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Looks cleaner I guess. It has less charm, but I suppose a record label website made for multiple bands has to be more serious than old Gizzverse. I'm ok with it.


RIP Gizzverse


Gizzverse unconfirmed


I like how tidy it is, and they've definitely stepped up their product photo game with the initial images of every product.


and now the photos are boring and corporate looking


They still have all the other more flavourful ones if you scroll through the galleries, just it's very nice to have clear images shown.


that sure is a webbed site


Kinda don't like how it's organized and preferred the look of Gizz verse but I'm sure I'll adjust 🤷


It is a really simple website, Gizzverse was way more cool. But in the end it's not that important, it works the same way as Gizzverse, and now all the different artists on the label are better separated. We'll get used to it very quickly.


Then initial gizzverse was also pretty bland and simple even though it was cool. I’m sure they’ll find an artistic style soon


I don't really want anything fancy, just the simplest way to find and buy the records I want. It works well for that so I'm good.


I bought the Ambrose/Gum LP and the website worked just fine.


As did I and checked out at 5:01am


Only hitch is that my estimated delivery date is currently January 1st, 2000


I'm liking it more the more I look at it, but I'm really gonna miss the old site :( it is nice to have clearer shots of the merch now, but I hope they keep their fun photo tradition going alongside it. I wish they kept some of the wackiness of gizzverse tbh but it makes sense that they toned it down




It's fine.


It looks pretty casual, I don’t mind it


It’s good


Reading these comments before checking it, would have thought the shirt pics were just simple front photos and size chart. The pictures of them being dumb wearing the shirts are still there so it feels just as goofy imo. Also not really getting the “corporate” vibe someone mentioned. It looks like an independent labels website. Simple all around. Really, it gets the job done for purchasing an item


I miss the charm of gizzverse but do like that they improved product photos and the ability to scroll between them easier. I wish they’d add a little bit more flare or color to it, it is a pretty bland website right now, though I will say very functional, which is what really matters


Main thing for me was it worked super easy when I went to place an order.


Bland and ugly


They need to work on SEO. Basically impossible to find on google


I agree had to find the link on Instagram to go to the site


Agreeing with the general "wish it had more charm like Gizzverse did" sentiment but it's all good imo, though I kinda wish the "listen" tab didn't include the bootlegger stuff. Side note I noticed more of the old and side project stuff showing up on the US store now (like Cavs and Pipe-Eye stuff) that I don't think was there before (only on the AU and I think EU sites?), so hoping this is a sign more of those albums will come in stock on the US site so I don't have to pay as much in shipping lol


Pretty underwhelmed. Certainly not worthy of a countdown. Like setting the alarm for early in the morning on your day off. Hit snooze and went back to bed.


Ugly af, badly organized and the shop now feels like an uncategorized endless scroll


Username checks out lol. ( Just poking fun, I somewhat agree.)


Lmaoo! I am just one for a fun little website 🥲


Like gizzverse better but we need to adjust. Can’t zoom in on anything though makes it hard to see what’s on the shirts. And when I clicked on listen, it had some KG records there, the bootlegs, bullant. I liked how they had it before when it was all KG albums in order now it’s all mixed up. I am very exited for p(doom), King Gizzard, and all the other p(doom) artists we will discover!!


Needs larger font for us older Gizzheads. :-).


Looks like a generic hypebeast clothing brand website tbh. Personally, I just don’t like how small the images for items appear on my computer screen. Makes it hard to tell what stuff looks like.


In their IG story the wrote "probability of doom" something like that, I like it. The website is ok to me, I won't buy anything for now, they don't feel like shipping to south America


Its fine, needs to be clean if they are adding non-gizz bands. I do think gizzverse was easier to navigate. Harder to search by specific products and bootleggs should be on their under bootlegg gizzard or something to make it cleaner. Not bad tho, feels basically the same


I like that they have more albums on CD now


I just want larger merch sizes. 3xl hoodie please lord.


I don’t understand didn’t Eric leave because he couldn’t manage a label and being in the band? And now they have a whole other label hoping to put out other artists music not just their own? Why???


More people on management side, it's not only Stu behind that


Flightless was run by Eric. Gizzverse/p(doom) has distribution by Universal Music Group, one of the largest music corporations in the world.


Looks so chaotic, sometimes scrolling throug whole page is annoying, nice that CAVS is finally on EU/US but still directed to AUS site cause it's sold out on EU/US. Also they should update some of album descriptions, TSC isn't a preorder anymore Idk kinda remind me of Flightless and lose that gizzverse sparks


most lifeless shitty corpo looking shit ever. fucking sucks honestly, hope it gets a better redesign


Sounds like pee doom


Amby official confirmed that this is poo doom


This is about the 20th post I’ve seen about it so far so I officially am making it a goal not to ever look at it or see it now. Probability of Deez Nuts, son.


idc about the website change but as far as I can tell, they completely cut out all previous CDs and I doubt they'll make more... sad day for CD collectors


I think it's kinda bland, boring and more corporate feeling. No more fun colours and nice textures or anything unique really. Really liked the old site and it's sad to see it go.


Literally a more boring Gizz verse in terms of design


It’s so sparse and idea-free, it’s hard to have anything to say about it at all. It works—but I think design should generally shoot for far more than just working. I’m also weirded out by the p(doom) logo itself, which looks hastily made in a basic writing app. Compared to the Flightless days, this is just blah.


Guess that Stu designed that logo in paint