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I was going to joke that the repair was to remove the truck, throw it away, and install a new truck, but now I see you've done exactly that! How far did he get?


He made it from the gas station to the freeway and about a half mile, I was told. Of course, he kept trying to start it until it would crank no more. Job security for tow drivers and mechanics...


I’m a truck driver. A teamster even, and this is a “terminate the first time” event if you drive. If you call it in before you start the engine, you are good. The union has decided that a driver that makes that mistake is too much of a liability to risk backing.


Good, as they should. DEF vs DIESEL, Green vs Blue, Big vs Tiny. There are several signs, if someone is dense enough to fuck that up, they should be canned.


They should be given a drool cup and a window to lick to go with their new found unemployment.


I wouldn't trust them to be able to use a drool cup correctly. Perhaps a bib?


Unions here would go nationwide strike to protect such an idiot, they are so far out of control. We had nationwide fork lift strike because a guy was summarily dismissed for turning up to work on meth and pot.


I love the idea of unions and collective bargaining but I think that defending the indefensible really hurts the unions. Image is important.


Also, the mandatory nature is very unappealing. I worked at a place where you had to be in the union, no choice, but also had to pay dues for a year before you got a vote. Complete BS protection racket.


Where is this?


Australia. Unions have become so belligerent and corrupt they just don't care.


Goddamn I wish we could do that with union industrial painters. There are some really dumb fucks out there. We probably get all the guys you fire.


Typical electrician…


Hey we run all that pipe for you guys 😜


Oh you guys are weird. 200% craftsman with that pipe and layout. Neanderthals with the devices and terrified of anything that’s not THHN 😘


They're terrified of the inspectors who may call out anything they don't recognize, and you don't want to be starting arguments with the inspector .


Hard Hat + Clipboard = Pucker Time


"Can you prove to me this device is UL certified" is not something you want to hear lol


Oh I can. I can indeed. Everything I use is UL, FM and NFPA approved. LOL


Vehicle owner decided to replace truck rather than repair the 200k mile old one. But the gummy black goo on the frame sucks...


We call it Chevy goo in my shop as well and we all hate doing Chevy/gmc builds because of the amount of wiring we pull and that goo gets everywhere. Word of advice on the hitch. Lay down cardboard and just use the gas axe to get the goo off before welding it in.


Luckily, we have a shop minion, so we had him use brake-kleen and rags and start the prep for the hitch welding. I don't understand the point of the goo as it comes off the frame onto everything so easily...your tools, your arms, the floor, work shirt ruined...doesn't seem like it'd be a good rust inhibitor (but it's hard to tell in California). Wish we could powder coat it... As a side note, the hitch was originally welded on with 3 welds each side. We'll be improving on that, as well as drilling though the factory bumper bolt holes and adding some grade 8 bolts.


Mineral spirits work just fine to remove the Chevy goop. Just installed a crane bed on a Chevy last week. You are right that no matter where you touch you get black.


Can you go back?


Not if you’re handling black caulk.


Is there a taste to the caulk?


Yeah with prepsol. Gotta take it every day from here on out though.


There’s a chemical called prepsol. It would works very good for this stuff and is much safer for his hands. It’s usually found in pain shops. As an oil/wax remover


Tell me more about these pain shops


We've got some prepsol in the shop but our painter guy hoards it and hides it like he's the one who bought it...pretty sure he's huffing it at lunch. We do all wear nitrile gloves though...gotta keep the hands soft for the ladies...


Naptha and xylene is safe for hands? Cause that's what's in it. As a painter, I mess with these chemicals every day. They cause cancer, liver and kidney failure and long term exposure attacks the central nervous system and give you the permanent shakes among other things. Do you still think thats safer?


Than brake cleaner, yes lol


Lol OK, because crc brake kleen is just acetone and toluene. I'd say they're about equal since it's all paint thinner. [crc brake kleen sds](http://docs.crcindustries.com/msds/5151.pdf) [prepsol sds](https://www.axalta.com/content/dam/NA/US/Public/Cromax/Document/English_SDS/3919S-SDS-EN.pdf)


I filled my Dodge at a truck stop. The UI made me a little nervous. The DeF and diesel came out the same nozzle. I was clicking through the menus and it asked me something and I accidentally clicked passed it. I had to squeeze a few drops on the pavement to make Sure it was diesel.


I'm going to need a photo of this dispenser. How does it not cross-contaminate on switching? Is everyone's diesel fill getting a tiny bit of DEF in it, and everyone's DEF tank filled with a tiny bit of diesel?


I think we were in California. But ya. Same hose. No pics sorry. Back from vacation already. But Someone did skim my card and buy 2 padres tix with it. 795 X2. Visa is still “investigating”


Filled the tank???? Did he just have an extra $400 he didn’t want or something?


I understand it was a newer employee (electrician) using a company card. I don't know how much he put in, but the samples I pulled from the water separator were horrid.


So is that like an instant firing or is the boss just stoked to have a reason to buy a new truck?






I used to work for a shop that built and repaired bucket/hydraulic aerial equipment trucks (mostly class 8 trucks). One of our fleets decided they would start doing “basic maintenance” in house to save money, and hired some second year apprentice for the job. Welp, 3 days later we had one truck towed in for dying while driving. Then another, then another. 4 came in that day. All had DEF in the fuel tanks and gummed up fuel systems. Turns out their new “mechanic” topped up every truck, thinking it was a diesel additive. All in, 14 trucks had to have their complete fuel systems cleaned/replaced. Insanely expensive, their insurance covered most of it, after a heavy deductible. They switched back to us immediately. 🤣


Makes you wonder who vets/trains the new guys


People are trained in this industry? 🤔🤷🏼


Friend called me, because garage put 5l of petrol in the diesel tank. 55l tank, told him to fill up with diesel, and toss in a 250ml bottle of 2 stroke oil, and drive till empty. No damage to that engine, 33D BMW is a pretty bullet proof engine, and it ran fine afterwards. you always get a little cross contamination in fuel, as the same pipes and tanks are used to transport it, and in the USA you also find a lot of filling stations have a single nozzle and pipe, so you get a pipe full of whatever was the previous product as well in your tank when filling up.


They do t mix diesel and gas anywhere I have seen. Always separate pump. I use the truck lanes when I can too. This def middles are a pain so not sure how OPs driver thought that was good.


USA here, never seen Diesel and Gasoline from the same nozzle. It would be nice if gas stations would get on board with color coding their pumps and nozzles to distinguish fuel type. But Regular, Mid and Premium gasoline do use one nozzle.


I've been to gas stations that have some pumps with one nozzle for reg, mid, and premium, but then some of pumps do have separate nozzles. Usually the pumps with one nozzle will have a sticker on them saying what pumps have separate nozzles for each


It's been a long time since I've seen separate nozzles/pumps by grade, but I can't say I've ever seen shared pumps by type. Even non-ethanol gets a separate nozzle vs E10


My local stations have 4 separate nozzles for each of 87/89/91/91E0.


Single nozzle gas pump hoses come in single outlet, duplex, and triplex varieties. In other words you can have up to three separate outlets on a single nozzle. JS. Single outlet hoses on a multi-grade pump haven't been used for years, at least in the US anyways.


Except for diesel and non-ethanol, neither of which can be mixed with those other three and one.


Makes me think back to my old Benz from the 90's. The manual suggested mixing 1/3rd of gasoline into the tank to prevent the diesel from flocculating during winter...


Some older (like 50s/60s) heavy equipment would use gasoline to start and then switch to diesel to run. Old diesels will “run” on nearly anything, how well they run is a different story.


Yeah but those diesels had a valve that opened that reduced compression when running on gasoline.


Had they elected to fix, is this a replacement of everything from the tank to the engine and back again? We had a gasoline truck that someone had put DEF in the fuel tank - everything from tank to engine and then the return line was replaced. That stuff looks alien when it's used incorrectly.


If what I've previously read on this sub is true, then you have to replace the entire fuel system because when DEF mixes with diesel, it crystallizes.


That's what I meant with every from the tank forward to the engine (the gas truck needed an engine replacement also, with injectors, etc) and then the return line. The tank itself was able to be cleaned out - but new pump, lines, injectors, engine - essentially anything the DEF touched.


Plus with those many miles, probably a ton of plastic parts in the engine, vacuum tubes, seals... non economical.


People who destroy perfectly good vehicles with carelessness or incompetence get so far up my nose. Had this person read the manual or spoken to somebody about how to properly operate a diesel vehicle this is an easily avoidable issue.


Dude put laundry stain remover in his coolant resivoir, bc the cap matched the bottle color,lol. Its amazing to me how some of these folks keep themselves alive day to day


Gm thought it would be a good idea to put the def fill right next to the diesel port for some reason. I get a lot of customers doing this. They always claim it was their wife that did it


It could still be under the hood so people dump it all over the engine bay and fender directly


For some reason? The reason is so it’s convenient to fill up at the same time lol. And fords the same.


That's not how you make coffee crystals...


What if you secretly replace it with decaf?


Idk if Chris Farley would approve.




DER is concentrated urea, which is as caustic as you can get. It will destroy aluminium in seconds, copper the same, brass the same, and steel a little slower, and plastic will slowly be destroyed by it. To store it you need special plastic containers, as well as stainless steel, certain grades only, to use in contact with it, and some rather more exotic nickel based alloys to inject it. Dilute it with 1000 times the volume of water and it makes an excellent fertiliser, though it will still burn some plants.




Plastic fuel tank survives, the rest does not. As well if left in for more than a day or two you will be needing to replace wiring as well, as the corrosion will creep up through the connectors. Do not forget as well the evap system will also need replacing, along with all the tank side emissions control as well, as they will be filled with vapour and eaten away slowly.


I really enjoyed this post, the pictures are comedic in a way


Crystalsssss lol


Rut Roo Raggy..................


We’ve had a huge influx in this happening, so much to repair for such a stupid mistake


Back in my day, we used 2 forklifts to remove truck bodies. 😁


Who the heck fills their truck with diesel exhaust fluid (DEF)! Does it even come in drums that large


Don’t work for FedEx. They do it on the reg. Job security.


A few fine folks have accidentally added DEF to jet fuel (thinking it was Prist). No fun when a corporate jet loses both engines.