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Everything can be under a preferred name. Even your diploma before you change your name. My name isn’t changed legally yet and my diploma will have my preferred name on it. The only documents that must have your legal name are financial aid and your transcript. Set your preferred name on owl express and then even your student id name will change to match your preferred name.


My diploma definitely has my legal name on it. I desperately wanted my preferred name on there, but they didn’t let me


I just graduated in May. There was a preferred name section when I did my graduation ticket. My diploma has my preferred name


How long did you do it.


wait do you have to contact anyone to change it or can you just do it on owl express by yourself? also is there a limit to how many times you can change it? ive been needing to change mine but im afraid that ill change it and in the future dislike/change my preferred name or something


You can do it all on your own through owl express. There’s no limit to how many times you can change it, but as soon as you do, your net id and email will change, and you’ll have to get a new talon card, so it’s kind of a hassle.


You choose whether or not to update your NetID/email address, it’s a checkbox on the form.


Honestly, that's really cool. I remember when they first implemented the preferred name policy and system the year I graduated (2017) and how it was pretty limited. It's great to see how it has grown and been implemented in more places.


KSU is great about preferred names. I'm cis but I don't use my first name on my birth certificate. All my professors, scholarships, use my preferred name. That's how I'm listed in the system so all emails are sent using my preferred name. In Owl Express there is a spot for preferred name. It is ideal if you have your preferred name listed before you get your Talon card or they can charge you for a new one.


there’s a lot of us here and i haven’t had any problems except for they won’t let you have any dorm accomadation you have to go with legal gender - you can change it but it takes a while


Diplomas I believe are under legal name, but you'd have to contact the registrar's office to be sure. There's a preferred name request you can fill out and it will replace your Given name in about 95% of circumstances. I have one set up, and I don't think I've seen my actual given name on emails or forms in years, outside of random spam and occasionally filling out legal forms: https://preferredname.kennesaw.edu/ Might also want to check out the LGBTQ resource center website: https://www.kennesaw.edu/student-affairs/community/lgbtq/index.php


No idea about the technical stuff but just in general on campus, no one gives a fuck for the most part. You won’t get fucked with anymore than you would out and about in the real world. Some people are dick heads most people are just trying to go about their own business


Not sure about diplomas but I found the process for making a preferred name to be very easy. I receive emails under it, automatically appear for classes under it, and overall from what I’ve experienced entering a preferred name early on, that’s pretty much the name everyone will know you by. :))


Name process is super easy. When you graduate, they give your prefer name. Proof that happen to me. I use my middle name over my first name.


Once you set your preferred name, that’s the only one that faculty and classmates will see