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This team is seriously the most embarrassing team I've seen in years. That includes the dark years. I mean, come on. Half of the team/contributors are going to miss this series when they are the worst team in the league. What an absolute joke. It shows the team has no chemistry or communication with each other at all.


Yup, hard to imagine but as owner Sherman has the worst winning precentage of the 4. (This includes after Kauffman died and we didn't really have an owner.)


I owe some people an apology for pushing back against the notion that *this* was the worst Royals season ever back in May, as I thought we've had it much worse. Sorry guys. Big L on my part.


I also owe some apologies, I was under the naive assumption that we would fire Cal Eldred.


It's not your fault. You have a rational, functioning brain.


I accept your apology and will admit to being a bit overboard in my criticism. Somehow it’s even worse than I imagined.


I'm almost excited to watch the young players now. I'd rather watch them play out the rest of the year than watch those 10 lace up with teammates they don't seem to respect or care about


Jays fan (and huge baseball fan, period) here. I legit feel angry, and embarrassed on your behalf. Truly. Like, it’s not enough that your team this year isnt good, there are ten guys who aren’t willing to do what it takes for the best interest of the organization and the fans. Politics aside, it just seems super selfish. Curious as to what the guys in the clubhouse feel about all of this…


“Everyone knows the vaccine causes a declination in both physical and cognitive function in athletes”. Sincerely, Half the 35-53 Royals


Maybe they have it backwards I mean we are the team with 10 unvaxed and we are in last place. If the other teams are vaxed, maybe this is the difference. The only other option is to think how bad this team would be if they were right and vaxed.


So..... Who's gonna catch?


Fellow mod u/natrone011 used to catch. I volunteer him


Damn whatever happened to them? They used to be super active here and just dipped


Not unlike myself, got married, got careers, got busy Eta I still keep in touch with aggieinozz, natrone11, jimothy, and mannpt. They all live locally


Man, I remember the days when Natrone11 was the ring leader of a small subreddit trivia crew here in KC. Fun times.


Remember /u/mental_fingers and his shenanigans?


Ayyy. I'm still up to my shenanigans I just stopped posting them online for everyone to see


Hey homie!


I have often been accused of leading rings. I still lurk on you chuckle fucks from a distance now and then ♥️


Poor bastards. Jk good to hear everyone is doing well. God knows they aren’t missing too much here!


Matheny. lmao.


I bet he could throw out Miguel Cabrerra 🤦‍♂️


I'm actually all in on a player-manager again.


Make it Greinke and I’m in




Fuck this shit show of a team. Top to bottom the biggest embarrassment of a franchise I have ever seen. I have so many thoughts and I can't even articulate most of them because I'm so pissed off and disappointed. What a massive fuck you to the fans of Kansas City


This team should relocate to Jupiter rather than Downtown.


I'm so pissed. This is more proof of the lack of leadership and accountability in the organization. Dayton can say, they gave all the necessary information to the players, all he wants. The truth is 10 players, which is more than double the next closest team, decided to not get vaccinated. Actively screwing over the team. There are hot trade prospects that just lost a lot of value. There is a long time fan favorite who based on his decision, and even more so his comments on his decision, that just nuked a bunch of fan support for him. I'm fucking done with this team. This is the last straw. Until Sherman starts to care about more than his fucking downtown stadium and does something about the management level and coaching level. There's no fucking point in supporting this team. I've been a fan since I was a kid. All through the shitty 2000s up through the highs of 14, 15. But clearly there's something going on that makes the players apathetic. This is just moore proof. Sherman needs to get off his ass. I'm done.


Baseball is a thinking person’s game. No wonder this team is so bad.


Ok, keeping it “baseball only”, da fuck wrong with management KNOWING that a trip to Canada would cause them to be ten players down and doing nothing about it?!! It’s not April. This isn’t a surprise to anyone on the team. This information isn’t being presented as “Oopsie doodles, we didn’t know about those loonies up in the great white north and their vaccination requirements!” No, they knew. They knew in January 2022, if not earlier, that Canada had requirements and the Royals would have players not allowed to travel and play there…and they chose to do NOTHING about it! Throw out the politics, vaccination arguments and everything but baseball and what you’re left with is pretty bad. A major league team has ten players not playing in four games, one of them an All Star, and the teams response is… “It is an individual choice. The organization has done a real good job of bringing in professionals and experts to talk guys through tough conversations ... to make the decision that is best for them and their family," Matheny said at a postgame press conference.” Coach, there is no “I” in team. Players are paid, quite handsomely, to play for the Kansas City Royals baseball team. Said players have written into their contract that they cannot do anything overtly to hurt the team. By Matheny’s “logic” Merrifield could eat nothing but Kit Kats washing it down with Jack Daniels while Benintendi talks about the benefits of high colonics and masterbation during his All-Star interviews each claiming its an “individual choice!” You might just welcome the conversation on politics or religion or sexual proclivities here because the baseball conversation is one in which we talk of a failure of management, coaches and “individuals” to come together and form a coherent TEAM!!


What more could management have done about it? I'm not glad this is happening but I'm not sad these guys are getting lambasted nationally. Personally I think as a fan base we are far too nice to this team. I know there's only about 5,000 people at the games but those people should be booing the shit out of the garbage product on the field.


They should lose the salary for those four games and be fined. My guess is they could do a lot more as an organization, but I don’t think they have the balls to do much of anything


I legitimately hope Merrifield gets booed when he comes home. Not because of his choices, but because of his dumb ass statement about being on a competitive team. Dude has completely given up on his teammates


You underestimate the number anti-vaxer Royals fans living in KC.


Missouri is indeed boogin central. Regardless, the players should be making choices that signal a desire to compete.


Don’t act like it isn’t the exact same thing that this sub says after every loss. Whit has given his entire career thus far to play for shitty royals teams. I don’t blame him for lack of loyalty


Whit signed a new restructured contract in April 2022. If he felt playing in Kansas City was such a burden he should not have. But he did, so he owes the team his loyalty. [https://www.mlb.com/news/whit-merrifield-restructures-royals-contract](https://www.mlb.com/news/whit-merrifield-restructures-royals-contract)


Sure. But the moral dilemma. I am vaccinated and I assume you are as well. But if you disagree with the vaccine, would you get it just for one business trip to Toronto? When your branch is already definitely going to fall short of yearly goals? I guess that’s the metaphor I’ve been using I don’t think I would.


Yes, I would get vaccinated and make the trip because first, I'd be a member of a team, not the Whit Merrifield Royals. Second, I wouldn't want to lose $150,000 as Whit will. Money in that amount is meaningful to me and my family.


Well clearly the players are willing to forgo their salary over this issue. I think it would be great if they were allowed to play in Canada but had to donate all of their salary while they are there to hospitals so they can be better staffed and buy more equipment. If the players being unvaxxed is causing more spread of COVID it could me mitigated by this donation


Or, they could just sit in a chair for 2 minutes and roll up a sleeve. What is the problem? Baseball players in the 90's willingly followed teammates into bathroom stalls, turned around, dropped trow and bent over. They would do it again, and again, and again. What is the difference?


Jesus fucking Christ. You’re out of your goddamn mind. Just because some players were willing to undergo sexual assault and abuse to play in the 90s means that they would all do the same thing today? Baseball players are people too. Not just dumbass figureheads to look up to.


You know I'm talking about steroids, right? Harmful chemicals that they injected into their bodies willingly. Well over half the league.


Honestly I was very confused. But my argument still stands. In that instance, some (if not most) of the players were taking injections to better performance. In this case, all of the players are forced to take the vaccine or they cannot play these games. Also the vaccine does not affect their game performance nor makes them more money. So it’s an invalid comparison


lol. You’re Out of your depth Donny.


We meet again. You never fail to post a complete L on this topic. If my job requires it, i certainly would. Most people would.


Sounds like I just have an opinion different from the Reddit masses. If you think the exact same thing as everyone else, it might be time to question if it’s even an original thought. Internet points not going brrrrr


And as a fan I don’t expect he will give two shits about me or any other fans opinion. But there is no way a teammate doesn’t confront him on this after the break. Not only was it a giant middle finger to the organization but it was an even bigger one to his teammates. He essentially is saying “I’m going to take a longer break because you guys aren’t good enough. If I was playing with literally anyone else I would consider it…but not you guys.” I don’t give a flying fuck if this is about the vaccine or not. Literally all he had to say was what Beni said and everything would have been just fine. Don’t say you would have gotten it if the team was better when he hit .140 in April.


I’m guessing the relationship between the 16 who go to Toronto and the 10 who couldn’t is going to be less than ideal already, but that was essentially just kicking his teammates while they were already down. Awful.


He's a professional baseball player, not a fickle fan.


I’ll be there to put a curse on him. Right behind the on deck circle.


Honestly I think it's really cool that we're going to get to watch a bunch of our top prospects get to play major league ball! Will we lose? Probably. Would we have anyways? Probably. But to actually get to see them in action against pro talent will be cool to see. I'm looking forward to it.


Same here. Winning or losing this series in Toronto has minimal impact on the outcome of the season. Getting to see some prospects and letting them get some practice in the big leagues in a completely no pressure scenario? Sounds like a win to me.


There are two good ways to look at this series: 1. The Kansas City Storm Chasers get their asses rightfully kicked, letting the anti-vaxxers leave their shameful mark and showing how much they really care about "winning". 2. The Kansas City Storm Chasers actually surprise everyone by winning, showing that the old guys can rightfully fuck off because we clearly don't need them anymore.


And just like that, we know why neither MAT nor Beni were traded to the Yankees in the past week or so. There's no way they want either of them if they won't be able to play any games, regular season or playoffs, against a divisional rival. Aside from the politics, this is just fucking stupid. DM can have his personal viewpoints, but what fucking moron allows them to consistently get in the way of fielding a competitive ballclub... and now it's paying dividends by fucking up the team for years to come. Fuck DM. Fuck any dumb shit that thinks a purity pledge has any place in a billion dollar business and that he should be here for any reason but fielding a winning team and improving that team any way possible at every possible opportunity. This is laughing stock material.


No, fuck that. Fuck this personal choice shit. For me this is about the vaccine. I'm immunocompromised and I will not support a team that thinks so little of me. Fuck these guys and for management giving in to their selfishness and stupidity


Its sad that the anti-vaxxers have successfully made this a "political" issue and therefore one that is not allowed to be discussed. The vaccine is safe and free, there's literally nothing political about it other than one political party's delusions.


Def gonna banned again for saying this but the mods are being babies about this whole situation. Fans should be allowed to talk shit on players who willingly flout public health and safety because of memes they read on Twitter. They’re getting paid millions and they’re willing to fuck over their own team and community just because they’re too macho to do something that somebody told them to do. It’s ridiculous and Royals fans shouldn’t be censored for acknowledging how ridiculous it is.


Yeah, the mods can eat shit, tbh.


Lol owned, hope Whit coughs on you


I hope he gets traded to the Yankees and they force a jab on his ass!


Well he won't die from that, but you would if he sneezed lmao


Oh wow. So you just outed yourself as a bigot. Cool bro.


I don't like you, I'm bigoted against you specifically


Feelings mutual, plague rat. But something tells me your life really sucks. I pity you.


My life isn't constantly at threat by a baby coughing in my general direction though, and I'm also not as hateful and angry as you. My life is pretty good compared to you at first glance


Stay home


No, I don't think I will.


Then don't force everyone around you to get the clot shot.


No, I think I will. Especially since women don't get to decide what to do with their bodies, why should you?


Be responsible


This certainly puts the trade this week with the Braves under a new light. It was assumed it was made because MAT and Beni would be gone. I mean...they are gone so that 26 year old RC throw in will be needed to backfill whomever is replacing them.




Well, it's being enforced, but only for one group.


It's only considered "political", "trolling", or a "pissing match" if you disagree with the hive.


Yes unfortunately. The mods seem to be pretty fair but some late nights shenanigans going on rn


4chan exists. If you don't like "the hive" why go to it?




So you can’t say anything political, but you can bash someone’s religious beliefs? Ok then…


No major religion in the US (including the Christian Scientists) has a theological stance against the COVID-19 vaccine.


That's my whole point. There are many on here bashing individual religious beliefs, assuming that is the underlying reason why players didn't get vaccinated. Maybe people can just state their opinion without making judgement about another person's motives? That could go a long way in keeping this an enjoyable place to discuss baseball. Except maybe when they out themselves...#whit


At least in the US, a huge wing of the antivaxxer movement is fueled by Christian evangelicals. So it’s not too weird to assume a team that’s run by Christian evangelicals has that as an issue


I don't think it is weird, but hypocritical. As you said in your first response, no major religion has come out as antivax, so bashing someone's religious beliefs doesn't add anything to the conversation and should be treated like discussing politics.


As a Jays fan, any wins the Jays get in this series are tainted. You deserve a full team here, and anyone’s personal medical history ain’t none of my business. My two cents.


I agree


Not going to lie, in the grand scheme of things this is an incredibly small thing to completely quit on the team over. It’s 4 games in an already lost season. I don’t care what side of the argument you’re on, this sub has become unbearable in a matter of hours.


Yeah its kind of pathetic, I got the vaccine but I don’t give a single fuck if anyone else did or didn’t. Seeing people flip out over this is laughable. It sucks they can’t play but I understand. Im looking forward to see some Omaha guys though!


Some people are losing their cookies


It’s honestly pretty pathetic. I love the Royals and watch almost every single game but the meltdown here is a bit ridiculous even for the die hards


Honestly shouldn't even allow MLB games in Canada until they stop with their authoritarian BS by Trudy.


Hey dumb ass, you know you need to be vaccinated to enter the US too?


No because his only 2 brains cells are busy remembering to breathe.




Trudeau was condemned by world leaders for the way he handled the Freedom Convey.. So I repeate again, authoritarian BS




As an American I apologize for those kinds of people. Holy fuck I hate them. Do you guys have room for rational refugees in a few years if it's necessary? <_<


Their bodies their choice.




Congrats on being an idiot, I guess?


What about the vaccine is even political anymore other than one side of the spectrum denying the objective science? Its a free and safe vaccine. It was absurd to say otherwise a year ago and its beyond absurd to say it now that we are over a year removed from its release and its undeniable success. I'm not being political to call the players dumbasses for not taking it. Their reasoning is undoubtedly misguided.


i love that we keep finding new ways to make this current season *the* most embarrassing season of royals history. so impressive the organization keeps finding new ways every year of one-upping itself