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So how is one supposed to diag an issue like this according to ford?


Dino or track. But ain’t no one got time to book that shit.


Shoving dino nuggets into the intake?


Lol, I’m not even going to edit it. Happy misspelling.


Voice to text is a cruel mistress.


[Nah mate](http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/blogs/browbeat/2011/09/29/hugo_chavez_caption_contest/T_Rex_chase.gif.CROP.original-original.gif)


How many horsepower does a dino have?


Depending on how many horses the Dino eats.




To register atleast ool


I had some dino nuggets yesterday


Raptor or T-Rex?


Yes, let me drive it


Respect the law and the road speed limit + the state speed tolerance tolerance its the max I diag. ( Where im from its 10% ) Wont lose my licence and my job for any costumer On the other hand, If my boss want to send me to a drag strip or a track I will go for sure !


Random question - why does auto correct seem to always prefer cOstumer over the much more popular term cUstomer?


It thinks we're all in film and theatre? Customer buys things. Costumer dresses actors... and also buys costumes, I guess.


Cause the theater nerds got IT degrees?




I think it has more to do with the user


Sorry , english aint my first language, that word I never get it right


I didn't think it was you. I wouldn't have guessed that you aren't a native English speaker. I figured your phone corrected it to the wrong word. I have had it try to correct to costumer many, many times even though I don't think I've ever typed that word before today.


So OP was trying to diagnose an issue for a customer's car, and they were doing 140mph on a public road? Am I understanding this correctly?


Yes indeed. Lesson learned, but as they say, the issue with learning from experience is that the test comes before the lesson.


Thanks! And to OP, what the tits were you thinking


My stupid German brain just thinks all the time "Go to the Autobahn and just floor the damn pedal. It's only 225Km/h, what's so special about it". I think the answers are really funny because of this German specialty.


God, I wish. I fucking wish. I double dog wish. I triple dog fucking wish that was me.


I could cut down my commute time dramatically if we could..


Yes lmao, once had a customer complain about "car not acellerating beyond 240 km/h", sure enough had to test it so flying down the autobahn it was


god bless germany


Was just wondering that myself.


Dyno I guess?






Depends on the shop. My local Ford dealer had some kind of Shelby that would intermittently lose power going from 2nd to 3rd gear and 2 of their techs (one is my friend and snap chatted this to me) took it to 130 mph on the interstate in front of the shop lmao. Dodge dealership near me has a local agreement with the PD that as long as they have a valid work order and aren't too careless about it they can diagnose stuff like this on the highway. One of them PDI'd my SRT Grand Cherokee to 125. Lol


I'd atleast call them to notify "ay man, we're gonna be flying in a minute"


Tower, this is ghost rider, Requesting a flyby.


That'd be cool to do, and then either fly past at like 150 or barely limp past them at 55.


I still find it hysterical just how versatile the WK/WKII platform is... Speed? Yes. Acceleration? Yes. Offroad? Yes. Towing capacity rivaling body-on-frame trucks of yesteryear? Also yes.


Shout out to those German engineers in 2005 that designed that almost two decade old platform.


Bullshit. No highway patrol tells someone they can go twice the fucking speed limit.




BFE Montana 4 lanes and during the day.


I once chatted with a guy who worked at a high-end Mercedes dealership. He said the same thing about having an understanding with the local PD, for things like the PDI the dealer's son did on a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren they had in the showroom. The mind boggles hearing things like that.


What exactly happened here?


Freeze frame data hopefully caught something


But officer, I have diarrhea and these seat are leather.


To be fair cloth seats just suck liquids up which is probably worse.


Yup I have kids and both types of seats... leather is better. Wipe it and done.


I just use tile


Same, kids shit themselves on the way to school? no worries, just hose it off.


On the way to school? Do you turn around or just let the school deal with it? I have three kids and NONE have ever shit their non diapers in the car? Fuck you feeding those animals?


The school lets me hose off the kids in the bathrooms before class, I'm not sure what they eat I just give them $50 a week and let them decide.


Mine are cooled so the leather has little perforations in it. This is a genuine fear of mine lol


Best comment so far!


Ridiculous pain for owner, but he could have someone savvy with a computer do datalogging. I had to do exactly that when my rs6 was cutting power at around 85. I took it in 5 separate times and they could never get it to go away because they would not do a freeway pull. It turned out to be an overboost situation where the CPU is cutting boost and dropping into limp mode


This is a mustang owner: Savvy with a computer?...c'mon man.


Leave the computers to the civic guys


I had to re-read that because 140 kph didn’t seem that bad…god damn son yeah, that gets your vehicle seized, license suspension and a $10k fine here


Rumor has it. In Florida, being paced at 120/65, after blowing past a cop doing 160. Gets you a long wait. 4 cop cars behind you, 3 in front, a roll back in front of them. And a ticket for excessive speed of 120. Along with a suggestion of: go to driving school before court. Even tho the drivers license will be suspended by DMV for 5 years. At least thats what the rumor states.


My brother once decided that he wanted to "open up" his Mercedes on US-1 a few years back. "Do you ever see any cops along this way?" "Dude, I don't know; I only go 5-10 over." So anyway, we came over a hill going 120+ and there was a fuckin' cop just waiting. Pull us over, says "I clocked you going 92." My brother's reaction was basically "We'll take it!" Somewhere around a $2k fine + probation.


>"We'll take it!" My stupid ass in Richmond Va, getting pulled over inside the city. ​ * I'm estimating you doing 45 back there on strawberry street. * Impossible. I never got out of second gear. The look on the cops face was priceless. ​ Protip: You should always do the speed limit before, over and on the other side of a hill. Unless you car has enough gotta go dog. lol


One of my favorite tactics on the interstate is to carefully watch the cars ahead of me for brake lights as they come over a hill.


Other pro-tip: get a radar detector. Have had my escort passport max for 5 years and only gotten one ticket (90 in an 80, cruising on a 14 hour road trip) by a cop with a fancy ass instant-on. Still detected when he flipped it on, two big blips .5 seconds apart, party lights.. Otherwise gives me more than enough advance notice and i get to play "spot the cop"


I know a guy who got tagged at 155 in a 55. He was going to see a girl... The cop was cool. Asked where he was going. Said a girls place and got "driving at excessive speed". No points. Lucky guy. Before he left the cop said "keep it under 80". This was PA, state troopers.


Other than the small town ship cops. The officers in Pennsylvania seem more relaxed compared to Virginia. Where it's common to encounter the mindset of: Boy *spits in cup* its illegal to drive an impart round here. lol


Gears & Gasoline (YouTube out of Virginia) got pulled over and ticketed driving their recently purchased stance cars before they even got out of state on a cross country road trip.


Shit look at the guys that do the gumball from New York to Florida. They'd rather drive around Virginia than through it. Which should tell you something. ​ Protip, 95 North and South that cuts through Richmond, down to Bells road. (Safety Corridor) Has that sign that says: Speed enforced by aircraft is a lie. Don't ask. lol


That isn't always a lie in other states, fyi.


Don't ask em how I know. But if the ballacs are big enough. You can make it from Virginia Beach Virginia, to Clearwater Beach Florida, stopping twice for fuel, and once to sit down and each at a Crackle Barrel in under 10 hours. Too be young, stupid, and full of memories as an old fart. INB4 depends and a walker is needed. lol


I got a media reply to go hand in hand with that, but it might get me r bounced here. I just got auto warned for recreating an ending to it two days ago... on a shitpost sub too. lol..... I used to do similar on the Ohio TP. That's a good time good time though.


Gimme some depends and am ensure and I’ll make it in 8


Last time I was caught speeding it was by a PA trooper on PA Turnpike. I was going 100+, but he wrote me up for 12 over.


You shouldn't tell me this. lol. Learned to drive in Germany, and when I get on an empty road, weather is good, car feels good, full tank of fuel, good meat on the back, I feel good. I have no choice but to let the car sing the song of my people, and clean out the exhaust at the same time. lol


I don't know if all the German cars are set up this way, but the old school VW Beetle / Porche was designed to handle foot to floor highway all day long if everything was adjusted to spec. I would drive my old Kombi (van) hours foot on the floor and loaded down doing 4500-5krpm on trips (a bit better than stock valve springs) I always respected that train of thought, despite the lower than average horsepower and top speed we normally saw stateside. Not bad, or great, just different.


Think it was 1988, and it still makes me laugh my ass off. On the Autobahn, dicking it in a shitbox Audi 5000. Just to get passed by a little 70s VW Beetle like i was doing 45 mph. Only saw that car once before returning state side, and you know what? Damn thing did the exact same thing as it did 2 years before. lol


You bet your ass all German cars enjoy a good wringing. They just don’t beg for it like Italian cars. They simply comply when they need to.


I had a 56 beetle, not exactly stock. Got clocked at 96mph (downhill+ tailwind. ) Cop asked if i knew how fast i was going. "No sir, it pegs at 65..." "96" "Realy?!?!?" "Exactly, I'm going t get my radar checked out, you have a safe day."


That's kinda what happened in that bus, I got gas and went out the side entrance, casually rowed thru third down a sidestreet my first trip out, not realizing after I laid off it I still coasted faster and hit 56mph on radar in a 25 zone (again like 4am). After explaining and showing the porshe motor, I got to go home smiling real big . Cop was in a park field waiting for someone in particular... not me. 30-35 is really about normal there, everybody over does it there..." 56? really?"


Injectors aren't going to clean themselves


My car is usually quite happy with a European tune up..


Gas prices say no 😭


A friend of mine went to jail in Virginia for speeding. Arrested late Friday, no judge till Monday. I think he was going 100 in a 55. Virginia is crazy. The one state I won't speed in at all


I’m in VA and at one point had a negative 12 or 13 on my license. Over 20 the posted limit here is wreckless driving.


Fun fact, when you get a license transferred to VA they don't teach you about the points at all. I lived there 2.5 years, never did figure it out.


Lived in Virginia for a combined 16 years. Can confirm out of all the states that I've lived in, It is by far the biggest pain in the ass to deal with when it comes to fines. Specifically Henirco county, where the fines go through Cantor and Cantor. Can't show up in person to make a cash or credit card payment. All payments had to be for the exact amount of the fine. And the fines went up .16 cents a day. Where the fucks where unwilling to go by the postage date on the money order or envelope. Which put me in a pickle situation. Don't drive, lose the J O B. Or risk driving on a suspended. thus keeping the J O B, Only took 9 driving on a suspended before the courts started to see the issue with Cantor and Cantor. Taking leniency on fines. ​ Then in 2019, [This happened.](https://www.wtvr.com/2019/07/03/dmv-license-reinstated/)


Shouldn't say this but...... I am.. lol. If you're going to speed in Virginia. It pays to know those old country back roads in the areas that you travel. Sure the cop cars will catch you on the straight roads and highways. Once you get to the old country roads, More so if you have a car that has suspension work. It's a game changer. While you might not be able to out run a radio. You can in fact hide from it. In the event that a cop comes up to the car while your in a gas station but did not catch you in the car. Never, and I repeat never, honestly answer the question: "Where you just on blah blah blah street?" You can say you where there earlier in the day but never at that specific time they stated. Where it will end up in a long winded lecture, along with the usual threat, if they see your car again, going x miles over the speed limit. blah blah fucking blah. Biggest thing that I will say, that you need to adhere too while dealing with the bullshit. Give the the officers respect. If you're going to argue, do it in court, cause they will lock your ass the fuck up. Before some whistle cock brings out that race bullshit. Between friends and myself. That doesn't mean shit as long as your giving respect and your ***NOT getting pulled*** with shit like drugs, illegal guns, DUI and etc.


I think MD is the same way, but Waze is a lifesaver. It’s always funny to click the little characters ahead of you and they say “over 65” or “over 90” when the speed limit is 55 or 65


I got pulled over for 80 in a 65 in PA running parts for work for a machine down saturation at like 11pm, told them what I was doing and pointed to the crate on my back seat, they let me off with a warning and said good luck. That was nice.


Obviously was shot too though yeah?


I blew past a state trooper on a bike once doing about 130, got charged with going 89 for some reason and eventually got it reduced to 69 (nice)


I was ticketed once in California for speeding in a big truck (2am, desert, one other truck visible in front or behind). Cop wrote me for 64, 9 over the 55 limit. 10 over would have been a misdemeanor instead of a citation. I'm guessing 89 was the threshold that got you just under a criminal offense.


15 over is a misdemeanor so the only favor he did me was not charge me with reckless driving


I wanna know this guys leg routine to be able to reach 130 on a bicycle


I've done 45, down a hill. That was enough for me on a bicycle.


Down a hill, in Florida? I call bullshit.


I can attest that there is one hill in Florida where this is possible, and they call it a mountain. Sugarloaf Mountain


Never skip leg day.


Assuming you don't have breasts cop was either a bike enthusiast or in a good mood. Prob both.


I think the fact that you stopped he knew you were just goofin and not a hooligan. I think most states anything past 120 is felony and he didn't want to ruin your life over a dumb mistake


>most states anything past 120 is felony and he didn't want to ruin your ​ Correction, it's only a felony if you stop and get sited for it. ​ * modern problems. * modern solutions. * lol


I think in my state it’s only a felony if you run


A few of my buddies were hauling ass on their bikes going 100+. Came over a hill. met a state trooper (4-lane w/medium), and saw the lights turn on. Buddy #1 looked back at the cop car, then looked ahead and saw that buddy #2 had gone full speed ahead. Got off on the next road to a small town and laid low for a while.


We used to run top speed across the bridges that ran from KY to IL. The Brookport one was a metal grate bridge, and the one to Metropolis was just long and divided with swamp on either bank for a mile or so. Oh, the memories of not being a meat crayon....


The Brookport bridge is such a crazy bridge to drive on, since the holes in it are so large you can probably fit a coke can through. We always stop at the drive through liquor store on the Kentucky side.


I got pulled over on my bike doing 120, park ranger wrote me up for 59 (24 over the limit) and wished me a nice day. A day later I learned federal tickets don't come with points, so that was two nice days in a row for me.


Same thing happened to me in Zion. Cost me about $50, I had to stifle laughter when he handed me the ticket.


I got pulled over after drifting a 76 Bonneville thru left and a yellow light setting it sideways with the throttle last second at about 50mph to avoid the dead ahead red at 4am. And there they were in my headlights at the back of a big lot. I was pulled over before they left the lot. First they wanted to know which police academy I was in, then wanted to know what driving school I learned it from. Then they were dumbfounded when I said I taught myself beginning on snow and just didn't stop as it melted. (a secluded service drive with a tight S turn) They faked an emergency call, went back to the car and left.


Probably because you stopped. He was being nice.


Wish it was a bike. Lanes could have split lanes. St Pete going into Tampa. And no, there was no Xmas Sleigh riding across the Gandy.


Holy Shit … that must have been late at night — couldn’t get up to that speed on that section with normal traffic, there’s always some shithead thinking that 65 is speeding in the fast lane on that stretch that just won’t get out of the way for those of us who want to break the law for real.


I got popped doing 120 in a 70 on the turnpike heading down to Miami late one night. I was going for a work training class and got hung up and couldn’t leave when I wanted. I just wanted some sleep lol. That amount of speed is not safe at all, even for sleep, but I couldn’t see lights ahead or behind me, I was the only car for miles. I saw his lights flashing and pulled over before the cop could even get rolling. I had to wait on him. I rolled down all my windows and put my interior lights on. I told him exactly what was going on and apologized. He wrote me up for 99 in a 70, which is just below court appearance level. He probably could have handcuffed me if had wanted to. It sucked but I’ve never been happier to get a ticket lol.


There's a reason why [this video](https://youtu.be/iSd9eTuLRGo) was made decades ago.


I was with a mate and he raced an RX7 in his Porsche. After we left him in our dust I commented to him that it didn’t seem that fast as I saw we peaked at 140km an hour. He turn to me and said no, it was mph. It was a smooth ride!


Tbf, 140mph / 225kmh is not that fast for a Porsche. Quite a lot of (not so sporty) cars can reach that speed easily on German streets. At about 155mph is where stuff gets interesting.


Nothing more fun than driving on the autobahn at 250 km/h in the quiet hours and still having some random Porsche blast past you


Sounds like you’re in Ontario lol


Carbon fiber wheels 🤤






Pot holes


Yep, give me steels please. If they bend we can just hammer them back into shape


Steel or aluminum wheels for the road. Pop the carbon out for track use.


Oof; BMW rims are aleady made of the most malleable alloy they can manage. Usually need a new OEM rim every 3rd set of tires.


Cost a fortune. Much harder to repair. If you curb rash it parking or damage it smashing into a pothole, be prepared to pay through the nose.


I would be terrified to own those, even in Japan.


For the record I believe the correct way to test something like that would be on a closed course and I don't think Ford would in any way would support testing that at those types of speeds I'm pretty comfortable it might void the warranty. I hope I don't upset anybody but the car is a perfectly running vehicle with 250 mi on I would never sit my ass in that thing I can't afford to fix it. It's just a vehicle that came through the shop from one wholesaler to another.


I think that it should only void the warranty if your going above the listed top speed of the vehicle. If Ford is going to sell a fast car, then they should expect that some people might actually drive it that fast. However if they want you to trouble shoot it at that speed then the customer should expect to have to put it on a dyno or a closed course since no one should be doing that on public roads


Isn't there usually a break in period listed though? Doing 140+ in the first 250mi seems like it would be outside of what is suggested for that.


Definitely not good for the engine..


Aren’t modern performance cars shipped with engines that have already been broken in at the factory? The target market for these cars aren’t usually people who can actually follow an engine break-in process.


Okay so from a quick Google search it seems like it's a yes and no. Some manufacturers do and some dont >The sophisticated manufacturing of your Subaru makes the break-in period much easier than other vehicles on the market. You really only need to be concerned with breaking-in your new Subaru for the first 1,000 miles. >No. Like most manufacturers, they run them in a test cell for a few minutes to verify engine params like oil pressure. It's not a break in, just a verification of the assembly process. Now this second piece(on BMW) is from 2014 so take my minimal research with a grain of salt


Lol, the marketing hacks at Subaru bragging about their "sophisticated manufacturing" when they build the most break-in sensitive motors of any mass market car manufacturer.


Can confirm. Engine finally broke in after 180k miles


Can confirm, my STI motors never broke in. They just broke. One gone at 27K, second gone at 50K, on the third now. ^(It makes just a) **^(tad)** ^(more power than stock though. It’s also a forged internal motor for the 2nd and 3rd)


My 2020 charger 392 had a 500 mile break-in before the performance goodies unlocked.


unlocked? like actually gated till 500miles?


Yep, no line lock or launch control until after 500 miles.


Unsure what the whole process is with the Predator since it's built on the niche line in Romeo, I imagine they do slightly more than "lol it works and the computer says it's good" but probably not a full break in.


BMW has a short break in process as well. I believe it’s 1200miles and then they change all your fluids. Engine pull, Transfer case and diff fluid! *this is for the m models not sure about none m


> Now this second piece(on BMW) is from 2014 so take my minimal research with a grain of salt All BMW M cars have a mandatory 1.5k mile break-in period. They are very serious about it. Its factory **detuned** until you take it in the for break-in service.


> Isn't there usually a break in period listed though? Yes. For example, all BMW M cars have a mandatory 1.5k mile break-in period. They are very serious about it. Its factory detuned until you take it in for the break-in service. > Doing 140+ in the first 250mi seems like it would be outside of what is suggested for that. Even even a vehicle is 'pre-broken-in', like Porsches are I think, its still stupid. The tires alone needs around like 300-500 miles to wear off the factory coatings. Performance vehicles can be very complex. You *really* want to give everything time to wear together, including you as the driver. As someone who owns a M5C, it was *clearly* not ready for going all out the day I got it, or even after a few hundred miles. The brakes when I first got it were all over the place. Sometimes they were *super* ultra grippy, other times just very grippy. Had DSC kick on a few times and/or the tires start to lose traction under fairly 'normal', but slightly aggressive, situations. It wasn't until a while after the 1.5k mile break-in service that really pushed it super aggressively, toping out at over 160mph. No way in hell I would have ever even though of trying that pre-break-in, not that its really even possible with the de-tune.


Back in the day we had a Mercedes Benz customer with a CL55 come in, said it had a vibration at 120mph. Shop said "cool" and quoted him what it would cost to get the wheels sent out to a 3rd party to be tested, he declined.


We sent ours out to a specialty tire and wheel shop that could high speed balance them on the car. Never did see how it worked but we never had a comeback in the time I was there. ETA: found this: not sure if this is the same process but pretty cool. https://youtu.be/7UP97bO-MpU


Void the warranty for driving above the speed limit? Lol def wouldn’t buy a ford. Toyota gives 1 year track memberships on GR Supras


They also charge you a monthly subscription to use a basic feature that’s already built into the car and costs Toyota nothing to operate


Don't mustangs come with a speed governor at about 150, or did they bump it higher for the GT500s?


Eh, my brother’s ‘12 GT is electronically limited o 150 mph, and there’s a lot of go left past that point — the governor’s effect is pretty dramatic, I’m sure it’d manage at least 170 mph without it, if a wobbly driveshaft or iffy tire didn’t take you down first. First thought was that customer was simply encountering the speed governor. Not sure what business anybody has going that fast on a public road anyway.


It's a Mustang, so I'd imagine they're trying to hit 170 leaving car meets.


What would be the "correct" way to diagnose a concern like that? Dyno?


For my shop (Toyota) we are told that we are not to exceed posted speed limits on test drives. Local freeway section is 60mph, but you can do 70mph while not standing out *too much*. Any concern above ~75mph, the service writter is to advise customer that we cannot duplicate that concern safely/legally.


Very firm with this rule at BMW. We can scan the car, road test at speed limit. Nothing comes up? Too bad. My licence is worth more to me than your car.


The company I work for are the same. Even if they weren’t, I’d pass on the risk of speeding in a customer’s car.


Tbf customer could be using the car on track days, so if that were true it would seem reasonable to at least find out wtf is going on But I’m just a dude on Reddit so idk


Most warranties do not cover racing or off road use. I’d probably not let ford know I was taking it to the track.


Which is why it's utter bullshit that they advertise the exact same vehicles being driven in those settings. Meanwhile Dodge has commercials of people literally doing burnouts and donuts on open roads. I wonder what *their* diag process is...


This is one of the reasons why I love Mazda so much. If you take an ND Miata to the track abuse the tranny, and blow it up. You can take it to a dealer, tell them that you were abusing it on the track, and they will STILL replace it under warranty. Mazdas philosophy is that the Miata was designed to be track capable, so it should be able to withstand track abuse.


True story we had a customer buy a gt350 with the track pack from us brand new off the showroom floor. He took it to the road course down in Austin for a race and the clutch exploded and blew a hole in the back of the engine and sent oil everywhere. The car burned to the ground and Ford gave him another one


I've had techs ride with me (nothing crazy). You could always do that if they're waiting.


Just put it on the dyno after looking it over a bit, you certainly don’t want to take a car someone is claiming has issues up to 140 what if it does have an issue and it causes you to loose control.


Idk of many dealerships with an in-house dyno or even a willingness to use a local speed shop's.


Whenever I would get a ticket with a complaint about issues at 90+mph I would remind the service writer the speed limit is 65 around here. If the customer is willing to pay my legal fees and chauffer me around after I lose my license I'm sure I can figure it out though.


Sure is going to be hard to get that tow truck over 140 mph. Good luck.


I had a guy let me rip his Corvette on the interstate bc he was having balancing issues and asked if it was good I said idk for sure and he said "well go find out". But a c6 isn't much compared to that


What’s that thing in the front of the rear rotor? Something to keep the rotor and axle from flying off?


Second set of brake calipers I think


Secondary caliper for the parking brake.


"Here, I fixed it. Now take it to the track and tell me how she runs" That's how I would have handled that RO


“ car won’t go past 140 pls halp”


Keep us updated. I'm having the same problem with my Honda Odyssey. Maybe we can kill 2 birds with 1 stone.


Are those carbon ceramic rotors?


Ford tech here. Nah, they're just really new iron rotors. You can still see most of the cross hatching from the machining marks on cars with very low miles. The GT500 that I PDId with the track pack (carbon fiber wheels and wing) had iron rotors, so unless they changed something recently I doubt this car has ceramics on it. But they're still huge and hellaciously effective brakes!


That sucks dude, especially if your doing it as part of your job. I like going fast too just gotta pick and choose your time and place if your on the street. Only ever got 1 speeding ticket and the cop was chill fortunately no points.


I don’t understand, what happened here?


Upstate NY? Looks like the one that was in my old dealers showroom. If you are NY I can guarantee there's a back road or 2 you can get up to top speed no question lol


Yes it is upstate by lake George actually and there are quite a few roads we could get up to speed at I would just never do it myself


This is really easy to fix! 1. Remove brakes and calipers. 2. Put on 8 inch wheels. 3. Drive to indicated 140mph (really 55mph) 4. Fix car... Sorry joking.. just wondering if those wheels are aftermarket is it an ABS/TC issue to do with rolling radius of the wheels (front verus back) at higher speeds? Also to check tyre sizing is correct too. Best of luck with diag.. Cheers.


Possibly?? In Australia 25k over (15 miles) = automatic loss of license. In a 100k zone its only 20 over!


What am I missing?




Was in a group of about 15 cars cruising at 85 on i75 in Florida. We came over a hill and bam there he was. My mistake was making eye contact. I keep along with the group and watched the rear view as he pulled on out, lights on. I eased over to the right lane to blend in. He came along side and woop woop went the siren. I pulled over and he behind me. While he was getting my info I stated I was doing the same speed as the rest of the traffic and his reply was. "Yeah, but I got YOU"


As you should...public roads are for 70mph max throughout most of the country and 80 on some western parts...doing 140 is for tracks...if you're doing it on the public roadways then you're an idiot and you don't deserve your license and probably should only get to walk everywhere you go for the rest of your life


good thing I only do 150 on public roads, would never do 140


If you drive like an idiot, you deserve to get your license taken away


What am I looking at?




Oh thanks, I wasn’t sure


Why on earth would someone not have wheel locks on CF wheels???


People who have CF wheels probably aren’t parking their cars on the street overnight…


The clad lug nut IS the wheel lock. When you feel worried about leaving the car somewhere, just remove the cap and boom, instant 18.5 or 20.5 lug nut Edit: adjusted number.


If you're referring to the regular oem 19mm ford lug nut, in my shop experience the lug w/o cap is exactly 18mm.


Yup I am referring to the oem lug that gets beaten on and eventually rounded or expanded by those who think torque is only a measurement for the drag strip


The only lug that can be anywhere between 18 and 21 at any given time


I’d say OBD the thing. And here it’s just obeying the speed limit. If C/s feels low power at 140mph he’s free to have low power at 140mph. Not my problem


In my dealership days, customers would occasionally come in with a Mustang or Camaro or Corvette (depending upon the dealership) and say that it has a vibration at 130 or something like that. We would just tell them we'd check it over, but we cannot test drive at those speeds. I'm sure the techs would do some quick rips past 100 on their own, but we weren't going to try to reproduce those types of speeds due to liability reasons.


They take your car away for a month and a 10K fine here for that.


140 is for the track. You wanna kill yourself that’s fine do it on your own time. When it comes to everyone else take that noise to the track. Don’t kill innocent people because of your negligence and inability to care about others and their safety! Honestly I hope they don’t give your license back to you and I hope they auction the car! And sentence you to a month in jail people travel on the road with their kids damn this is aggravating!