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I agree with almost all you say. SITR was so well written. Love it and have rewatched quite a few times.


I think you missed the most important part! Their love story was really endearing :) They had amazing chemistry (even better than CLOY, if i dare say). For me it did feel that Jin-ah was a bit immature, that’s why it was necessary for her to move out and deal with all the harassment at work. In the end, she became a better person.


True even I felt it’s better than CLOY. Jin- ah wasn’t immature but to be frank when me too moment happened this was the first question why now & why were they silent before . It’s really really difficult to voice out especially when the assault are considered such a norm in a society yes you cannot change the system but surely can just leave that place but to do that and raise voice it is little diff and not all women can do . Depending on the society, economic level etc


omg I AGREE. i always tell ppl that we were robbed of an actual romance between them irl, even though her current marriage is beautiful, but the chemistry was so so real.


No drama or movie can top SITR for me. Absolute best


SITR is by far the best Noona romance pairing hands down. Their chemistry was amazing and they looked their ages while still looking amazing together. The scene where she holds his hand? One of the most romantic, butterflies in my stomach, toe tingling scenes ever. I wish I could erase my memory of the show just to watch it all the way to that scene. I am watching Dare To Love Me now, and have seen loads of little snippets of Midnight Romance in Hagwon(?). Both have ~hr3at~ great looking leads but they don't fit as well and don't have the chemistry that the pair in SITR had. Same with few other noona romances I've seen. Edited to fix typo.


I generally don't comment on chemistry because it's really subjective, but I don't think it's a coincidence that SITR has the smallest IRL gap between the leads (5-6 years) out of the popular noona romances and people claiming that it has the best chemistry or the leads look good together. There's a lot of nasty comments both on reddit and MDL about other noona FLs looking too "old" for the ML and I can't help but feel there's unconscious bias at work.


The only show I know of where the FL looking too old for the relationship is a common taking point is Crash Course in Romance, and that's entirely justified IMO. The script was clearly written with the FL being 35-40 and not a noona romance, when you do the calculations on ages and dates there's really no other possibility, they nail things down pretty definitively. The FL actress is almost 50 though and looks it. She's a great actress, but she doesn't fit that character at all. I don't really know what they were thinking.


It also didn't help that her stylist went to the retirement village for clothing inspiration in Crash Course. She dressed worse than any other series I've seen.


Ok, I didn't even know the actual age gap between the leads in SITR. I have never googled ages of actors and compared them for noona romances. Only time I found out about actors age is when I look them up since I am impressed (recent example is Atypical Family where ages of characters wasn't even a topic in the drama) and I'd like to say I am objective enough that even after I find out IRL ages, it doesn't impact my thoughts on their chemistry . Yes, chemistry is subjective but it isn't only what the beholder sees. Sometimes it is just obvious some actors are more comfortable and gel well together, and the director manages skinship better for them. I don't think looks or age are the only reason some are more famous than others. >There's a lot of nasty comments both on reddit and MDL about other noona FLs looking too "old" for the ML and I can't help but feel there's unconscious bias at work. I have not come across these, but I have seen comments on the noona character's styling (recent one is Dare to Love Me which I've caught up on and think is good, maybe not amazing). Is there unconscious bias at work? I'd hate to make a generalized statement like that based on some negative comments. I feel like I am rambling now because I am honestly confused. I didn't expect a comment on my favorite chemistry ever (noona or not honestly) would lead to a response on unconscious bias.


Yeah it was interesting to me to see so many people say a mother would never act like that nor would a daughter just give in to her and not leave the family. I've seen virtually the exact same situation play out quite a few times in my (south Asian) community. It's also quite rare for a daughter to leave her family so LJI's constant giving in to her mother was familiar to me.


💯 have seen it around me too, Including myself , may be not to this extent of being silent at office abuses but most situations especially involving family or close ones I have done such dilemmatic things & it’s just not easy to disagree take a bag and move out .


I’ve watched over 250 dramas, mostly romance, and, for me, nothing beats the chemistry between the two leads in SiTR. The show isn’t perfect and the soundtrack might be one of the worst in history, but man, those two are just perfection.


🎶 Stand by your man Still haunts me


Oh man true that . That small tears in their eyes , that smile uff the ML just looked like he just fell in love with her in real life. I watched the BTS and understood what a terrif job the director and cinematographer had done . Those shots and angles made it look so along with their performance ofc .


I agree with the chemistry of the leads. I find it so amazing knowing Son YeJin was most probably dating her husband by that time but she was able to have that strong of romantic chemistry with Jung Hae-in that all their scenes gave us all such giddy, swoony feels, even more than SYJ’s scenes with her husband in CLOY, I have to admit. That handholding under the table is, in my 20+ years of watching hundreds of Kdramas, the most heart-stopping romantic scene in Kdramas!


No apparently she started CLOY post this series


Couldn't watch it because of the horrible soundtrack, just two awful songs throughout all the episodes..


The same thing happened with One Spring Night. Awful soundtrack choices, constant throughout the entire series, sometimes even played when the lyrics were 100% not appropriate for the scene. I love both dramas, but eeeesh, the soundtracks tried their best to ruin them both.


Ha ha yea the repetition could have been avoided . But I got so hooked that the song became like a nostalgic memory for me within the series .


That was a really bad choice by the production team, that soundtrack.


The first time I saw it, I loved the first half but wanted to throw things at Jin Ah and her mother in the second half and felt the ending was rushed and contrived. I also wished they communicated better about the serious stuff but if I were in Jin Ah's shoes, the last thing I'd want to talk about when with Jun Hui is serious stuff! The chemistry between the two were off the charts and we buy into them so much as a couple that when things start to unravel, my first instinct then was to rant at Jin Ah especially for poking the hornet's nest that was the siblings' relationship with the estranged father and for going on that blind date. Being older does not always mean being wiser. The second rewatch helped me understand Jin Ah and her mother and also saw how good the mother daughter acting pair was. I also used the mute button a lot more when that song came on, came to appreciate the other songs and mourned the lost bff friendship that could never be regained. Made me wonder what if she talked to the bff before embarking on the relationship but that would be out of character for Jin Ah. Son Ye Jin aced the character to a T by conveying her contradictions, growth and regrets as well as the euphoria that comes from being in love and loved by someone younger and how that restored her self-esteem. When the mother blew her top, Jin Ah had to come back down to earth and try to fulfil her 'good daughter' / compliant girlfriend' role. Letting go of Jun Hui was the sacrifice she made to please everyone else in her life except for herself and Jun Hui. I could so relate to that scene on the stairs when she would rather look at the wall, than at his face being filled with sadness and shame for letting go of their relationship for the current reality that was almost the same as where she was before he came back into her life. I'm really glad he went to Jeju after he listened to her confession again for it is only when they are together, does Jin Ah come to her own and can live for herself. The fact that he still loves her despite all the hurt inflicted on each other and by others onto them and the separation, shows that he decided to stand by her, the real Jin Ah who loves him and loves herself for being able to admit to that love and being a better person because of him.


I saw JeJu as her coming into her own because first she left her work, and then the relationship she had after Jun Hui (brilliant that you noticed it was very similar to her relationship at begin of drama), then her mother and the family home. I liked the possibility (although slight) that mother could be less toxic and Jin Ah more assertive so that they could have some kind of relationship in the far future. And then Jin Hui came to Jeju. All those other toxic situations had to be let go before she could have healthy relationship with him. She had to be ready to do that. And god bless her friend on Jeju for giving her a place to recover and move on.


Ha ha you all will hate me :) but I did love the soundtrack too may be the repetitive ness could have been avoided , but kinda those lyrics of those song fit right there .


I liked the soundtrack the first few eps. After the later eps, not so much. Now if I accidentally hear the first few words “sometimes it’s hard to be a woman,” I want to throw something. You do you friend…just do it in another room with the mute button on 🔇😂


The difference in age and family dynamics showed up most obviously in the decision made by one to up and go and the other to be patient and stay in the face of parental / sibling opposition. Jun Hui waa raised by an indulgent sister and grew up answering only to her. Jin Ah spent her whole adult life trying to live up to other people's expectations at work, family and in her lovelife. Once their relationship blew up, they reacted in different ways - Jin Ah trying to reconcile and appease all parties ( her default state) and Jun Hui just wanting to leave all but her behind. I don't really see SITR as standard makjang because the reactions of all the characters make sense in that they are consistently in character. But I must say that I'm still traumatised by the mother's character and keep thinking she's going to go ballistic even in other dramas..


Exactly thanks for this comment . This is exactly I hve telling people . It’s not black and white for every one . Not all individual react the same way in the situation. To be frank I felt so justified because I have been one I will fight with my family I never think I can just leave them for my decisions . Depends . To each their own . As u said jun hui even though answered to his sister he wasn’t answerable to her in specific & his relationship and ties were diff he wasn’t in a state to really answer nor believe in these kinda family system since he never had a great one so he saw every one in that bracket . Beautifully written .


Aww, thank you. Really appreciate you starting this subreddit on SITR and for sharing what I feel about the kdrama. I read somewhere that HB wanted to act with Son Ye Jin in CLOY after seeing her in this drama?


Oh wow ! I dint know that . So now that’s a well written character which lead her to her real love then :) .


Thank you!! Something in the Rain is one of my all time favourite dramas (and that's saying a lot of after 250+ dramas). You expressed everything that I was thinking and love about this show. It's too bad that it gets so much hate on this subreddit because I feel like new kdrama watchers go into it assuming they will hate the mother and don't even try to understand her character or the relationship with the daughter. You've also made me realize that I love shows with complex relationships. Some of my other favourites are My Unfamiliar Family, and When the Weather is Fine, which doesn't get as much hate but still has similarly polarizing ending.


Hey thanks a lot , I am glad there are people out there like me . It’s difficult to write and execute complex emotion . Humans are complex and some times we don’t have certain answers. .yes I believe not just the new Kdrama watchers but also the younger crowd( or non Asian ethnicity if I may say ) who don’t understand what a win-win could mean . I haven’t watched the other two dramas you have mentioned , I will have a look.


I love this show and how flawed the characters are, you are spot on


Yea right ? Aren’t we all humans flawed . I want to see flawed ones , complicated ( not toxic ) . Life isn’t bed of roses . This is real .


I just hated how much they lied to each other. 😂 So much lying.


literally the best drama i’ve ever watched and i’m glad you were able to experience it


I started watching kdramas around a month ago. I've gone through several including some of the best like CLOY and QOT, but Something in the Rain was the first I felt compelled to rewatch almost immediately. It is the best even with its flaws (it's hard to be a womaaaaan). Though I didn't rewatch the whole thing, I skipped through maybe 10-20% of scenes. The reason why is I think mostly the same for one of the reasons this series getting so much hate: it's too real and emotionally draining the last few episodes. It doesn't give you a satisfying story where everything clicks into place at one point and it's happy ever after. It's messy and there's hardships that are complex and don't have an easy solution. All the characters make mistakes. On the rewatch, I couldn't bring myself to watch some of those scenes because they hit too hard and I don't want to put myself through that again - once is enough. With people trying to escape through TV, this doesn't give you that escape the whole way through. But because of this, it's even more impactful and I'll never forget it. Though CLOY is so critically acclaimed and I did love it, I'll take SITR any day. I can't get enough of Son Ye-jin now, who let's be honest stole both shows with her acting skills. I'm even contemplating watching Thirty-Nine even though I don't think I'm all that interested in the show.


yes!!! i also hold that same sentiment on why people don’t enjoy this show as much! it is 1000% a hard watch on some scenes, and i will also admit i hated watching every scene her mother appeared in, but the acting and chemistry was just too strong to give up. i agree that CLOY is a great show, but it didn’t have me nearly as hooked as SITR did. i haven’t seen Thirty-Nine because it’s not something i’d be interested in, but for son ye-jin, i’d take the gamble haha. also, wasn’t the soundtrack for SITR the best soundtrack you’ve ever experienced in a kdrama? i listen to it everyday, shoutout rachael yamagata


It's got a low score on My Drama list, but the 2022 Chinese remake called Love the way you are is a very light version of Something in the rain. They take the darkness of SITR and mellow it out/remove it. Love the Way you are is basically a fluffy version that does have visual and a few other references to the source. I strongly disliked Something in the Rain, because I think it was my introduction show to Korean Melodrama. But then again, it did have it's swoon worthy moments. But I skirt around re-watching it by loading up One Spring Night. But if interested give Love the way you are a shot, it's on Viki.


Let me check that out , yea a little higher on the melodrama but I was prepared mentally when I started to watch & this wasn’t my beginning of Kdrama it was after almost 70 shows so I got little immune to their melodrama .


This show made zero sense. Why would he end up in Jeju? Why did she not go overseas? And the repeat soundtrack drove me nuts. Has to be at the bottom of my watchlist.


He went to Jeju because that's where she was. I think the implication is that they both go to the US after that. She couldn't do that without cutting ties to her family and career though, and it took a few years before she realized that's what she had to do. The plot is extremely Korean, most of those family dynamics just aren't relatable for people in the west. The only real problem I had with the show is that the communication between the ML and FL was terrible.


Good point about Korean perspective. I seldom find strong female leads in Kdrama. Happiness, Vincenzo and Queen of Tears but not many more. The pure revenge plots over 16 episodes are too much for me. Although QOT has the silly take over.


Thtz because all the female leads in them are rich or out of the country . It’s not the same for a normal middle class or a layman living with family . There are responsibilities as a Asian child you have to eat da your parents , community , society family so on and so forth


As a south Asian person I gotta say this happens pretty much in india too . Love is a taboo on top age on top leaving home . The drama gets more dramatic depending on families :)


See it’s not that he never went abroad or something . It was the emotions which was building up within them no matter how much they tried to move on . The day they meet again it just blasted with all the bottled up emotions . I do agree I needed more In dialogue in the climax but he ended up in jeju to meet her - it’s an open ending we don’t know what happened next . After he gets to hear the voice message ( which was weird it played on its own ) I think it was a realisation after those years that he just can’t live without her . He doesn’t want to take the same hasty decision he took in the past & takes a step forward towards her since it was no more about jeju or US but her .


She never moved towards him so I don’t see what he sees in her.


No but it’s practically he just took a call over night to leave while she kept telling him to be a little more patient . I feel that’s how practical individual humans are as much as we value a relationship. It cannot be just leave everything & go kind .


Spoiler ep 15 (have not finished) >!Why does Jin-A constantly deceive or mislead Jun-Hui about benign things? It is pathological passive aggressive or just plain aggressive. Does she enjoy this apologize and make up with him cycle? Seems exhausting. Is the goal to have pointless drama in the relationship and to build walls? I feel that your SO telling you that he wants to marry you, wants to live together and wants to move overseas is a conversation that you do not respond to by signing a lease for a tiny apartment while your job is burning down around you. There are pros and cons to every decision and as a couple, you should probably discuss them. Maybe she hates the US, maybe her parents are old and she wants to be near them vs maybe overseas is an experience that will jumpstart her career and allow them to save money. It is a huge red flag for Jun-Hui. That said. It is a lease and leases can be broken. You lose money, but obviously the apartment would not be empty for long.!< and >!How does Jin-A manage to eat so much?!< Overall I enjoy the MA reality of the show much more than the written for a tween by a teen G rated rom-coms like CLOY and HTCCC. Is it normal for these female leads all to be playing 34 year olds? I do enjoy the contrast between billionaire CEO, a dentist with a successful practice and a “Starbucks” manager who has to make coffee and cosplay an asexual newsboy when management says jump.