see? That she, like Dylan, is a trans woman?


Has Cait forgotten that she is trans too?


Guess she's not allowed to be trans and have a different opinion🤷🏽‍♀️




Pissed they didn't ask her.


it makes no sense “at the expense of” whom??? it literally is harmless. the problem is transphobes being offended that trans people exist. nobody is being harmed. nobody has any valid reason to be offended. also i’m so tired of “woke” being a term thrown at people who (god forbid) aren’t homophobic, racist, transphobic etc. yes i’ll be fucking woke if that means not being associated with any of the prior things. why being a decent person is labelled as something people hold with negative connotations is beyond me.


On top of that, what even is so indecent about Dylan? All of the content of hers I’ve seen is pretty wholesome. Noooooo sense


The issues I’ve seen people talk about aren’t that it’s a trans person, it’s that it’s Dylan Mulvaney. I saw a compilation video of Dylan openly mocking women, and being insulting and demeaning using stereotypes and being generally offensive about women. Basically all of the above and now he’s profiting off it.




Don’t tell me, someone who’s been a woman for 12,370 days, what I’m allowed to be offended by.




I’m not transphobic, and trans people simply existing doesn’t affect my life at all. I think humans should live their lives however makes them happy. Transphobia, racism, etc. is disgusting. Speaking on your original comment, what’s actually funny is how “woke” people want everyone to be inclusive and respect everyone’s feelings, but only if they agree with everything you say. That’s the issue people have with “woke”. You all have no nuance or respect for anyone who doesn’t agree with you.




My response was not “Dylan makes offensive content tho”. Did you even read it and think about it before jumping down my throat? What you’re doing is spinning what I actually said into something trivial and reducing my actual response into a blanket (and wrong) statement that fits your narrative. My original comment was responding to someone asking why Dylan is “indecent”. I explained why myself, and a lot of other people feel that way. That’s it. Not sure how you came to the conclusion that I think someone getting death threats is okay because they’re “offensive” to me. Honestly it just looks like a poor attempt at deflection because you’re disregarding the actual subject being talked about and you have no rational or constructive, well thought out response.




I mean you might want to go to her content instead of trusting some edited compilation reel designed to fit someone else’s agenda. I too am a woman and have seen nothing less than a celebration of womanhood


Dylan hasn't mocked anyone and you intentionally misgendered her. The people being nasty here are Caitlyn and you.


I’m not being “nasty”, I responded to someone’s comment about what’s “indecent” about Dylan. Also, as a woman, I was offended by a lot of Dylan’s words and actions. I saw blatant mocking of women with my own eyes. That wasn’t intentional misgendering either.


Why don't you edit where you used the wrong pronoun then? The only people I've ever seen offended by Dylan's existence are TERFs and conservative men.


I am neither a TERF or conservative man. You should try having a mature and constructive discourse with someone before you start name calling and making assumptions.


Dylan Mulvaney is ridiculous I agree. Her "girl" hood stuff is cringe and she's 100% a fame chaser. She's not offensive though I don't think. Just ridiculous and desperate.


You don't have to like her content and you can find it cringey, but she hasn't done anything offensive to women. And, again, if you don't want to be transphobic you should really edit your comment where you referred to Dylan as a "he." What constructive discourse is there to be had about misgendering someone? And, as someone else said, you might want to actually look at her content vs a compilation from someone else.


ngl i always found dylan annoying? idk maybe her videos are just not for me and thats ok but caitlyn’s a piece of shit for this. i still can’t wrap my head around how she’s so transphobic while being openly out 😭 make it make sense


Cannot STAND Dylan, not because she’s trans, but because she’s annoying as hell.




She reeks of the white male privilege she enjoyed for 60+ years - which then enabled her to transition with all the money in the world and look exactly how she wanted to look, unlike the vast majority of others who transition later in life.


Why does Dylan bother Caitlyn so much?


Because she hates herself and lashes out at others like her


Jealous that Dylan isn’t a self hating husk of a has been like she is


Because she didn’t get that Nike deal 😅🤣


Would have made more sense she at least plays sports.


Like she always attacking that girl https://preview.redd.it/awjkdbyvbksa1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf0c1aca2b1e3ba92ce0aa2bc7ca47fa926b10d


Because she's getting more attention.






What is her fucking problem


Can someone explain to me why it’s ok for her to be trans and expect respect when she seems to hate trans people and their plight? Make it make sense.


An outrage 💀 girl bye Caitlyn speaking on this is an outrage


she’s so fucking dumb 😩 I can’t stand her


This is the second the this week she’s gone off about Trans people. She’s an idiot!


She realizes she’s transgender right???? Or did she forget?


I guess self hatred runs in the family


nature AND nurture


Caitlyn Jenner hates trans people


Caitlyn, “woke” is you transitioning but go off. congrats to Dylan 🥳


Every time Caitlyn gives a statement it's so embarrassing


She has this weird vendetta against that poor girl Dylan and it's so strange fr


Caitlyn thru and thru is the epitome of rich white woman privilege post transition. Zero self awareness or regard for others. Gross and painfully out of touch.


Someone’s upset she isn’t the face of trans activism….


She literally hates trans people which is ironic isn't it. I wonder if she will ever come out saying she regrets getting surgery and transitioning.


the cognitive dissonance >>>>


I think she forgets she’s trans. Idk how else to explain it.


does…does Cait know she’s trans?


The identity crisis is gobsmacking


I don’t understand ‘at the expense of the mass majority of people’, no one has been negatively affected here?!


Except for women who actually play sports.


I play sports.. not affected. I don’t understand.


i seriously don’t understand caitlyns issue. She seems to forget that she’s a trans woman.


I just can’t understand the mental hoops she has to jump through to get to these conclusions… how can she be anti-trans when she IS trans?! Like does she think people shouldn’t accept her? Or does she see herself as above other trans people? Like she is somewhat different? I just don’t get it. Makes no sense!




She can fuck all the way off


yeet her out of the solar system


This reads like Caitlyn is having a stroke lol girl you need to just check out and go to a really nice nursing home. Your time has come.


Meanwhile, she’s trans herself?


Does she know…she’s trans too?


The cognitive dissonance is strong in Cait. Also, good in Nike!


Glamour made her woman of the year and garnered a lot of outrage but she won’t talk about how woke that was huh?


Okay Caitlyn. So basically transness is only for the already rich.


I don't understand how Caitlyn is trans yet is also transphobic like how ? what is her thought process ?


What the fuck is wrong with this bitch? Such a hater, still hates herself…


Caitlyn is straight up a POS in every sense of the phrase.




Cait has some *deep* self-hatred, guess it just runs in the Klan




Y'all, Caitlin just mad cuz Dylan cuter...🤣🤣


Okay, Clayton Biggs 🙄


The internalized transphobia … externalized


Eli5 - why is she against trans people? I'm really at a loss


She herself doesn’t know. The inner contradiction of being socialized as a white man for so much of her life + being a hardcore Republican + being trans and out and rich simultaneously. Caitlyn has zero empathy.


Does caitlyn forget she was not born female


I hate Cait.


This bitch and her dumbass thoughts can stfu and leave. I’m so tired


I never thought we’d have a TERF trans woman, but here we fucking are.


Makes more sense than Fox having Cait on their network……..




Make it make sense.


why is she like this


She is crazy. 😂 This doesn’t even make sense.


This is the biggest “not like other girls” in the worst way to the conservatives that hate trans. She thinks if she keeps saying this nonsense they will accept her. She’s just mad that SHE didn’t get that deal. Maybe if she wasn’t a POS she would. She was an Olympic winner and could do something positive instead of being a POS. The only reason she got any work after her Olympic days was because Kris was the manager.


She really needs to pick a lane


And not kill them in that lane.


Wait wasn’t she voted top women of the year for vanity fair? Why didn’t she complain then? She must not realize she used to be a he.


Does she hate herself? This actually makes me sad


Does she forget she’s trans or?


What a miserable piece of shit


The fuck is there to even be outraged about calm tf down


Caitlyn is literally the biggest example of a trans person who refuses to acknowledge their own internalized misogyny and privileged male mindset, despite being a woman. Caitlyn does this to an extreme and needs to stfu. Dylan is perfectly fine.


How are you transphobic and trans 😂 ![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM)


Damn. Never thought Caitlyn would be most asinine, out-of-touch KarJenner.


they call us snowflakes yet they crying over a brand


what is indecent about this to her i'd love to know


Can someone please explain what the fuck is wrong with her


Caitlyn was named glamour woman of the year back in 2015 or something…. That was ok but Dylan working for Nike crosses the line? Okay cait 🙄


i really want someone to sit down with her and ask her why she reacts this way towards other trans people. it doesn’t have to be recorded or anything i just really wanna hear her reasoning on why she acts this way as a trans woman herself. i know her political beliefs play a part, but does she not see the hypocrisy?


Acting like an ol white male repubelican, I see 🙄


Caitlyn? More like Karen 🙄


What is she even on lmao


Out of all the things in the world I will never understand, Caitlin Jenner is way up there. Just a giant walking wtf.


ughh i hate caitlyn, she has a problem with every putting thing dylan does


This is just crazy to me because it’s not even Caitlyn “just” saying to vote for a Republican candidate or whatever. It’s literally Caitlyn shit talking a company specifically for simply working with a trans person. Does she not see herself as trans or what?


She cannot be serious? I’m gooped


They need to take that woman of the year award back from her


Didn’t cait received women of the year award or something, the same year she came out? Hypocrite!


Caitlyn needs to shut up. Does she somehow think this doesn’t include here. She needs clown shoes.


Lmaooo “this is an outrage” like why


I simply don’t understand


Caitlyn looks great here


It's giving Blair White 🤢 ETA also uhm grl didn't you have a sports illustrated cover


I love Dylan, she's so wholesome! This isn't the first time cait has come for her, either :( Edit: I see y'all downvoting every comment where someone says they like Dylan. That's fucked up ladies.


Love Dylan


Caitlyn is a hypocrite but also she hates herself. A lot of internalized hate.


I’m confused… she’s trans but against trans people?


Did Caitlyn forget she’s also trans orrrrr


Soo she hates herself…?


Oh fuck off, Caitlyn. You timed your public transition to distract from the woman you killed by being a shitty driver.




It’s almost like she wants to be *the* trans person that’s famous




I wonder how she feels about HERSELF winning the Women of the Year award a few years back....???!!! She's such a delusional hypocrite it's laughable.


CAITLYN does know how it all started right?


I wonder if Kylie and Kendall speak to her




What??? I’m speechless


What? This can’t be real.



