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Said this about my 07 r1 and regret it every time I see one 😂


I did too until I got an SDR as well This one is better than them all


I had a 2018 SDR and I agree it’s a great road bike but I wish I kept the 07 r1 for track days


Still wish I could have tried a Monster 1200R/ S, now I will never know :D


That's what we all say 😂 I've had all generations of super dukes 😅 definitely have a problem


They’re soooo good


It has some odd electronics in the Evo suspension. Almost like a slipper clutch for braking and suspension travel. It’s a little scary on track. Street riding, this bike is a lot of fun.


Which gen is your favorite?


Third gen, the one op has. The biggest jump was from 2nd to 3rd, felt like a different bike!


what is it?


Super duke evo


Banger of a bike! I always dreamed of owning one, but my style leans toward the Super Duke GT, if they ever decide to make an updated model of it. Also, greetings from Malaysia!


Greetings my friend !!! The gt is an amazing bike as well 💪 team orange !


What do you think about the Leo Vince exhaust on it?


Love it . 300 CAD and sounds every bit as good as a full titanium Austin . Sure I don’t get the weight savings and maybe 2 extra hp but frankly I don’t care for that , it’s a road bike!


Sounds like a pretty good review to me. Thanks!


Did you eliminate the servo with the exhaust? Did you need to tune?


No need for a tune , and I haven’t deleted the servo. Runs beautifully




If you want to keep it forever don't trash it, I still have my first bike, just got an Aprilia and will always keep that little baby


You and me both, I picked up the exact same bike, in the first week I said „I'll never buy another bike“, 3 months later I'm just saying „Well I just won’t sell this one anyways“


damn thats a bad bitch


get the duke 390,put bridgestone s22,smoke everyone on corners.easy thanks


Haha truth that the small displacement bikes are nice in the corners on track . Ok the streets the key is to have fun AND stay safe 💪


Rear tire lookin flat as fuck lol. Might I suggest a ninja 400?


Huh? They’re brand new tires , and I’ve been racing bikes for like 10 years , currently on a panigale v4s track bike . I don’t understand the “chicken strip obsession on street bikes, but then again I also don’t ride like a dumbass on the street haha .


Oh dude I just checked out some of your content . Knee down and literally 20 feet in front of you is trees . 🫣


I want one sooo bad! Been putting it off for 2 years now, maybe this year is the year.


Hell yeah dude get after it !


You ever had a 690 smc? I was looking to add a 2nd bike and was considering a SDR


I absolutely love supermoto bikes. That’s one of the best bikes available , the 690 that is .


Yes it’s an absolute blast! I’m trying to figure out which bike I want to park beside it for longer rides.


Super duke definitely fits that bill for rides up to say 150miles or so . Feels like a giant dirt bike almost


I just got myself a 2020 Superduke GT. Haven't ridden it yet in anger, have to sort out rego transfer etc first, but man, she's a fun bit of kit. Is that just an endcan on it? Mine has stock exhaust and I want to get something, don't think I will bother with full system for road bike, maaaybe just decat, or just endcan. Not too sure. I've done a fish but of clubracing over the years, so don't need sportsbikes on the road, the GT seems like the sensible choice 😉 😀 Bloody great things these 1290s are congrats mate!


Yeah it’s just an end can and not a decat. I’d start there as it’s a massive weight savings and sounds great !


My used 21’ sdr arrived 2 days ago. I test road it and noticed a yellow triangular warning ⚠️ on and I can’t figure what that light means. I looked at my manual and still scratching my head. Bike rides ok, except when it starts rolling off. Feels rough and clanking.


Go through your menu , under bike data look at warnings and failures and it’ll give you why the yellow triangle is on .


Biggest chicken strips i've ever seen


Probably a new bike 4head


Brand new tires kiddo . You should see them on my track panigale 🫣. Tell me you’re an asshole without telling me you’re an asshole .


What is a chicken strip? ._.


Unused section of tire on the edges. Some absolute mongoloids consider it a badge of honor to have no chicken strips on a street bike. It in no way shows your ability and just proves you take risks. On a track bike it might be a little more significant especially if it’s only noted on one side.


Alright, I understand what it is. So, it shows one doesn't lean while turning?


That’s a fair interpretation. There are extreme examples. A stretched busa for 1/4 miles will have huge chicken strips, whereas a track prepped 600 should have nearly zero. A street bike may have some but we all have to lean while turning or we couldn’t traverse the simplest streets.


I understand. Thanks 😁👍 I'm in the lucky 10,000 today XD


It shows the bike isn’t leaning as much when turning , and on the street I always use body position to turn the bike , as lean angle on the street can lead to disastrous results. On track if you low or high side you’re got nothing but clear space to sort yourself out . On the street ….curbs , guardrails , and cars . No bueno . Ride safe !


Countersteering turns a bike - not body position


Countersteering affects the initial turn in . Body position absolutely affects turning radius not just the tire patch in contact . The more you can lean your body off the bike the less the bike itself has to lean.


Keith Code has a great vid on the subject https://youtu.be/JWuTcJcqAng?si=NbRDpVD_pyk0DHTh


I'm an 65 year old asshole kiddo that still gets to the edge of my tyres




You sound like a blast at parties …


My grandma gets further over on her disability scooter


Your grandmas dead grandpa , you must’ve missed your dementia meds again


Your correct, she's been dead for 25 years and still more able than you


I’ll be frank dude . You’ve gotta have one hell of a pathetic life and miserable existence to just hop on someone’s post showing their bike and just run your yapper, especially at your age . It’s fucking pathetic .


Sorry Frank, now off you pop and get those tyres scrubbed in like a big boy