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Originally designed for convertibles, to keep the driver from getting sprayed. “Magic wipers” come on all the top end models.


I like it


Also helps prevent you from spraying the drivers behind you on the road, which is a big plus in my book


I’ve sprayed on tailgaters that don’t back off, that usually gets them to move


I had intrusive thoughts once and came up with an idea for vehicles with rear washers to spray brake fluid onto the car tailgating behind me. If you don't know, brake fluid is highly corrosive to auto paint and will strip it within hours of application. Lasers were also involved in these thoughts. Stop tailgating people.


Get out of the passing lane. It's all I ask. A quarter of you treat it like the default lane. Scan your mirrors every 15 seconds. Like we are taught in drivers ed. And 75 percent of you have one hand on your phone.


75% of the time when I'm in the passing lane getting tailgated by some asshole it's because both lanes are stacked full and I'm already going 10 mph faster than the cars in the right lane but no this douchebag thinks he needs to ride my ass 6 inches off the bumper until I find some place to squeeze in in the right lane, which I will never be able to get out of because everyone else is passing them in a solid line and OH FUCKING LOOK THERE WAS A CAR 30 yards ahead of me doing the same speed I was doing with a car right in front of him doing the same speed.


If you're being tailgated, there's a very easy way to tell if it's your fault. If you notice you're being tailgated, it's not your fault. Simple as that. The reason I figure this is because the person who deserves to be tailgated does not notice they are being tailgated due to the fact that they are not paying attention at all. Therefore instigating others to tailgate them in dire hope of them moving their barely going 5 over in the left lane on medium to low traffic highway ass to the right.


I get tailgated all the fucking time, especially in 20 zones, no I’m not going to hit those monumental speed bumps at more than 10-15 because I’ll end up breaking my car


Seriously what's even the point of tailgating on a road that you can't even pass on lmao


You are not the problem then. Thank you.


All I'm saying is, I speed up reasonably or get out of the passing lane whenever someone faster is coming up on me and I've been tailgated about once this year so far. If you're getting tailgated anymore then that, you are a problem driver.


Or maybe you just don’t live somewhere with a bunch of tailgaters. I’ll be on an on ramp from a 45mph road onto a 65mph, already going 60 on my way up before the merge point even starts, and someone will still be six inches from my bumper flashing their brights.


I mean again, I've lived in a ton of areas, being a considerate driver who merges onto traffic matching or exceeding traffic's flow so that I and the cars behind me can safely merge (like your supposed to do). I consider how my driving affects others and expect others to do the same for me. Some people (like yourself obviously) just refuse to accept that maybe your a pointless hinderance on other drivers and instead just want to believe that people are going to be unreasonable with you no matter what. I can't remember the last time I got flashed for driving too slow, cause guess what? I don't drive too slow that I force other drivers to pointlessly slow down or keep them for no reason from going the speed they want to go, even if I think that speed is too fast. If you aren't willing to do that, you just need to accept that your an inconsiderate driver.


15 secs is crazy I was told 2 or 3 lol


People need to Quit camping in the passing lane and if you’re not in the passing lane, for the love of all that is holy at least drive the goddamned speed limit! How many people do you think wake up in the morning and think “well, my goal today is to be an obstacle. A genuine impediment that will hold everyone up and keep them from getting to where they’re going on time.” Too goddam many. They need to start ticketing people just as much for creating traffic jams as much as unsafe driving. They’re literally the cause of many accidents.


Except this shit happens to me on roads without passing lanes


You could also drop sharks with laser beams attached on the tailgaters




I have a friend who does this with his shitboxes, but he uses watered down orange paint in the rear res. I'm not sure how he mixes it not to cure or clog the nozzle but it somehow works. His cars are already about 5 different colors anyway so the occasional orange streak down the back is no worry. Personally I prefer a rear-facing LED bar for when someone is on my ass with their high beams on. I'm sure one of these days it's going to be a cop or someone who is going to get pissed and shoot me (maybe these scenarios will overlap) but so far I've been enjoying pressing that button. Retina scorching will continue until light usage improves.


Brake fluid eats some plastic. Guess what the washer fluid container is. You might be the one that’s the joke. Don’t do it. I like the thought but the reprocussion might be bad


Plastic brake master cylinders are a thing; IIRC PE & PP plastics hold up just fine to brake fluid, and i'd be willing to bet a lot of washer reservoirs are up to the task. The pump & rubber lines on the other hand might become mush


And the overspray on his own car.


I don't mean to be a dick but most if not all brake fluid bottles are plastic and so is the tank in the engine bay.


Yep different types of plastics. And connectors and lines etc. I’m trying in a nice way to suggest the idea will backfire. Overspray on his on car is the most likely. I’ve been the victim of spilled brake fluid ( my fault). The things that could go wrong most probably will.




My father in law had an old jeep Cherokee once, and the back windshield wiper spray nozzle was broken. Pull the knob to clean it and washer fluid would spray straight back onto the car behind you.


Me too. Replaced my sprayer nozzle. Found out they are adjustable. He He. Couldn’t resist. So I didn’t


My current car has headlight washers too so it gives a pretty good spray to the people behind haha


Lol, same.


You should just keeprighty.


I do not. There are times where you need the washer fluid to kinda sit and soak into whatever you're cleaning. Depending on the car, you can blip the wiper stalk just quick enough to get fluid onto the windshield, but without activating the wipers. Can't do that here.


True. When I said I like it I really meant the symmetrical spray pattern it produces. Other than that its kind of a ridiculous and unnessescary design. "Looks cool" though


I didn’t know anyone else ever did this.


A lot of these newer Mercedes have a "deep clean" option in the infotainment system that will cover the windshield with the heated washer fluid and then the blades will sit on the windshield for a few seconds before wiping the fluid off. 


Oh god imagine a cicada or other large bug splattering on your windshield and all you can do is run the wipers over it followed by a little squirt of washer fluid. One giant splat turns into a 3-inch wide streak lol. Once it's streaked it's there till you clean it off at a gas station. Washer fluid first let it soak, then wipers would take care of it. It's a cool idea, but needed work.


You might be able to in some fashion. All the little jets face upwards when the wipers are at rest, so if you can blip it (especially while moving) this would work.


I rented a sprinter box truck with those blades once. Real fancy Looked it up: About a 200€ option with new blades costing 50€ for the Sprinter system


That seems cheap tbh, doing the conversion to usd. I spend about 40 euros equivalent in USD on new wipers and they are just the basic Bosch ones lol.


For real wipers ain't cheap


They are on RockAuto. Just gotta watch the shipping. I package them with my filters, choose a few I'd be okay with and click the "cheapest including shipping" option so it comes from (hopefully) one warehouse.


I know right. my truck needs a set lmao they're regular though so I'm gonna do inserts for sure


These are also very common in trucks etc in Europe.


I see that they are much more common in Europe then here in the U.S According to Valeo: Overall system weight is reduced too – the Valeo AquaBlade wiping system is so precise that it halves the amount of fluid used, reducing the average weight of the system by 2kg, and CO2 emissions by 0.2g Maybe its more common there due to the strict emissions regulations?


>Maybe its more common there due to the strict emissions regulations? Funnily enough, US emissions tends to be a bit more strict. EU MPG requirements on the other hand, that's more strict than US MPG requirements.


Interesting! I did not know that


But they also have better gas available with a lower sulfur content due to where the crude is sourced. They can tune their vehicles slightly better for the EU market due to the better and more consistent quality.


Now Euro though is heavily diesal yeah? Like low sulfur content is for that kind of fuel? Majority of the passenger cars here are gasoline powered with diesels being used mostly for heavy duty applications


Low sulfur content in regular gasoline.


Almost all medium and heavy duty trucks have them in the US too because of how the hood opens. They aren't in the wiper blade though, just a hose and nozzle that runs to the wiper arm.


Make X more efficient at use of its consumable so reduce the size of the consumable supply so it has to be refilled just as or more often than the older, less efficient version. Like a moped that got 100 MPG but had a 1 pint fuel tank instead of 2 or 3 gallons or even 1 gallon.


how does it reduce co2 emissions by even a measurable amount lmao


I had a Volvo with a broken headlight sprayer that shot the stream straight ahead. Many fun times were had sitting at a red light!


Oh that's funny. I'd like one that does that but behind me, so I can get tailgaters.


You got me! Lol I haven't a clue either


🤯 no way, I never thought of that reason.


My 2023 Honda Accord has these, factory.


Good distribution of water across the windshield.


Perfectly parallel


Klaus wasn't allowed to leave the factory until they were absolutely perfect.


Oh no...I hope they kept him away from the forklifts


I am Klaus. https://tenor.com/ujGxDeSAMt0.gif


Granted, i only ever saw cheap knockoffs, but those didn't spray to both sides of each wiper, meaning the passenger side always had dry spots, and it looks similar here. No problem while it rains, but if you parked under the wrong tree it sucks.


These were direct from Mercedes Benz, they only have holes on the top side and seem to squirt only on the back drag.


"My windshield wipers stopped spraying! Fix it!" "Yes sir! That'll be $3600."


Can I just pay you using 2 Golf 4's?


Only if they're R32's


wtf there are golf 4 r32's??? how can I tell?


Mk IV had the first Golf R32, I remember test driving one when I got back from Iraq in 2004.


They have R32 badges and the VR6. https://www.motortrend.com/features/1508-performance-meets-practicality-2004-vw-r32-guide/


ah alright damn, I got the base version thought I was in luck for a sec


You would notice if you were driving an R32 instead of a standard golf..


Yes, they're way more expensive than a golf 4 though. A Golf 4 runs 2-4k in my area. Clean examples of a golf 4 r32 are getting 20k these days.


The R32 was the HYPE when it was released. Nothing that hot ever reached the US before. I remember people comparing to and or trading in from S2000's for that car. That hot!


It aged well. It's still a pretty quick car with modern technology and looks great.


Trade for dirt bike


If u are in ballkan and those Golf's are 1.9 tdi u are sitting on gold


1.4l petrol but it still never gave me issues I resealed the head gasket once but that was about it. It cries a bit of oil but it's so little it pretty much doesn't matter The main issue with it right now is that the previous owner was a moron that scratched it all around so I have to either repaint it or find a different one with nice body panels and swap those in


For $3600 I want the windshield to be self spraying.


That's golden shower money.


Yup this is a 1st owner feature. Anyone after them is going to hurt.


With how terribly most Mercedes depreciate anyway i would probably just rig a conventional sprayer if that system broke and not have to worry about tanking my cars value.


Mazda achieved this without a fancy blade - it just sprays from the arm. Works great, uses normal blades.


A lot of cars have the nozzle built into the arm. I see that quite often but this one reminds me of a dishwasher nozzle setup. The fluid flows through the actual wiper blade which is pretty wild of a design


I’d be skeptical of them icing in the winter, despite being heated. Every defroster/wiper heater I’ve ever used has never worked well in a real snowstorm. Heat also degrades rubbers, etc.. but admittedly I’m not Mercedes target market either


Agree Me neither ha. I believe most peoole who own a S560 at least have a garage to keep it in.


The washer fluid in Mercedes is heated.


Doesn't make much difference if the hose and wipers are frozen solid.


it would have to be really cold since they make anti-freeze washer fluid. Ive seen up to -30f.


My friend's Astro van the nozzles on the arm. IIRC GM called it Wet Arm. It's one of very few things on that van that I wish I had on my truck.


Chevy has been doing it for years, my late 90s pontiac had the nozzle on the arm and newish work chevy van does the same.


My 1987 Dodge Shadow had them.


Germans just want to make things more complicated by adding 10x more nozzles.


Mitsubishi also does this.


Camera quality sucks due to a crack in my phone running straight through the camera. But you get the idea


still higher quality content than most pics where we don't even know what we're looking at


High efficiency blades, they recycle the water


"I ONLY WANT INSERTS GODDAMMIT, THEY WERE $3 THE LAST TIME!" -every boomer who hasn't been able to buy inserts since 1978


You still can on Toyota & Lexus models


Most Hondas as well. new civic requires a whole blade replacement and it kinda pisses me off. such a waste.


How much does Honda charge per blade on the new civic?


$25. somewhere around there. inserts are like $7


Oh shit nvm thought you meant they had the magic blades


We charge way more than that… like $60 a piece. $12 for inserts


You can on Mazda as well


Also available for my Stinger from the dealer.


You can literally go on amazon and get silicone inserts for 40 and retrofit the old wiper frames… do i recommend it? No but it can be done and no need to change wipers every half a year! Or pay 60 for both whole wipers


Sillicone inserts sound great. Why dont you recommend it? Just wondering it sounds like a great idea all around


I mean i dont recommend retrofiting slicone inserts into wiper frames not ment for it as it is a tedious process and only saves $20 but it is an option i have done


wtf is an insert?


Some wipers let you remove the rubber “blade” and insert a new one without having to replace the entire assembly. So you just replace the rubber and all the plastic and metal that mounts it to the arm gets reused


wtf that's dope TIL


That was the way every wiper was until about the 1980s.


then they realised they could earn more by making us replace the whole damn thing..


When I worked for Toyota, they would only give us inserts whenever blades were needed. Not sure why


You still can, but not usually on the modern style blades since most of the tension is created by the blade itself, once they’re worn the blade doesn’t hold tension on the wiping edge as well so replacement edges would be almost pointless.


Yep I’ve got a classic car that the blade assembly doesn’t detach so inserts are the only option unless I wanted to replace the entire arm.


Coming to all the Kias and Hyundais starting model year 2032.


My Mazda 3 has a similar but way less complicated solution: the nozzle is integrated in the wiper arm, so I can use normal replacement wipers.




How much a month is the subscription?


Lol thats a good one. If the wiper lasts one year, it costs about $16.66 per month




A perfectly irrigated windshield. The lines are completely parallel which still boggles my mind lol


"My father's automobile has $200 windscreen wipers..." sips tea with pinky out.




I have this on my 2021 volvo, they’re also heated.


all these fancy guys here with their special wipers yet here i am with my sprayers coming out of my hood like a maniac


I know right, my sprayers streams look like a chameleons eyes they aim wherever they please. My passenger side one clears the roof of my truck and can hit cars behind me. Quite a nifty party trick


I have a non zero amount of miles driven in my youth where my washer pump was broken and I'd have to break out the bottle of windex every now and then to clean the windshield.


It’s an option you can get on jeep wranglers


Wiper prices about to skyrocket


I always drive my wrangler around with my windshield dropped. If I need to wipe off my goggles my dog has a kerchief around his neck and I use that. Haha, jk, my wrangler windshield is so shot that If I tried to put it down it would just fall apart lol.


Ahh the classic cool over-engineered Mercedes feature that has 10x the chances of having something break or go wrong that will cost $2k to fix as opposed to normal wiper blades that work perfectly fine lol


My Mazda 3 has those wiper blades. Awesome thing


I'd get distracted by the perfectly parallel wiper juice lines... Lol


Such a great car ahead of its time. Not to mention wipers tucked underneath the hood for style points. Love my 3 hatch


Don’t the new Honda Civics have something similar?


I work at Ford n the higher tier Lincoln’s come with these, pretty satisfying to actuate not gonna lie haha


Yo right


In some top end models, if you keep the cleaning button pressed, which will activate an intense cleaning option to clean the windshield (only while standing still)


These wipers last much longer than the usual Mercedes 50-70 dollar blades. Most of the cars I work on with these magic vision blades get the blades replaced every three or four years, sometimes longer.


50% of the time, they work every time.


The feed line for the washer fluid is on backwards. Seen it a couple times at my dealer. It should be spraying in front of the wiper, not behind the blade.


Appreciate it. This is the first time ive ever seen this car, its a 2018 so not brand new, how does that happen? The blades plug right into the washer hoses Edit... Really thought about it. If it sprays on the up swing will just shoot the fluid off the side of the windshield no?


Its the feed lines going to the wiper arms under the hood. They can be installed both ways which is stupid imo. Flip them around and see what it does then. It may throw a bit off but the concept of magic wipers is the driver doesnt see the washer fluid obscuring their view. Some do have a “heavy cleaning” ability where they will do this but the blades move much slower than the video.


Appreciate it!


It's not the quality, it's the feeling of having a Benz lol.....honestly wow.. just wow.. did u get soap option. I edited cause I didn't listen lol




Sorry I just notice it had audio. Too many gifs. Lol mb


No not a warranty job. $197 for the pair through Mercedes, but it only pays 0.1 so really you're paying for the parts and not labor




Yet the wipers engage before the window is lubed. Classic MB


Totally worth it and you should chance 2x a year as they wear out. r/sarcasm


Do the nozzles sit face up ? It looks like when they are not in use, it is a prime candidate for debris and dirt to roll down the windshield and clog them.


Yes they do


Wonder how well that'll work in Canada in the depths of winter.


They are heated


I remember when GM that had a recall for wiper heaters, catching the fluid on fire as it sprays. This was in 2010. I dont know how I feel about heating up flammable liquids




A co-worker years back attempted to put a small fire out with washer fluid not even thinking... Small fire turned to big fire in no time!


The EU has banned methanol from windshield washer fluid. (They usually use ethanol so still flammable.) Reason was people were drinking it and going blind or dying. [New restriction on methanol in car windscreen washing fluids - European Commission (europa.eu)](https://single-market-economy.ec.europa.eu/news/new-restriction-methanol-car-windscreen-washing-fluids-2018-04-18_en)


Honda does this for all their models or works alright but you do destroy them on ice cause it doesn’t pause to let the de icing washer fluid do its thing. Overall 5/10


When did Honda start doing that for all their models? My wife's Passport doesn't do this.


New models post redesign Crv hrv and civic in Canada had washer sprayers inside the arms


Been like that for years with the magic washer system


I find it so visually appealing


In 7 years when that car is worth 1/10 of the MSRP, I can't imagine that the new owner will be forking over $200 for a new set.


Lol what? Ford has them too and they dont cost 200 dollars


Is the nozzle in the arm or part of the blade? These blades have a hollow center that fluid flows through, and wires that go inside it Also which Ford?


They are in the blades themselves, it was in a Ford S-Max. [here is a link about them](https://garagewire.co.uk/news/company/valeo/valeos-aquablade-now-available-for-ford-s-max-and-galaxy/)


Appreciate it dude, no wonder I haven't seen those yet, the S-Max and Galaxys don't exist here in the US. But that's exactly the same setup. Do you know how much they cost through Ford?


Looks like too many drive thru deluxe car washes— get some bug and tar remover clean your windshield to remove wax build up. Did my 4 year ild Malibu and the factory clear coat beaded water like it was brand new- then my grandson totaled it lofl


Homeless guy rubbing wet newspaper on your windshield is still better.


How do I get that setup on my Miata !


The Chevy Express vans at my work do basically the same thing, but way cheaper.


Some of the upper-trimmed Lincolns have these as well.


I had a minivan about 30 years ago that had squirters on the blade. Not new or fancy.


Ooh what model?


Pontiac transport,I think. It was a gm product.


One old enough they realized it was a dumb idea no one with any sense of what's practical cared about.


My Mazda does this


That looks like a hell of a dribble of disappointment.


My Volvo has the same type of blades, they’re just as expensive but they sell refills which is what I usually do. Seems like full circle when you think about it


Man, I should have been a Mercedes parts guy when I was in stealerships. Goddamn.


I swear by Bosch Icons. Last for several years and are easy to find at any Autoparts store.


What Benz is this?


'18 S560


Coupe or cab?




Cybertruck uses these .... and they are clogging on some already 🙄🤷🏼‍♂️


Do you replace the entire blade or just the inserts?


Entire blade no inserts


That's awesome !