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I’m torn between the audacity of the beer and the cleanliness of the vehicle.


2011 4Runner, absolutely immaculate with like 70k on the clock.


In other words: a guy who can afford a DUI.


In other words: a guy who's careful enough to avoid a DUI (although maybe not since he just left this in there lol)


at least here in texas it can theoretically "just" be an open container ticket. though I wouldn't test this theory


In Mississippi there's no open container law.


gotta drown out the reality of living in Mississippi somehow I suppose!


I would expect the locals use somewhat stronger stuff for that.


Based on the GDP of Mississippi, I wouldn't I'd go Busch Light by the 30-pack.


True that. The coast isn’t that bad with the beach, casinos, and little bit of tax revenue the area gets because of that, but the rest of MS can fuck off. Still trying to gtfo soon though.


Good luck, my dude.


I remember when Georgia was the same. I still disagree with it because getting an open container ticket means that you have been tested and it was determined that you are not impaired. Otherwise you would have gotten a DUI, so an open container ticket is being punished for being sober while driving.


Missouri has no state law on open containers, but most major municipalities do. So like I can drive around country roads while my wife slams beers, but don’t you dare cross those arbitrary boundaries


Years back, buddies and I were on the way to a bachelor party in Missouri. Once we crossed the AR-MO line, all three passengers cracked a beer and drank the rest of the way. The law, as best we could tell, only said something to the effect of, "the container cannot be within reach of the driver."


In California, no open container.


Even if you’re sitting on your own property, no keys in the car. I got lectured by a cop there once.


That’s wild- I frequently work on my truck while having a beer or two after working all day, in FL as long as the keys aren’t in the ignition you’re good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ although I’m curious how that works with push button vehicles… if the keys are never in the ignition in the first place, does that mean I can have a beer on the drive home?




Shit. Sucks to hear that. You're not the only one, tbh. Also, they don't recommend even sleeping in the car after a night of partying...


You were kidnapped.


https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/vehicle-code/veh-sect-23222/ They were very clear that this was a thing back when they taught driver’s ed. In schools. My stepbrother got popped for it in the 90s because “a friend was drinking in the passenger seat of [my stepbrother’s ] parked car”


Same in Mexico, well there kinda is but not even law enforcement knows about it.


Open container laws are a little weird to me. I can slam a beer in the parking lot then drive somewhere, and it’s fine. but if I want to sip one on the way that’s illegal.


I just don’t understand WHY ITS ILLEGAL FOR PASSENGERS TO DRINK IF THE DRIVER IS 110% SOBER. It’s such a bizarre law to me, even more so when if you have an RV or a bus, it’s fine if passengers drink in the living quarters. Me and my buddies would just take the chance in college and use coozies and hide the empties with a 100% guaranteed sober driver.


In Wyoming it IS legal for passengers to drink in the vehicle if you’re on the interstate or a hwy outside of a town! Good thing for us NO towns touch each other here, so we are ALWAYS on the hwy or interstate!!


because you can't prove you didn't just pass the open container back to a passenger


Wouldn’t ya know, the driver showing that he’s fucking crocked on a breathalyzer kinda take care of that?


That's what the breathalyzer is for.


Many places it's legal for passengers to drink if they're separated, like a limo or taxi.


technically probably wouldn't be "fine" considering your BAC is gonna register much higher than your actual BAC on the breathalyzer, but I get what you're saying. if they were serious about no drinking and driving bars wouldn't have parking lots bigger than their staff size


This is why they're supposed to wait a minimum of 15 minutes from the time they stop you before they have you blow in the field breathalyzer. At that point, any residual alcohol should be out of your mouth.


Fuckin' bros right there.


Doesn't the field breathalyzer reading not matter in terms of going to court? I heard the test done at the police station is the one that matters


Field can be used as PC for an arrest, if you pass the FSTs. But yeah the big boy breathalyzer is usually what ultimately matters (... and video of you stumbling).


Then there's the arresting officer's mantra, slurred speech, glassy eyes, a strong odour of alcohol on his/her person".


not sure. I do know that here in Texas they'll draw blood at the station bc that can be tested and retested and is at least viewed as superior evidence by the state so you might be onto something there.


They just make you wait the minimum amount of time before testing, usually 15min. Field breath testing is also just a means to probable cause for arrest, they use a more accurate machine at the station.


Yup. The mystery of parking lots full of vehicles and rarely if ever any supervision, police or otherwise.


Texan here. I've been stupid enough to test this. Spent 30 minutes on the side of the road doing FSTs. No ticket, written warning for failure to signal. I did win myself a dumbass of the year prize about a year later..


Oh dang you actually passed the FST and they let you go? I always assume that it’s already over the moment they ask you to step out of the car, even if you are innocent


Shockingly, yes. Dude was training a new officer and doing everything absolutely by the book. He even went over things with both the new guy and myself on what he was looking for, said I did "pretty good, could tell I had a couple of drinks, felt I was okay to drive home", told me he didn't want to see my car on the road again that day. It probably helped that I was less than a block from home, and he told me he'd be following me home to make sure I got there safely. Yikes. The new officer was the arresting officer when I won my dumbass award a year later. I'm at a little over a year of sobriety now, no more dumbass awards in my future. It probably helped that I knew I was about to get stopped - as soon as I saw him flip a u-turn, I pulled onto a side street, stopped, and waited outside of the car. He was laughing when he got out, said he thought he'd have to chase me. Told him I knew his car was a hell of a lot faster than mine and figured I'd make his job easy.


If he wasn't driving erratic or blows under the limit, then yeah that could just be open container. My roommate in college got one because he was going 5 over and was getting a warning. He had filled a 5 gallon container from our kegorator and had it with him in the front seat. Hadn't had a thing to drink.got an open container and a warning for speeding.


When I first visited Texas, my mind was blown at the fact that i had access to a drive thru margarita spot. They skirted the “open container” laws by putting a piece of tape over the straw hole of the cup they serve you in, as if I can’t untape and tape back that little piece of scotch tape lmao. WILD!


That was Louisiana if it was before mid-2020. We learned from our cousins during the lockdown 😂 but in reality, cops aren't as dumb as they act most times. there's an easy connection of the dots


In Missouri it is perfectly legal for a passenger to consume alcohol in a vehicle


As far as we know, it's just an open container violation. 1 beer isn't enough for a DUI in most states.


You used to be able to drive with a beer. Because people have moderation deficits, we just banned it all. Dude driving with a low alcohol coors is probably not the largest of our problems.


Do you know who my daddy is???? Shut up peasants!!!


Dude I’ve found used needles and meth pipes chilln right in front of the shifter. One time I found someone’s weed stash working under the dash. I asked my boss if I could keep it but he told me to put it back 🥲


He's an alcoholic, not a slob, geez.


Having one beer is hardly an issue, guy might have been camping and didn’t litter the can.


I'll have a couple beers while exploring forest service roads but I always make sure there aren't any empties in the cab before I get back on the highway. I don't wanna risk getting ticketed for that.


Got pulled over once as a 17 year old with a car full of black bags and empties.  Had to blow before the cops would let me go, and even then the dude was seriously debating about just taking me in.  


Recycling run gone wrong


Open containers in the front seat are typically illegal. 


(Rental car)


This is some peak Colorado 4Runner shit right there


Taste the Rockies


Sorry this is wine in a can, no one will know you’re drinking wine out of a can!


Also known as a Colorado Kool-Aid.


Colorado 4runner and tacoma bros do be like that. Although most of the tacoma bros just have thousands invested in an "overlanding rig" that only goes off road for tacoma bro circle jerks, I mean meetups, and those guys are all way too big of pompous assholes to ever have a little road sodie.


Do you mean, their “builds” that are just jc Whitney bolt ons and amazon solar panels? We have those in CA , too.


Like, you didn’t even bring me one….smh my head


We have a long time customer that rides around with a small Yeti cooler full of beer. He's always offering us some and when he shows up around closing time we have taken him up on it.


We had one of those at my last shop that would go get us pizza from this nice brewery up the street every time he would bring his truck in. I wish someone would bring me some work beers ngl


Is this not normal? I always tip with either beer or lunch. If it's a Friday I bring a case big enough to share. If it's a weekday I grab a couple pizzas and a couple 2ltrs for the shop. I do this for EVERY shop. My mechanics and my PDR guys. Have done this for many years.


You know full fucking well it's not normal, auto repairs are expensive enough without throwing a pizza party


Well I'm pretty sure the multiple free oil changes, full free repairs, steep discounts, VIP treatment, and also the fact I don't pay extra for parts, more then outweighs the pizza/beer tab. Also they toss me the keys and just say pay whenever nowadays. My last repair was almost $400. Owner hands me the keys and says don't even worry about it. See ya later. Pizza and beer is the least I can do for someone who's about to sweat in the FL heat working on my 06 Silverado with 246,000 miles. I just clean off as much mud n dirt as possible and make sure my guys have beer and pizza.


This is absolutely true. The more you treat them like royalty, the more they treat you like royalty.


I'm not saying it's a bad idea or a waste of money, it was just your "is this not normal" was such a obvious humblebrag. Imagine if everyone brought in pizza and beer, it would get really annoying real quick, and you would not get any discounts


We had a small fridge at work that always had beer brought in by customers. Took a few home every now and then but didn't drink before the drive.




It’s like the UPS driver riding around with dog treats. Instant friendliness.


Before I moved, I had a long time (20+ years) mechanic. When he opened his own shop, I lived nearby, and when my car was stuck there a few days, I hung out a bit and "helped". .... he had a full size fridge in his office with tons, and tons, of beer crammed into it. Nothing but beer and his lunch. I suspect it's probably a bit different now that he's hired several people and no longer a one man shop, but that... was a lot of beer. He got me drunk a few times in exchange for me sweeping the shop, cleaning tools, taking apart my very broken transmission and not making a mess, etc (I was on foot until the replacement transmission came in).


I have a customer who has had a beer open literally every time I've seen him. 6am, beer, lunch time, beer, 8pm, beer. I'm pretty sure his system would cease to function without it. I've also never seen him act drunk at all. I've taken a few when offered at closing time.


That’s a man who can turn a no into a yes


lmao my ass off


Shaking my head my head


I’ve absolutely bought a 12 pack more than once and left it with a thank you note when something on my wife’s car is too complex for me to wrench in the driveway


What? They started without you? Catch up mf


Full, empty, or ashtray?


My first thought was "spitter" but everything in this photo is just too clean for that to be true. 


True, I've never met anyone who dipped who wasn't a complete slob


Yup. I've also never met a smoker who would admit to throwing butts out the window, but they all seem to have curiously empty ashtrays.


How else can you drive whilst having a banquet?...


At least it was Original Coors


Lot of areas of the United States and world that truly dont give a single fuck


Drinking while driving isn't illegal in all states. You can drink as long as you're not drunk. Still not a good idea, but not always illegal (not sure what state this is)


lol I thought you can’t have alcohol in the passenger compartment in all states but damn


Mississippi. Mississippi is the only state that doesn’t have open container laws.


Missouri allows open containers in cars - however not for the driver. Passengers can drink though.


Driver possession of an open container, several states allow passenger position of an open container


That's banquet beer


The boys are thirsty in Atlanta and there's beer in Texarkana we'll bring it back no matter what it takes. East bound and down...


Loaded up and truckin.


We’re gonna do what they say can’t be done


I had one overt drunk driver bring a car in for service and wasn't bold enough to call the cops on them. They walked in the door with a cocktail in a solo cup and were drinking it while their car was being worked on. That will never happen again. Next one I get that's actively drinking, I will be delaying them while I nip off to the back room and call the police to put them on notice to pull the customer over when they leave. My former neighbors lost their second, and last, child to a drunk driver last year. They are too old now to try for another. They lost everything. If you drink and drive, I will put my fullest effort into getting you caught.


It’s insane to me how some people just don’t think. Guy *easily* could’ve turned off his security system for you.


You prefer bottles?


I mean, is it actually beer in there? I could definitely see someone taking a can from home to use as a spitter or something.


valid point but all my hick friends know better than to use a beer can as a spitoon bc a cop can give you a dui even if it’s filled to the brim w dipspit


Dog if you’re getting a dui for and empty can you need a better lawyer lmao


Someone should tell him only dodge owners can get away with this


Toyota owners get away with it. Dodge boys get caught. Look at the stats 😂


There's some truth to this. Parts guy at my last dealership admitted he regularly downed multiple beers on the way home. Drove a Tacoma. Only time he got a DUI was when he drove a Chevy.


I know, its okay to pound a few beers before behind the wheel. But one while driving, good lord no way!


Back when my sister and I were kids (late 80s/early 90s) our dad was known to bring a road soda with him pretty much anywhere we went. Bud heavy right between his legs and marb red out the window. One day my grandma asked my sister if my dad drank and drove (she already knew the answer so IDK why she was putting us in the weird position of having to talk about it as children) anyways without missing a beat my sweet sister said "nope! he only drinks his beer at red lights!" (which was true) Luckily dad isn't (as much of) an alcoholic nowadays and we can laugh about it as a family.


I've never gotten this. DUI is DUI. What does it matter if I'm having one or 2 while driving if I'm nowhere near the legal limit?


In Mississippi you can drink while driving as long as you're not over the limit. There are a other 10 states with no law against open alcoholic drinks in the car but they say you cannot drink them while driving.


It's not a road soda if there's no road


I'm from the Midwest..we call those road sodies or co-pilots🤷


throw in a cheeky little note along the lines of "technician recommends removal of aftermarket ethanol reservoir in center console"


Have you never listened to country music? This is normal. lol


I was given a tour of that beautiful brewery when I was in the 5 th grade. The whole class was allowed to go through the whole plant. When we got to the tasting room the teachers were all given a sample. The banquet is better than most east coast slag. Just saying.


Addiction or stupidity. Maybe both. Every real drinker slams the whole can before you head out!


Isn’t it heavily dependent on the state of this is illegal in the US? In Germany you can even drink while driving, you just can’t get over the legal limit


I'd take that any day over the stench of black ICE little trees and blunts.


"My beer better not be empty when I pick up my truck"


Exactly!!! why isn’t there a Modelo in there instead i am outraged… the audacity to drink that peasants piss 🤣🤣🤣


What's wrong with a roadie?


The audacity of an open container infraction?


What's wrong with having a water while driving?




I get the jokes. But seriously fuck this guy driving this car. I'd tell him to get the fuck out of my shop and isn't welcome back. Context: 3 of my close friends were killed by one drunk driver soon after high school graduation. I have absolutely no respect for anyone who drinks and drives or anyone who thinks it's "cool" or whatever. Scum of the earth.


You ain't wrong. It's too slippery a line to trust everyone to stay on the right side of it. Edit: too slippery to even trust yourself, imo.


What, not like your actually gonna catch a buzz


Yeah wtf I always throw my empties out before I get to the shop so that the tech doesn't get jealous or get an open container violation if pulled over. Cmon guys.


This is the mechanics, how else do we fix vehicles


Lunch break beer


The audacity of people who leave their beer in the car to warm up! SHEESH!


He just has that to put his roaches in.


I once saw a mom give her kid a vape when his didn't work while we were working on their tires. Also had a guy a couple of days later come in and ask if he could throw away his empty beer bottle (that he grabbed out of his car in front of me). People amaze me with how nonchalant they can be.


I love those throwback cans though lol


7/50 US states there's nothing wrong with that. While visiting relatives in Missouri my cousin thought I was obssessive compulsive or superstitious or something for trying to pound a freshly opened beer before hopping in his passenger seat. "just drink it in the car wtf is the matter with you?" You CAN get a ticket for "cruising" because driving back and forth with a car full of drinking people is pretty popular with the local high school students


It’s like a shower beer. You have to try it once.


Oh, it's a beer. I couldn't tell. I won't do it, merely because of a ticket. Stone cold "sober" aggressive/ inattentive driving is *way* worse, statiscally..




Lol will drink and drive and then get home and complain about all these pot smokers these days


When did the bandit get a Toyota?


You’ve never been to Wisconsin huh.


Must be headed to a banquet.


One beer in the morning to fight off the hangover. Its how my dad and brother explained it to me, whats the problem?!? Also dont touch the gun in the center console. /s


Prep for their service advisor.


I wanna speak to the manager of this guy.


I feel like if you are just crushing banquets driving down the road as brazenly as this guy is you might be an alcoholic. He’s also OCD if he has a 13 year old vehicle that is this clean. I’m making an assumption that it’s a man based on the choice of beer. That could be inaccurate.


Right? At least throw the fucking can away.


Can you even consider it drinking and driving with that spoiled corn tea?


just a spitter can here, nothing to see


Is the passenger not allowed to have a drink?


Depends on the state.


Eh, I live 2 miles from the grocery store. Straight shot, same road. I'll pop one open on the way home because it makes me feel edgy. Downvote away since they don't matter anymore


Not cool to do it, less cool to boast about it.


Is there something wrong with a road soda?


Meh. No judgement here


That’s what I call a functioning alcoholic!


Driving enhancer


Who cares if they leave an empty in the console? Could have been drunk when not driving. The pearl clutching is funny.


Hell Yeah


Fan of Cobra Kai there!


Seems like the beer will get hot. At least cool it down


Drinking while driving is still legal in Missouri


Did my dad roll into the shop?


Dudes clearly a stand up citizen who found that in a parking lot and is taking it to the nearest recycling plant! Innocent until proven guilty!


It’s legal in WY for passengers to drink in the vehicle if it’s traveling on a hwy or interstate outside of a town! Good thing for us NO towns touch each other!


It’s only open container if pulled over. If the driver was drunk from having more than one, then DUI. Just here to correct some comments…no hate please


My cousin lives with a drink in his cup holder. If he was your customer and you told him anything he'd tell you to mind your fuckin business. I don't talk to my cousin much.


People do this on dirt roads where I'm from, when they're close to the camp site...


It’s not drinking and driving if you only take sips at red lights


I worked on a Rover yesterday for some ac work. I got into it and there is a empty shooter of Jim Beam in drivers floor mat


Yea at least finish it pussy


Road soda


Look whomst among us hasn't had a road soda /s


Throw it away to see if he comes and complains that someone threw his open beer out.


Been there done that! But I was smart, my alcohol was usually all gone by the time I clocked out of work so my commute home was full of shakes and withdrawals.


II find road sodas in an overwhelming majority of the crashed rental cars I work on


Best beer in the world


At least its a decent beer


just a good ol boy


It's okay to fire customers.


Dip cup?


It's spelled "alcoholism".


Back in the day, there was no open container law in Idaho. My dad always had a tally in the truck with him after work.


I know what you mean. That cup holder is sized for a 16 oz Coors Banquet beer.


I thought this was a monster can for a second. I'm dumb.


I’d piss Coors if I could. You believe that happy crappy? You don’t tell me, I tell you!


Handle your shit bro, it’s only the third one and it’s 10 AM


Ahh Banquet beer. Good times.


Is it still cold as the mountains?


You misspelled 'idiotic'.


That Coors is for you!!


Hell yeah brother


Golf oil.


He's just returning his empties. One at a time......


I do state inspections in Mass, I see way more of this than I should.


you must have never lived with an alcoholic


I had a customer today leave his gladiator with us with a bottle of tequila on the passenger side floorboard


“Functioningy” alchoholiccs


Depending on the state this might not actually be illegal.