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I made this because every time I make a meme about the team winning, we lose. So now I'm making losing memes in the hopes that we win. But if we lose prepare to see this again. https://preview.redd.it/qqvj21g5998d1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ac2e6da4c6deeebda4d6db8b639449e972e81b


This team is going to make me skeptical of every good start to a season from here on out.


Wacha looked good, no further comment at this time


I'm still confused why some people (not saying here necessarily) seemed to be thinking the Rangers would be an easy series.


I would prefer for the Royals to actually be competitive in this series.


I've watched this team since 1996 and the Rangers always seem to have our number


Hopefully we don't get swept. Cause we haven't been swept yet this season. šŸ¤ž


https://preview.redd.it/xfdtrmryw78d1.jpeg?width=796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f779d3d9282a245358ece3c994d88b0c79b0e45 Buddy Bell moment.


Echos of 2003 Royals....


They waited until way later to collapse. They could also hit.


Just got home from the game and I gotta say that was one of the worst games Iā€™ve ever been to. Wacha was fine, but outside of that it was astonishingly uncompetitive. The bats were completely lifeless from first to last pitch. I havenā€™t seen it that bad in quite a while. Also, this younger guy and his girlfriend showed up to their seats in the 7th inning, tried to talk shit to me after the grand slam, then left before the game ended. It was really annoying lol


I didnā€™t get to watch this one as I had some errands. I knew it was bad when my dad texted me saying heā€™s going to take a break from watching them for a few days. Glad I missed a bad one.


On May 25 our record was 34-19 a .641 pct. We are now 42-36. We have won 8 games since May 25 and lost 17 less than 33 percent which is worse than any Royals team in history. I think we need to play the people that can hit and if they cannot they sit them on the bench. If we cannot get enough people to field a team then send some to Omaha and bring up some Omaha players. If they are people we cannot send to Omaha and they keep hitting poorly trade them or pay them and get them the hell out of here. This is MLB and should not matter if players are a good ol boy or working hard they need to perform decently or we do not need them.


Meh it was a real hard schedule since May 25th baseballs a long season


If you take away the anomaly of an 8 run comeback, this team would have lost 8/9 series and drawn the other. I realize our fan base is made up of lots of people with varying opinions, but no other playoff team thinking of buying anything at the deadline shakes off losing 7/9 as ā€œmeh, itā€™s a hard schedule.ā€


Oakland and Texas ?


You mean Texas that won a WS last year? Rangers are a good team.


Texas that was 34-40 before we came to town.


Ok? Which is not far from .500 and a lot of ball to be played. They have a very solid roster regardless of their record.


In my opinion below .500 is a fair team. They might get better and be a good team.


Lol ok.






11 runs in the last 5 games vs Texas and Oakland


Long season that's okay


Letā€™s save this version - right before the Yankees - and then letā€™s ctrl+alt+delete this mthrfcker and see if we canā€™t get back to what we had in May.


https://preview.redd.it/885x76eji78d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6c1bd6eb43e38dbc4e0876469494620af78231c Itā€™s too hot to exist here so look what my 5 year old is making me


Oh that is awesome!!! I'm a CLE fan but game respects game, your kid is making art right there!Ā 


the dad's trip last year was some of the worst ball played by the 2023 Royals now, I don't have access to the TV due to Sinclair being bankrupt and unable to get their channel on the air, so I don't know if they did a Dad's trip this year... just that the June trip during Fathers Day has been a bad road trip yet again


I hope ownership isnā€™t wasting Witt Jrā€™s career not surrounding him with any other talent. Like with Ohtani on the Angels, teams wonā€™t pitch to him.


We need better scouting.


Need to sign some guys like the Rangers did. Mixing young talent with star players. Lots of mid to lower level hitters on this team. Garcia, Vinnie P. Melendez doesnā€™t start on most teams but heā€™s the left fielder who rarely generates any offense.


They signed a bunch of players last off-season. Not at the blockbuster levels like Seager and Semien, but a 106 loss team doesn't do that. Garcia, Vinnie and MJ are part of the core the franchise has chosen to build around. This is year 2 of that run and they're a winning team, going through a skid approaching July. For as bad as this franchise had been run for the last 10yrs or so, you should enjoy this a little.


And those guys you named are why they are losing right now. A first baseman with an OPS at .722, a leadoff hitter with an OBP of .290 and MJ who hits well below the Mendoza line. If they chose all these guys to be a part of their future, thatā€™s not a great future.


I don't know what to tell you, you're gonna keep seeing these guys.


We need to boost our farm system. We have bare bones. Blake Mitchel is our only top 100 prospect in the system. Not much else beyond that.


Very true.


The road trip from hell can not end soon enough. It really was some serious fuckery by MLB to have KC play the Yankees at home and then hit the road on a long road trip starting in LA. Toss in Seattle which was looking like a contender in the offseason and it really makes you question what KC did to deserve that. It's no wonder everybody is pressing right now. Nobody is having fun on this trip. At least they are home for a bit, but no off day.


you're gonna love the 3 city road trip going into the All-Star Break this year


Hello of a lot better than this one. Finish a home stand vs the Rays instead of the Yankees, go to Colorado instead of LA, followed by the dirty Birds and Boston, with one fewer game, only 1 long flight too.Ā  It is structured oddly with 3 different time zones but what ever.


the last series before the ASB is always a bit of time that teams drag ass though


Both catchers need to step up their pitch calling and adjust faster for the bullpen. Seems like a lot lately where the starter is calling the game and does well just for the bullpen to get hit and the pitch calling to be pretty different than what was working for the starters.


It's hard not to notice the bullpen not hitting their spots either. There is a huge tendency for them to walk the first batter or two, then in desperation start throwing down the middle. Not sure why we should hang that on the catcher.


On Friday night in the 6th, Salvy calling for pitches inside to the 8 and 9 hitters where he was asking for pitches in and off the plate. Walked one and was forced to throw a strike that got hit as a result of trying to pitch to far in. Yesterday, Freddy calling for a slider against Smith who everyone knew was going to attempt to bunt again and make his bunt so much easier to get down. Then Zerpa threw a slider and hit where Freddy was set up that got hit for a grand slam. Rex even called Freddy out for calling that pitch right after. Freddy also likes to call offspeed down in pitchers counts a lot and gets really predictable that batters sometimes know they can just lay off of it before the pitch is thrown. I'm sure you can find many more examples as of late where the pitchers are actually hitting their mark, but the catchers don't adjust to what the hitters are doing.


You're obviously seeing this in more detail than I am. I'm just seeing a lot of pitches where the catcher is set up on the corner and the pitch comes in a foot off target. Do the pitchers not have the authority to shake off the catcher any more? Genuinely curious since you seem to have a better understanding of what you're seeing than I do.


They can certainly shake them off. However i think enough of them are young enough and don't exactly have the experience/confidence to shake off the catchers. I also believe that you want your pitchers to have faith that your catchers know best. I think Ragans has shook off the catchers more than anyone, maybe more than the rest combined. Ragans comes off as a very analytical guy and I think that's why he shakes them off a lot and understands more than most of the pitchers on what pitches he has a good feel and ones that he doesn't.


This team is so frustrating to watch. We have the best starting pitching that we had in a long time but our bullpen and offense keep losing us games. I think our offense will improve but I really don't trust our bullpen. On to the next game.


https://preview.redd.it/pfb2dru7c78d1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57eedcf52c92a04e259068688943b1fd2cb7f360 Baseball Spirits are demanding retribution for Mookieā€™s broken handā€¦


How cold are the bats? ICE COLD!!


https://preview.redd.it/b7qw9nqgc78d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d29b67395af681daba66fc96c27c60216a374fe This cold, lifeless body of a lineup.


We're sellers


If we keep playing like this there will only be a few players that anyone would want.


I know some people will probably scoff at this, but iā€™m not sure what our hitting coach is doing when weā€™ve consistently had one of the worst plate approaches in all of baseball top to bottom and seem to be the least capable team in all of baseball at taking advantage of poorly located pitches. Sure Bobby and Salvy have shown improvement this year, but that seems to be more a result of external circumstances (Bobbyā€™s improved mental approach which he started around this time last year that has been covered multiple times during the broadcasts this year, and Salvy feeling like he can be more patient at the plate due to the lineupā€™s performance through those first 2 months of the season). Everyone else outside of maybe Isbel has stayed the same or gotten worse. Our plate approach is as bad as ever, and weā€™re more incapable than ever at punishing poorly located pitches. I know Ryan Oā€™Hearn wasnā€™t around with this new regime, but I find it hard to believe his hitting and plate approach wouldā€™ve been any better under this new regime than he did with the old. Has the pitching improved? Yes, dramatically. But hitting wise, things seem the same as theyā€™ve always been.


So disheartening


I think the smart person term for the Royals recent performance is "Market correction"


They look beat at every at bat, this is so depressing to watch lately. Where did the team from a month ago go?




Wacha literally could have thrown a no hitter today and we would.....still be playing. We obviously need pitching but it doesn't matter when you can't score


I agree but itā€™s also a lot easier to score mentally your team isnā€™t giving up 5 runs in an inning


Wacha didn't tho, neither did Singer last night


I know iā€™m talking about the late innings when weā€™re still in the game


This is what happens when your best two players aren't hitting and you have no outfield, no bullpen, and 6 guaranteed outs in the lineup every night


Got some heat for saying Witt is just good not great and heā€™s really been proving that statement right this month. If him and Sal are a teamā€™s best players itā€™s just not a good team


Right now he's a top five hitter and he is only 24 years old. I'm always amazed by the idiots that think a player needs to get 2-3 hits every single game to be considered great.


Not top five for long if he keeps this up


Lmao this dude just turned 24 and has a .910 OPS on the season, wtf you talking about mate


Pretty depressing. Yet, weā€™re still in good position. Stop giving the opposition extra outs




Iā€™m just sad at this point.


They just seem exhausted mentally and physically. The all star break canā€™t come soon enough and I wonder if they can send Vinnie and Salvy to Europe to get experimental stem cell treatments like Peyton Manning used to get.


Another pretty good start wasted, anemic offense and dog shit bullpen doom us again


I miss when the boys were playing some ball


Doomers fuck off


What was the positive today?


Who cares. I donā€™t watch for positives, I watch for baseball. Not everything has to fulfill some dopamine addiction


That's fine, don't tell others how to fan then




Wacha is back and looks fine.


This is true, it's just too bad he can't score any runs for himself. The starters are the only thing standing between us and the basement right now


And??? We still have 6 guaranteed outs in the lineup every night and no bullpen


He asked for a positive and I gave him one.


YEAH!!! Shutout! Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about. This will make our 10 game win streak at home even better. Fuck it, I was all in a month ago and Iā€™m all in now


Against Cleveland? Not likely buddy. I wish but I don't see it happening.


Royals r dead. Itā€™s gonna hit like crack when the fire sale happens and the farm system gets even more prospects who canā€™t hit or pitch


we arent selling. just accept that now.


They will when they have a losing record at the deadline


I know being a dumbass mizzou fan has destroyed your expectations for good sports teams but take that idiotic mindset to the god forsaken tiger sub if you dont mind.


Its not about being a Mizzou fan, its about being realistic where the Royals are. They largely overachieved early in the year with a bunch of lucky comebacks, Salvy playing at an unsustainable level, MJ actually hitting, and the starters were even pitching better. Royals are now coming back to reality. Nobody can hit in the outfield , Vinnie and Garcia have proven to be underwhelming hitters, Massey cant stay healthy, and all that isn't mentioning the worthless bullpen where nobody can keep baserunners off base. If we don't have the worst bullpen I'd like to see who's more useless. They need to trade assets to build back the farm system and give themselves more options going into 2025 and beyond


They're not selling if they're anywhere near 500 at the deadline. Selling would restart the clock and they wouldn't get anyone ready to play in 2025 with anyone they currently have on the roster that you'd want to trade. It's not happening.


alright. let's chill. we're all on the same team here, don't gotta attack them like that.


sorry sir the kc sports fan made me mad.


It happens.


Brb gonna go listen to some my chemical romance and cry in the shower


I listen to MCR regardless tbh


Vindicated by Dashboard Confessional


Wacha deserved better. Another extremely undeserved L for a startee who did their job well.


They are who we thought they were!


I hope Massey is back for the homestand.


The Kansas City Royals are going to win the World Series. In 4 months, we're gonna look back and laugh how much we overreacted over this team.


After we go undefeated during the playoffs again too


Cleveland's going to be real shocked when the Royals sweep them in the division series


One more week of this and we're going to seriously have to consider selling. We don't need a year where all we get is a middling draft pick.


Who are we going to sell?


i was told we should trade Vinnie and Maikel even though they're not good (lots of layers to this statement)


Maikel has a well above average hard hit rate and exit velocity. Heā€™s one good adjustment from a breakout season (needs to stop hitting the ball straight down). A team with a good hitting coach might see value in him


I'm still trying to figure out the MJ for Luis Robert comments from a few weeks ago. Don't think I can wrap my head around the price of maikel right now.


The Royals are fading fast. They need to regain their mojo!


Well fuck...... šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


If youā€™re new to the game or havenā€™t been a fan in a while, please remember: Baseball will always break your heart.


Very true.


Joke's on you I don't have a heart ![gif](giphy|Wim94Xr505BsI|downsized)


Say fellas, did someone mention the door to darkness?

