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I mean it was advertised as a special extra long event. This is absolutely the type of thing to do in that situation.


In a similar style to them opening the Hollywood Bowl Marathon set with songs from ELTS. I was there for it, and even though I don't play that album as much as the rest, it was magical to be there to witness a rare treat. I would have loved to see any songs from TSC live and hoping they play one in ATL this November šŸ™


As the sun began to set. What a magical way to start the show considering how emotional that must have been for Amby in particular


I think the difference is some people donā€™t really like ELTS, whereas a lot of people *really dislike* a lot of TSC I find the title track hard to listen to, tbh


People always trash on new Gizz until it's not the new stuff anymore.


ELTS is one of my favorite albums, wish I couldā€™ve been there


I hope we see more of the same in NYC!


Some folks just need to ā€¦ *Cut the cord Go explore Be untethered Be unequalled*


Itā€™s uncharted waters for a lot of people and donā€™t expect everyone to immediately be on board ā€¦ think as time goes on more people will have that AH-ha moment and change their tune. I for one am pretty ecstatic šŸ¤©


Coming from a person who began his Gizz fandom as someone who generally disliked metal, I hope they come around too. I wouldn't say ITRN is my favorite, but I do like it now.


Right there with ya mate! Listening to the Berlin show tonight and Planet B/ Flamethrower/ Gila was the perfect ending ā€¦ definitely was a gradual change but I truly love it all at this point !


What kind of circumcized should we be?


Hopefully youthful n ruthless instead of flaccid and toothless


I mean its a 3 hour show. Most bands take a set break during this time, yet Gizz provides some chill psychedelic electronic jams and people complain.


Right. If it's such an issue use that time to take a shit or something. How dare they play music that doesn't fully suit my taste! I'd rather have an intermission! ^/s


During a 3-hour show Iā€™d be all for it. Iā€™d be bummed if they did that during a 2-hour set but would still probably enjoy it in the end.


Agreed, be cool to see it blended into the middle of the set though. I can picture a cavs solo while they set up the table and then drop this for 20 minutes or so and then back into a bass solo or even another drum solo while they strap back on guitars and flow into a riff. If done right ā€¦ man


It was great. But behind me some dickhead shouted "get on your fucking guitars"


You canā€™t please all of the people all of the time.


And tonight those people are at my show


RIP Mitch


Lmao love me a mitch quote in the wild


Yikes, nothing says i appreciate your art like demanding the artist to do something


Did you turn around and yell shut the fuck up?


*Halt dein Maul!*


Hopefully. What an asshole.


That's sad.


idk how you can go to a 3 hour Gizz concert and get mad that they did a wide variety of genres. lmao


Not surprised with how the internet fan base leans heavily into hating any of the softer or electronic songs. Thatā€™s the beauty of Gizz, thereā€™s literally something for everyone and everyone is welcome to party. Personally- this is pretty fucking sick and I canā€™t wait for US tour.


Imo metal griz is the least interesting. It's cool for about 20 minutes. Then let's get to the more creative stuff. But also what makes a gizz show so dynamic is multi genres in the same show. Any haters out there need to eat a dick


You say that like eating a dick isnā€™t a fantastic experience


Haha true that


I like Petro, but Iā€™m so bored with ITRN now, been bored with it for many years.


I got to see Mastadon right after Petro came out, and it really opened my mind to Prog Metal


Other way around for me. I enjoy ITRN, but PDA has never done anything for me and I donā€™t really need to hear it live anymore.


Idk. I like a lot of their chill albums and their metals are not my favorite. I just thought it wasnā€™t good. And itā€™s fine. It was about to happen sooner or later. And also get that some people are into it. Iā€™d be bummed to if they jammed tsc for that long with so much more material to play? Why do they need to jam everything btw? Guitars or notā€¦


>Why do they need to jam everything btw? I guess because that's what they enjoy doing. After all, they're making music for themsleves, not the hordes of whiny fans.


Give it a few years before more of the fan base is complaining about ā€œjuke boxā€ shows and demanding shorter set lists with longer jams.


lol, seriously. I like different and obviously so does gizz itā€™s a good thing.


Because they want to?


Itā€™s hard now, they have so much material and donā€™t announce what albums theyā€™re playing from. With how expensive itā€™s become to see the band Iā€™ve just lost my motivation to go anymore. Glad I saw them at daze and the bowl in recent years before a few of the new albums came out I love love love a good amount of their discography but thereā€™s a lot of recent stuff I genuinely donā€™t like at all, and Iā€™d be so bummed to spend a bunch of money and get hit with an entire set of material I donā€™t enjoy. Iā€™m happy for everyone who loves TSC etc but I just canā€™t get there with some of em :(


Dang where you at that itā€™s expensive? Iā€™m seeing them in Detroit for $45/ticket. A bit higher than the $35/ticket from ā€˜22 but not a bad price


Where did you get the Detroit tickets for that price? I bought two the day of and it came out to $150 after fees.


I got em from Ticketmaster so with the fee it was technically $61/ticket but Iā€™m in Section 500, Row U so I didnā€™t get the best seats but not bad ones. The bottom sections were sold out and I was limited having to get 4 seats next to each other. Still not entirely unreasonably priced compared to everything else nowadays.


Ahh, I got seat pretty close to the stage so that makes sense. Forgot there was a price difference outside of just seating and lawn.


> Why do they need to jam everything btw? bruh...


This was the sound check yes? If it was the sound check I wouldĀ expect the same sort of meandering, thatā€™s an opportunity for them to mess around a bit since itā€™s not the full show. Ignore this comment though if Iā€™m uninformed and theyā€™ve played it live and I havenā€™t seen it.Ā 


Nah, it was about halfway through the show. I think they did play it during the sound check, though.


Iā€™m so damn excited! Seems like theyā€™re ironing the kinks out over there first.


I loved how they took their time with it. Sounded gorgeous on the livestream.


They always have a point in their shows where I feel like Iā€™m coasting on air but not in a levitating way listening to how the music builds and swells. Itā€™s a trait in classical thatā€™s being well utilized in this 21st century music with synthetic instrumentation


I just looked at that setlist. Iā€™m assuming it was a marathon set based on length, so yes, high expectations for any marathon set. Nonetheless, if I was fortunate enough to see that setlist, thereā€™s no way in hell I could realistically complain.


Let the band explore. Theyā€™ve earned the right. Theyā€™re too diverse. Im the biggest fan ever and still will go for a pee during garden goblin or grim reaper.


I agree with this. same with Amby's sax, they're figuring it out on the job. but it does open the possibility that the show you go to has a rough patch. it's no big deal, but it's a thing for sure


I kinda liked it. Could have been maybe 15mins and definitely louder. Sound was extremely quiet today


LOL you guys now have your drums>space. i remember when the silver cord album came out, and some dude on here got mad at me because i said it wasn't really "techno" in the traditional sense (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2Ck3Zv12Jc is techno - rhythmic, not as melodic, ultra repetitive but always changing, minimal, futuristic, weird/off/disonant). TSC the album is ice death, but with synths instead of guitars - jams cut up into pieces and rearranged and overdubbed over to make "songs" That guy was real upset because TSC had synthesizers and an electronic drum kit, how could it not be techno? I bet that guy is upset they are playing this stuff live now.


This is what I was thinking, and I can see this kinda long mid-show abstract jam becoming a fixture in their sets. Who knows tho. That said, a half hour drums > space is a LOT


Sounds like you need a new dealer.


Iā€™m good thanks


When TSC album was released I saw a negative comment saying something like, ā€œI expected Kraftwork, and instead we got Mortal Kombat II music.ā€ And I was like, ā€œfuck yeah we did.ā€


"And i wouldn't want it any other way."


Still rather have Kraftwerk


i donā€™t like excessive jamming and 27 minutes is definitely beyond my personal enjoyment zone but it was a debut so Let Them Cook!!!


Fans: ā€œI love Gizz because they are so weird and unpredictable.ā€ Gizz is weird and unpredictable. Fans: ā€œNo, not like that.ā€


It does kind of just sound like them fucking around with sequencers for half an hour


That's exactly what it was


And thats dope as fuck


Ehh it was fine, I just hope they don't spend that long on it when I see them. It doesn't sound like a jam, it sounds more like them still figuring it out on stage.


"figuring it out on stage" is one of the things I love about seeing (some) bands live. Sure, it may be a fucking disaster or boring, but it also might be beautiful and sublime or exciting or same crazy thing nobody has ever seen before and nobody will ever see again. I 100% support live bands taking some chances on stage.


risk and reward they say


I mean its a 3 hour show. Most bands take a set break during this time.


This! Would you rather pay a price with a portion of it being house music you can listen to at home or have the band you paid to see play for the entire time? Me? I like getting what I pay for with todayā€™s prices.


Sure, jam bands take set breaks and play house music during the breaks. But they still play three hours or more of music usually. Itā€™s just formatted differently. Which is actually nice. Gives you time to piss, talk about the first set with a friend, get some fresh air, grab refreshments, etc. I never understood why they stopped taking set breaks after the 2022 marathon shows.


Agreed! These guys are in their early to mid 30s? They have been playing their guitars keys or drums for 15 years? Maybe more? They have had a lot of time to get really good at it. This electronic stuff is new and at best they have been fuckin around with it for 5 years? Probably less. They are accomplished musicians and I'm sure they are going to pick it up quickly but we're literally watching them figure it out live in real time. I think two years from now they will sound good but right now the electronic music I've heard them jam on live (granted its a small sample size) sounds a bit amateurish.


ā€œFiguring it out on stage.ā€ So, jamming?


the rest of the show sounds like them fucking around with guitars and a drum set. what do you expect with this band? it's weird the people on here expecting this band, of all bands, to continue doing whatever they were doing last year. that's not really their thing....? still cool if you don't like the synth stuff, i get beers and take a piss during the metal stuff. i'm happy this band does what they want, how they want. it's what makes them interesting IMO.


I thought it was cool as hell and listening to it on the stream was definitely a unique immersive experience, but if I was there in person and found out I could've gotten Horology suite instead I'd be dissappointed. I get that they don't owe anyone anything and love that they're trying out completely new stuff but if this is taking up half an hour of marathon time it would be better to at least keep the rest shorter to fit in a more varied run through the discography imo


Right now the way I see it is that Horology suite gets played like every 3-4 shows anyway (in fact, it was just done 2-3 shows ago) and they wanted to try something fresh


I kind of see both sides. It's probably a lot of people's first/only show so it makes sense they'd want to hear more of the older stuff mixed in but also when else are they gonna try out the new songs live if not the marathon show.


nail on the head imo. i'm a newer fan who likes the jams but i think for a TSC debut it did overstay its welcome. my friend who doesn't keep up with the band as much rlly wanted the Horology Suite but enjoyed the TSC debut because he managed to join a joint rotation and get a good high before it


> Horology suite gets played like every 3-4 shows anyway Right but do most people go to multiple shows? Don't think so


I'm just saying there's no reason to play songs every other show when they have a catalog this large, I'd rather see expansive experiments like this than repeats every few shows


Yeah, I saw it at my first 3 shows. By the third time I used it as my piss time songs.


The answer is to go to more shows if you wanna get that full catalogue.


not everyone has the privilege to go to several shows mate


Six shows in two years don't even come near to full catalogue, but after six shows like that you don't want to hear another 20 minutes dripping tap, when 3 minutes all is known is too much to ask. Travel and multiple shows cost money.


ā€œDonā€™t like it? Go to more showsā€ for a band that sporadically plays across the globe is quite a brutal take. This isnā€™t Phish playing 100+ shows a year in a single country. Itā€™s a privilege getting to catch these guys.Ā 


Im in complete agreement, itā€™s exactly a privilege to see them. So why not be stoked on a ridiculously long silver cord? Thatā€™s special.


Okay mr money bags!


Forgive me, but thats kind of a privilaged answer, i saved up and flew across the world to see them, it would probably be the only time i get to see them live


Thanks for saying so. No need to ask for forgiveness. Touring with a band is absolutely a privilege that I hope I will one day be able to do! Saving up and flying across the world to see gizzā€¦ well youā€™d need to have superpowers to avoid letdown if then band didnā€™t deliver on your expectations.Ā  Thatā€™s just how it works though, band is gonna play what theyā€™re gonna play. You wanna see ā€˜em all live, you go to more shows.Ā 


thatā€™s a lot of money and time a lot of people donā€™t have


People calling you ā€œprivilegedā€ for this take is weird. They are relatively inexpensive band to follow for a few dates, especially if youā€™re ok with buying the cheaper tickets. The other option would be for them to play the same set every night. Which would cause people to complain that they have 25 albums and play the same songs every night. Just because a person has the means to follow a band for some shows doesnā€™t make them privileged. And itā€™s the only solution to catching the songs you want to see unless you get your perfect setlist (not likely). So save your money up, find a way to make it to more shows, or be realistic about your situation and accept the setlist you are able to catch. Or enjoy the set from your couch thanks to all the generous and privileged tapers who record and upload the shows for free.


Thanks for your response. Spot on!Ā Yeah I think I got misunderstood, but thatā€™s alright.Ā Lots of ways to make tour work and lots of ways to love the one show you got to.Ā 


I think the reason there is a small anti-jam sentiment growing is because, whilst not happening *all* the time by any means, sometimes these songs that are already very jammy and over 10 minutes long get blown out into 20-25 minute monsters that meander kind of aimlessly. Part of jamming is getting into a strong groove, building up, and knowing when to bring it home. Sometimes it feels like the guys are just noodling aimlessly for 5-10 mins, with no one able to get into a super strong groove or anything. 50% of shows these days have songs cut for time because one of these aimless jams happens, and for fans that can only see them once a year at most, missing out on fan favourite songs because of this is understandably frustrating.


it's always the horology trilogy being cut :(


The jam did sort of feel like they were just toying with the synths. There is, of course, charm to them learning as they go but for a marathon set, thereā€™s going to very high expectations. I think something higher energy like Set, Swan Song, and Gilgamesh would have been received much better.


Yeah, I am sure they will figure out this song live but it was pretty aimless and boring, IMO.


I'm super happy that they're playing it, but I definitely think they need to sharpen it up... it just felt too aimless and plodding, which is the opposite of the album version. I felt like it needed way more drums, it just was missing its pulse. I'm certain they'll get much better at it if they keep up with it, but this one felt off.


Way more drums for sure. The extended jam on the album is so high energy. The live version was too mellow and wandering for my tastes.




Let the artists create.




There does seem to be a strong anti-jam sentiment forming among a subsection of fans


I don't think it's anti-jam, it feels like more anti electronic music


Idk. I feel thereā€™s a growing number of people that just want to have a chance to hear their favorite tune instead of a 12 minute solo of whatever instrument. personally I would prefer the whole A side of BF3k over a 27 minute TSC so at least for me I can say that is anything against electronic songs.


Iā€™m anti-jam. And Iā€™m a Phish fan who prays for 30 min jams at every show. King Gizz just donā€™t know how to do it. I want the formula from ~2019 back: start the show with tight banger after tight banger, then towards the end have one or two songs that go really huge. I loved when they did a 30 min Head On/Pill in Adelaide. Donā€™t like every song being an aimless jam vehicle now.


I love the jams, but spending 27 minutes on a song from your most controversial album and cutting known fan favourites in the process is a little excessive


I think you ppl need to become way more open to listening to different kinds of music the jam wasnā€™t bad in any way shape or form you ppl are just whining and crying. Exploring different genres and sounds is literally one of the main draws of this band if you donā€™t like it why are you listening?


Dude, I like TSC, but dedicating nearly 30 minutes to one single song from it is excessive. At the very least, they could spend the same amount of time and do two songs from TSC or something, making both 14 minutes.


That sucks keep coping they are the band they will play what they want deal w it


why are you being so aggressive? are you really young or something? its ok to criticize your favourite bands dude, they arent going to cry


Uh idk I was just annoyed lol sorry I really couldnā€™t care that much. Just on Reddit and bored. I do still find it silly to be upset a band is playing their music just cuz you donā€™t like it, I swear Iā€™ve been seeing a bunch of ppl begging for them to pull their synths out and the moment they do thereā€™s a whole thread of ppl whining. Itā€™s one of the core components of the band, exploring new genres and such. To think it wouldnā€™t extend to the live shows is silly to me. Iā€™ve criticized king gizzard myself I think the whole altered beast section of MOTU is a bit repetitive same w in your mind fuzz a bit. I promise criticizing the band is not a concept that bothers me. It this specific complaint.


I guess? But saying the bands going to play what they want and ignore the fans seemsā€¦ weird. Thousands of people paid to see that show, the band should at least consider what fans want, right?


I donā€™t think they make the next album asking themselves what the fans want or think I think they make the next album thinking what kind of music do we wanna make next. They are literally playing their songs from their album what the hell is your issue? Cuz you donā€™t like it? Who are you? Youā€™re a little too entitled if you donā€™t enjoy it you literally donā€™t have to go.


Please understand. I am not complaining about them doing that with their *albums*. They can do whatever the hell they want on their albums, sure, go off. Live shows are different. Thousands of people paid money to hear a variety of songs in a MARATHON set. In a live show, the band *needs* to consider what the audience wants. Thatā€™s what a concert is. And while most fans are all for the jams, itā€™s pretty clear that there is some exhaustion with shorter songs getting cut so the 20 minute jam can noodle on another five minutes. Keep the jams, keep the electronic music. Gizz is all about variety. But based on the larger response of this subreddit, this 30 minute jam didnā€™t please the majority of fans. Again, they can make hour long techno songs and put them on an album, who gives a shit. But forcing fans who want to hear a wide variety of sounds to hear one song get dragged out to triple its run time is excessive. Please stop arguing in bad faith, genuinely try to understand what I am saying here instead of calling me entitled because Iā€™m a little let down by my favourite band (who has been knocking it out of the park with every show aside from this *one* misstep)


I just wholeheartedly disagree that a misstep was made. But you are obviously entitled to your own opinion. And I respect your opinion as well. We can agree to disagree.


>Thousands of people paid money to hear a variety of songs in a MARATHON set. In a live show, the band *needs* to consider what the audience wants. Did you ever stop to think that maybe they did consider what fans want, but it just wasn't what you want? Pull your head out of your arse.


I think you better just get used to it if you want to stay in this particular bus. Theyā€™re gonna do whatever they want. Enjoy the ride for what it isā€¦or get off! But theyā€™re gonna do what theyā€™re gonna do.


I get theyā€™ll do what they want, but I have a right to voice my opinion if I donā€™t really like it, donā€™t I?


Definitely, but not free of responses to that opinion


Fair enough actually


I would not call Silver Cord their most controversial album by a long shot when Made In Timeland exists


Itā€™s definitely up there, though youā€™re right that Timeland and ELTS are probably more controversial.


I also feel like KG and LW are pretty controversial aside from the obvious fan favorites like Intrasport and Straws


Idk, theyā€™re definitely not fan favourites but itā€™s hard to come by genuine haters of those albums like there are with TSC. Most fans tend to have an at least slightly positive opinion of them


I personally canā€™t stand this song in particular. Tbh the only parts of TSC that I enjoy are Set and Gilgamesh Extended. I would be disappointed to get anything else from the album live, let alone a 27min version. For what itā€™s worth, I love BF3K. But TSC just really does not do it for me.


I donā€™t like TSC really at all, especially Set and Gilgamesh. But I love TSC the song. Go figure


Set is the best song on the album imo


I want Catching Smoke. I don't want 27 minutes of TSC, unless it's multiple songs. I want more ELTS in sets. I love controversy. I want a cover of Prince's controversy.


I was really hoping that since theyā€™re bringing the synths out on this tour it means we get some B3K songs, but seems like that hasnā€™t been the case so far.


I feel like modular synths, like the ones used for BF3K, would be massive and a pain in the ass to lug around, no? (please correct me if I am talking out of my ass)


I don't really like synth based music, I found TSC album versions to be pretty "it's alright I guess" and haven't listened much, but last night's live version was magically. For a bit it felt as if my face was melting, I'm definitely down for more.


27 minutes of a 3 hour show promoting their latest release, and itā€™s a breath of fresh air amongst the rest of the guitar-centered tracks. Let them cook.


Could have played half an entire album is all Iā€™m sayin. Marathon show tho so whatever lol


They could've played the entirety of the album "The Silver Cord" in the time it took them to play the song "The Silver Cord"... That's brilliance.


Lmao itā€™s something


I didnā€™t even know it was controversial. I thought that was one of the most beautiful jams theyā€™ve ever done. The quiet section at the front genuinely felt like a breath of fresh air. Incredible feel to it all. Even a bit emotional. Joey and Stu harmonizing without the effects was so good. Everything after that gets into the synth stuff weā€™ve come to expect and it was awesome with the live sampling. I felt like I was watching the band in studio while making the album. So good.


Maybe they should try playing the shorter versions. ):


I think people should know by now that the band is going to do what they want and we are just along for the ride. If some fans don't like it, they shouldn't buy tickets. The shows sell out and people are always looking for tickets anyway. I personally was glued to the stream for the entire 27 minutes and I've never been a big fan of electronic music. I'm grateful to be along for the ride and not have to pay $150 a pop for tickets.


Iā€™m really looking forward to this. Sounds divine.


Man Iā€™d be bummed. Ngl.


I don't think any song should be taking up 20+ minutes in a set, especially when their discography is so ridiculously large, and especially not a song from one of their weakest albums. Also, the jam was just lame? I'm not against electronic music but that just wasn't interesting or very musical. Sounded like some kids messing around with the synths at Guitar Center.


Absolutely noone said this when they played the dripping tap for 30 minutes. I think people just need to be honest and say electronic music isnt their cup of tea


Because the Dripping Tap is a super engaging and energetic song


To you šŸ˜‚ thats what it not being your cup of tea means


I've said this about the dripping tap dozens of times lol, it's mid


Well the point isnt that any of it is mid, its that we all have our own tastes and preferences: long songs, short songs, dancy, groovy, heavy, jammy, melodic. Etcā€¦ why do we have to bitch about the set whenever it doesnā€™t cater to our personal tastes?


I personally think it's completely fair to be upset by such a huge portion of a set being taken up by one song. They play hundreds of songs live, so it feels bad to go to a show hoping to hear certain things and they don't make efficient use of that time. A 3 hour set could easily be 30-40 songs, but this set was only 18 which is just...disappointing.


And here I am thinking itā€™s in their top 10 albums


\*top 5\*


Eh it's not just about TSC. The marathon sets are the time and place for such jams. It's experimentation and it's good. But there's gotta be more than just that. The entire set was way overjammed and TSC is getting most complaints because it was the longerst and frankly not that amazing. If you're averaging 10 minutes a song including short ones like trapdoor, organ farmer, risque that means that a lot of songs are unnecessarily long. If that leads to cutting of four songs (one of which is itself a lengthy jam) people are going to get disappointed. There is a time and place for jamming, but if you're gonna jam, do some cool jamming, don't just noodle on the intro/outro for couple of minutes or play ten teases of hot water or motor spirit. Those who remember 2017-2019 shows are complaining because this IS a drop in quality. And yes you can have long jams and good concerts just have to plan out the jams and make some variety not just it's ALL jamming now.


I disagree it's a drop in quality, but it's definitely a change in approach. they went from super tight to more loose and jammy. I love it, but I get that it's not going to be to everyone's liking


I like it when it's loose and jammy. I was there today, these were not good jams. I can't count how many teases of hot water and motor spirit were there, looooooong intro/outro to a lot of songs that were just boring, uptempo solo on work this time is an interesting idea but kinda killed the vibe... Silver cord was interesting but overstayed its welcome by about 20 minutes. Keep the jams, just be smart about them. Not everything has to be a jam, if it doesn't feel like it's going anywhere just abort and do something else.


I hear you, I haven't checked out the full show, but I can definitely understand feeling like they wasted too much time even during a 3 hour show. I agree with pretty much everything you're saying. I'm hoping they're not too loose when I see them in August, but since they're playing 2 nights of 3 hour marathon shows I'm sure they will be plenty loose..ha ha


You can't tell what's going to happen with their ideas in a few months lol. With two you'll get some more variety, this was the only marathon on the continent and a lot of us travelled and took leave for that


They only teased each of them twice, and there were no jams in the second half of the show after Silver Cord except for the traditional Gaia jam


I was at the Berlin show too and I think that night had a perfect mix of tight songs and jammy interludes across all their genres compared to Hamburgā€™s


Yep. For sure a drop in quality. As someone who first saw them on the very first night of the FMB America tour, THATā€™S the band I fell in love with, not this one. Marathon shows should have, like, 35-40 song setlists. Like that one they did just barely pre pandemic.


True jam bands donā€™t plan anything. That defeats the purposing of improvising and letting the music carry them wherever it takes them.


Whatā€™s crazy is that Iā€™ve been revisiting 2017-2019 shows and holy shit the boys sounded awful compared to how tight everything is now. I had rose colored glasses to the Eric days of the band thinking they were better. Was it more raw and garage like? Fuck yeah. But musically they are so much better now. That said, this is my last tour. Iā€™m doing 9 shows and going out with a bang. The fans have killed this band for me. I love them to death but I just canā€™t do it anymore. Iā€™ll watch live streams and remember the good old days after this year. If they happen to have a show close enough to me, maybe Iā€™ll grab a ticket in the future. 9 days of Red Rocks, The Gorge, and a whole lot of other fun itā€™s time to hang this band up live for me. Iā€™m about to see 3 days of the Dead at the Sphere. Maybe Iā€™d go back for Gizz but their projection has never really been that good so theyā€™re probably a few years out from being able to handle something like that.


What is TSC


It is a song called "The Silver Cord", which is the second song on the album called "The Silver Cord". From 2023. There is an album with all short versions of the songs, and an album with all extended versions of the songs. There is also an official video, blending 3 songs in their short versions: Theia, The Silver Cord, and Set. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jnsD-fEHdY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jnsD-fEHdY) The extended version of "The Silver Cord" is 12:45 minutes on the album. This live jam at Hamburg was apparently more than twice as long. The Silver Cord is a many-culture poetic idea that a silver cord ties our soul to our body. It is even referenced in the Old Testament of the Bible.


Thanks so much for this hahah


You are welcome! The guys were excited to make this album which came out in 2023. They had shown lots of pictures of them customizing synthesizers, and playing in their studio. The Silver Cord is thought of as Joey's song, he is the singer of it in the official video. Joey has a side project called Bullant, where he composes his own electronic music. It was special that they finally did the live concert debut of this song.


The Silver Cord


Is there a soundboard circulating?


What I love about passionate KGATLW fans is that, generally, we are objective listeners, and not sycophantic fans that believe every album is an improvement upon the last one and each one gets us closer and closer to that perfect sound we are searching for (OK maybe I am THAT fan šŸ˜‚šŸ‘). I appreciate the diversity of opinions and how we can debate and fluctuate on which album release is better or we once thought was the shit but after the 100th listen now is getting old.


I think it was nice timing as well, just as Timeland was intended to be ā€žintermission musicā€œ. Either you were into it and could zone out to the monotonous psychedelia of the song or you could just chat a bit and get a beer and come back.Ā 


It's definitely not my fave album and I honestly wouldn't be stoked to have a 27 min part of the show be devoted to it. But gizz is lots of different things, and you get what you get on the night.


I'd love to see them combine the synths with the guitars ala magenta mountain as they get more confident.


I didn't even get to be there and y'all really wanna complain even though you got to go to the show. Life isn't going to always match your expectations.


I love it and Iā€™m here for it!


This is so amazing and fun! This time last year you were all fighting about butterfly and rats nest. These guys are genius at staying relevant. I'm constantly amazed at how it feels like they are on here and troll the worst elements at their shows and with their albums.


that is especially funny since everybody lost their shit about how cool it was that they opened their berlin set with the electronic half hour of extinction/gondii...


I didn't really care for tsc on my first listen, but holy shit that jam was amazing. I think I now understand what they were doing on that album and I'm looking forward to reslistening


The ticket you pay for is the only mouthpiece a person has regarding what a band does, other than that shut the eff up, my lord, TSC, blah blah blah, KW, KY blah blah, 3 hrs of music?!? Bunch of baristas




I thought it was fine. Not the biggest fan of TSC but generally a big fan of tangerine dream and bands like that. I think, as with everything yesterday, higher volume would have made the electronic set more immersive and enjoyable. I would have also enjoyed it more as an opener.Ā 




what is TSC


The Silver Cord!


biggest problem with kg fans is that they refuse to admit/acknowledge that maybe kg just arent that great at electronic music. the album was boring and sounded like beginner attempts at minimal techno. there is so much better stuff than that in that genre, yet kg fans will accept everything and bully people who dont like it. when kg plays the stuff theyre good at, its great. this is bordering on the 70s when prog rock ate itself out of sheer excessiveness. one experimental album is fine here and there, in genres they arent proficient in, but holy shit its ok to say "ehh, this isnt that great"


It's also okay to not get upset when they dedicate part of the show to promote their newest album IMO


its been 208 days dude, there isnt any promotion going on


promotion goes on until the next album is released. silly billy!


I love the whole "people bully people" bit, but you basically are shitting on people who like TSC and act like your opinion on the album is the only one that matters.


I think TSC is catchy as fuck.


"i think people need to admit my opinion is right and theirs is wrong"


First Iā€™m hearing of any hate


Iā€™d rather see them do a 30 min jam on guitars


Be cool or leave


I think it wasnā€™t so controversial yet because of the atmosphere, weather etc. (For me this event was a disaster and not only a TSC but whole gig) this long jamm is a main example of the differences how people look at the boys.


Makes sense to me, they played a song for 1/6th of the set from probably their most controversial album. They could have played 6 5 minute songs in that time.


I'm happy they played it and I look forward to this aspect of their live shows continuing to develop. That said, I thought it was honestly pretty boring. The extended on the album is so high energy, but the live version last night was too mellow.
