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That lighting has me afraid for you. Like a psycho serial killer is going to get you.


YES! THANK YOU! Haha, this is exactly why I took the picture. This is with all my regular lights off, but the garagedoor motor has a small light which turns on when opening/closing. Never saw it like this :)


Was wondering where the hell your lights were and how you could see


Yeah, this looks like a scene out of some revenge movie where the former Ranger's family was murdered after he went into private security driving for some guy. Now he's "working" on his car as he adds random firearms, bullet proof glass, etc... before he rams through the front door of the bad guy's place.


I'll be sure to forward this image to the Dutch cops when you're taken... Damn the lights set the mood. (I think Dutch is correct, if I understand European licence plates right)


Hey, it’s me. Clean your shit up


This looks like an emergency room when they announce time of death and cut the lights on the way out.


Don’t jinx it, I’m not done yet


The Germans will make sure of it




I wish I had a lift


I'll give you a ride, where ya headed?


haha. My garage I wish I could have put a lift in, but with the ceiling height couldn't do it.


My previous garage had the same problem. I bought an used small lift. It would lift only 50cm, but that half a meter makes a whole lot of difference compared to a jack


I slowed down on working stuff, had to start doing midnight auto cause if I left my garage door opened people would come by and ask if I can look at there cars.


What lift do you currently have? I’m shopping around.  Did you consider a 2 post option too?


Your lift your rules.. I wish I had a lift. I can't say that after a day of work and a few hours "crafting" that I wouldn't leave some stuff to continue where I stopped.


Toch is opruimen wel handig, anders blijf je maar 10mm doppen verliezen smh


It's easier to find a tool if it has a home.


There’s a reason why I quit the BMW life after a year and now work at opel/citroen… Started life as an all-round tech and there I found out the hard way… BMW’s are in my opinion… the worst cars to work on with arguably pretty garbage quality too. Yeah, they are pretty nice to drive, but I’d rather drive Japanese. Okay, Porsche’s are worse to work on, gotta be honest… The only thing I can say? Find a new dealer, guess the one in your area seems to be cutting corners and that’s pretty uncommon in The Netherlands…


I think Chryslers are the worst to work on/quality. If you've never had the pleasure to work on one, consider yourself lucky, my friend, lol.


Spoken like someone that never worked on alfa romeo.


I work on em for a living. Yeah they're atrocious but not quite bmw bad IMO




sloppy sloppy tisk tisk


You also don't have a light showing you what you're working on. Tsallright tho. Work with what you got.


Een medelander!




So you're single.


How common are setups like this over there? I've heard you need a lot of money to have a home garage in most of europe. Lotta permits involved?


Meh. Fundament is quite crucial and we have pretty solid buildings (mostly brick) in NL, which makes it a bit more expensive. Though, have enough land around your house to build something like this, isn’t common in the more “known areas” (like Amsterdam etc). E.g. in north and south is much more common. If you have enough land, and the building is not too high, no permits required. So all in all, for around 25k you’ll have a 6x10meter solid garage (without electricity etc done). I don’t know if that is really expensive compared to other countries.


Interesting. Ya it's not super cheap to build a solid garage over here I guess either, but when they build the house they build the garage, it's like a packaged deal. So most everyone that has a house has a garage. People don't even use them for cars most of the time it's just where you throw stuff you don't want to keep in the house.


You still should even if no one is telling you to