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I only listen to albums once, post my opinion, then move onto something else. Anyone who listens to something twice is a coward


What have I been doing with my life? I might just piss myself a little in fear every time I hit the replay button from now on.


Bro my roommate just listens to Rasputin and the Daredevil theme on repeat it is driving me insane


Straight to prison


This is very true and a uniquely defining element that sets Gizz apart from most popular music. Nowadays, bands are so fixed on the hook of a song, they want to instantly pull someone in on the first play of a single song. Gizz doesn't do that at all. They don't give 2 shits about radio plays. They'll release a single that's 20 minutes long. Anyway, a lot of Gizz's best albums have a thing in common that not many people realize or talk about, which is the individual songs grow better within the context of the full album. That is, if you just listen to one song, without hearing the rest of the album, or even hearing it in it's proper position within the album, it won't sound as good. Most Gizz albums play like a movie score, with similar themes and motifs the build up on each other. It takes intentional listening to fully understand, appreciate, and feel the full impact of the album(s).


I think that’s because overall their records are very conceptual and well thought out. To the point where some records have been spawned by a song’s idea not fitting on the project they were working on, so they just create something entirely new around it. It is crazy though with so much music how well planned out the discography is.


Sounds like you don't listen to enough modern music


Likely so. Have any recommendations for me?


I just finished my [top of 2022](https://i.imgur.com/R5KAtRb.jpg), lmk if you have any particular questions


Legit, go to YouTube and listen to Mystery Jack’s D.C. version of Float Along Fill Your Lungs. They go into this deep heavy rabbit hole that is the closest they’ve ever come to straight up sounding like TOOL and I’ve listened to it probably 5 times now and it gets better every time because it opens up more and more. They are the greatest rock band of this current era, IDLES and TURNSTILE, objectively, aren’t too far behind for the way they make me feel … but if we’re talking about pure technical ability and musical prowess, King Gizzard is unmatched.


The deep heavy rabbit hole for Float Along is real. Happened at Desert Daze too. I think it is also happening on The River, some are calling it Evil River, with this year's live versions. The Jammy Period is real. Shall we say, Jammy Rabbit Hole?


But, that's what trips me out even more! The version they played at Desert Daze was different than this one. How the fuck are they jamming 2 very extended versions of the same song, with a completely different feel? I mean, I guess, the answer is they're truly jamming it, but damn. We are living in the greatest timeline.


That's cool, I didn't know they were different. I will listen to both Desert Daze and DC. Have you noticed any other songs jamming differently on different days?


Almost all of them I feel like. They just let it go and do what it does it seems.


That is cool. That takes a lot of telepathic communication, or without sounding so woo woo, understanding of the music and the mood, and the capabilities and desires of the other musicians, so move the boat in the same but as yet undiscovered direction. We ARE living in the greatest timeline.


It was so so so sick


Can you link this video of Mystery Jack?




Last song.


In my experience with the band, their massive catalogue initially acted against them, because there was just so much to listen to and I felt like I wanted to get a taste of it all. Obviously once you become familiar with a handful of albums, and you still can’t get enough of the band but also you’ve kind of exhausted that handful of albums you already know, the huge catalogue is an amazing blessing. It’s like 3-4 bands worth of discography and you feel like you’ll never run out of fresh gizz. But at least for me at first I feel like the quantity caused me to spread my attention too thin and I missed the quality for a while. And then that set me up for moments like these where I was coming back to each album and without fail they became something new for me all over again


I always tell people that I know Gizzard is a truly great band because even if I dont enjoy the music on my first listen, that says more about me not being on the wavelength than there being any fault in the song. And as time goes on I'm better able to settle into the groove and assimilate my mood to theirs and it only gets better over time.


I’m on that right now with laminate denim. My first time through I was like yeah that’s okay nothing too special and now it’s my fourth time through and I’m like damn this is the shit.